The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 429 Part 194 The Warmest Love

Chapter 429 Part 194 The Warmest Love
"I'll ask you again, can you exchange your afterlife, your life?"

"Change, I'll change!"

"Okay! It's up to you to decide."

"Yes, I won't regret it, no."

Empress Nuwa's body seems to be transparent, only her outline can be vaguely seen, her face can't be seen clearly, but she feels very kind.

"Do you know that the Nuwa stone is not for mending the sky...but for saving my youngest daughter...At that time, I felt the same way you do now, even if I had to die by myself, even if it was to become a lonely soul in the next life. Ghosts, I don't hesitate."

It is the same emotion that can call out the last bit of spiritual power belonging to the Nuwa Empress in the Nuwa stone.

"Can't change!"

An urgent roar broke through the barrier and came over.

It was Qiluo, her missing body came out of her physical body because Yumo was anxious that her soul would fly and be annihilated.

The enchantment transformed by Xuewu Sword protects her.

Qiluo and Yumo now share the same body, so the five senses are common.

Empress Nuwa looked at her, "Who are you?"

"This should be what I want to say. Who are you? No matter who you are, she is my son's woman, and you can't touch it."

Qi Luo stood in front of Yu Mo very strongly.

"Your son's... woman?"

"Yes, I don't want my son to live in pain for life after life. If you must change it, I will come. My demon power can last forever when I miss the body. Now I have consumed a little bit, because I want to possess this girl. body, but there are many more, you take it, take it all."

Underneath, Mei Luo hugged Yu Mo who had fainted in shock. She was lifeless, as if she was dead, but surrounded by pink light. Her body was still warm, but she couldn't wake up no matter how much she screamed.

After taking the pulse, Bu Jie couldn't find any reason, and he was as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"Girl, wake up."

While feeling the pulse, he suddenly noticed a subtle phenomenon in her pulse,

He was in a hurry.

"Come here, take my Thousand Soul Pill."

Qianhun Pill is a pill that can protect Yuandan or Yuanshen, and Mei Luo also took it when she was poisoned.

Due to the relationship of the rebirth formation, the dog environment has gained a mind. Whether it is a tree or a tribe, it seems that they have been cured by a miracle. Even the legs of Mastiff Meng's youngest son are healed, and he ran over happily.


Mastiff looked at his younger son in disbelief, tearing up, "Hui Su, your leg, your leg..."

"Father, I was dragged out of the house by my elder brother. I was illuminated by the colorful light just now, and my legs are fine. Look..." Hui Su is Mastiff's youngest son. He is only 70 years old this year, so he looks very young, only ten years old. The appearance of six or seven years old.

"Really good!"

"Well, I just wanted Dad to know quickly, so I ran here."

"Great, son, great." Mastiff hugged his youngest son tightly, he understood that this must be the effect of the rebirth array, it turns out that the rebirth array can not only revive the dead, but also heal any disease .

The whole dog world is filled with the joy of rebirth, sweeping away the previous gloom, just like celebrating the new year.

In the enchantment of the six-pointed star, Qi Luo is still confronting Empress Nuwa, desperately trying to protect Yu Mo.

Empress Nuwa laughed, "So you are also a mother."

Only a mother in this world can be so great, so she doesn't care about gains and losses.

"Queen Qiluo, leave me alone, this is my own idea."

"Silly girl, you're dead, what about my Mei Luo, look at him, you're just fainted now, he already looks like he's dying."

Yumo looked at Mei Luo below, he could clearly see the expression on his face.

But at this time, she couldn't talk to him, and she couldn't let Duoji go.

"If you want to sacrifice, just sacrifice me. I'm already dead. At worst, I'll die again."

"No, you are Mei Luo's mother, I can't do this kind of thing."

"I'm your mother-in-law, you have to listen to me."

"You are not my mother-in-law!"

She and Meiluo are not married yet.

"Why not, do you know... Girl, you already have..."

Before the words were finished, Yu Mo's body began to disappear, becoming more and more transparent.

Qi Luo became nervous and yelled at Empress Nuwa, "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, someone was protecting her."


At this time, the fur ball came, flew in the sky, and released Bai Ze's protective barrier to cover Yumo. It was because of this barrier that she became more and more transparent, because when the fur ball came up, it called In addition to Bixi, there is also Bixi's invisibility ability in this enchantment.

"Bai Ze..." Empress Nuwa looked very surprised.

Mao Qiu recognized her, "See Empress Nuwa!"

"I really didn't expect to see old friends here."

Bai Ze was the first person Nuwa turned to for help when she saved her daughter, but at that time, Bai Ze alone could not completely heal her daughter, and in the end, she lost her spiritual power and turned into Nuwa Stone.

Most of the thousands of Nuwa stones mended the sky, but the Nuwa empress still left a small piece to save her daughter, but her daughter died of illness before waiting for this piece of Nuwa stone.

The only Nuwa stone fell to the ground and became one of the ancient artifacts.

Therefore, people in the world only know that Nuwa exhausted all her spiritual energy to mend the genius. In fact, the original intention of Nuwa to do that was to save her, and mending the sky was just an excuse. Washi.

Yumo didn't care about these things, she only cared about Duoji, and still hugged him tightly, "Nuwa Empress, please, don't be so cruel, he is transformed by your spiritual power, so he is your child."

"He has exhausted all his spiritual power for you, and it is actually impossible to recover."

"No, you must have a way. As I said, you can use my life in exchange."

"Girl, don't talk nonsense."

Qi Luo was very anxious, afraid that Empress Nuwa would really do this after hearing about it.

Mao Qiu said, "Nuwa Empress, restore his spiritual power. I can help. Is it okay to use my spiritual power?"

"Your, what, do you want to help?"

"This is my master's request." Mao Qiu stood beside Yu Mo.

"Is she your master?"

"Like a fake replacement!"

"If Fuqiu's spiritual power is not enough, I can do it too. I'm a beast." Bi Xi showed his appearance.

Empress Nuwa was very surprised to see Yu Mo, who disappeared and could only be seen in outline, "You actually have such a great ability?"

"It's not my skill, they followed me by themselves." Yu Mo never thought it was his own skill, but just luck.

"Bai Ze's spiritual power, ferocious beast's monster power...Although they are powerful, they are still not enough."

Nuwa stone, even a small piece, has unimaginable spiritual power.

"It can also be counted as my own!"

"And I, Candle Dragon!"

They are all on Yumo's side.

"If the beast is not enough, then add the artifact."

Nu Wa was even more surprised, they were like big mountains, standing firmly behind Yu Mo.

It is unimaginable that fierce beasts, artifacts, and spirit beasts are so united.

Empress Nuwa looked at the Nuwa stone that Yu Mo was holding.

If my daughter had such help back then, would she have escaped death?

Or to put it another way... It was the stone's own good fortune, and it met an owner who could treat it as a treasure.


She shook her head, "Even so, it's hard to recover."


"He has revived too many people, and his primordial spirit has been consumed. No matter how much spiritual power and monster power he has, he cannot restore his primordial spirit to a broken mirror, unless..." Empress Nuwa pointed at Yumo, "You It is a human being, and a human has a small but powerful vitality that is not possessed by monsters, ferocious beasts, or artifacts. If you use your life as the source, it may be okay."

When Yu Mo heard it, she felt happy, "Okay, take my life."

"Girl, why don't you understand what I'm saying?"

"Queen Qiluo, I know what you want to say, but only my life can save Duoji, I am willing, you don't need to say more."

"I'm not for you, I'm for..."

"You don't need to say more!"

"Let me finish my sentence!" Qi Luo stomped her feet.

Nuwa interjected, "I just want a small part of her vitality, not her death, so don't worry."

"Huh?" Qi Luo turned her head, "won't you die?"

"No, she has too many companions. With so many companions, she only needs to add a little vitality." Although it is only a little bit, it will take 30 years.

"Why didn't you just say that!"

"I wanted to say it, but you two were too excited and didn't let me go on." Nvwa Niangnian felt even more innocent, she just hadn't finished speaking.

"Let me tell you, don't think that you are a Nuwa, I will be afraid of you, a little life force, my daughter-in-law is a human being, life is not long, there is no life force, you use mine, I can do it!"

As she said before, she died a long time ago, and now she is only supported by the demon power, so it doesn't matter if it is all given to her.

"I've already counted your part! It's all about her. If it doesn't work, then there is no hope."

"I, I can do it." Yu Mo said anxiously.

Qi Luo only thought that her son fell in love with a big fool, and she was bargaining.

But this kind of thing is not negotiable, you have to give as much as you want.

After Nuwa knew their decision, she activated a new hexagram barrier, and everyone present would have some of their abilities extracted. When she extracted Yu Mo's vitality, she suddenly felt a powerful demon force stop her.

The pink demon power kept rising, extremely insolent.

You are……

You take mine, not hers.

Childish voice, still a doll.

Nuwa laughed...

It's done for you.

The mighty brilliance shines again, the power of companions is also the power of unity, and it is also the great love and cherishment.

Dorje curled up in the darkness for only a short time, and he felt endlessly long. Such a time made him cry helplessly in the darkness.

elder sister……


He heard it, heard Yu Mo's voice.

The white Nvwa stone turned into a human form again, as if a little person had hatched from an eggshell.

He heard the voice, and saw the light again. When everything was open, the first thing he saw was Yu Mo's face crying with joy.

"elder sister?"

"Duoji, silly boy, who allowed you to do this." She hugged him, and he was naked like a baby.

"How could I..."

"Never mind what happened, you have to apologize, apologize to me, do you know that you scared me to death?"

Behind her stood Taotie, Bixie, Zhulong, Maoqiu, and his brothers Ding and Hu...

"I've become a human again." He spread his five fingers in disbelief.

"It's not allowed anymore, do you understand, in the future I will let you go east, but you can't go west..."

Dorje nodded with tears in his eyes, "No, no, I will definitely listen to my sister."

"That's right!" Yumo turned back, and was about to thank Empress Nuwa, but she disappeared, "Where is Empress Nuwa?"

"I don't know!" Taotie didn't pay attention, he didn't know where she went.

The Nuwa Stone is the transformation of the Nuwa Empress. Dorji has recovered her human form, so there is no need for her to exist.

"Girl, don't worry about that, first look at yourself, if there is something uncomfortable."

The vitality was taken away, and I don't know how much, Taotie was very afraid that Yumo would grow old all of a sudden.

Yu Mo is still a missing body, and she doesn't feel the loss of vitality at all.

"I don't feel anything."

"No? Do you feel tired?"

She shook her head.

"Life, what vitality." Duoji was anxious.

"Just to let you recover, Empress Nuwa said she wanted the girl's vitality as the source."

"Ah!" Duoji cried with red eyes, "I have hurt my sister!"

"No, you see I'm fine at all, it must be just a little bit, because Bixi, Taotie, Zhulong, Brother Ding, Demon Refining Pot, Maoqiu all participated, don't worry, it's fine."

In fact, she was a little flustered, but she didn't show it in front of Dorji.

"Girl, it's been too long, you have to go back quickly, or you may become a lonely ghost." Qi Luo pointed to the physical body underneath and urged.

Dorji's matter was resolved, and it was still so perfectly resolved, Yu Mo was so happy that he completely forgot about it, "Oh, right now..."


She scratched her head, "How do I go back?"

Qi Luo: "..."

Underneath, Mei Luo's face was ashen, because Yu Mo couldn't wake up no matter how she called.

After Bu Jie stuffed the elixir into her mouth and forced her to swallow it, she finally moved, her chest rose and fell.


Yu Mo opened his eyes, feeling a little pain in his body, but his eyes were sharp.

Well, it's back, but it's still Qiluo.

Originally, she could only possess herself once, but in order to help Yu Mo return to her body, she used her demon power to push her in, and for some reason, she went in again.

In the breeze, there was a faint warm laughter.

"This is a reward for your kindness. I believe you still have something to do..."

It was the voice of Empress Nuwa.

This is really a blessing that can't be asked for.

Qi Luo was happy, she stood up, laughing wildly with her hands on her hips.

When Mei Luo saw her like this, she was not sure if she was well or crazy, and always felt that something was wrong.

Qi Luo stared straight at Mastiff Meng and Bai Fang, "The rebirth array has been activated, now you can let your daughter-in-law... no, Mei Luo and I will be together."

Mastiff woke up from the joy of his son's recovery and was very grateful to Yu Mo, but he couldn't make the decision to make her queen.

It was the same with White Fang, who preferred his granddaughter to be queen.

"You two bastards, I spent so much thought and effort, yet you still treat me with this attitude." Qi Luo walked over and kicked him again.

This time Mastiff Meng and White Fang were kicked away.

"You have to agree if you don't agree!" she howled.

"We have to think long term about this."

In the long run, isn't that just infinite procrastination?

"No!" Qi Luo made up her mind not to allow them to shirk.

"All the dead clansmen have been resurrected, so my sins are gone. My dowry is so rich now, why don't you allow it?"

Bu Jie secretly raised his thumb, what he said made sense.

The dowry is rich, the truth.

White Fang and Mastiff's words were also exhausted, and they wanted to drag on, but who would have thought that she would be so active and domineering.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu on the side felt that she was really thick-skinned. Although she had a lot of confidence, she was a girl after all, so what was the difference between this and a forced marriage.

Seeing that they were still hesitating, Qi Luo glanced at her stomach.

It seems that he still has to use his trump card.

killer feature?What?
This is Yu Mo's question in his body.

Qi Luo covered her forehead, girl, don't you feel it at all?

Stomach movement.

Yu Mo didn't understand at all.

Forget it, forget it, it's your first time anyway, you will have experience next time.


She really doesn't understand.

Qi Luo stepped forward with her hips akimbo, majestic, and then patted her stomach.

"I have it, so I can't do without marriage."


A group of people lost their eyeballs, only Mei Luo and Cang Wu showed a petrified state.

Bu Jie coughed, "Well, I can prove this, yes."

In the breeze, there is still that warm laughter.

If the mother loves the son, why doesn't the son love the mother?

So she made it.

The child of demons and humans has unimaginably strong vitality, which is enough to make up for the power to repair Dorje.

The meaning endowed by Nuwa Stone is actually the warmest love...between companions, between mother and child, between brothers and sisters...all of them.

 Caught off guard... that's it.


(End of this chapter)

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