The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 428 Part 193 Take My Life

Chapter 428 Part 193 Take My Life

I always let my sister protect me, let me protect my sister this time...


Yu Mo shouted in her heart, she was now occupied by Qi Luo, unable to move, she could only call his name over and over again.

Absolutely not!
You forget that you will become a stone that feels, but cannot see, hear, or do anything.

Dorjee can hear her voice but he doesn't care, just like she tried desperately to protect him, he wants to protect her too.

As long as the dead dog monsters can be revived, then she will no longer be a sinner of the dog monsters, and can be with brother dog, whether it is turned into a stone or anything, he only hopes that she will not Feel distressed and sad because of his affairs.

No, there will definitely be sadness. When he turns into a stone, she will be very sad, but it doesn't matter, she has Shennong Ding, Demon Refining Pot, Taotie, Candle Dragon, Bixi, Maoqiu, and Loulou to accompany her, She will recover soon.

All he has to do is do what he should do best.

"Nuwa! Destiny!"

As soon as the words fell, the white hexagram hung high in the sky shining brightly, covering the pure white light waves from the sky to the ground.

Qi Luo felt Yu Mo's struggle, and she was about to come out to stop it.

Girl, calm down!

No, I want to save Duoji.

The formation has already started, you can't stop it.

The three artifacts were connected to each other through barriers, and the hexagram barrier formed was a formation she had never seen before, and she couldn't step in or break it.

This is an enchantment created by a divine tool, and even if it is broken, it is broken by a divine tool.

Yumo thought of Haotian Tower...but Haotian Tower is on Dorje's side, and it will not agree. Dorje has already reached an agreement with them in the demon refining pot, and no one is allowed to back down halfway until the formation is completed. Finish.

"I still remember the first time I met my sister..."

Dorje is suspended in the air. If he hadn't met her, he would still be alone now, no one likes, no one to accompany him. It is because of meeting her that he would get so many partners and eat so many delicious things , Although reluctant, but he does not regret it.

In the pure white barrier, different colors began to appear because of the spiritual power released by the artifact.

Nuwa is the source and center of the rebirth array, and the greatest spiritual power comes from it.

Among the ancient artifacts, the Nuwa Stone was repaired by the spiritual power of the Nuwa Empress, and was responsible for mending the sky. At first, it was not white, but blue, just like the color of Duoji's hair. But after the spiritual power was fully released, the Nuwa Stone It is a colorful color.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple...

That's the color of the rainbow.

The six-pointed star enchantment becomes a rainbow, which is especially bright in the daytime. It responds to the sunlight and emits colorful waves.

Bazaars, seashores, streets, royal palaces, and the entire dog monster clan are all attracted by this beautiful color.

"what is this?"

"so beautiful!"

"It's the first time I've seen a rainbow shaped like this."

Yu Mo wailed, she desperately wanted to control her body, but Qi Luo's monster power was above her, and she couldn't go back.

Qi Luo didn't want to stop her, and she was helpless, after the possession, unless it ended, it would be difficult for her to return to control her body.

No one can change the activation of the formation.

Mastiff Meng and Bai Fang were extremely excited because of the activation of the rebirth formation, and they were almost dancing.

Their goal was achieved, and so quickly.

"Thousands of gods, I am the Nuwa stone, one of the ancient artifacts. I use my spiritual power as the price, and in the name of Nuwa, I will resurrect all the heroic souls who died here..." Duoji kept his eyes closed and opened Yes, with eyes of seven colors and flying hair, seven pairs of wings sprouted from his back, like huge flowers that suddenly bloomed, with the same seven colors.

When the wings are flapping slowly, there seems to be golden powder swaying silently. The sun shines golden, and everything covered is like a layer of gold.

He didn't know exactly how to do the rebirth array, but after it was activated, he had the memory of the next move in his mind, without any blockage or pause, and the barrier of the six-pointed star was getting bigger and bigger, as if it was going to envelop the entire city. The dog environment is average.

Everyone was a little panicked when they saw the enchantment getting bigger. They were not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Because of Yumo's raging last time, they already had shadows, but when they touched the enchantment, they felt a wave of shock. The warm current, like the warmest sunshine in spring, can revive everything.

"My hand, my hand is healed!"

Someone yelled that the fingers that had been disabled for ten years suddenly grew new fingers.

"How could this be... my eyes, my eyes." Eyes that have been blind for decades now see again
This is Nuwa's ability, which can repair any ailment, and also restore the life that has long passed away.

Restoration of life takes longer, because the dead have already been annihilated, without flesh and bones.

Return to the beginning and reshape everything.

Dorje, stop, I beg you to stop.

As the barrier expanded, Duojixiang's body began to become smaller and smaller, his feet and hands began to disappear, and he was about to become the original shape of Nuwashi.

"Brother Shi, it's still too late to regret."

The Demon Refining Pot actually couldn't bear his decision, and the promise was also the result of his begging.

"It's okay, I don't hurt!"

He couldn't feel his legs, and he was losing sensation in his right hand, but it didn't hurt.

"The time of pain has not yet come." Shen Nong Ding had already told him after he made the decision that it would not be insensible to transform into the original form, but the spiritual power of the primordial spirit has not been fully released, and when it is fully released, His flesh would be crushed, and the pain was not sure if he could bear it.

"It's okay, I can bear it! Look... the destroyed trees in the Dogland have also been resurrected."

The once fallen and withered cherry trees, pear trees, and many green trees began to show signs of spring with dead trees. The black trees were entwined with vines, began to regenerate, and then blossomed and bear fruit.

Dorji suddenly felt a little pain in his heart, as if something was biting, but he forced a smile and didn't show it.

As more people, trees, and animals were resurrected, the speed at which his spiritual power was absorbed became faster and faster.

His hands are gone...

Looking at this scene, Qi Luo burst into tears.

Qi Luo knew that these were Yu Mo's tears, even though she couldn't control her body, her strong consciousness was forced out through her.

The colorful hexagram was still expanding, and finally reached the largest range, covering the entire dog realm.

Because many disabled people have grown new limbs, many people also drag their own disabled people out to enjoy this miracle.

In this way, Dorje's spiritual power was released exponentially and could not be stopped.

He began to lose sight, from one eye being blurred and blind to the other, until both eyes were black and he could no longer see any light.

He is blind.

Then he felt that the sound was getting softer, and he couldn't hear the joyful, reborn sound. He liked this sound very much, and felt that this sound was more beautiful than the music played by any instrument.

But... it's almost gone.

Shen Nong Ding knew that he was about to change into his original form.

The blood... meanders and falls.

The body was torn apart in an instant.

The pain hit, Duoji gritted his teeth and held on.

Not finished yet, at least for a while longer.

Under the six-pointed star, the recovery of the heroic soul is much simpler than imagined. The dead people reappear in the place where they died, starting from the stumped limbs, flesh and bones, as if something is being repaired.

He bled more and more, and faster.

The recovery speed of those dead people is also getting faster and faster.

Queen Qiluo, I beg you, stop him, stop him!
Desperate pleading, can not stop the fact that Duoji is about to sacrifice.

"King, king..."

Many guards came one after another, talking about the resurrection of the dead outside with excitement and incredible tones.

Some are companions, some are sons, and some are brothers. In the same market, there are also some outside the palace.

The relatives are resurrected, the children are resurrected, and the people who once thought they were dead are suddenly completed in physical bodies one by one, and resurrected before their eyes.

Mei Luo was actually very happy in her heart, but Yu Mo was crying. Although there was no sound, she had never heard her tears. He didn't know how to comfort her. The activation of the rebirth formation was beyond his expectation.

Qi Luo couldn't hold back her tears, she could only let them fall, looking at Dorje who was about to lose her human form, she could only pay respects from a distance.

"Mo Mo, how are you?" Mei Luo was worried that she would collapse suddenly.

In fact, her current appearance is almost the same as that of a collapse, except that she didn't hiss and roar, and she looked distraught.

Qi Luo couldn't tell him that the real Yu Mo in her body had already collapsed, and she was trying to regain her body.

Girl, stop, if you come out rashly, you will never go back.

I don't care, I want to save Duoji, he is not a magic weapon, he is my younger brother.

More and more people were resurrected, and the joyful voice became louder and louder, but in Yumo's ears, it was so cold and heartless.

You are happy, you are happy, but what about Dorji, what will his future life be like, do you know, this is not fair!

She howled, howled to the sky.

This is my fault, I should pay for it, take my life, don't let Dorje turn into stone, don't let him turn into stone.

I beg you, God, do you hear me.

He is my brother!
Although Dorje could no longer hear any sound, she still sensed her voice.

It is because you regard me as a younger brother, so I also regard you as a sister, a sister who is closer than my own sister.

Perhaps even deeper than her sister, she is like a mother.

Because you gave me the chance to be born again.

"Uh..." Qi Luo couldn't bear Yu Mo's strong control, and knelt down on the ground.

"Moment!" Mei Luo was taken aback, "What's wrong with you?"

Qi Luo clutched her chest, she felt that the girl was about to come out, but if she wanted to come out, she had to drive away her Yuan Dan.

Xue Wu said: "Qi Luo, come back to my body quickly, or you will be squeezed out by the girl, and you will be wiped out."

Her Yuan Dan must have a storage medium, either a sword or Yu Mo's body, only one of the two can be chosen.

"No, the girl is too excited. I have to go back at this time. She may not be able to return to her normal position."

She was worried that something would happen, and even if the rebirth formation was activated, it might not dispel the decision of Mao Meng and others not to want her to be the queen. Don't think she couldn't see that the rebirth formation was just one of their goals.

"Don't worry so much, children and grandchildren are blessed!"

Mei Luo couldn't hear her conversation with Xue Wu, and only thought that she was overwhelmed with grief and collapsed.

"Bu Jie, you have to think of a way."

Bu Jie has long been stunned by the miracle of the rebirth formation, not only him, but also Cang Wu, this kind of resurrection ability is even more miraculous than a miracle.

The dead dog monsters were reborn at this moment. The resurrected people didn't know what happened, and they were a little ignorant. They either lay on the ground and didn't know how to get up, or stood and looked at their bodies and hands until they knew them. People rushed to call them, and they knew that they had come back from the dead.

The colorful enchantment is still shining, but there is no figure of Dorji in it, he has turned into a nuwa stone.

White, round, and occasionally colorful lights shine.

The blood fell like rain, like agate, falling to the ground one by one, turning into crystal-like stones.

At this time, Yumo desperately broke out of the enchantment that was firmly bound by her body. In order to prevent her from disappearing, Qiluo was about to give up her body and return to the sword, but Yumo's speed was too fast. Before going back, he came out, separated from his own body, and became a missing body.

The missing body is very light, and can fly into the air, or maybe she is a human being, not controlled by demon power, so she can easily break into the hexagram barrier.

Looking at Dorje who had turned into stone, her tears flew in the air like colorful bubbles.



She pounced on him and hugged him tightly. The enchantment has not disappeared, which means that the spiritual power has not been fully released.

God, take my life for 50 years, 60 years, whatever you want, give me back Dorji, give me back!How can you want such a kind child to be turned into a stone, to endure such a life without hearing and sight, if 50 or 60 years are not enough, I will give you my life, if there is an afterlife, I will give you the afterlife , please give him back to me.

Give it back to me!

Amidst the fierce shouts, her missing body flashed a pink demonic power, from scratch, blooming with brilliance.

Obviously there is no demon power, but it has appeared at this moment.

At the same moment, Qi Luo, who was still in Yu Mo's body, also felt an unimaginable power.

Very hot.

She touched her abdomen, as if something was burning inside.

In the silent and dark world, Dorje curled his body silently. He had a feeling, he could feel the warmth, but he couldn't hear any sound. He was about to exhaust his spiritual power, and he endured the violent crushing of his flesh and blood before turning into stone. The pain, even though I endured it, was severely damaged.

He wasn't sure if he could survive like this, but when he couldn't, he would think of Yu Mo and the time with her.

Sister... I will never see you again.

500 years is short for demons, but too long for humans.

He smiled wryly, it would be great if my sister was a demon.

He looked around, it was so dark and he couldn't hear anything, was this the day he would have to endure for the next 500 years.

For some reason, he was terrified at this moment.

500 years, how to calculate that day?
Without sunlight, without moonlight, what is a day.

Could he just wait forever.

Sister, I'm so scared, I'm so scared!
He didn't regret it, he was just afraid of such an aimless day with no hope in sight.

"Momo!" Meiluo hugged the fallen Yumo tightly, her face was pale, but her body was shining with pink light, which was the same as what he saw that day.

Is it evil spirit?But he clearly sensed that this was different from the nature of the evil spirit.

The enchantment of the six-pointed star began to close slowly. The people who should be resurrected have already been resurrected, and some destroyed buildings have been repaired along the way. The strength is so great that even the artifact itself cannot imagine that it has such power.

Yu Mo, who had turned into a missing body, begged God. She knew that she was sorry for Mei Luo, but she had no choice but to lose Dorji. Even if the two could be together, she would not feel happy.

She just wants to save Duoji now, and can't think of anything else.

Please, God, trade my life, my afterlife, even life after life, or don’t need to be a human being.

Be a dog, a cat, even a dung beetle.

As long as Dorje comes back, as long as he can come back.

The six-pointed star was about to disappear, and when everything was about to be irreversible, the enchantment suddenly changed, and instead of disappearing completely, it only enveloped Nuwashi and Yumo.

The Shennong Cauldron and the Demon Refining Pot didn't know what happened, so they could only hover outside the barrier and watch.

"Can you really take your life, the next life, in exchange?"

Yu Mo looked up, whose voice is this?
The white clothes fluttered over, and what he saw was blue hair, blue eyes, and the lower half of the snake's body.

She widened her eyes.

"You are……"

If I remember correctly, Empress Nuwa looks like this.

At the same moment, the hairball on Penglai Island sensed that Yumo's vitality was gradually disappearing, and stomped on both hooves, and flew towards the dog realm.

(End of this chapter)

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