Chapter 425 Part 190

"Momo, where have you been?"

Seeing that she was safe, Mei Luo felt relieved, and stretched out her hand to hug her tightly.

Qi Luo froze for a moment, his arms were thick and powerful, completely different from what she remembered, warm and wide, making her tremble a little.

Her first reaction was to look at him carefully, drawing his facial features with trembling hands, and found that the space between his brows had widened a little, he was no longer childish, he was a mature man, a hundred years is not a long time for a demon, But looking at it this way, she couldn't help crying.

"Why are you crying?"

Mei Luo didn't know that she was Queen Qi Luo, that is, her mother, and she was still her beloved woman in her eyes.


The son has grown up and become stalwart, how can the mother be unhappy, but unfortunately she can't tell him, who is standing in front of her now?

The so-called authorities are obsessed, but bystanders are clear. Mei Luo didn't notice her abnormality, but the people around her clearly felt Yu Mo's difference.

Although her appearance remained the same, her demeanor was somewhat dignified and her demeanor was somewhat dignified. Her complexion was crystal clear and radiant. When she looked at them, she could feel a strong sense of oppression.

Is this what the human woman would have?

Qi Luo raised her face, her dark eyes were bright, when Mei Luo held her hand, the warmth of her palm made her tremble again.

Even the hands are much bigger...

Even after spending more than a hundred years in the hilt of the sword, she always thought of him, but after being moved, she felt a little embarrassed, and the intimacy of being hugged by her son made her a little uncomfortable.

She pushed away from him lightly, it's not good to show flaws.

"Momo, you haven't said, where have you been?"

Where did you go?
How can it be said that the grave was dug, and she came to support her daughter-in-law, not to trip her up.

"Everywhere... around..."

"Walking around in the middle of the night?" He felt that the reason was far-fetched.

"Well! Take a walk, I can't sleep anyway."

Mei Luo was puzzled, but as long as she came back safely, he didn't care about anything.

"The next time you want to take a walk, remember to wake me up." He seemed resentful, but his tone was warm.

Qi Luo looked up at him and smiled, very slowly but very brightly, responding to his warmth, "Yeah!"

"Let's go back. You must be sleepy after you haven't slept all night."

She was not sleepy at all, but extremely energetic and had no time to sleep.

"and many more!"


She raised the sword in her hand, the sword was white, shining like pearls in the sun.

When the nobles saw this sword, it was as if their foreheads had been struck by lightning.

This is the Xuewu Sword, the sword that Queen Qi Luo never leaves her body.

"Demon girl, why do you have this sword!?" The mastiff standing at the front stared at Xue Wu's saber with fierce eyes.

Qi Luo smiled, "Very well, I still recognize the sword."

"Oh, walking at night, I heard noises in the tomb group, so I went to have a look. Who knew my tomb... No, there was movement in Queen Qiluo's tomb. The sword broke out of the ground and flew into my hand... ..."

A drop of sweat appeared on Xue Wu's sword hilt.

Hey, Qi Luo is good at everything, but her ability to make up stories is too bad, no one will believe this reason.

I really believe it.

Because the sword is in her hand, this is the best proof, no matter how she got it, the important thing is that Xue Wu is willing to be held in her hand.

This sword is notoriously violent, and anyone who touches it will be unlucky.

Mei Luo looked at the sword, at first he thought it was a fake, but it was just very similar, maybe Yu Mo knew the origin of the sword from somewhere, and made a similar one, but after careful observation, he found that it was really Xue Wu, Because there is a black spot on the white ribbon that is the spike of the sword. This black spot is invisible when it is dark, but it is faintly visible when the sun shines. It was made when he was a child, because Xue Wu rejects men, as long as a man touches it, it will die He would bounce the opponent away. He was very angry, so he drew a grimace on the top of the ribbon with ink that is not easy to fade. After the mother found out, the buttocks were damaged, and he was punished to wash away the stains. After washing for a long time, Only the little pip didn't wash off.

I remembered that she said that she went out for a walk in the middle of the night... Then she heard movement from the mausoleum. The mausoleum is on the Queen's Hill. If she didn't get close, how would she know there was movement? She clearly went to the mausoleum, but the mausoleum has an enchantment, how did she break it? .

He also remembered that he had gone to Shudu this morning, but Shudu refused to see him... After such a contact, he understood.

She used the Haotian Tower to break the barrier of the mausoleum.

"Momo, do you have something to explain to me..."

He looked a little angry. If it was Yu Mo, he would definitely have a guilty conscience, but now it is Qi Luo, and he feels that his son is not sympathetic at all, so how can he face his daughter-in-law.

"Explain what?" She blinked, pretending to be stupid!

"A lot!" He forcibly pulled her away.

"Wait!" The strength has also increased a lot.

"Go back to the bedroom first!"

Qi Luo was busy clearing the obstacles for Yu Mo, how could she go to the bedroom in such a leisurely manner, "I said it all..."

"Let's go back to the dormitory..."

"When did you become so unreasonable? You were not like this when you were a child. If I told you, you would..."

"Huh?" He turned around.

"No..." Qi Luo hurriedly covered her mouth, forgetting her identity again, "I mean, what I should say has already been said."

"I obviously disagree."

Brat, he is as domineering as his father.

Queen, queen, you should listen to Mei Luo, take this opportunity, you can get along easily.

Yu Mo in her body made a sound, she felt that the opportunity was rare and should not be wasted.

Qi Luo said: "I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on."

Yumo replied: It's okay, Shennongding will help me, don't worry.

Qi Luo looked at her son, actually she was also looking forward to spend more time with him, she turned her head and looked at the group of nobles again, her eyes burst out with a compelling brilliance.

Looking at this look, the nobles trembled inexplicably.


Okay, let's take it slow first, let their butts grow fat again.

Entering the sleeping hall, the fungus Muxiang came over.

"Miss, where have you been, and you don't say anything when you go out."

Who are these two?

Qi Luo frowned, hearing her doubts, Yu Mo immediately replied: It's the fungus Mu Xiang, they are brothers and sisters, Mu Xiang is my maid, and the fungus serves Mei Luo full-time.

Hearing that, she nodded and squeezed a smile out.

It's better not to talk too much.

"Come here silently..."

She walked over as she said. She is familiar with every part of the palace, but it seems that she has never been here. By the way, the wife said that she was controlled by poison and almost destroyed the dog environment. This bedroom should be newly built. .

After entering, she kept a certain distance from Mei Luo, but Mei Luo insisted on clinging to her.

This is very embarrassing.

"Moment, go to bed..."

"Bed!?" Qi Luo was startled, her heart skipped a beat, why would she go to bed in broad daylight.

Yu Mo's body is also dripping with sweat, he won't make that mistake again, no, this is his mother.

Seeing that she was not moving, Mei Luo hugged her up, "Aren't you sleepy since you haven't slept all night?"

She really wasn't sleepy, but she couldn't break free. She didn't know whether it was because her son's hands were too strong, or because she was possessed, and she hadn't adapted to this body yet.

When she misses her body, her attack power is almost zero, but when attached to her physical body, her demonic power will turn into Yuan Dan, and she can show her power through the physical body.

"Lie down, don't move!"

Mei Luo covered her with a quilt.

Seeing that he hadn't done anything, both Qi Luo and Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it was nothing to do, but he started to undress.

"What are you undressing?"


Qi Luo felt that it had something to do with looking at his son's body, but he was no longer what he remembered.

Hmm...she didn't see anything, she didn't see his broad chest and strong physique, nor did she see his smooth and beautiful broad shoulders and thin waist and smooth skin.

Oh, it's quite eye-catching.

Yumo: ...

This is your son!

Mei Luo got into bed, and when she was about to hug her, Qi Luo turned over and avoided.

"You are not allowed to come over!"

Mei Luo was stunned on the spot, faintly feeling that there was a bit of disgust in the words, he was upset and insisted on pushing past.

"Just say what you have to say, why are you pushing over here?"

"I have something to say, but I like it like this..." Only when he was close to her skin could he feel at ease.

Qi Luo kicked it up, "Don't come here again, come here again and spank your ass!"

The attitude of Sanniang teaching her son made Mei Luo stunned again.

Why is this tone of voice so familiar?

"Momo, did you encounter something in the tomb of your mother?"

"What can I meet? I just took a sword!"

"Nonsense, how can you hold this sword, Xue Wu is notorious for not recognizing people, it only listens to the mother's words..."

Qi Luo feels deeply that she has raised a smart son, but she refuses to admit it to the death.

"This shows that my mother-in-law agrees with me..."

The voice of mother-in-law shouted out naturally and quickly.

Yumo blushed.

Mei Luo also blushed, but blushing excitedly.

"Mother-in-law...I like this name..." He hugged her and wanted to kiss her.

Qi Luo kicked over again, "Damn child, why do you like clinging to women so much..."

Mei Luo was a little dizzy from being kicked, and felt that something was wrong with her.

"I'm going to get up, how can I sleep in broad daylight, where will I be free?"

This bed is too dangerous, what if he becomes a beast, he has facial features like himself, but some habits are very similar to his father, so we have to guard against it.

Qi Luo jumped off the bed, at least three meters away from the bed.

"Momo, something is wrong with you!"

"You think too much." She straightened her clothes, not daring to look up at him.

Mei Luozai looked at her carefully. He was very familiar with Yumo's every move. He was so happy that she came back just now, so he didn't pay attention. Now he felt that her walking posture was different from before.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing that he was silent, she raised her head.

A trace of doubt arose in Mei Luo's heart, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he made an instant move. He needed to confirm one thing.

Qi Luo wanted to resist, but Yu Mo stopped her, so she didn't resist, and was directly knocked down by Mei Luo, and fell over.

Fortunately, Mei Luo was just probing and didn't make a big move. Seeing Yu Mo fall, he was anxious and jumped out of bed in a hurry, "Why don't you hide?"

Qi Luo really wanted to slap her son twice, but she held back, she didn't know how her daughter-in-law got along with her before, whether she was crying or cursing at this time, she was more inclined to the latter.

Yu Mo said quietly: Curse!
Very good, is that right? Men should be scolded.

"Brat... No, bastard!"

"My fault, my fault, don't be angry, I thought you were bewitched by an evil spirit, the mausoleum is very dark, you are not a demon, maybe you are possessed by a ghost."

The guess is very accurate, but it is not filial to say that the mother is a ghost.

Qi Luo said angrily: "You are possessed by a ghost!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, does the fall hurt, let me see..."

"go away!"

Xue Wu who was placed beside the bed moved, and flew up to hit Mei Luo's ass directly.

Mei Luo turned her head and glared angrily, "Xue Wu, what are you doing?"

Xue Wu didn't know how to speak to him, so she said to Qi Luo, "I'll beat him for you!"

"You are taking this opportunity to take revenge!" He bullied it a lot when he was a child.

"Hehe..." Xue Wu flew behind Qi Luo, "I'll hit you!"

A sharp light flashed in Mei Luo's eyes, and she wanted to attack it.

Qi Luo stopped him and said, "It's not like when I was young..."

"Momo, why do you look more and more like my queen when you speak?"

If it wasn't for the fact that her smell didn't change, and the hickey on her neck wasn't wrong at all, he really thought he had admitted the wrong person.

Cold sweat broke out on Qi Luo's forehead, "You... nonsense... nonsense!"

Mei Luo also felt that this idea was outrageous, and even more unrealistic, but these changes started when she went to her mother's tomb, and she still felt a little suspicious, "You haven't said it yet, how could you think of going to the tomb."

"I want to help you relieve your worries. I heard... yes, what Linglong said."

This is not made up, the daughter-in-law told her.

"Linglong, when did you meet her..."

How could she know.

After hearing this, Yu Mo hurriedly reminded: I met Aunt Linlang's grave a few days ago when I went there secretly. He didn't know.

Qi Luo understood, and said it according to Yu Mo's answer.

Mei Luo didn't feel suspicious after hearing this, she would indeed do what Linglong said.

"A troublesome woman!"

"She's doing it for my own good too!"

"You just believe it, and never thought that she might harm you."

His queen mother has a detached position in the dog demon clan, and she went to dig the grave. If it gets out, it will be more hated than ruining the dog realm.

"She is Aunt Linlang's younger sister. How could she harm me? You are too worrying."

"You are going, why don't you tell me."

"That's your mother's tomb, how can I tell you?"

"There's nothing to say."

What this sounds like means that as long as Yumo wants to go, he will accompany him to the end, regardless of whose tomb it is.

When Qi Luo heard this, her taste became sour.

It's typical to ask for a daughter-in-law, but don't want a mother. It's useless to have a son.

She glared angrily, and cursed the heartless brat a hundred times in her heart.

"Actually, I thought about taking you to meet the queen mother... but I never had the chance!" He had memories of his mother in his eyes, "My mother will definitely like you, because in some ways, you are quite similar. of……"

Qi Luo was shocked, and the warmth in his eyes ignited.

"It's a pity that it's a clothes tomb. After my mother died in battle, I didn't even find her body. However, I painted her portrait when I was a child, so I asked the craftsman to carve this painting on it in the tomb..."

It turned out that the painting was his handwriting.

Although she survived in the hilt of the sword, she occasionally wandered around the mausoleum. She had a deep memory of that painting, and she never knew who painted it.


"Huh? What did you say?"

"No, nothing, you heard wrong."

"Momo, I still feel a little weird..."

"You're overthinking." She tried her best to change the topic, and said after seeing Xue Wu, "No matter what, now that I have the Xue Wu sword, I should be able to scare those stupid...that nobles. "

"You came for me, didn't you?" He had already guessed.

"I also want to help you." So she came in person.

"This matter may not help me, but it will make them think how you got the sword. First of all, it is disrespectful for you to enter the tomb of the queen mother."

"What's the matter, the sword belongs to me... no, Queen Qiluo's, seeing the sword is like seeing a person!"

This is also Yumo's original intention.

"Well, since you've got them all, they won't dare to disrespect the queen mother no matter how much they dislike you."

"That's right, leave it to me!"

That's what she's here for.

In the Mastiff Mansion, a group of nobles gathered at this time, and they were all discussing the matter of Yu Mo and Xue Wujian.

"How did the witch get the Xuewu sword?"

"The old man sent someone to look at it, and there are indeed signs that someone has broken into the mausoleum."

"This is treason!"

"So what if you are rebellious, do you dare to say it in front of Xue Wujian? Even Xue Wujian has surrendered to her, this matter is not easy to handle."

Mastiff was so brooding over this matter in his heart that he really couldn't come up with any ideas.

"Is this the thing about the rebirth formation?"

"It can't be counted, the king must agree to this matter!"

Many children of the nobles died in that catastrophe. Now that they know the method of rebirth, how can they let them go.

"My lord, the clan minister is here."

Hearing this, Mastiff's eyes lit up, "Well done, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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