The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 426 Part 1911 Big Pot of Chaotic Porridge

Chapter 426 Part 191 A Big Pot of Chaotic Porridge
The matter of Yumo getting the Xuewu Sword has created a whirlwind in the Dog Realm. Not only the nobles know about it, but the common people also know about it. On the street, in the market, and even the ladies in various noble mansions are all discussing this matter.

After hearing this, Jifu was stunned, and Adai called several times before she responded.

"She actually got the Xuewu sword?"

This is a well-known "unruly" sword. When Queen Qiluo was there, she had seen the style of Xuewu Sword, and imagined that she could have such a sword one day. Queen Qiluo died in battle. Afterwards, no matter who touches the Xuewu sword, it will fly away, and it is also its own choice to be accompanied by Queen Qiluo's clothes, and no one can shake it.

Now... that human woman actually got it.

Jifu really couldn't understand.

Adai also couldn't can the human woman, He De, get the Xuewu Sword?

In this way, it may be difficult for her young lady to be the queen.

"Adai, let's go!"

"Miss, where are you going?"

"Enter the palace!"

A Dai was startled, "Miss is going to see her?"

"Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, I must see it with my own eyes."

She walked out of her own courtyard and walked all the way to the palace, followed by Adai. At the gate of the palace, the two met Jin Ji.

"Miss Jin Ji also came to see the sword?"

"It seems that Miss Jifu is too!"

Both of them are candidates for the queen, one is the lady of the War Beast Mansion, the other is the lady of the Thousand Beast Mansion, Jin Ji is the candidate for the queen, chosen by the elders, and Ji Fu is the granddaughter of the clan minister, a nobleman among the nobles. , even if he wasn't a candidate, he still had the upper hand over Jin Ji.

Interestingly, when Meiluo was bedridden by poisoning, both of them were ordered to serve him, but he kicked them out and fined them not to enter the palace. During this time, the two developed a sense of sympathy , and they are all informal people, and they are not hostile to each other, but they are not good enough to be friends.

"She came back and got the Xuewu sword." Jifu felt a little unwilling, and her tone was a little anxious. She wanted to know Jin Ji's reaction, but Jin Ji's face was calm, showing no emotional fluctuations at all.

Jifu didn't believe that she had no thoughts, and kept staring at her.

Jin Ji knew what she was thinking, but her nature was like this, and she was heartbroken by Mei Luo a few days ago, her self-esteem and face were swept away, and now her brother and father insisted on asking her to inquire about the news, she had no choice but to Not coming, even though I was reluctant, I still had curiosity in my heart.

"Miss Si, please..." She stepped aside and let her go first.

Jifu didn't hesitate, and after being checked, she stepped into the palace gate, and Jin Ji quietly followed behind, side by side with Adai.

When they were approaching the bedroom, the three of them heard a commotion, and the voice was very familiar.

"Let this princess go in!"

Le Xian's bluffing ability has not regressed at all, and it has improved even more after being confined for many days.

"Princess, please forgive me. The king has ordered that no one will be seen."

"This princess is not anyone, but the cousin of your king."

"This..." The guard really wanted to tell her, even his own mother wouldn't allow it.

"Will you let me..." Le Xian puffed her cheeks with her hips on her hips, Aman and Alola behind her couldn't hold her back, Shu Yuan was not around at the critical moment, no one could cure her.

The guards were very embarrassed and resolutely refused to let him go.

As soon as Le Xian got angry, he raised his hand and slapped him, but Ji Fu stopped him.

"Your Highness, this is the Dogland!" She shook off Le Xian's beating hand and stood in front of her.

Seeing that it was her, Le Xian became even more angry, "Why is it you again, and you..." She also saw Jin Ji.

Jin Ji smiled, "Does the princess think that we are willing to see you?"

The words were ironic, Le Xian's face immediately turned red with anger, her health has improved a lot, she will no longer get sick when she gets angry, her domineering temperament has not changed much, and she made a move in an instant, as the princess of the wolf monster clan, Nature is confident.

Jifu is not a vegetarian either, so she blocked her attack, pushed her away, and swept her out. She did not forget her identity as a princess, and if she got angry, she would hurt her.

Le Xian was aware of this, so he became more energetic and attacked with another move.

This time it was Jin Ji who resisted her, apparently she decided to side with Ji Fu.

"You two are bullying this princess again."

Le Xian couldn't beat them, so he could only use his mouth to show off.

"Skills are not as good as others, how dare you say that?" Jifu looked down on people who depended on their ancestors for a living.

The same is true for Jin Ji, who obviously has such a good background and identity, but if she doesn't learn more, she will only be willful and domineering, which is really shameful.

Aman and Aluo protect Le Xian, trying to kindly persuade her to go back, but Le Xian still refuses.

After being trained by Yumo that time, she actually stopped for a long time, but this time when she knew about Yumo's return, she rushed over. Yumo got the Xuewu Sword, which was equivalent to being recognized by her aunt in disguise. If she stays in the dormitory and doesn't do anything, she really can't expect to marry Mei Luo.

A few women made trouble for the guards to intervene, but they belonged to nobles and princesses, and they would not please anyone who offended them, so they hurried into the bedroom area and asked their king to find a way to go.

At this time, Queen Qiluo in the dormitory couldn't sit still for a long time. Although getting along with her son was a rare good thing, but she couldn't stand her son's squinting eyes. Every time she looked at her, she was full of warmth. Embarrassing, like sitting on pins and needles.On the pretext that the air in the dormitory was stuffy and that she wanted to go out for a walk, she quickly slipped out.

Mei Luo didn't allow it, and wandered around for most of the night, how could she not get a good rest, so she chased him out.

The two walked out of the palace gate one after the other and met the guards.

The guards immediately told about Le Xian, and Queen Qi Luo was overjoyed, she didn't care what it was, and wanted to go out to meet people.

This is not something Yu Mo would do, but Mei Luo didn't pay attention at this time, because he was upset when he heard Le Xian's name.

"Hurry them up!" "Hurry up? That's your cousin, when you were young..." Queen Qi Luo knew that she had said something wrong again, so she quickly shut up, "You don't see me, I'll see you."

She loves Le Xian very much, and loves her as her own daughter.

"Usually when she comes, don't you also feel disgusted?"


And this thing?

She muttered, and said to Yu Mo: What's going on, girl, Le Xian is Mei Luo's cousin, how can you not wait to see her.

After hearing this, Yu Mo replied: I don't want to see her, it's because she doesn't want to see me, this matter is not clear now, queen, you might as well go and see for yourself, she is spoiled.

Queen Qiluo frowned: Spoiled?How could it be, she was very good when she was a child, but her health was not good.

Yumo sighed: I don't know if she was good or not when she was a child, but don't worry about her body, she is almost healed. With my treatment, she won't get sick again, it's her temper...

Regarding this point, she decided not to say anything, and let Queen Qiluo see for herself.

Qi Luo was already suspicious, and it was her niece whom she hadn't seen for a long time, so she walked out with strides.

Le Xian was still playing prestige outside, cursing at Jin Ji and Ji Fu, stomping his feet and pointing at his nose, very arrogant.

Seeing her ruthless appearance, Qi Luo knew what Yu Mo meant when she said spoiled.

Since when did the well-behaved and lovely niece turn into such a domineering evil princess, as for the other two... She has no memory, but judging by the costumes, it is undoubtedly the daughter of a noble family.

Le Xian didn't notice that she came out, and shouted: "You attack this princess, this princess wants to destroy your nine clans."

"Who gave you the right to destroy the nine clans of the nobles of the dog monster clan."

Qi Luo spoke in Yu Mo's voice, the tone was the same, but the aura was different, extremely severe.

Just listening to the sound but not seeing anyone, Le Xian and the others subconsciously froze, feeling the threat coming from Yu Mo. This was an instinctive reaction, but when they looked back at her, the feeling of being shocked by the sound Gone.

Le Xian ran up to her when she saw her. She was so angry with Jin Ji and Ji Fu that what she said was very unpleasant.

"Demon girl, you're not dead yet!"

If Yumo would not be able to deny it, but Qiluo is different. How can a princess say such uneducated words? She immediately raised her hand and slapped her.

With a bang, Le Xian was dumbfounded, Aman and A Luo were frightened, Jin Ji and Jifu were too shocked to react in time, their mouths grew bigger.

" dare to hit Princess Ben!" Le Xian blushed, covering his face, shaking his lips, and seeing Mei Luo behind him, he immediately burst into tears, "Brother Dog, she hit me!"

The cry was loud, and she stomped her feet aggressively.

"Why are you crying? Where are all your etiquette and upbringing? Have you eaten them?" Queen Qiluo hated iron but steel. After she was dead, she was domineering like this, how can she still have the demeanor of a family of princesses, the face of the wolf monster clan was completely humiliated by her.

"I want you to take care of it!"

"I don't care, who else dares to care about you!"

She didn't have a mother since she was a child, and her father died in battle like herself. If she was alive, she would probably spoil her, but she is different, and she has no scruples.

Yu Mo in her body just felt that this matter was not done properly, now she is talking and doing things with her own body, and when the possession is over, the feud with Le Xian will be forged.

Queen, queen, don't be angry, she is not bad.

Don't say good things for her, it's not decent to look at her like this.

Qi Luo has a very hot temper, if the time is not right, she will probably grab Le Xian and put it on her lap, and give her a good butt pumping.

Le Xian's eyes were swollen from crying. When facing Yu Mo, he always felt that something was wrong. He seemed to have seen such sharp eyes somewhere before.

"What are you looking at, why don't you wipe away your tears and go back to your bedroom and think about the past behind closed doors? And you two..." Qi Luo's words fell on Aman and Aluo, "How do you serve the princess? You don't know the difference between bad and bad?"

A Luo and A Man were scolded inexplicably, and their minds became even more confused. Is this Miss Yu Mo? Why does it feel completely different.

Not only them, Jifu and Jinji, but also Adai felt it.

Before she taught Le Xian a lesson, at most she just cursed and hit him on the head. Just now, she slapped Le Xian so hard that his face turned red. Where did she get the confidence to be so confident?At a glance, she saw the Xuewu Sword hanging from her waist.

Could it be that because of getting this sword, his back became stiff?

Le Xian didn't bow his head when he was scolded a few words, he stared angrily at Yu Mo with red eyes, and stabbed Yu Mo like a knife.

This ferocity is quite similar to Qi Luo's when he was young, arrogant enough, but without the confidence to be arrogant, when Qi Luo stared back with sharper eyes, he froze and took three steps back.

Such a terrible look.

With this look, she has only seen one person - her aunt.

Compared with Aman, Aluo is much more vigilant, and instantly found that Yumo was different from before, and felt like she could kill Lexian if she angered her.

"Princess, let's go back."

"What are you doing when you go back, this witch beats Princess Ben, why don't you help me teach her a lesson."

How dare Ah Luo, she subconsciously felt that Yumo was extremely difficult to provoke now, and would definitely be in bad luck if he did.

She didn't dare, and Aman wouldn't dare either, the two stood still.

Le Xian was so angry that he started stomping his feet again. After looking at Mei Luo, he began to complain, "Brother Dog, did you see that she bullied me."

Mei Luo was not blind, of course she saw it, but she was wondering when Yu Mo's temper became so fierce. She was actually quite fierce before, but definitely not this fierce.

When the commotion here was like a pot of porridge, people who added to the chaos also came, including Bai Fang and Mastiff Meng.

When they came in, they saw Le Xian and Yu Mo glaring at the swollen faces. Bai Fang was surprised to see his granddaughter was there.

"Afu, why are you here?"

"Grandpa?" Jifu was also surprised, "Didn't you go out to do some errands?"

It's time to go to work, to the Watergate Mansion to do business.

Qi Luo knew Bai Ya and Mastiff. They hadn't seen each other for more than a hundred years. Mastiff hadn't changed at all, but Bai Fang... She blurted out: "Bai Fang, why are you so old?"

When these words came out, another group of people were shocked.

Bai Fang was the most surprised, looking at Yu Mo, his tone seemed to be greeting an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Of course he wasn't old, but Linglong made his house restless, he was too tired, and he felt guilty for indirectly killing Lin Lang, and the result of overthinking was that he lacked energy and aged a little.

just a little...

Just as White Fang was about to speak in response, someone else came.

The visitors are Cang Wu and Bu Jie.

As soon as Bu Jie saw the Xuewu sword in Yumo's hand, he screamed again and again.

"Girl, you really got the Xuewu sword, my god, how did you get it?"

When he heard about the Xuewu Sword that she obtained by breaking into the mausoleum, he didn't believe it at all, and neither did Cangwu, so they came to see it for themselves.

I didn't expect it to be true.

It is disrespectful to trespass on the mausoleum, but getting the Xuewu sword means being recognized by Queen Qiluo, and it is difficult to deal with this matter.

When Cang Wu saw Yu Mo, he was stunned for a moment, because when he took a glimpse, he saw the shadow of that person. He thought he had misread it, and thought it must be because of her holding the Xuewu Sword.

In memory, Xue Wujian was always inseparable from her.

Seeing that it was Bu Jie and Cang Wu, Qi Luo raised her hand out of habit, "Yo, Ah Jie..."

Ah Ya...

It's silly to change Buja now.

Not everyone can call Ajiao this name.

"Girl, is there something wrong with you?"

Qi Luo was startled, and quickly remembered her current identity. She was extremely embarrassed, and coughed, "Hmm... Uncle Bu Jie?"

This title is even worse.

Because Yu Mo had never called him that.

Yu Mo was in a hurry, so he hurriedly told her Bu Jie's name.

It's called Bujie, nothing else.

Qi Luo tilted her head, deeply feeling that it would be better to talk less in the future, otherwise she would be ruined sooner or later.

A lot of people came, but no one mentioned the serious things that should be mentioned, but Cang Wu looked at Yu Mo more and more strangely, and Mei Luo stood behind her, observing her with the same puzzled eyes.

This kind of Yumo always makes people feel that something is wrong, but no matter her voice, appearance, or smell, she is undoubtedly her, but the behaviors and words she occasionally show are not her usual ones.

Mei Luo was very worried that she might be possessed by a demon, even though it was her mother's tomb, who knows if there are other ghosts inside, she decided to find Bu Jie to show her later.

Taking advantage of everyone's presence, Mastiff felt that the timing was just right, and pulled Bai Fang to kneel in front of Mei Luo.

"My lord, do you have something to play?"

"What's the matter?" These two old men must have come to confuse him.

Mastiff said fiercely, "It's about the king marrying the queen."

"Huh?" Mei Luo's first reaction was to look at Yu Mo. She was the queen he had already decided on, but the queen Miao Meng said could never be her. He tightened his jaw and glanced over with sharp eyes.

Mastiff continued: "I have discussed with the clan ministers, the choice of queen must come from the nobles, Miss Jifu can take it."

After Jifu heard her name, her eyes widened.

White Fang echoed, "The old minister thinks..."

Before the words were finished, the mastiff was kicked away.

A very violent kick came from... Yu Mo.

 Merry Christmas, folks.

  There will be surprises in next Wednesday's article.For next Wednesday, I misremembered the time.

  Hahahahaha...Caught off guard...Guess
(End of this chapter)

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