The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 434 Part 1991 The Beloved

Chapter 434 Part 199 The Love of My Life
When the huge clock fell to the ground, it made a deafening roar, and it hurt even when it hit the eardrum drum, and the echo continued.

Taotie was shocked, he stretched out and patted, "Girl!"

Yumo and Qiluo inside couldn't hear the sound outside, and it was pitch black in front of them.

Xuanyuan Sword was owned by Bai Yu, and now even the Eastern Emperor Bell had fallen into his hands, so the situation was reversed.

Wisteria ran over murderously, "Xuanyuanjian, hand her over to me."

She absolutely can't let Qi Luo live in this world, and neither can that girl, but unfortunately she is not qualified to command Xuanyuan Sword.

The man is in his hands, it's time to retreat.

How could Taotie allow Xuanyuanjian and Donghuang Bell to leave, especially since Donghuang Bell has the power to travel through space, and it is easier to go from one place to another than to open a door.

Zhulong jumped up and slashed at the Eastern Emperor Bell fiercely. There was another roar, which made the ground tremble, but it was a divine weapon, and it was impossible to break it with this method.

"Old glutton, what should we do?"

If Yu Mo is taken away, then this battle is equal to losing.

Taotie frowned, there was only one way to save Yumo.

"Girl, can you hear me, Kaishen, use the power of Kaishen!"

As long as she can open her mind, she is invincible, even if she gets to Bai Yu's place, she can escape by herself.

Yu Mo, who was inside the Donghuang Bell, couldn't hear its sound, and Qi Luo was trying to get out. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything, but he could feel the bell's body.

Qi Luo found that she was obviously poisoned, but soon the numbness disappeared. When she was unbelievable and puzzled, Yu Mo replied that she had drank Bai Ze's blood, and she had already been invulnerable to all poisons. Poisons are useless, but detoxification will take a process. Now that Bai Ze's blood has purified the poison, the paralysis will naturally disappear.

This made Qi Luo very happy, saved a lot of trouble, and decided to go all out to break through the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Xue Wu, use the sword to fly snow!"


Jian Feixue is Xuewu's unique move. When the wind and snow come suddenly, everything can be frozen. Xuechen will turn into thousands of swords and attack at the same time. It is a great test for the demon power.

Girl, I hope your body can handle it.

At this time, I can't take care of the child in my stomach, and the most important thing is to escape.

There was a clattering sound, and Wan Jian appeared, heading straight towards one place, attacking the inside of the Donghuang Bell.

Suddenly a ray of light appeared, and a door appeared where Wan Jian flew. When the door opened, Qi Luo saw Taotie, and she was startled.


The broken clock was intentional, it changed the space, and behind Taotie and Zhulong, Wan Jian became a reminder for the two beasts.

"Xue Wu, stop it." She shouted, abruptly reducing her power by a third.

Outside, Maoqiu shouted: "Gaotie, it's dangerous!"

It discovered the situation at the back, jumped up with all four hooves, and blocked the swords one by one with the sharp horns on its head.

The jingling sound was endless, Taotie turned his head and realized that he was almost hit by a trick.

"Where did this sword come from?"

"It appeared out of thin air." Mao Qiu knocked down several swords to the ground.

The sword that fell to the ground was made of ice and snow, and the ground shattered.

"Why is this trick a bit like Snow Dance?"

Mao Qiu's silver eyes flickered, "I'm afraid it was made by Queen Qi Luo. Mom should still be in the clock. The Donghuang Bell has the power to travel through space. As long as the space is changed, the direction of the moves will change. This may be the reason for this." The reason why the sword appeared out of nowhere."

What Mao Qiu said is completely correct, which means that Queen Qi Luo's tricks are useless. Inside is the territory of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the space can be changed at will. This time it is Taotie, and next time it may be behind Mei Luo.

Qi Luo took a breath, she released too much demon power just now, her body started to hurt.

How are you girl?
I'm fine, what about you, queen?
good!Just take a break.

It is impossible to attack by force, and we must think of other ways.

"Damn it!" She slammed her fist on the wall of the clock, making countless calculations, but she missed the Eastern Emperor Bell.

When the punch hit, there was another sound. If her original body was fine, but now it is Yu Mo's body, after the punch, her hand will hurt.

"Ouch, my hand... my hand hurts!"

It is true that the human body is weak.

Yumo said she was ashamed. If she knew that she would fall to this point, she would definitely eat the medicine from Shennongding.

Outside, Xuanyuanjian was about to evacuate, Taotie and Zhulong blocked its way, and fought again, this time there was one more person to help, it was Wisteria.

She was dazzled by resentment, she just wanted to kill Qi Luo and Yu Mo.

"This is different from the previous agreement."

Bai Yu said that he would kill that girl for her, but now she is captured alive.

Qing Yi, who was hiding in the dark, was afraid that she might make a mistake, so she appeared, "Elder Wisteria, as long as a person is taken away from the dog realm, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies."

"Let Bai Yu come out and tell me that you are not qualified."

Qing Yi twisted her face, "Then don't blame me for being rude."

"You think you've won me over?"

She is an elder, and she is not something a monster of his level can handle.

Qingyi didn't intend to do anything at all, but just recited a spell silently, and she didn't know what to say, Wisteria felt her body throbbing right away.

"You..." She turned pale. She had taken Bai Yu's medicine to enhance her demon power. In order to be able to poison her, she also raised poisonous insects in her body. At this moment, these poisonous insects are out of her control.

"Elder Wisteria, you should understand what my lord is best at?"

Bai Yu is a wizard, he can cure diseases and save people, and he can also poison people to death silently. Compared with saving people, his method of using poison is more exquisite.

"You guys are treachery!" The pain made Wisteria's face turn pale and green, and sweat dripped from her forehead, showing the extreme pain.

"Breaking promises?" Qing Yi smiled contemptuously, "Aren't you the one who broke promises? Is there any promise for a villain like you?"

They are just cooperating, not alliances, let alone comrades-in-arms, but just using each other. After using each other, she is useless.

Although the Donghuang Bell can change the space, the Dog Realm is protected by an enchantment. If you want to enter, you still need to break the enchantment first. Although the Xuanyuan Sword can cut off the enchantment, it will react when it touches the enchantment. Therefore, someone must cooperate with the inside and outside, so that the gods will not be aware of it.

Now that the Eastern Emperor Bell has captured the human woman alive, it is useless to stay here any longer.

"Let's go!" Qingyi yelled.

Bai Yu's men and horses rushed out immediately, counting those who were killed by Taotie, there were as many as a hundred of them, now there are only a dozen of them left.

"Don't even think about leaving here!" Wisteria howled and drew out her sword.

What is this pain?No matter how painful it is, it can't compare to the pain she suffered from loneliness and helplessness these years. She didn't intend to live on, and she only had one purpose, to kill Qi Luo (Yu Mo).

"You are simply stubborn!"

Qingyi dodges the sword she slashed at.

"Do you think that I, Wisteria, are so easy to be bullied?"

Her demon power ranks among the top ten in the dog demon clan. For so many years, she has cultivated her life, regardless of the world, and exhausted her youth for a man, but it does not mean that her demon power has degenerated. It grows bigger and bigger, and the demon power also evolves in hatred.

"It was you who violated the agreement first, so don't blame me for being ruthless." She drew a circle in the air with her sword, and when her eyes lit up, the hanging around her waist fell to the ground, forming a formation.

She is from the Illusion House, and like Ziying, she has the talent of an illusionist.

The small spar burrowed into the soil, and after eating her demonic power, it quickly grew up, like a small tree, and immediately became a big tree, surrounded by a standard illusion formation.

Qing Yi didn't expect that she still had this power, she was startled, and wanted to escape from the formation, but this was the product of her releasing all the monster power, which had a great effect, and he was quickly captured by the formation.

The greatest ability of illusionists is to manipulate people's hearts, and they can make the manipulated people their own puppets.

Although Qingyi has a strong willpower, it is difficult to resist the infringement of this formation.

Not only him, but other people were also tricked and became wisteria's puppets.

Xuanyuanjian was entangled with Taotie and had no energy left to help him.

After Wisteria turned them into her own, the first thing she did was to attack the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Donghuang Bell is an auxiliary artifact, it has no attack power, but it has the power to transform space, it can catch Wisteria and throw her to other places.

In order to prevent this trick, Wisteria will never take the initiative to approach it.

At this time, the Haotian Tower has almost broken the enchantment of Xuanyuan Sword, only a little bit.

Outside the palace, Needle Feather had arrived. She stood at the gate of the palace and took out a token to prove her identity. The guard guarding the palace gate saw her and immediately let her in. She quickly found the charmer who was looking for Yumo in the palace. Ro.

It was only an incense stick of time, and Yu Mo disappeared after he finished the medicine. He thought she was walking in the garden, but when he went, no one saw her, and no one saw her. He was already uneasy, but Gong Li Gong The wind and rain were calm outside, and there was nothing suspicious, but now the needle feather came, bringing a violent storm.

Bai Yu's men actually sneaked in and controlled Cang Wu.

He immediately dispatched soldiers and horses to surround the Cangwu Mansion, but with the enchantment of Xuanyuan Realm, it was useless for him to attack.

The people in the Spirit Formation Mansion were also in a state of desperation. The enemy not only sneaked in, but also controlled the Great Elder and the future queen. They didn't realize that if something happened, the entire Spirit Formation Mansion would have to be buried with them.

What makes Mei Luo puzzled is why Yu Mo suddenly went to find Cang Wu.

She obviously doesn't like Cangwu, she doesn't even want to see his face, it's more obvious these days, as long as she hears Cangwu's name, she will pretend to be asleep.

But at this time, he was not in the mood to think about the reason, and roared at the people in the enchantment mansion, "Have you solved it yet!"

A group of people were sweating profusely and tried their best, but the barrier was not damaged at all.

"Wang, I can't solve... I can't solve it!"

Mei Luo immediately changed into her original form, planning to force her way in.

After the monster energy collided with the barrier, it made a sound like an electric current.

"Silence!" he shouted into it.

If Bai Yu dared to hurt a single hair of her, he would definitely let the entire Night Falcon clan be buried with him.

His demon power is very powerful, and it played a role outside, and it became a two-way pincer attack with the spiritual power of Haotian Tower to break the barrier.

With a bang, the enchantment couldn't bear it anymore, and a gap opened.

Seeing Mei Luo, she raised her demon power to the peak.

The enchantment was hard to resist, and it burst with a bang.

"Silence!" He withdrew his demon power and broke in.

Inside, the troops from both sides had turned into a scuffle, and the house collapsed, so the Cangwu Mansion didn't have the original appearance.

Seeing Mei Luo coming, Wisteria knew that she couldn't delay any longer, so she used a dangerous move to release the poisonous insects trapped in her body.

Those worms grew up by drinking her blood and eating her demonic power. They were so ugly that if they wanted to leave her body, they had to crush her flesh and bones to get out.

The heart-wrenching pain caused her to raise her head and howl.


Thousands of poisonous insects drilled out of her body, staining the ground with blood, her body was like a hornet's nest, bleeding continuously
The ugly poisonous insect writhed in the viscous bloody water, and when it came into contact with the air, it swelled rapidly. It had no eyes and no head. Like an earthworm, it joined together one by one to become a big insect.

"Hold on to the Eastern Emperor Bell!" She gasped and shouted.

The worm wrapped itself around the Donghuang Bell, spitting out corrosive mucus.

The Donghuang Bell was attacked by the mucus and started to smoke. The mucus was so hot that flames were already rising.

In order to resist Mei Luo's rescue, she ordered the puppets to attack.

After a scuffle, the Cangwu Mansion was in ruins.

Maoqiu was worried that these poisonous insects would hurt Yumo in Zhongli, so he let go of his spiritual power to stop him.

Qiluo and Yumo in Zhongli didn't know what was going on outside and were still trying to find a way to get out.

The ability of the Eastern Emperor Bell made Qi Luo dare not attack at will, for fear of hurting her own people, but after a long time, if she didn't leave, she and the girl would definitely be transferred to the Night Falcon Clan.

The time of space conversion is directly proportional to the length of the distance, and she doesn't know where they are now. She is very worried that when she opens the door, she will be in the situation of the Night Falcon family.

Yu Mo is also very anxious, she is very worried that if she is caught by Bai Yu, she will become the biggest threat to Mei Luo, if so, she might as well commit suicide, but she is not so impulsive, knowing that death will not solve the problem.

Queen, queen, I have an idea, maybe I can try it!

Well, what is the solution?
Use the ability of Donghuang Bell.

Listen to me, didn't you attack it just now, but the space was opened and you almost hurt Taotie?

Because of this trick, she dare not use it casually.

Queen, here we go again.

Girl, this method is useless.

I don't mean to hurt it, but to open the door.

When Qi Luo heard it, she understood.

The moment the door is opened is when they go out.

She couldn't help praising: Girl, you are quite smart.

Don't praise me first, it's still a question of whether this method will work, the door was still Cangwu Mansion when it was opened just now, maybe not now.

No, its body is in the Cangwu Mansion, and it is also the fastest in the Cangwu Mansion to quickly change the barrier.

is it?

Try it, and then you'll know!

Instead of doing nothing, give it a go.

She called Xue Wu and used her tricks.

"This trick should work, even if it hits a fierce beast, it should be fine."

Xue Wu also tried her best to control the release of her spiritual power.


She shouted loudly, and Xue Wu immediately flew in one direction.

Sure enough, Donghuang Bell opened the door, trying to divert the attack.

There was only a crack in the door, and they couldn't see any landscape. Qi Luo and Yu Mo were very nervous. They were afraid that it was not the Cangwu Mansion, but another place, preferably not near the Night Falcon Clan.

Qi Luo was ready to rush out, the door opened slowly, she waited with bated breath.

Blossoming peach blossoms floated in.

This is……

Qi Luo's eyes lit up, she was most familiar with this peach blossom, she would never admit it wrong.

It is Cangwu Mansion.

Before the door was fully opened, she rushed over.

Outside, the melee was still going on, no one noticed a door appeared out of thin air, and Qi Luo and Yu Mo who broke in, even Mei Luo didn't notice it, only Xuanyuanjian did.

It is a divine tool, and it can communicate with the Eastern Emperor Bell, so it is not unusual to know about it.

The captured person has come out, and it may be difficult to take it away again. It is better to kill it, and it will be settled once and for all.

It raised its sword and flew over.

Qi Luo turned her back to it, didn't notice it, and was delighted to have escaped.

Cang Wu, who was unable to move in the demon refining pot, discovered Xuanyuanjian's killing intent, was horrified, released all the demon power, and rushed out with all his might.

Wisteria was most familiar with his demonic power, and when she sensed it, she looked in his direction.

Xuanyuanjian didn't care who came, he just wanted to pierce the heart with a sword.

"Qiluo! Dangerous!" Cangwu howled and flew away.


Qi Luo turned her head, but saw nothing, suddenly her face became hot, and her eyes were blood red.

Cang Wu hugged her tightly, ready to bear the sword...

It's finally my turn to protect you, Qiluo...

However, the blood did not come from him.

When he turned his head, what he saw was Wisteria standing with open arms, blocking the sword for him.

The meandering blood dripped drop by drop from the sword piercing through the chest.

The corners of her mouth were also dyed bright red, and her eyebrows were only slightly frowned.

"Hehe, the body actually moved by itself..." She was laughing, feeling helpless and desolate.

Yes, the body moves by itself.

At that moment, all she thought about was his safety.

Because I love so much, I love so much that I have long since lost myself.

"Qi Luo... Even in the end, I still lost to you..."

Under the flying peach blossoms, she was covered in blood, smiling desolately.No matter what she did, she couldn't escape the calamity in her heart.

The love of my life will never change...

 When you love someone as low as dust, it is actually not love anymore, it is self-mutilation!

  Remember, young girls, love is not masochism.

  PS: I said I’m not cruel, why are you in such a hurry, haven’t you been caught alive... cut...

(End of this chapter)

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