The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 430 Part 195 The Queen Gives Birth

Chapter 430 Part 195 The Queen Gives Birth

With Qiluo's belly slap and Bujie's testimony, everyone's eyes were fixed on her stomach, like an electric current, which made Qiluo feel hot in her lower abdomen. Melo, it's scalding hot like freshly boiled water.

He was surprised, couldn't believe it, and even looked confused.



He is going to be a father! ?

how can that be.

It is impossible for humans and demons to have children!
Cang Wu's expression was not only confused, but also a little distorted, as if he had eaten a fly in his mouth.

In front of the bedroom, there was silence, only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, those joyful voices because of the rebirth formation, seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

Yu Mo is now a missing body, if he can show up, he will be an idiot.

She... was pregnant!


Is this considered early pregnancy?does it count?

Of course not, she is already full, how can it be considered early pregnancy, but... But she was completely unprepared, and her first reaction was that Qi Luo was bluffing them, but can this be used to bluff them? , Wouldn't it be more sinful to not have her at that time, and add another charge of deception.

So the possibility of bluffing people is too low!
Seeing that everyone was dumbfounded, Qi Luo patted her stomach again, "What kind of expressions do you have? Is it strange? If men and women love each other, of course it will blossom and bear fruit. Otherwise, how did your sons and grandchildren come here? Did it float in the sea, or pop out of a watermelon?"

Mei Luo finally reacted and turned his neck mechanically to look at Bu Jie. He thought that Bu Jie might have made a wrong pulse diagnosis.

After Bu Jie received his suspicious gaze, he curled his lips, "It's understandable if others don't believe it. Why do you have this kind of virtue? If she has it, isn't it you who did it? Let me tell you, the pulse I've had a diagnosis twice, and there's no way I could be wrong. It's the Xi pulse, which is quite strong. It must be a strong little guy. If you don't believe me, call all the wizards in the clan. If one says no, I'll cut it off. I will use my own head as a stool for you to sit on."

He is a great wizard, it is possible that the cause cannot be diagnosed, how can a woman's joy pulse be misdiagnosed.

But even if he said that, Mei Luo still looked confused, and mechanically turned his head to look at Cang Wu.

He told Yu Mo that he couldn't conceive.

Cangwu is more confused than him. Regarding this matter, there can be absolutely no mistakes. Humans and demons are absolutely impossible to have children, but this girl actually has one. His expression changed subtly, it was an expression of doubting life , he subconsciously recognized it too far and avoided Mei Luo's sight. This was the first time in his life, and it could be interpreted as an expression of guilty conscience.

Mei Luo's mind was buzzing at the moment, at first it was blank, then it was bright.

Silently pregnant.

He wants to be a father!

He is going to be the father!

His distorted and chaotic face was instantly dyed crimson, so red that it was full of gratitude and joy, and then he stumbled and ran towards Yu Mo, probably because he was too happy halfway, he didn't see the way clearly, and even fell a big somersault, sliding all the way , threw herself at her feet, and didn't get up for a long time.

Qi Luo not only slanders in his heart, he is really a stupid son, just like his father.

"Get up!" She kicked him with her foot, how could she be so embarrassed as a king.

"Momo, Momo, Momo..." Mei Luo got up, calling her name all the time, but couldn't explain why, and kept walking around her, afraid that he might hurt her.

Qi Luo covered her forehead, how could she give birth to such a stupid thing, at this time he should show the aura of a king and directly announce the wedding date, but Mei Luo was so excited that she couldn't find Bei, so she just looked around She turned around, her face was getting redder and redder, and her forehead was almost blooming with joy.

What a useless thing, she had to come as a mother.

"Listen, I already have an heir, and this is my first child. If you make me unhappy, or if you make me unhappy and affect the child, you are the eternal sinners of the dog monster clan!"

It is extremely difficult for a demon to conceive, and it is a blessing to have one, especially if the royal family has an heir. You can't even think about unlucky things.

The foreheads of Mastiff Meng and Bai Fang were sweating profusely, and as soon as their legs gave way, they knelt down on the ground.

At this time, who Yu Mo is or what her identity is is not important, what is important is the piece of meat in her stomach.

Qi Luo secretly smiled in her heart, very good, but not enough.

"Bai Ya, you are the ancestral minister. Marriage and marriage ceremonies of the royal family have always been the responsibility of the ancestral minister. You should know what to do, right?"

Bai Fang was startled, and nodded tremblingly, "I... I must do my best."

"It's natural to do one's best, but I'm just pregnant now, and the fetus has not yet sat firmly. After a month's delay, the pregnancy can be stabilized. Then hold the grand ceremony, what do you think?"

how is it?

Is there even a need to ask? White Fang could only nod his head desperately.

The child in her womb is the king's child, no matter male or female, he is the next king, and the future king can't be turned into an illegitimate child as soon as he is born, he can't do such a treacherous thing.

"I obey the order!" He bowed respectfully, forgetting all about his future purpose, and respectfully facing Yu Mo as if he was facing a king.

It wasn't that Yumo had a child, but the tone of her speech just now reminded him of Queen Qiluo back then, and his body subconsciously had a respectful reaction.

"Mastiff fierce!"

When Mastiff heard that he was being called, he quickly knelt down and said, "The minister is here."

"Do you have something to say? I still want to wait until I give birth to the child, and let Bu Jie test whether it is the king's child..."

This made Mastiff's face turn pale.

If he dared to say yes, it would be a blatant provocation, implying that his own king was wearing a cuckold, even if he had the guts to dare not say so.

"Chen...Chen...Undoubtedly, I will assist the clan minister to prepare for the wedding ceremony."

"Well, that's very good!" Qi Luo thought for a while, and felt that her daughter-in-law was pregnant, and there was no one to take care of her. If Lin Lang was still there, she could rest assured, but now there are only two little girls, and she has no experience in taking care of pregnant women. , and said: "Mastiff, I remember that there is a fetus in your house..."

The fetal mother is Wenpo, which is the name of the mountain and sea world. It not only takes care of delivery, but also cares about the pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy care, but there is no such thing as confinement in the mountain and sea world. A strong demon girl can go to the battlefield after giving birth.

It's just that Yumo is a human being and cannot be compared with a demon. As a mother-in-law, she should arrange everything well.

Mastiff snapped back: "There is such a person."

The mother was a good midwife, and he specially left it for a few unmarried daughters to prepare for. At the beginning, he thought that maybe one of the daughters would become a queen, and if he took good care of his body, he might be able to give birth to a few more.

Now it seems... it's a dead end.

"Let her come!"


Qi Luo nodded in satisfaction, and rubbed her stomach again. Just now, she had to deal with Yu Mo's matter, so she couldn't care less about being happy.

Hehe, she is going to be a grandma.

I just don't know if it's a boy or a girl!
She raised her eyes with a smile, and saw that Mei Luo was still circling around her, she sighed, and said that when she was pregnant, his father did the same, wherever she went, he would always circle around her.

"Still spinning, are you dizzy or not, I'm already dizzy."

She used to be turned around.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu on the side hadn't moved at all, like two wooden statues, sluggishly there for almost a stick of incense.

When Bai Fang left, he took Jifu away, and letting her stay at this time was humiliating himself.

When Jifu left, she woke up and found that Jin Ji was still standing there, and the two had similar temperaments. At this moment, the feeling of sympathy for each other became stronger, and she asked Adai to help her away.

Le Xian was knocked out, and he didn't know anything, maybe when he finds out... it's better not to think about it.

Mastiff and Bai Ya walked away in disgrace, leaving only Bu Jie and Cang Wu present.

Mei Luo was still spinning around like a spinning top, she was dumbfounded, she still had the aura of being a king.

Qi Luo was really dizzy and vomited gorgeously.

This is of course morning sickness, who let her control Yu Mo's body now, she must bear the five senses.

Yu Mo, the mother-to-be, didn't react much, she was just a ghost, she felt unreal, and she stayed there.


The so-called morning sickness is that once you start vomiting, you can't stop it. Qi Luo is someone who has experienced it, and knows how it feels, but she can't stand the nausea, and the reaction is a bit strong.

Mei Luo was startled, her face turned pale, "Momo...Momo...Momo..."

There is a kind of prospective father who is like this, he will call his name, and he has no idea what to do.

Bu Jie shouted: "Stupid boy, don't let your daughter-in-law go back to the palace to rest."

"Oh, oh, oh!" He reacted, and hurriedly picked up Yu Mo and ran into the bedroom.

After Qi Luo lay down on the bed, she vomited profusely, and her face turned blue after being punished by the boss.

Bu Jie took the anti-emetic pills for her to take, and she got better. It was almost evening, and there was not much time to possess her body. This grandma felt the feeling of being pregnant with a grandson, although Weird, but comforting.

She couldn't see the child was born, so let's take advantage of this time to get together with the child more, she rubbed her belly, and told Yu Mo her experience of raising children in her heart.

Yumo listened to it in vain, and she never had a sense of reality about the pregnancy.

She yelled at Shennong Ding, "Brother Ding, there is something wrong with your contraceptive pills!" She felt that the problem lies in those pills.

Shennongding couldn't tell her that those pills were not for contraception at all, they were for strengthening the body, but compared to this, Shennongding paid more attention to the question of why she got pregnant. Like Cangwu, it also began to suspect It gave birth, and before suspecting life, it popped out a lot of pills, all of which are for nourishing the fetus.

Mei Luo's face was still red, everyone could see how happy he was, he was about to cry, the tears didn't come out, and the circles of his eyes were already red.

Qi Luo stretched out her hand to caress his face, "You are so happy?"

"Yeah, yeah!" He nodded emphatically, rubbing against her hand.

The fact that she was pregnant made him so happy that he didn't have any doubts about her identity, and all his thinking tendons were focused on her stomach.

"Mo Mo, are you uncomfortable, do you feel tired, are you hungry, are you warm?"

The father-to-be was nagging endlessly, and Qi Luo only found it funny when he heard it, "I'm not tired of talking so much, I'm also tired of you."

Her son has grown up and has a daughter-in-law, but she is still a child in her heart, and she begins to feel a little bit reluctant, and spends little time with her. After all, she is not qualified to be a mother. The mastiff is fierce, but as long as Yu Mo and him are not married, everything will change.

Bu Jie prescribed a few prescriptions for raising the fetus, and asked the fungus to go to the medicine shop to get the medicine. He must have done his part to raise the fetus, but Shennongding was much faster than him, and he kept jumping on the pills endlessly. Gone.

His prescriptions became decorations.

Standing at the door, Cang Wu's weird expression became even weirder, but considering that this girl had so many adventures, the matter of her pregnancy was not worth mentioning compared to the magical beasts and beasts around her.

Maybe there is a mistake in the records in the ancient books, or maybe she is very talented?

It's just... How could she know about the birth mother in Mastiff's mansion, and how could she speak to Bai Ya Mastiff in that tone, as well as her movements of drawing her sword, and her tone of voice, they all resembled a person.

He felt a little ridiculous, for a moment, he regarded her as that person, but it was absolutely impossible, but he still had a trace of doubt in his heart, quietly observing her.

Qi Luo sensed it very sensitively, she didn't care much about what she said just now, she just wanted to cut the mess quickly, forgetting what a delicate person Cang Wu is.

No, she can't show her flaws anymore, if people know that the current girl is Queen Qiluo, there will be another chaos.

"Son... bah... Meiluo..."

Mei Luo happily stroked her stomach, and the silly father's emotions were clearly seen, "What?"

"I am a little sleepy."

"You sleep, I will accompany you."

"Too many people!" She needed to drive Cang Wu away.

"You all stand down." Mei Luo got up and went to drive people away in person.

Bu Jie thought he was a wizard and was obliged to stay, but he drove him away before he could say anything.

When everyone had left, Qi Luo felt relieved and beckoned Mei Luo to come over.

Mei Luo was holding a chair and sitting upright beside her bed, her smiling face was still there, the corners of her mouth were almost pulled to her ears.

"Listen to what I'm going to say next."

He nodded and agreed without asking what she wanted to say, "Okay, I'll listen to whatever you say!"

Qi Luo thought to herself, a daughter-in-law is still useful, one word can make him submissive, thinking about it was really sad, subconsciously pinched his cheek hard.

It is said that pregnant women have weird tempers, so Mei Luo didn't resist and let her pinch her as long as she was happy.

Qi Luo put down her hand angrily, and began to talk to her about her experience in getting along with husband and wife and knowledge about parenting. She was talking to him and Yu Mo, but it might be due to the constitution of pregnant women. If she talked too much, she really felt that I was sleepy, and fell asleep with my head tilted.

After Meiluo heard those words, she always felt something was wrong. What she said seemed to come from her mother's Chunchun teachings, but he was more concerned about his own becoming a father. Even if it was suspicious, he didn't have the brains to think about it. She took good care of her body and waited for the day when it would all come to fruition.

While the Dog Realm was full of joy, the Night Falcon clan was gloomy. The reason was that the queen had activated it in advance, more than half a month earlier, and was about to give birth.

This is something to be happy about, but for the blackbirds, it is not a happy event, it is a big bad thing.

Once this child is born, the identity of the White Feather Queen will be confirmed, and the status will be higher than them. During this time, Blackbird has sent many killers, both openly and secretly, but every time they end in failure. Not to mention, some of my party members died suddenly for no reason. The cause of death is a mystery. They said they were sick, but they said it was poison, but they couldn't find any source of the poison. Uneasy, afraid that it will be his turn next.

After a day and a night, there was the sound of a baby falling to the ground in the queen's bedroom, and the whole palace was brightly lit, conveying good news to each other.

It's a boy, it's a prince.

It's just that the child's face turned blue and his lips turned purple after crying for a while, as if he had been poisoned.

After an investigation, it was pointed at Blackbird. It turned out that there was something wrong with the fetus he sent. Her finger was stained with a very strong poison, but before she could speak, she was poisoned to death.

Blackbird was shocked when he heard the news. He was stupid to touch this child. Although he didn't want him to be born, he never wanted to harm him, because as long as he had something to do, the finger would be pointed at him.

At dawn, Blackbird's mansion was surrounded by soldiers, followed by a bloodbath.

At this time in the dog realm, the sleeping Yumo woke up, but she hadn't come back yet, and it was still Qiluo who possessed her.

The time limit for possession is obviously only one day, how could it be so?

Qi Luo was a little worried that something was wrong with her mind because of the rebirth formation, and when she was anxious to ask Yu Mo how she was, Cang Wu came in silently.

"Tell me, who are you?" His eyes were dark, but surprisingly bright in the darkness.

Qi Luo was taken aback, and looked at him as if she had seen a ghost.

"Or... Qiluo?"

There are some things in this world that no matter how you hide them, you can't hide them, especially if you can't escape his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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