The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 431 Part 196 The Price of Being Late

Chapter 431 Part 196 The Price of Being Late

Qi Luo wanted to pretend to be stupid, but she was too familiar with Cang Wu, he even called out his name, which showed that he was convinced that a person could be so shrewd, but she wouldn't believe anyone else, if Cang Wu, no matter how much he denied it, it would be useless.

She sighed, Mei Luo was not there at the critical moment, she said she was worried about Mu Xiang going to boil the medicine, she insisted on watching her, but it saved some troubles, she got out of bed slowly, not sure if it was a symptom of early pregnancy It all appeared, and my steps were a little sloppy. After taking the pills, I didn't vomit anymore, but my body was a little uncomfortable and I always felt tired.

She walked up to Cang Wu, stood still and said, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's change to another place."

Cang Wu nodded, and the two went to an inconspicuous corridor in the palace together.

After arriving there, Qi Luo asked, "How did you know?"

Even if some people tell such bizarre things, they may not believe them.

Cang Wu was a little skeptical at first, but now she admitted it, she was extremely excited and trembling all over.

It's really Qiluo, it's really her.

He took a wild step and held her shoulders, "It's really you!"

"Didn't you already guess it, and still ask? Come on, how do you know?"

He smiled wryly, he cared so much about her, how could he fail to recognize her habits and tone of voice, she was so humble and humble in front of Bai Fang and Mastiff Meng, and even overpowered them, that girl would never be able to do it , which is one of them.

The second is that after he went back, he thought about it carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was unreasonable. He remembered that she once told him that Xue Wu couldn't live without her, just like a child can't live without its mother, even if it dies, it must be with it. Together, at that time he only thought of it as a joke, but in connection with what happened yesterday, he thought of a possibility.

In the battle against Lie Tianxi, he did not go with him. Even though he tried to participate in the past, he was still blocked by the former king, who asked him to stay in the dog monster clan and protect Mei Luo. He thought that Qi Luo and him were not casual People who are about to fall, even if they feel unwilling in their hearts, they will definitely not ignore the king's order at that time, and never think that the farewell on that day will become a farewell forever.He never believed that Qi Luo would die in battle. She was so powerful and was protected by the previous king, how could she just pass away like this, unless she didn't use her full strength. He knew from the soldiers who came back alive that she didn't use the most powerful There are already doubts about the proud stunt.

Now this question is solved.

"You have sealed part of your demon power and lived in Xuewu Sword, right?"

Qi Luo was a little surprised, but she was relieved when she thought that he was Cang Wu who knew everything about the past and the present.


"Is it a thought body?"

She nodded, "It's only part of the monster power, but it's enough for me to accompany Xue Wu."

"Because of this, you lost your life." Because of this, he was extremely angry, and stared fiercely at the Xuewu sword hanging on her waist.

"This is an agreement. Since I agreed at the very beginning, how can I give up halfway? You also taught me that the most important thing in life is to keep your promise."

Not just being a human being, but also the character that a royal family should have.

"I taught you so many things, I didn't ask you to die." He opened his eyes angrily, seeing that her pupils were red and bloodshot, but as long as she thought of her still alive... Although not really alive , but he can still talk to her, he is infinitely grateful to God in his heart.


This name was engraved in his heart so deep that even he himself couldn't imagine it.

His hand on her shoulder trembled again.

Since she is a thought body, she can move freely while attached to the girl like this, and has her own thoughts, maybe... maybe...

He already had the idea of ​​doing the same.

Qi Luo saw the fluctuation in his eyes and guessed what was going on in his heart.

"Don't think about those heretics. Possession can only be done once, and there can be no second time. This time is just for a special reason, otherwise you will never know that I am still 'alive' for the rest of your life!"

"Only once..." He seemed unwilling to believe this fact, and his expression became more excited.

"I have been dead for so many years. There is no such person as Qiluo in the world. Even if there is, it is just your thoughts. Why bother others? I am satisfied to see Meiluo grow up, marry a wife and have children. gone."

She is a dead person now, and her heart is as calm as water. It is God's kindness to see her son again.

Cangwu's breath became quickened, and a heart in his chest contracted violently because of her words, it was painful and astringent.

All she thought of was her son... only her son...

What about him?

His face darkened slightly, trying to suppress the anger and unwillingness in his heart.

Yumo in her body can hear the conversation between Qiluo and Cangwu. To be honest, it is a very embarrassing thing to be able to hear it at this time, but it also makes her clearly understand one thing, that is, Queen Qiluo seems to be He didn't know that Cangwu had a heart of admiration for her.

She remembered that Mei Luo said that Queen Qi Luo had worshiped Cang Wu as her teacher, and if the two were talking about their relationship, they were mentors and apprentices before monarchs and ministers.

A master falls in love with his apprentice... Not to mention the ancient times, even the modern age of the 21st century will be criticized and called immoral. If a professor falls in love with his student, if something happens, he will definitely be fired. He will be scolded and condemned by some so-called upright people.

I just don't know if Queen Qiluo is pretending not to know about this, or if she really doesn't know.

She thinks the latter is more likely. Although she has only known Queen Qi Luo for a day, she still knows her character well, and she will definitely not hide it.

Qi Luo continued, "I know you love me, but you really can't force this kind of thing. Even if your face turns black, it's useless. Your problem really hasn't changed, and your face changes when you're upset."

Cang Wu is notoriously expressionless, like a wooden man without emotion, and the number of people who can see his expression can't be counted.

"You also know that I love you..." He gritted his teeth.

She nodded, "Well, who told you to be my master!" With an expression of 'I understand', she patted his shoulder, "You just need to know about the fact that I am possessed by the girl, don't Tell others, especially Meiluo, not to let him know."

Now she has a headache why the time limit for possession has been extended. If Yumo's missing body is not abnormal, she will think that her demon power has surpassed her, causing her to be unable to return to her position. If so, her sin big.

Now that Cang Wu knows about this, maybe he can find out something.

But at this moment, Cangwu's heart is all on her, and he can't think of any other things. Even if she asks, he won't answer.

In this life, he has done everything he should do, only wishing to be by her side after death, but he never wanted to see her when he was alive, even if his appearance, voice, and figure were different, he didn't care .

The one in front of him was Qi Luo, and what he saw was her, not other women.

It would be great if... she wasn't attached to the girl.

I especially remember that in the days when peach blossom petals were flying all over the sky, she suddenly appeared in front of the mansion, asking him to accept her as an apprentice and learn piano skills. What obligation does he have to teach the girl, and he refuses to meet face to face, so Zhiqiu refuses.

But she was stubborn by nature and refused to leave life or death, so she sat down cross-legged in front of the mansion gate, playing the piano every day, all of which he was good at. Didn't stop.

For three whole months, she never left her, just spending time with him in front of the mansion.

It took him so long that he got used to the sound of her piano, and when the sound of the piano stopped, he stepped out of the house.

Sitting under the peach blossom tree, she is peerless yet elegant and secluded. Her cloud bun is raised high, and a string of pale blue crystal tassels hangs down and sticks to her forehead. She was radiant, and she was admiring the falling peach blossom petals, and there was a jug of wine beside the piano. The ruddy face on her face was thought to be the color of peach blossoms under the brilliance, but she didn't know it was a drunken blush.

When she saw him, her bright eyes shot over slowly, first she burst into a smile, more beautiful than that peach blossom, then the flagon fell over, and he dodged, only to find that her ten fingers were blood red and flicked three times. I haven't stopped for a month, so my fingers won't hurt.

At that time, he knew how stubborn and fierce she was.

So, he compromised, opened the door of the mansion to welcome her into the mansion, and let her study with the former king. Now that I think about it, that was the stupidest thing he did, because when he knew that he was tempted, it was already too late, because Her heart has been stolen by another man.

The former king...

By the way, the only person he has misjudged in this life is the former king.

A person who is obviously unsmiling, seemingly dull, and only moves once he pokes him, but on the road of love, he is so violent that it is unbelievable.

He lost those first three months.

For three consecutive months, the dull former king climbed the wall to talk to her when he was out of sight, brought her food and drinks, and even sneaked out at night to continue the work for the sleepy her. play the piano.

Hehe, if time could come back, he would definitely blow up the ass of the former king.

Because it was late, he could only watch her and the late king smile at each other, see her fall in love with the late king, and watch her and the late king call him could only be master.

He never knew that the late price would be engraved into heavy imprints by the years, deepening time after time, and finally become a thorn in the heart that hurts the bone marrow, hurting all the internal organs, and it will not stop for a hundred years or a thousand years. The fragrance of peach blossoms finally turned into a slightly cold and astringent breath.

Cang Wu's eyes flashed dimly, and the faint sadness and ridicule disappeared in a flash. Even now, he dared not show his love, for fear that she would despise him, but as long as it is what she wants, she wants to do it. Yes, he will agree, and he will not hesitate to die.

"I know, I won't say! As for why the possession time is prolonged, I will investigate, don't worry."

With his guarantee, Qi Luo felt at ease.

To be honest, if she can live, it is not a bad thing. Since she was a child, she has been the princess of the wolf demon patriarch who is surrounded by stars and the moon. Even her younger brother who was born later is not as noble as her. She has never doubted her own happiness. On that day, all the splendor and splendor of the world collapsed overnight in an unexpected battle.

she is dead!
It's not that she's afraid of death, it's just that there are still many things she hasn't had time to do.

There is a little bit of regret.

"By the way, how is Wisteria?"

She just thought of her old friend, but it touched the most taboo part of Cang Wu's heart, only the hiss of his breathing was heard.


After becoming the queen, she stopped calling him master, and became a monarch-minister relationship.

She didn't understand why he would be so angry when the word wisteria was mentioned.

"She's fine..." His eyes were darkened, but his demeanor was still calm, obviously he didn't want to mention this person.

Although Qi Luo was puzzled, she knew his temper all along, and thought it might be that the husband and wife had a quarrel.

Really, we are old couples, and we are not ashamed to quarrel.

After Yu Mo sensed this thought in his body, even if he didn't sweat, he still sweated, a big drop of sweat.

Queen Qiluo may be peerless, but she is a fool when it comes to relationships.

Fortunately, she didn't intend to persuade the fight, otherwise Cangwu would definitely explode.

After a while, Mei Luo, who supervised the preparation of the medicine, came back, and became anxious when she couldn't find her. When she heard the movement, she didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly separated from Cang Wu.

Seeing her leave, Cang Wu felt reluctant to give up, but he had no choice but to clenched his fists and smashed against the pilaster, looking at the blue sky and the light floating clouds, he was silent.

Night Falcon family.

In the dark night, the flames burst into the sky.

The dead lie in blood, and the living fight in blood.

Blackbird's plain white battle robe is full of scars and has been stained with bright red, but he doesn't seem to feel pain, and he is strangling the enemy's neck quickly with his sword refined with evil spirit.

He never believed that he would lose so completely overnight.

The moment he saw Bai Yu's figure appearing from the gate of the mansion, his body that was about to fall found support again, stuck to the enemy's back, swayed his body that was about to fall, and walked towards him stepping on the blood all over the ground.

"White Feather! You bastard!"

Calling it this way undoubtedly gave Heiyi and the others a reason to kill him angrily.

The blackbird was covered in blood at this time, and it didn't matter who came, his eyes were bright red, staring at them, just like wild animals staring at their prey.

But in the end who is the prey, it will be clear from the battle situation.

He is the real prey.

There were many blackbirds, one was dead, and another was about to take the opportunity to stab Bai Yu down, but Qingyi rushed forward, raised the sword in his hand, and chopped off the man's head.

Bai Yu was slowly stepping down the steps, and in the fluttering white snow, his clothes were flying, his blue silk was like a cage, and he was wearing silk on the ground, as graceful as a fairy, as if this place was not a battlefield, but a place with beautiful scenery, as if he came here for a purpose Taste a cup of tea and appreciate the flowers.

At that moment, the people who saw him were all silent, they could only stare at him in ecstasy, staring at this man like a banished fairy, watching him walk towards the lingering blackbird with the most elegant steps and the most noble posture .

The bloody and dirty blackbird, and the spotless him, even though the battle is not over yet, many people know who won.

The blackbird was defeated.

Lost at the moment when the queen gave birth.

A mother, in that situation, as long as the child has a problem, it is impossible to think rationally, and the fetus is a blackbird, which is easier to come up with the answer than one plus one equals two, furious Yaojia Immediately, thousands of elite soldiers were ordered to surround the Blackbird Mansion. She had just given birth, so it was impossible for her to come in person, so Bai Yu became the spokesperson.

Even if the blackbird has a hundred mouths at this time, it is useless to defend.

He didn't do the poison, he knew it well, and Bai Yu knew it better than him.

When Bai Yu approached, his eyes were like rippling autumn water, seemingly gentle, but when they slid across the blackbird's cheek, they were colder than ice.

The blackbird raised its head, even though it had lost all its strength, it steadfastly held on and refused to fall. There was already a piece of bone behind it.

Bai Yu sneered, lowered his eyelids, and let out a sigh of sadness and pity.

"The family has worked hard."

It's hard work, is it hard work that he can't fight hard, or is it hard work for the Night Falcon clan?
Maybe both, but there is another meaning.

It's time to retire, that is, it's time to go underground to rest.

Just as Blackbird was about to retort, he turned around silently, leaving behind a plain back view. The white shirt floated across the stone steps, undoubtedly giving him an opportunity to take advantage of.

Sure enough, the blackbird made a move, but the one who was faster than him was the well-prepared Qingyi.

"The old blackbird thief dared to sneak attack, take it down."

Order, all arrows are fired!
He became a hornet's nest in an instant, and the arrow mixed with demon power also contained poison.

The flying blood splashed all over Bai Yu's body, but he didn't respond, he turned his head slowly, pulled the corners of his lips, and smiled freely.

"My lord, I checked the mansion, but no one was found."

"Look again, he is the most beloved son of the blackbird, he either escaped or hid, dig three feet, and find him." Bai Yu wiped the blood on his face, and threw the handkerchief on the pale old face of the blackbird superior.

He is still alive, Qiang Yao is not so easy to die.

Bai Yu looked at him, "Don't worry, I won't let you die before your son dies."

"You... ah!"

Bai Yufei kicked him up, causing his mouth to crooked immediately.

"There is no one I can't find in this world, and there is no one I can't kill."

He was smiling, and in that smile, he could smell the cruelty and viciousness like a jackal.

(End of this chapter)

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