The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 427 Part 192 Rebirth Formation Activation

Chapter 427 Part 192 Rebirth Formation Activation

This kick was full of strength, and the mastiff flew out in an arc and hung on a lush peach tree. The tree was so lush that it shook off a rain of flowers, and a gust of wind blew past it. , Flowers and rain are flying, the scenery is beautiful, but no one appreciates it, all of them are shocked by Yu Mo's foot.

Yumo has been a shrew before, but she doesn't have the vigor to kick people away. What's more, Mastiff is 1 meters tall, has a strong build, and weighs three times her weight. The kick flew, and anyone who saw it would be stunned.

But only 'Yumo' knows whether it's easy or not. The source of strength is Queen Qiluo's demonic power, but Yumo's body is Yumo's. The kick is flying, but the sequelae are very serious, and the feet hurt.

Queen Qiluo suppressed the pain, and secretly called her daughter-in-law's body too weak, it would hurt even if she kicked it, but at the same time she had to keep a straight face, pretending to be fine.

Bai Fang was shocked to see this scene, his beard was crooked, he was right next to Mastiff Meng, his kick just now was ridiculously fast, and a gust of wind blew instantly, he felt a faint pain in his cheek, touched the wet one, raised his eyes and looked up. Look, it's blood, his cheek was cut by the strong wind, and he looked at Yu Mo in astonishment.

After three days away from Shibai, you should look at her with admiration, but this has become too big, and she is not enlightened by looking at her appearance, how can such great power come from.

Mei Luo was naturally shocked, but on the one hand, he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. If Yu Mo hadn't kicked so fast, he probably would have kicked himself.

Bu Jie exclaimed, "Girl, did you get another treasure?"

He didn't open his mind, and he didn't see the use of a magic weapon. This kick couldn't be that powerful.

Qi Luo endured the pain and said, "Where is the baby, I just don't like him."

Back then, when she was going to marry Mei Luo's father, Mastiff was the one who opposed him the most, because he had a younger sister, and he always thought about marrying this sister to Mei Luo's father, but now he used the same trick again and stabbed her Back then, it hurt, and I kicked it out without thinking much about it.

Yu Mo in his body was sweating coldly, thinking that Queen Qi Luo didn't come to help her, but to avenge her, first Le Xian, then Mastiff Meng, if there are more, should she still be a human being?
Mastiff was still hanging on the branch of the tree, he was probably stunned, he didn't move at all, there were a few guards around watching him, wanting to help him down, but Mei Luo didn't order them, so they didn't dare to move.

After a while, the mastiff responded fiercely, shaking his legs, the tree branch couldn't bear his weight, and it snapped...and he fell down in embarrassment, turning his head and glaring at Yu Mo angrily.

"Demon girl, why did you kick me?"

"I told you, you don't like it." Yu Mo plucked his ears.

"You are too deceitful!" Mastiff Meng's hair was stained with several peach blossoms, and the pink peach blossoms set off his dark skin, which immediately made him look like a country, extraordinarily funny.

"Isn't your proposal just now to bully my daughter-in-law...cough cough, me?" She turned her head and patted Mei Luo's chest, "He is going to marry me, not yours..."

She didn't remember Jifu's name, frowned, and asked: "Who's here..." She asked Meiluo.

"That..." Mei Luo pointed to Jifu who was standing in the corner.

Ji Fu's expression was very embarrassing, her face was blushing. Regarding the Queen's matter, she didn't force her, and she knew better that the twisted melon was not sweet. After serving Mei Luo before, she knew very well that he would never marry her Yes, even if Yumo died, it would not be her turn.

She was very open about this matter, and Bai Fang didn't say much to her, but now she has become the object of everyone's attention, especially Yu Mo's tone of voice, which seems to be completely different from the politeness before , listening to her ears, there is a sense of ignorance when she does not exist.

They don't regard you as an opponent at all, and they don't even remember your name. This is a great humiliation to the noble lady.

Jin Ji knows how she feels, but it's not easy to comfort her now, at this time, comforting her will definitely be regarded as gloating.

"Is that the girl in the water blue dress?"


"what is it call?"


Qi Luo searched for the name in her mind, and blurted out, "Oh, I remembered, it's Jin Lan's daughter..."

White Fang was surprised, "How do you know my daughter-in-law's name?"

Jin Lan is his eldest daughter-in-law, who went out with Queen Qi Luo to fight against Lie Tianxi, and died in the battle.

Qi Luo knew that she had made a mistake again, and hurriedly said: "I heard what Mei Luo said..."

Mei Luo blinked, with a confused look on her face, when did he say that, and when did she ask.

"Hey, no matter what, it doesn't matter whether she is Jin Lan's daughter or not. The important thing is that he, your king, wants to marry me." She spoke so domineeringly, and her voice was so clear that even the deaf could hear her what are you talking about.

"You witch is too shameless." Mastiff roared fiercely.

"Who is shameless!" Yu Mo yelled louder than him.

For a person like Mastiff, he is ruthless, you have to be more ruthless than him, this is the experience she summed up in the past, if she refuses to listen, then fight, but unfortunately she is at a disadvantage in fighting now, so she can only compare her voice.

Mastiff pointed at Jifu fiercely, "This fourth young lady of the clan family looks like a fairy, has a temperament of a hymn, and is not lacking in talent, learning and monster power. After being a nobleman, how can you compare... let alone..."

Queen Qi Luo didn't intend to let him finish the sentence, she had heard this before, and he said the same words when he said his sister.

"What's wrong with me? Am I not good-looking? What's the matter with my appearance like a fairy? You have to be more pleasing to the eyes of your king." She turned to Mei Luo and asked, "Tell me, I'm good-looking, or she is good-looking?"

"You!" Is there even a need to ask?

Qi Luo nodded in satisfaction, looked at Mastiff Meng, "I heard, I look better."

"You are arrogant!"

"Hehe, you're the one who is making unreasonable words. That's right, I'm not a nobleman, I'm a human being, but I have three artifacts and three beasts, let alone this Fourth Miss. I'm asking you, do you have any?"

" have sharp teeth..."

"Go, what a sharp mouth, this is eloquent, and of course it is also real. I told you earlier, just practicing martial arts is not enough. You and your family should read more books... ..."

Mastiff's face flushed red, and he was very familiar with this sentence.

Because Queen Qi Luo had said this to him back then.

He looked at Yu Mo strangely, how could this girl say the same thing as Queen Qi Luo.

Qi Luo once again realized that she had said the wrong thing, she really didn't mean it, so she had to keep her mouth shut.

When Mei Luo heard this, she couldn't stop laughing.

This kind of Yumo is a little strange to him, but he feels very familiar.

Cang Wu, on the other hand, looked at Yu Mo with increasingly weird eyes.

White Fang said, "King, have you and I forgotten the dead clansman?"

This is a big mountain, as long as it is lifted out, it can crush Yumo to death.

Before Mei Luo could reply, Qi Luo had already spoken, "Here, tell this sword."

She brought the Xuewu Sword to him.

White Fang was startled, "What are you doing?"

"Queen Qiluo's sword, seeing a sword is like seeing a person, you have the guts to say it again."

When she was alive, she once made a joke to a group of nobles, saying that whose daughter can get this sword in the future, whose daughter will be married to Mei Luo. The nobles set their sights on it and made an impossible condition.

This sentence was a joke to her, but not to the nobles. At that time, all the nobles believed it. When she was alive, the daughters of many nobles were forced to study hard and strengthen their cultivation, so that one day they would be recognized by Xue Wujian. become its new owner.

But when Mei Luo was able to marry a wife, she died, and Xue Wujian became her funeral object, and no one ever asked her again.

Now that the Xuewu sword has been seen again, and it is held in Yu Mo's hands, this joke has been confirmed.

"This..." Bai Fang opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Yumo is the great enemy of the dog demon clan, but at the same time she is the daughter-in-law recognized by Queen Qiluo. This kind of contradiction makes him wonder what reason to use to prevaricate.

By the way, the biggest problem is this sword.

"Don't be arrogant, who knows if this is... is it Xuewu Sword."

This is rushing to talk nonsense.

Anyone who takes a glance will know that this is the Xuewu Sword, the whiteness of the sword body is not ordinary white, it is incomparable to any white color, the whiteness is pure and gorgeous.

"Hehe, is that so?" Qi Luo sighed softly, pulled the sword out of its scabbard, and stuck it on the ground.

As soon as Xue Wu touched the ground, she immediately released ice and snow, freezing the ground with a layer of ice. Under the sunlight, it shone like glass, even though it was noon and the sun was hot, it could not melt this layer of ice.

The cold air curled up and turned into mist, giving off a sudden coolness.

"How about it, are you still saying that this sword is fake?"

White Fang didn't have anything to say, and he didn't know if it was because of the severe cold, his face turned blue.

"Xue Wu, take it!"

With the order, the cold air gathered and the ice disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Qi Luo put the sword back into the scabbard, "But there is still something to say." She looked down at Bai Fang and Mastiff Meng in a high-ranking posture.

The two looked at each other, and they were communicating with each other, how to resist Qi Luo's offensive, before they could figure out why, Le Xian rushed out with a feverish brain.

"Brother Dog won't marry you, he wants to marry me!"


Now Qi Luo was dumbfounded, looked at her, then at Mei Luo, she was her niece after all, she really didn't want to provoke her too much on the relationship issue.

"What trouble are you making, go down and think about the past behind closed doors."

The matter between men and women is about your love and my wish, but when Le Xian was born, she really had this idea to turn Le Xian into her daughter-in-law to make up for the lack of a daughter, but it also depends Whether she is suitable or not, with her current temperament, it is not proper to be a princess, how can she be a queen.

As a mother, when it comes to daughter-in-law, the biggest key is whether the son likes it.

If you don't like it, it's useless to be excellent.

If you like it, you will see other conditions.

The lifespan of a demon is very long. If she is not with the person she likes, the long night is so bleak. She doesn't want her son to be depressed for the rest of his life.

When thinking of this question, she let out an ah.

The lifespan of demons is very long, but the lifespan of human beings is not long.

How many years has it been?

100 years?

or shorter?

She suddenly looked at Mei Luo, seeing the way he looked at her, she knew that her heart was on Yu Mo, the girl, and the days to come...wouldn't be even more desolate.

Girl, how old are you this year?

19 years old, oh, soon to be 20 years old.

It has been almost a year since she came to Shanhaijie, and in two months, she will be 20 years old.

Qi Luo exclaimed in her heart: Are you already 20 years old, how many years do you have left to live?

Knowing her concerns, Yu Mo replied sincerely, I will try to live as long as possible.

Qi Luo rubbed her forehead to live longer... How many years was that?No matter how long it takes, it can't last longer than Meiluo.

"Momo, are you feeling unwell?"

Mei Luo saw that she was covering her head and not speaking, her face was pale again, she thought it was because she used Xue Wu Sword just now, which increased her physical burden.

"No, it's worrying!"

Her son is destined to be a widower for the rest of his life, can she not worry about it?

"What's the matter? If you don't like it, I'll drive them away."

He also endured for a long time.

"No, driving them away can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Let me speak clearly today to save a lot of trouble in the future."

The time she possessed was at most one day, and it was noon now, so a lot of time had been wasted.

She decided not to think about life expectancy for the time being. This is her son's choice, and she must respect it.

Le Xian refused to leave, and stood upright in front of Yu Mo. She didn't know that Yu Mo was actually her aunt now, and she couldn't stop getting excited.

Qi Luo didn't bother to pay any more attention, and raised her hand and knocked her unconscious.

"You two take her down."

This astonishing move shocked everyone once again.

Bai Fang said angrily: "Bold demon girl, how dare you disrespect the princess of the wolf demon clan."

"You yelled so loudly because you wanted the wolf monsters to come and question you after hearing it, right..."

Very good sentence.

Because no matter who knocked Le Xian out, they were all within the territory of the Dog Realm, and everyone in the Dog Monster Clan couldn't get away with it.

At this time, it is best to pretend that you have not seen it.

Bai Fang's mouth immediately crooked, he couldn't speak to her.

Aman and Aluo are very grateful to Qiluo, because if the trouble continues, Le Xian will be the one who will be ugly.

Mastiff rolled his eyes in a circle, and stepped forward, "Demon girl, it's not impossible for you to be a queen, but you have to have an explanation for killing my people, right?"

"Everyone is dead, what else can I say..."

"Rebirth Formation!"

When they came, White Fang and Mastiff had two purposes.

One persuades Meiluo to marry Jifu, and the other is the rebirth array.

The rebirth array is naturally the main premise. Only by rescuing the clansmen can the vitality of the dog monster clan be restored. As for the queen... all the clansmen have been resurrected, so they have time to spend with this witch.

She is human and has a short lifespan.

After 20 years, she will be old and faded.

When the time comes...hehehehe...

Mastiff's calculations are very precise, and the central idea is that Yumo must not be allowed to become the queen. His youngest son and eldest son were injured because of her. How can he swallow this anger.

"Rebirth formation? What?"

Qi Luo didn't know about the rebirth formation at all, because Yu Mo didn't say anything.

"Don't pretend to be stupid!" Bai Fang regained his composure, and sang with Mastiff fiercely.

"I don't even know what you are talking about?"

She really looked like she didn't know, but Mei Luo didn't doubt it, because she knew that she was reluctant to part with Duoji, and it was probably because of this that she pretended to be stupid on purpose.

"The three artifacts on your body can activate the rebirth formation to revive the clansmen you killed. This is what Nu Washi personally admits."

Qi Luo was taken aback for a moment, there are such things in the world.

She has never heard of the fact that the dead can be resurrected.

She hurriedly asked Yumo: Girl, what's going on.

Yumo knew that she couldn't hide it, so she had to tell her about the rebirth formation, and also about Duoji.

After hearing this, Qi Luo understood her difficulties.

She killed the man, she did not deny it, and felt guilty, but Nuwashi was like her younger brother, and she could not sacrifice him.

It's a little more difficult.

From the perspective of her queen, she will decisively choose to activate the rebirth array, which is why Yu Mo dare not tell her.

Queen Qiluo once broke into the Wanmo Island single-handedly for the clansmen of the dog monster clan, obtained life-saving herbs for the clansmen, and made the world more peaceful. It is also the quality that a king should have the most.

But Yumo is not, she cares more about those who love her and those she loves.

At this time, the demon pot on her neck moved.

"Sister, don't worry about me anymore, I can sacrifice for you. Duoji is willing."

Yu Mo froze for a moment, but couldn't stop the light from the resonance of the three artifacts.

Duoji reached a consensus with the demon refining pot and Shennongding, and directly activated the rebirth formation.

"Brother Hu, do you regret it?"

"will not!"


"Didn't Brother Hu say it? It's a great honor to be able to sacrifice for the master as an artifact."

Without the master's order, the ability of the artifact cannot be activated, but it is another matter if the artifact activates by itself. When Duoji was in the demon refining pot, he had already made a decision.

But 500 years...


The light is shining, and the formation made by the artifact is the enchantment of the six-pointed star.

The rebirth array starts!
 Start with a word of disagreement.

(End of this chapter)

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