The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 432 Part 197 Kira VS Wisteria

Chapter 432 Part 197 Kira VS Wisteria
The summer is scorching hot, and the weather in the dogland is getting hotter and hotter. For two consecutive days, Qi Luo couldn't get out of Yu Mo's body. Not to mention she was a little anxious, Yu Mo himself was also anxious, but even Cang Wucha After searching all the ancient books and books related to missing thoughts, they couldn't find out what caused this. Both of them were puzzled, but the empress Nuwa who caused this problem was long gone.

For two days, Qiluo vomited until the sky was dark, and she suffered all that Yumo deserved, and she lost her appetite, but there was nothing wrong with her body, except that she was sleepy, and fell asleep as soon as she lay down, and she slept for four or five hours. .

Bu Jie came to check his pulse every day. The pulse was calm and the fetal condition was stable. He also prescribed a lot of prescriptions for raising the fetus. It seems that Yumo was pregnant for only a few days, but the pregnancy cycle of the dog monster is very short, and it can be done in four months. When things are ripe, the first month is more critical, which is why Qi Luo set the wedding date one month later.

After hearing that she could give birth in four months of pregnancy, Yu Mo was shocked. She gave birth in four months and placed it on a human body. The brain nerves of the child have just fully developed in four months. If it is born, the survival rate is too low Well, even if Mei Luo is a demon, she can't feel at ease if the child follows him.

When Qi Luo learned from her that it takes ten months for a human to conceive, she was also shocked.

Such a long time, the child must not suffocate.

This is how the gap between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came out.

One advocated that giving birth in April is the right way, and the other lobbied for a child born in October to be healthy. The debate went on and on, but in fact it was fruitless, because no one was sure whether the child followed the mother or the father, and when it would be ripe, Even the Shennong Ding can't tell the difference.

Mother and grandma are worried, but Mei Luo, the father-to-be, is easy-going. It doesn't matter whether it is April or October, as long as Yu Mo can give birth safely. When he was free, he would stare at the decoctions of fungus, woody fragrance, and purple cauliflower to make soup. No matter where Yu Mo went, he would follow.

Of course, he still doesn't know that Yu Mo is his own mother, and his mind is full of children and wives, so he doesn't have the time to think about it, and all the government affairs have been left to Cang Wu a day ago.

When Qiluo found out, she just wanted to curse. The son she raised turned out to be a character who only loved beauties and didn't love the country. She was born into a royal family and she absolutely couldn't bear it. so.

Cang Wu didn’t feel much, since government affairs were entrusted to him, he wouldn’t be overwhelmed, no matter what, he would handle it properly, and he could go to the bedroom to see Qi Luo when he had time, of course, when Mei Luo was not around, and he and Wisteria The agreed period of three days has come.

Therefore, today he did not go to the bedroom, but returned to the mansion.

Qi Luo didn't know about the wisteria's rebellion, but she had nothing to do. As for the catastrophe caused by Yu Mo's poisoning, if she thought about it carefully, she could get a little clue.

She already has the strength and talent to be a king. Unless she doesn't want to think about this kind of thing, she will definitely feel something when she thinks about it. For example, Yu Mo lives in the depths of the palace, surrounded by her own people, and the palace is protected by an enchantment , How could she be so easily poisoned, apart from the traitor, she couldn't think of other reasons.

Yumo also knew everything about her questions, and soon let Qiluo catch the most suspicious person.


Don't be a second person.

But she didn't want to believe this possibility. In her memory, she and Wisteria were close friends. When she first came to the Dog Realm, she concealed her identity and wholeheartedly begged Cang Wu to be her teacher. After Mei Luo's father found out her identity, the wolf The identity of the monster patriarch princess was only known by others.

As a royal family, no matter what Lai Quanjing does, she must be treated with courtesy. Wisteria was sent to her side at that time. One was to protect her, and the other was to serve her. She and Wisteria had similar temperaments and soon became friends. That's exactly the case, she doesn't want her friend to be by her side as a maid, but she is the eldest princess of the wolf demon clan, and she is very likely to be the future queen of the wolf demon clan. With such a noble status, how can she do without someone to protect and serve her? Wisteria After knowing what she wanted, he recommended Lin Lang.

In her impression, Wisteria has outstanding talents and noble character, and she would definitely not be able to do this kind of betrayal, otherwise she would not be able to become friends with her.

After Yu Mo found out that Wisteria was the one who poisoned her, she was also taken aback, and even more unwilling to believe it, but after Qi Luo's scrutiny, even if she didn't believe it, she felt that she couldn't find a reason to overthrow it.

Is this motive? She thought of it, but Qiluo didn't, and she didn't know whether to say it or not.

Because of the Wisteria matter, Qi Luo's already poor appetite became even worse, and finally decided to meet her in person.

With Bixi's help, she left the palace smoothly and went straight to Cangwu Mansion.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Cangwu Mansion, Qi Luo felt that something was wrong, the whole mansion was blocked by an enchantment, and no one responded when he knocked on the door.

Qi Luo decisively took out the Haotian Tower. The Haotian Tower was originally an artifact she used, but after her death, the Haotian Tower chose the capital of Shu as its master, so even if she is a missing body, the Haotian Tower will still Follow her orders.

After breaking the barrier, Qi Luo went straight to the gate of the mansion, but she couldn't see anyone inside. She frowned, feeling more and more strange, and walked quickly to the courtyard leading to the inner mansion. She was very familiar with this place. She had lived there for a while when she was learning the piano, and the layout here was the same as in her memory, without any change.

"Cangwu!" She shouted to the courtyard.

No one responded, and she entered a deeper place, which was Cangwu's study a little bit past.

At this moment, she sensitively sensed some strange evil spirits nearby, although they were hidden, but they were useless to her, she was still keenly aware of them.

"Who? Come out!" she shouted, ready to fight.

The Xuewu Sword released a barrier around her body that could protect her body, and the cold air of ice and snow swept the green grass underground with a layer of hoarfrost.

Suddenly, an arrow struck from behind, with blue flames, three arrows swished in succession, and they came from different directions.

Qi Luo soared into the sky, she had gotten used to Yu Mo's body in the past few days, it would not be difficult to use the remaining demon power to escape the surprise attack, even if she died, she would not be bullied so easily, not to mention that Xue Wu Sword was still in her In her hand, even if the opponent is a big monster, she can still fight for a while.

Before the stab in the back touched her, it was frozen by the cold air from Xue Wu, split in an instant, and turned into ice slag.

The other party did not show up and continued to hide.

Qi Luo was certain that something had happened, so she swung Xue Wu Sword to clear a safe path.

She marched forward in the wind and snow, if anyone dared to attack her, she had to pass Xue Wu's level first.

Before reaching the study room, she heard a sound, as if someone was questioning, it was Cangwu's voice after a while, and the direction was the bedroom behind, she flew over immediately without hesitation.

The bedroom door was closed tightly, but there was a window open, through the window, she saw Cang Wu, his face was handsome and serious, and there was a faint melancholy between his brows, which made people feel anxious.

"Cang Wu, what happened?"

Cang Wu heard her voice, his face trembled, and he immediately shouted, "Don't come over!"

With a bang, Qi Luo impatiently touched the barrier on the window, and was bounced out.

Such a powerful enchantment, she didn't even notice it.

"Qi Luo, are you alright?" Xue Wu asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm just scared." She has the Haotian Tower on her body, and she is not afraid of any enchantment.

It's just that this time the Haotian Tower failed, and it couldn't be broken.

"Haotian, what's going on?"

"Qiluo, get away, this is not an ordinary enchantment, this is... this is..." Haotian Tower's answer was a bit late, and before he finished speaking, Qiluo suddenly noticed a shadow above his head, raised his eyes and saw, Then he saw a golden sword falling suddenly.

This is……

She took a few steps back quickly, her almond eyes wide open.

This is... Xuanyuan Sword.

The golden light is dazzling, exuding strong spiritual power like huge ocean waves, beating the surrounding air, making ear-shattering noises.

Haotian Tower shouted, "Qiluo, this is the enchantment of Xuanyuanjian, I can't break it."

Although they are both artifacts, Xuanyuan Realm is recognized as a sharp weapon, ranking first among artifacts, and it is only natural that the Haotian Tower will not be broken.

"Why is Xuanyuanjian here?"

Since it is here, it must have its master.

Seeing Xuanyuan Sword for the first time, Yu Mo marveled at its power. Even though it was hidden deep in his body, he could faintly feel the pressure from the sword.

Azhu, Taotie, hurry up and help Queen Qiluo.

The demon refining pot trembled, Taotie and Zhulong immediately flew out, protecting Qiluo.

Xuanyuan Sword's blade was floating in the sky, its radiance was still dazzling, after Taotie and Torch Dragon appeared, it more than doubled in size, bigger than the sword transformed by Torch Dragon.

Yumo remembered that Meiluo said that Xuanyuan Sword was Bai Yu's artifact, could it be that Bai Yu had come?

How did he get in.

Haven't all the barriers in the Dog Realm been changed again?

Shen Nong Ding answered her question, "Girl, there is nothing in this world that Xuanyuan Sword can't cut down."

"You mean it cut through the enchantment? But the enchantment was broken, how could the people in the enchantment mansion not notice?" This is Qi Luo's question. She and Yumo share the same body, and the five senses are common, so She could also hear what Shen Nong Ding said.

"I don't know about that, I just know that you have to be careful, it is a very difficult artifact to get along with."

When Cang Wu saw the appearance of Xuanyuan Sword, he was very anxious. If it was Qi Luo before, he would not be so anxious, but now Qi Luo only survives with a small part of the demon power, and it is attached to Yu Mo, a human body. Combat strength cannot be the same as before.

"Go!" He shouted with all his might.

Qi Luo noticed that his body was stiff when he spoke, and guessed that he was trapped by something.

"Then I can go."

Looking at Xuanyuanjian's formation, I'm afraid it's impossible to let her go easily.

She thought of Wisteria, where was she at this time, Cangwu was in danger, she couldn't be indifferent.

"Where is the wisteria?"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden chill behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw Wisteria standing in front of her.

"I'm here……"

Her eyes, illuminated by the sun, are exceptionally bright, shining like stars, I wonder if it is caused by the peach blossoms reflected in her eyes, but they actually reflect the crimson light of the morning glow, no, it is not the morning glow, but the color of blood. , floating in a trance.


This is not the Wisteria she knew, with her hair flying, she looks like a witch.

Wisteria looked at her very quietly, as if not sure who she was.

This looks like that girl, but it doesn't feel like it.

Her breath suddenly withdrew, let out a hiss, and narrowed her eyes.

"You are..." She closed her mouth, thinking it was impossible, but she held the sword tightly.

Now the entire Cangwu mansion is under her control, thanks to the fact that Cangwu was busy with government affairs and did not come back, which gave her an opportunity. After she got in touch with Bai Yu, she got more help and hid Bai Yu's men and horses In the mansion, and now in the whole mansion, Cang Wu's people have long since disappeared, all Bai Yu's men and horses, and the Xuanyuan Sword known as the king of artifacts.

Xuanyuanjian didn't listen to her orders, but could act freely. As long as she waited for a few more days, Bai Yu would personally come to help her. She thought that everything would be done without anyone noticing. When Cangwu came back, she put him under house arrest. It was fine to declare that she was ill, but she never thought that this girl would come suddenly and use the Haotian Tower to break the barrier that no one could detect.

This girl must not be allowed to escape and reveal everything here, or her plan will be ruined.

Looking at her like this, Qi Luo knew that her guess was correct, she really rebelled, and even showed no mercy to Cang Wu.

Why is this happening?

Didn't she love Cang Wu deeply, didn't she want to become a fairy couple with him wholeheartedly?

If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have ordered Cangwu to marry her back then, thinking that sincerity and sincerity are as good as gold and stone, she would always have a way to melt the big iceberg of Cangwu, otherwise her reckless order would definitely be punished by her Against it, back then she just felt sorry for her because Cangwu couldn't eat well and sleep well, and because of her friendship, she forced her to make a pair with Cangwu.

It's only been a hundred years, and she changed her mind?

She shook her head, not thinking that Wisteria would change her mind, there must be some other reason.

"Wisteria, what the hell are you doing?" In a hurry, she forgot to hide her identity.

This tone startled Wisteria, and made her think more firmly.

Ever since she heard Xue Wujian appear, she had a bad premonition.

It is impossible for Xuewujian to choose someone other than Qiluo as the master.

"You are Qiluo..." She trembled her lips.

At this juncture, Qi Luo doesn't think there is anything else to hide, she, like Cang Wu, can perceive her identity, so she won't be easily changed.


She hoped that after she knew her identity, she could rein in the precipice.

After hearing the 'yes', Wisteria's complexion changed. There was panic, but more hatred.

The deep hatred burned like a prairie fire, causing her to contort her face and tremble her body.

"You are Qiluo, you are really Qiluo... You are still alive... No wonder... No wonder..." Wisteria looked at Cang Wu in the room, who was desperately trying to break free from the shackles on his body.

Qi Luo is back, and he won't want her anymore.

The black hole in her heart grew bigger and bigger, like a fierce battle, converging into roaring anger like a river, the bright red in her eyes became deeper and deeper, almost reaching the point of bloody aura, in that wandering bloody aura, blended with her Sadness, her pain, and the helplessness she couldn't get.

In this life, her biggest resentment is why there is another Qiluo after she exists in the world.

You know, she is older than Qiluo. Before Qiluo was born, her name had already spread far and wide. Everyone knew that there was a wisteria in the dog monster clan, who had outstanding talents and beautiful appearance, but when Qiluo was born , as she grew up, as she became a talent, all the good names were changed to her head.

Princess Qiluo, the number one beauty in the world of mountains and seas, the number one talented woman, the number one... everything is the number one, and there is no wisteria anymore.

In the past, she didn't care about these good names at all. There were people from generation to generation in the country. If she wanted to care about them, she couldn't care about them at all. But why did she still want to take away Cang Wu's attention and love? This is the only thing she can't bear.

The blood-red eyes stared at her firmly, as if she was an unforgivable sin in this world.

"Damn you!" she howled, sending the sword at the same moment.

Qi Luo was startled, she didn't think she would kill her.

"Wisteria, you are crazy!" The former friend met her with swords, which made Qiluo angry and heartbroken.

"Crazy? Haha, I've been crazy for a long time. You drove me crazy! Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now, so you must die!"

She wanted to obliterate her, from beginning to end.

"We were sworn brothers to Jinlan, have you forgotten?"

In terms of age, Wisteria is older than her, but the demon has a long lifespan, and a few hundred years older is not too old, which does not hinder their friendship at all.

"Who is your sister? It's just that I was blind and misjudged you."

"What did you read wrong? How did I feel sorry for you? You want to treat me like this." Qi Luo was confused, she never did anything to feel sorry for her.

"You don't know... well, I'll tell you!"

Cang Wu howled, "Shut up!"

But she snorted, with a cold gleam in her eyes, a drop of tears slipped quietly from her frantic cheeks, fell to the petals on the ground, and a reddish water wave bloomed, "Your existence is an injury to me!" , because he... because Cang Wu loves you, he has always loved you, even if you are dead, he still loves you!"

Qi Luo froze.

She looked back at the restrained Cang Wu.

Cang Wu didn't look at her, but just twitched his long eyebrows, she knew what this gesture meant, he would twitch his eyebrows like this when he was guessed.

At this moment, Wisteria's sword swung it mercilessly.

kill her!

 The last day of the Gregorian calendar in 2016, happy new year everyone, thank you for your support over the past year, and wish a happy new year.

  It should have ended today, but as you know, my plan will never catch up with the changes, but it doesn't matter, it will always end.

  The next book is The First Lady and the plan remains unchanged.

  Dear friends, all the best in the new year.

  During the three days of New Year's Day, please leave a message in the VIP group, and XXB benefits will be sent.

  Thanks again, HAPPY!

(End of this chapter)

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