The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 433 Part 198 Yu Mo Was Captured

Chapter 433 Part 198 Yu Mo Was Captured

kill her!

There was only this thought in Wisteria's heart, and she poured all her helplessness and sorrow into this slashing sword.

Qi Luo didn't have time to react, and was shocked by Cang Wu's love for her.

Fortunately, Yumo ordered Zhulong and Taotie to protect her, but the speed of the two beasts was still a step slower.

clang!The sound of the weapons colliding shook the ears of the surrounding people, and when they calmed down, they found that Wisteria's sword was blocked by Xuanyuan Sword.

"You actually stopped me!" Wisteria's red eyes were filled with fierce anger.

Xuanyuan Sword is a divine tool, only its owner can talk to it, Wisteria is not, it can't hear its words, but it doesn't hinder communication, it wrote a few words in the air with its evil spirit.

Capture alive!

Catch alive! ?
The capture alive naturally refers to the capture of Yu Mo alive.

When Qi Luo saw it, she was both surprised and suspicious.

Not only her, Taotie and Zhulong were also puzzled.

Bai Yu and Yu Mo haven't even met face to face, how did they capture her alive, and what's the point of capturing her?To capture alive is to capture the dog demon king alive.

Yu Mo only felt uneasy in her heart. In times of crisis, her mind turned quickly, and she soon thought of Penglai Island.

Bai Yu killed all of Bai Ze, firstly because he couldn't let Bai Ze save Mei Luo, secondly... Could it be because he knew she was pregnant?
will not!

The fact that she is pregnant has also been known in the past few days, and it is impossible for Bai Yu to be so well informed.

She guessed that it must have something to do with the Shennong Ding, otherwise the reason why he sent people to kill on Penglai Island so hard could not be because Mei Luo was not allowed to live.

Now that she has become the master of the Shennong Ding, the Shennong Ding only listens to her orders, if Bai Yu is bound to win the Shennong Ding, then she has something to do with it.

Thinking of this, she panicked and said to Qi Luo: Queen, you must not let them catch you.

Qi Luo understood her concerns, even if it wasn't for Shennong Ding, she would never allow others to capture her. She was pregnant with the future dog demon king in her stomach, if Bai Yu captured her and found out about her pregnancy, she would be You can coerce the emperor to make the princes.

She immediately backed away from the possible attack range of Xuanyuan Sword and Wisteria, but there was a tiger in front and a wolf in the back, knowing that she might run away, all the hidden white-feathered men and horses appeared and surrounded her.

Taotie and Zhulong split up, with Taotie leading the way and Zhulong in the rear.

The two ferocious beasts were extremely powerful, and they were both capable of fighting against ten thousand. Bai Yu's men and horses were beaten to the ground, and they had no power to fight back.

Although Qi Luo wanted to run away, he couldn't let go of Cang Wu, if he wanted to run away, he had to take him with him.

At this time, the fur ball jumped out of the demon refining pot, and with its strength, it could kill all directions.

Qi Luo broke into the bedroom and brought Cang Wu out. He was tied with a golden enchantment lock, like a chain, unable to move. Haotian Tower couldn't break the enchantment after several attempts. Obviously this is not normal. The enchantment lock is set by Xuanyuanjian.

Cang Wu couldn't participate in the battle if the barrier couldn't be broken, but Qi Luo didn't care about these anymore, and put him into the demon refining pot.

How could Xuanyuan Sword and Wisteria make her happy, so they attacked immediately.

"As expected of the Xuanyuan Sword, the most powerful weapon among divine weapons, it can even fight Taotie evenly." Qi Luo slashed and wounded the attacking men and horses, and decided to go through the side door. She remembered that there was a passage to go outside directly. of.

Taotie's current power is only partial, because it is still a sealed body, unless Yu Mo opens its mind, otherwise its power cannot be fully exerted, and it cannot be too far away from the demon refining pot.

Xuanyuanjian seemed to be aware of this restriction, and ran after him all the way.

Qi Luo ran to the side door but couldn't open it, "Damn it, this place is also blocked by an enchantment!"

In order to prevent her from escaping, Xuanyuanjian had already increased the barrier layer to three layers. As long as the Haotian Tower could not be broken, she would be like a turtle in a urn, unable to go anywhere.

Yu Mo felt that the situation was too dangerous, so he immediately said: Taotie, let's open our eyes.


why not?
After resisting Xuanyuan Sword's fierce attack, Taotie replied: "You are pregnant, and the side effects of opening the gods may be harmful to the fetus."

When she was not pregnant, the strength of the opening had already hurt her all over. Now that she has an extra child, if the burden is added to the burden, something will happen.

Naturally, Qi Luo would not allow her to do this, and replied: Girl, don't worry, I have seen this kind of battle a lot, this road is impassable, let's find another road.

What are you going to do?
Yumo is very worried that she will become their burden. Even if Qiluo is attached to her now, she can use demon power to fight back, but in fact her body is always a human body. It is impossible to let her fight at full strength, but it is possible, Qiluo Luo also worried that the unborn child would be injured.

After Mao Qiu kicked Bai Yu's men and horses away, he said: "Give me the Haotian Tower, and I will have a way to break the barrier."

"you can?"

"The power of the artifact comes from spiritual power, and my power is also spiritual power. I will inject spiritual power into Haotian to increase the concentration of spiritual power. As long as it is higher than Xuanyuan Sword, the barrier will definitely be broken."

Maoqiu, that is, Bai Zeben, is a rare spirit beast that knows the past and present. When it was in the holy land of Penglai Island, it had absorbed countless knowledge, and this knowledge came in handy at this time.

"Okay, then." Qi Luo threw the Haotian Tower to it.

Haotian Tower doesn't care whether the fur ball is its owner or not, as long as it can help it break the barrier, anyone can order it.

When Xuanyuan Sword and the Taotie Candle Dragon were fighting fiercely, Wisteria appeared behind Qi Luo viciously, "Qi Luo, I'm going to kill you!"

Another sword slashed over, mercilessly.

Faced with her former best friend turning to her with ice blades, Qi Luo's heart aches unceasingly, but to talk about sisterhood at this time is undoubtedly seeking her own death.

"Wisteria, don't force me." She narrowly blocked the sword that was swinging towards her.

"Forced? Hahaha!" Wisteria laughed wildly, "I didn't force you, but you forced me. Why did you come back, why did you show up again?"

"This has nothing to do with my appearance. I have no sexual feelings for Cangwu. You should know this better than me."

She clenched the Xuewu sword and struck it up. The fur ball on her back was releasing spiritual power into the Haotian Tower. At this time, she needed to be quiet and no one should disturb her, otherwise the spiritual energy might leak and cause damage.

Taotie and Zhulong were dealing with Xuanyuanjian, so they couldn't take care of her, so she could only help herself.

Yu Mo can only worry about her body, because she is the most helpless one.

If only I could get someone to help.


And Bixi!

Bixi has no attack power and can only be invisible, but the time of invisibility is related to the length of holding your breath. Even if you can keep it for a while, as long as the barrier is not broken and you can't escape, your whereabouts will be discovered eventually.

But... Bixi's main body is not here, it's outside, as long as the main body is notified.

"Bi Xi, go and inform Mei Luo!"

Hearing this, Bi Xi immediately controlled his own body with his thoughts and let him swim to the dog realm.

On Penglai Island, the needle feather is still there, guarding Bai Ze's blood pot and has not left, waiting obsessively for the capital of Shu, and the agreement with Yumo to go to Queen Qiluo's tomb, and seeing Bixi's body move, Sensing that something might have happened, he flew to Bixi's faucet and asked, "What's wrong? Why did you go to the Dog Realm?"

"The girl has an accident, and she is trapped in the Cangwu Mansion. I'm going to inform the dog boy to save her." After finishing speaking, it briefly explained what happened in the Cangwu Mansion.

Upon hearing that it was Bai Yu's fault, Zhen Yu immediately changed into a military uniform.

Bai Yu is not only the enemy of the dog monster clan, but also the wolf monster clan.

"Bixi, your sudden visit to the dog realm will definitely shock the dog monster clan. I'm afraid it will take time to explain. Why don't I take a step first, and they won't have any doubts about my identity."

In terms of speed, Bixi is faster, but what Suzuha said is not wrong. The sudden appearance of this behemoth will definitely make the Quanjing Coastal Defense Line tense. An explanation is definitely needed, and the timing is indeed uncertain.

"That's fine, but don't try to fly over there, wait until you get there." It can fly faster than her, and it's better not to waste energy when the enemy is in front of it.


As soon as the huge Bixi approached the dog border coastal defense area, the sentry tower sounded the siren, and screams and noises sounded one after another.

It is Yumo's fierce beast, but few people know about it, and even those who know have never seen what Bixi is like. Suddenly, a huge turtle like an island appears, which is a brave and capable water gate. The government is also going to shake up.

"Who is coming?"

"I'm a bitch, get out of the way and let me go find the dog boy."

While Bixi was chatting with the marine soldiers of the Water Gate Mansion, Needle Feather decisively flew from the side and sneaked into the Dog Realm. She could have helped Bixi talk to the dog monster tribe, but this conversation may not win their trust immediately, here is far from the palace. It is far away, and it will take time to spread the news. By the time the Dog Demon King arrives, the Cangwu Mansion may have a foregone conclusion. Why don't she go first and go to the palace to find the Dog Demon King in person.

The so-called Binggui's speed refers to the behavior of Needle Feather. She was so fast that she turned into a white wolf, stepped on the clouds, and marched towards the palace.

Bixi was not very patient, and all the sea soldiers of the dog monster clan were frightened by its size, and couldn't speak well at all, which made it growl.

Fortunately, Huiling is here, and he already knows from his father that Yumo's becoming a queen is a nail in the coffin, and no one can shake him. Thinking about keeping Mei Luo behind with excuses, and not asking for guilt now, there is no guarantee that he will not in the future. In order to keep his head, he must quickly find a way to make up for his mistakes.

Bi Xi's sudden arrival gave him this opportunity.

He has never seen a fierce beast, but such a big dragon-headed tortoise mentioned Yumo's name from the very beginning, so it is impossible to fake it. What nonsense.

He immediately arranged for the messengers to deliver the news here to the palace.

There are still swords and swords in Cangwu Mansion, and Qiluo and Wisteria have already started fighting. If Qiluo was in its heyday, Wisteria may not be able to win, but now Qiluo only has part of the demon power. Even if Xuewu can help, she still has to worry about Yumo's body , dare not go all out.

"What's great is a man, can we write off the love between you and me?"

"You're not me, you don't understand how much pain I've suffered over the years."

"Your pain is what you want. It has nothing to do with me. If Ang Liu ignored me, I would have kicked him away. How can I bear this anger?"

Ang Liu is Mei Luo's father's name.

"Hehe, you said it lightly." Wisteria slammed violently, and the demonic aura blooming in her hand instantly covered Qi Luo, "Whatever you want and like, someone will give it to you. Who will disobey you?" , but I'm different, I have to fight for everything by myself, whether it's status or don't understand my feelings at all."

"I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. All I know is that the wisteria that was so high-spirited back then is no longer there. The you in front of me are just a resentful woman."

"It's your fault, too."

"Don't force me to swear, I never got in between you and Cangwu from the beginning to the end, you said he loves me, if you didn't say it, I wouldn't know."

When she heard about this, she was only surprised, she never thought that Cang Wu would fall in love with her, her relationship with him was a master-student, how could a master fall in love with an apprentice, but according to her personality, if she fell in love with the master,肯定也是明着来了,但她是个有底线的人,若是自己死缠烂打,招数用尽,还不能让这个男人爱上自己,那就狠狠揍他一顿,告诉他是瞎了眼睛Now, she won't complain about herself, she will only find a way to find a better and better man than this man to love her for the rest of her life.

After all, he is just a man, so there is no need to humiliate himself like this.

The world is so big, and there is not only one man.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, the demon power was released involuntarily, Xue Wu sensed it, and the white ice and snow echoed it, forming a huge wind circle, sweeping towards the wisteria.

Wisteria reluctantly blocked it, "As expected of Qi Luo, even after death, she is still so powerful..."

She is powerful for sure, when she was alive, she was strong enough to be able to challenge Lie Tianxi one-on-one, but now... she used too much force just now, and her body started to hurt.

This weak human body is really not very good.

"But no matter how powerful it is, it's useless. I'm not what I was back then. I used poison for that gust of sword wind just now." Wisteria's cold smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth.

"What?" Qi Luo was startled, but she didn't feel any signs of being poisoned, and thought she might be bluffing.

But after a while, she felt a numbness in her hand.

"Damn! How dare you use poison! Despicable!"

"As long as it kills you, I don't care."

So what about despicableness, there are many bad people in this world, and she is not bad.

"Qi Luo, you've been poisoned, you can't use your demon power anymore, or you'll get angry and bloody." Xue Wu reminded.

"You don't need to tell me, I know it too." The poison is colorless and tasteless, and it invades the body with the power of the demon. She turned to look at the fur ball, "Are you alright?"

At this time, I can only leave quickly.

"A little bit more..."

The spiritual power must reach a slam, otherwise it is useless.

Zhulong and Taotie are the best partners. Taotie just can't use his full strength, but with the help of Zhulong, he can also draw with Xuanyuanjian. It was forged by the spiritual power of the celestial girl, and she released her full strength in order to subdue Taotie.

After releasing the spiritual power, under the shining golden light, countless incantations appeared on its sword. No one could understand the meaning of the writing. When these incantations were darkened, the Xuanyuan sword changed from one to two. , Two turned into four.

It turned out to be...a clone.

The demon refining pot is still hanging on Yu Mo's neck. Its mission is to protect Yu Mo, but Taotie is its real master. Seeing that it might be in danger, he flies out and releases an illusion that is beneficial to it.

The misty mountains hid Taotie's figure.

"It seems that you are incapable of fighting, you must outsmart."

Zhulong said, "This guy is too powerful, you see my blade is blunt."

I fought thousands of tricks just now, and it is thanks to the fact that it is a ferocious beast, if it is an ordinary monster, it would have been chopped into powder long ago.

Taotie mused, "We have to find a way to restrain it. If we continue to delay, I'm afraid the situation will be unfavorable to us."

"I know, but I have to protect the girl first."

"You don't need to tell me about this, Fuqiu will protect her."

Beyond the illusion, Mao Qiu has already filled the Haotian Tower with spiritual power, and the Haotian Tower's spiritual power has soared, using all its power to fight against the Xuanyuan Sword barrier.

It will take time to break the barrier. This is the task of Haotian Tower. Maoqiu doesn't care anymore. It comes to Yumo's side.

"Mom, get behind me."

After Qi Luo knew that she was poisoned, she didn't dare to act rashly, and she obediently stood behind her after hearing what it said.

Fuqiu and Wisteria began to fight.

After taking Baiyu's medicine, Wisteria's strength has greatly increased, and she can use different poisons in every trick, but they are all ineffective against hairballs, it is invulnerable to all poisons.

While fighting fiercely, a purple bird flew in the air, flapping its wings.

Hearing the sound, Qi Luo raised her head, Yu Mo looked at it, she was very pleasantly surprised, it was safe.


Qi Luo was puzzled by this.

Yu Mo said: "This is my bird. I always thought it was dead, but I didn't expect...

The birds you raise, girl, you really have a lot of things.

When Ping An fluttered its wings and landed, Qi Luo didn't watch out for it, and ignored the cold light in its bird's eyes.

After the fur ball found out, it immediately exclaimed, "Mom, leave it, it's bad." After it grew up rapidly, its memory of the past was a little fuzzy, and it never occurred to Ping An to kill Yumo. I remembered it.

But it's too late.

When caught off guard, Qi Luo was caught by Ping An's claws, blood was flying everywhere, and as its claws fell, a golden enchantment lock trapped Qi Luo and dragged her to Xuanyuan Sword.

Just arrived, a huge bell came down.

It is the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Has the power to travel through any space.

Yu Mo was arrested.

 I know, you are going to scold me.

  The first day of New Year's Day came so cruel and abusive.

  New year, new weather...

  Happy New Years Eve everyone.

  Dear friends in the VIP group, remember to leave a message.


(End of this chapter)

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