The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 436 Part 201 Yumo Returns

Chapter 436 Part 201 Yumo Returns

Wisteria smiled desolately...

Yeah, it's better not to meet...

In order not to be let down by my deep affection, it is better not to meet again.

She is not the only one who is trapped in the net of love and struggling painfully, so why isn't he?

It is the most painful and saddest thing to love but not get it.


Wisteria stretched out her arms and hugged him tightly, hoping...

I hope that you and I will eventually have someone who can hold my hand, from the day the light breaks, all the way forward, until the snow turns white.


The power of Yuan Dan rose to the extreme, and suddenly exploded, turning into a powerful chain of demon power to bind Xuanyuanjian.

This is a restraint at the cost of life...

"Cang Wu!" Qi Luo hissed and shouted, but he could only watch helplessly as he and the wisteria were reduced to ashes in the demon fire.

Two bright meteors crossed most of the sky and fell into the distance.

That flash of light made everything pale, but eventually disappeared without a trace.

Qi Luo's tears were like a glass bead, when it fell to the ground, it shattered into a thousand petals, and each petal was transparent and scattered.

Smoke curls up...

Sri Lankan is dead...
Cangwu, Wisteria, died.

Because it is a divine weapon, there is no possibility of the Xuanyuan Sword being destroyed. Perhaps Cangwu thought of this, and catalyzed his Yuan Dan into the strongest chain, entangled it in circles, and temporarily sealed its actions.

Xuanyuanjian was trapped, and the barrier broke down without attacking.

Mei Luo didn't have time to be sad, and immediately ordered the siege of the remaining Baiyu troops.

The shouts of killing sounded again, and elite soldiers stepped into battle, surrounding Qingyi and the others.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the Eastern Emperor Bell immediately transferred the main force, but there was too little time, and in the end, only Qing Yi and two or three people could be rescued.

Xuanyuan Sword could not move, lost its attack power, and now it was no different from scrap iron. If it wanted to show its glory again, it would take time to remove the demon power chains of Cangwu and Wisteria. At this time, retreating is the best choice.

The moment the Donghuang Bell was covering it, the light was shining brightly, eye-catching, no matter who it was, they would be blinded by the light. When the light disappeared, the Donghuang Bell and Xuanyuan Sword were gone.

All that was left was the light of the demon fire that remained when the Xuanyuan Sword was bound, like a firefly, extinguished.

The purple ones are wisterias, and the silvery white ones are Cangwu.

Mei Luo's golden eyes were stained with the light of the setting sun, and covered with a layer of mist like water vapor.

He didn't like Cangwu, he didn't like him when he was a child, and he often didn't want to see him, but he respected him very much. Cangwu assisted his father and king all his life, and also dutifully protected him all his life. His departure made him sad.

Cangwu's familiar chanting vaguely came to his ears again, faintly, his eye sockets, which he thought could not shed tears, burned.

The demon fire, which was clearly extinguished, was flying with the wind. He subconsciously wanted to catch it, but he couldn't catch it no matter what.

I never thought that parting with him would be like this...

Tears fell fiercely, but they were continuously dried by the slightly cold wind. At the moment of astringent pain, Qi Luo hugged him tightly from behind.

She was more uncomfortable than him, and her chest was throbbing with distress, every inch was cracked like a knife.

The wind blew past, her eyes were blurred, and her face was full of tears.

I love you……

He left behind such a sentence.

The tiny silver-white demon fire couldn't stand the wind, but it surrounded her, as if unwilling to leave, and also like the last gaze. When she stretched out her hand, it wrapped around her fingertips, and dissipated in the air after a light touch.

The killing and blood stained Cangwu Mansion into the bloodiest and saddest color. This once the quietest and cleanest place has been destroyed into ruins.

And the man who was always shining like a gentle glow is finally gone.

In this battle, the dog monster clan won, but the price was too high.

Night has fallen, the war is over, and the whole of the doglands has fallen into a mournful tranquility.

"My lord, I have searched inside and outside the palace, and there is no suspicious sign, and the barrier has been readjusted."

"There is no sign of white-feathered men and horses in the Jinghai area for the time being."

Awu and Dada knelt on their knees to report after inspecting the movement outside the border.

"Well, I got it, go down and rest, and increase your vigilance, Bai Yu's mind is unfathomable, there is no guarantee that he will not come again."

This attack came too suddenly. He immediately adjusted the deployment of the dog formation. It was so sudden. He guessed that it must have something to do with wisteria, but now that everyone is dead, it is meaningless to pursue it. Let everything follow suit. Let her go away.

Cang Wu's funeral was scheduled for three days later. He loved tranquility and disliked extravagance during his lifetime. Mei Luo decided not to be extravagant, but none of the necessary ceremonies would be missing. As for Wisteria... Although he was angry with her in his heart, in In the end, she saved Yumo and redeemed her crimes. He will not favor one person over another. Besides, exposing her now will easily arouse the suspicion of other nobles towards the Huansi Mansion. Suspicion is not conducive to unity.

In the middle of the night, he finished his government affairs and returned to his bedroom.

"Silence, are you asleep?"

The fungus stepped forward and took the cloak he took off, "Miss has been sitting there, not knowing what she is thinking, and she hasn't eaten dinner yet."

"Go to the kitchen and make some hot soup."

People died to save her. According to her temperament, she will definitely be sad, but what if she doesn't eat.

Qi Luo sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes were red and swollen, Cang Wu and her were not only mentors and apprentices, but also close friends, and it was hard for her to let go of her best friend's death.

As for the fact that he loves her, she doesn't want to think about it. Love is meant to be pleasing to each other, and she has never given him expectations. Blame it on him, just like Wisteria, he is a fool.

Mei Luo approached her, but didn't call her, just looked at her deeply, his golden eyes seemed to be haunted by a lot of thoughts, they were no longer as clear as water, he closed his eyes, he didn't forget Cang Wu That chiro...

Qiluo is the name of the queen mother, why would Cangwu call her Qiluo?

While thinking, out of the corner of his sight, he happened to catch a glimpse of Xue Wu who was placed beside the bed...

I still remember when he was a child, he always secretly wanted to turn Xue Wu into his saber, but every time he would be caught by the queen mother.

"Mei Luo, this is the Queen Mother's Xue Wu, you can't touch it."


He was very puzzled by this, seeing his mother driving Xue Wu to fight against the enemy, she was so high-spirited, he also wanted to wield Xue Wu, I believe it would be very majestic.

"It doesn't like anyone except the queen mother."

"I am the son of the queen mother, and I cannot be considered an outsider!"

"Xuewu can only be used by women!"

"Ah? Why is its temper so weird? Why must it be a woman? Men can't do it. This bad habit needs to be corrected. Queen Mother, can you let Xue Wu choose my master? Shu has its own sword, but I don't even Not a single decent weapon."

"Your father's sword is also very good, why don't you ask him for it?"

"My father's sword is not as good-looking as Xue Wu." In fact, he has been very picky since he was a child, and his aesthetics are very strict. He doesn't like his father's dark sword at all, "Queen, can you give me Xue Wu? "

"No, no, the queen mother and Xue Wu have made an agreement, after she enshrines me as master, I can't abandon it, I will be with it in life, and I will be with it in death."

These past events were already very vague, but now they became clear, coupled with Yu Mo's strange performance before, a possibility formed in his mind.

Could it be...

He was terrified by his own thoughts.

Will it be so?
The person in front of me is actually...

But if this is the case, where is Momo?
He was horrified, and stood on the spot, his hands and feet were a little stiff.

The clear moonlight casts on Qiluo's hair. When Meiluo came, it just covered a corner. When the shadow fell, she woke up from her thoughts. He opened his mouth to comfort him, and suddenly felt a pain in his chest.


This pain had happened a few times just now, and it hit her heart one after another. Her eyes began to blur and her head became heavy.

During the battle in Cangwu Mansion, she released a lot of demonic power, and she felt something was wrong when she came back, even holding a cup was difficult, she suspected that the time for possession was up, she was going to leave Yu Mo's body, she tried to concentrate Looking at Mei Luo intently, under the moonlight, he is shining like a crystal, like a crystal glow coated with a layer of light silver.

Are you leaving?

I'm so sorry.

She took a sharp breath to block the soreness in her nose, and even held back the tears that were about to fall, and turned her face away indifferently.

People have been dead for such a long time, why are you still thinking about these things, just like Xue Wu said, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and seeing her son grow up and soon become a father is already a special kindness from heaven to her.

She stroked her stomach, it was only a few days, although she vomited profusely and couldn't sleep well, it reminded her of the time when she was pregnant with Mei Luo.

I believe it must be a healthy and naughty child.

What should be done is done, and it is time to leave.

She turned her head, just wanting to take another good look at her son, but it was this look that burned Mei Luo, it was a loving and warm look, just like the eyes of the queen mother looking at him when she was a child.

There's no way he'll admit it!
It's really the queen mother!
The sockets of his eyes became hot instantly, and a tear fell on his cheek like a drop of water on a leaf. Immediately, his robes fluttered and he knelt down on the ground.

Qi Luo was startled, and hurriedly said: "What are you doing, get up!"

"Mother, do you still want to hide it from me?"

Her face suddenly turned pale, and he actually knew, and he was immediately entangled in his heart, whether he should admit it or not.

The separation of mother and child once is enough, and it hurts too much to do it again. Thinking of this, she suppressed the tears gushing from the bottom of her heart.

"What nonsense are you talking about, did you take the wrong medicine?"

How much she wanted to hug him tightly, just like when he was a child, every time he saw her, he would let go of everything and run to him, holding her in his arms and loving her.

The moonlight fell from the window, bright and clear, Mei Luo, who was kneeling against the light, was as handsome as Yonghua, her eyebrows and eyes had her shadow, she still remembered the scene when he was born, he was as big as a kitten, but he cried so much It was so loud that no one could coax it.

The candlelight flickered, and the light quietly detoured between the two of them.

"Mother, don't lie to me anymore, I know it's you!" He was sure that his judgment was correct, he knelt down a few steps, and grabbed her hand, "Mother, tell me first, where is Momo!?"

The anxious look on his face seemed to burn his heart, and he just said that when the conversation peaked.

Qi Luo: "..."

All her sad feelings were gone, as soon as the brat came up, she knew where his wife was, and she really wanted to kick her up, so she immediately said, "She's here, don't worry, she'll be back when I leave."

After speaking, Qi Luo covered her mouth.

Doesn't that mean it's all leaked?

Sure enough, Mei Luo smiled, her eyes were full of light.

"Mother, look, you admit it."

This sentence is not just thinking about his wife, but also to test whether she is the queen mother.

Qi Luo was so angry that he couldn't speak, "Brat, the bigger you get, the more cunning you become."

Since she couldn't hide it anymore, she didn't need to hide it anymore.

She had anger on her face, but kindness floated in her eyes, she smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out her hand to smooth his temple hair that was blown by the wind when he came back.

When the warm touch appeared beside her ears, Mei Luo became excited uncontrollably, and threw herself into her arms.

"Mother, how can you hide it from me?"

"I didn't hide it from you on purpose." She patted his head, and thoughts bloomed on his face. "It's not good for too many people to know..."

"You can't hide it from me!" Mei Luo raised her head, her eyes sparkled with anger, "And you are still alive, why are you just now..."

She interrupted him, "If I want to live, will I borrow the girl's body?"

He didn't understand Cangwu as well as Cangwu about the possession of the missing body, so he only thought she was still alive, "Then..."

"It's the Missing Body. I told you before that Xue Wu had an agreement with me!" She made a long story short, briefly explained the matter of the Missing Body, and then urged, "Get up first, let me kneel down like this. When people see it, your king's face will be ruined."

She is now Yu Mo's body, although she thinks it is not a big deal for a man to kneel in front of the woman he loves, but it is different from the mother's perspective.

If someone thinks that he is afraid of his wife, Fu Gang still needs to cheer up.

The breeze flipped the skirts of the two of them gently, Qi Luo helped him up, and then patted the place beside him, "Come on, sit down..."

While there is still time, she wants to talk to him more.

Girl, can you?

Well, you can talk slowly, I'm not in a hurry.

Yu Mo in her body has already noticed the sign that she is about to leave. In fact, she hoped that Mei Luo would know the identity of Queen Qi Luo from the very beginning.

Mother and son haven't seen each other for a long time, so there must be a lot to say, but I don't know where to start. The most important thing is that although Mei Luo knows that she is his mother now, her appearance and body are still Yu Mo's.

He broke into a sweat suddenly, remembering the behavior of courtship before, he must have been the queen mother at that time, and his face immediately turned red.

"Mother, why do you have to choose Momo, who is not easy for you to choose?"

"If you don't choose her, should you choose Shudu? After you call your mother to Shudu, will you be willing?"

Of course it is impossible to want to.

"That can't be..."

"Okay, this is not something I can choose. Who told you to find a good wife, so bold that you would come to dig my grave?"

"Cough cough cough..."

It’s hard for Mei Luo to refute this point. To say that Yu Mo is right is to be disrespectful to her mother, and to say that Yu Mo is wrong will make life difficult in the future, so it’s better not to say anything.

"Mother, you are still talking about this at this time, why don't you think about how to get out of Momo's body..."

When talking about possession before, she didn't tell him that she could no longer possess Yu Mo after she left, because she didn't want to cause sadness.

"Mei Luo, the queen mother is dead... How can the dead be resurrected casually, it's not a rebirth formation..." That kind of formation is too expensive, and it violates the law of reincarnation.

Even though he was facing Yu Mo's face, he was too familiar with his mother's words and demeanor. He was not embarrassed at the moment, but had an indescribable sourness.

"What has to be done has been done!" She patted the back of his hand, "You have grown up and will be your father. I am very satisfied to see this."

He couldn't speak, the pain was unbearable, tears fell instantly, and suddenly he hugged her tightly, just like when he was a child, "Queen, don't go, don't go..."

"Silly boy, it's not up to the queen mother to decide." She felt that her consciousness was about to disappear, but she still held on.

Mei Luo was in a hurry, and her tone was stubborn like a child: "Mother, I will find a way, I will definitely find a way, please don't go..."

She didn't want to leave either, but the time was up.

One more look, one last look.

her son...

"Okay, mother won't leave, mother will stay with you for a while..."

The sound of kissing the leaves of grass as warm as dewdrops was more like a sigh of helplessness, full of love and affection, but when I looked up, my face was already full of tears.

The candlelight danced on her slightly upturned cheeks... When she was about to say something, her consciousness drifted away.

Suddenly, the wind arrogantly blew out the candles in the hall, dimming the tears that gradually filled Mei Luo's eyes.

At dawn, when the morning glow is golden, Yu Mo returns.

 Everything that needs to be resolved is resolved.

  The final battle is about to begin.

  Oh, artifacts will pop out one by one.

  a ha ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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