The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 437 Part 202 is under control

Chapter 437 Part 202 is under control

"Snow Dance..."

The demon power floating in the air turned into Qi Luo's figure, which was much lighter and lighter than in the mausoleum, and was very fragile, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

"Qi Luo, come back quickly, if you don't return to my enchantment, you will die out of your wits."

"It's too late, too much demon power has been consumed, and part of it was taken away by that little guy. I'm afraid I won't be able to go back."

The Qiluo floating in the air is like a pile of sand shadows, and the sand grains are falling, and there are fewer and fewer.

"Little guy, who?"

"My unborn grandson!"

The demon power she had stored during her lifetime could have accompanied Xuewu forever, but Yu Mo's intrusion changed everything. Part of the demon power was consumed by possessing her body, and fighting with Xuanyuan Sword was a huge loss. Even if she wanted to accompany her, she couldn't do it.

When she left Yu Mo's body, she found that part of her demon power had not returned, and was absorbed by the pink demon power in Yu Mo's body. At first, she didn't understand why this happened, but now she understood that the girl is a human being, and she was pregnant with a human being. A child who is mixed with a demon will be a very heavy burden on the girl's body. Like a demon, this child already has a Yuan Dan even if it has not yet formed. The Yuan Dan is the source of the demon's power. However, the mother is not a demon. The demon power released by Yuan Dan will be greater, and the girl may be injured by the demon power released by Yuan Dan before she can give birth, so the little guy needs other demon power to restrain it, so as to avoid hurting his mother.

She happened to be possessed and gave it a chance.

I believe that she can possess her for so long, not only because of Nuwa's favor, but also because the child needs time to absorb her demon power.

Xue Wu was in a hurry, "I'll get it back!"

"Fool, how do you pay it back? I have absorbed them all." Because the grandson is related to her by blood, the demon power will not be rejected. If it is absorbed, it belongs to it. "Xue Wu, I'm afraid I will lose my trust in you."

"No, as you said, you will stay with me for the rest of your life." Xue Wu took the shape of a human, holding her tightly with both hands, "I won't allow you to break the contract."

"Xuewu... I am a dead person. What is the use of a dead person accompanying you? I can't take you around the world, and I can't drive you into battle to kill the enemy. You are Xuewujian, the most beautiful soul in the mountain and sea world. Sword, hiding it in the mausoleum like this is not fair to you, and it is also a waste of money..."

Although it is not as powerful as the Xuanyuan Sword, it is also the queen of weapons. It is a pity that it has been shelved and covered in dust.

"I don't care, as long as I can be with Qiluo."

It is a spirit sword, the most beautiful, but none of the previous masters has ever cared for it as much as Qiluo, only treating it as a tool, it is always lonely, but after meeting Qiluo, it is cared for carefully, it is I like the feeling of being treated like a relative by her.

"Qi Luo, you come back first, I won't be willful anymore, let's find a way together, okay, there will always be a way."

Qiluo caressed its head. For a long time, Xuewu was like another child of hers. It was domineering and domineering, but got along well with her. Gradually, she no longer regarded it as just a sword, but the child always wanted to leave. mother's.

"Xuewu, I will disappear completely. It is beyond my control. After I disappear, you will become a person again. Maybe that girl is weak, but she has a good temper. She will treat you kindly. After I leave , the most worrying thing is Meiluo, her, and you, you should do me a favor and stay with her. You see, she has the spirit beast Baize, the fierce beast Taotie, the candle dragon, and Bixi, they all She can talk to you, follow her, you will have many friends, and you won’t be lonely.”

She is not because Xuewu is her avatar in the eyes of the dog monster tribe, and she wants it to follow Yumo to continue to suppress them, but she really thinks about it, just like the summoner, and she will find a way to settle herself before she dies summon monster.

It is a sword, a comrade-in-arms, and a relative. Accompanying her on the battlefield, the relationship has long been different. What it fears most is loneliness, so before leaving, she wants to find someone who can trust it, and Yumo is the best candidate. .

"I don't want it. I don't want anyone but you. When you live, I will be your sword. When you die, I will also be your sword."

"Xue Wu, dead people can't use swords."

"I don't care, and that girl is not worthy!"

"You haven't tried it, so how can you say it's not worthy?"

Xue Wukuang shook her head violently, "I just don't deserve it, I only recognize you, Qi Luo, only you can be my master."

"Still so capricious..." But she didn't allow it to abuse itself.

Let it go back to the dark and cold place like the mausoleum? What she wants to see is the appearance of Xue Wu galloping on the battlefield. The dog monster clan and the night falcon clan will inevitably go to war. According to her judgment, whether the dog monster clan can win this war or not depends on Yu Mo. She must not be allowed to fall into Bai Yu's hands. Maybe Mei Luo can win the war. Protect her, but Xuanyuan Sword is so powerful, and he is the king, so he may not be able to protect her all the time. With Xue Wu, it is different. Xue Wu is a very powerful combat force. With it protecting Yu Mo, it will be safer.

Let it be her selfishness, she must not let Bai Yu continue to be arrogant.

"I'm so willful by nature, so I only recognize you."

"No!" Qi Luo became tough and pushed it away cruelly.

Xue Wu looked at her eyes that were still clear in the flickering light and dark, as if she had realized in her heart that she was really going to disappear, the corners of her curved lips became a little stiff, staring at her almost greedily, trying to reach out to grab her, but she avoided.

Qiluo, I really have to go.

She has been unable to condense the monster power, and I am afraid that her soul will fly away soon.

"If you really regard me as the master, you should obey my orders, go to the girl and protect her until Bai Yu dies, then you can do whatever you want."

"Is this your truth?" Xue Wu's almond eyes were slightly red.

"Yes, it's better than gold. In fact, I've already tired of you, so don't pester me anymore."

"No, you're lying!" It shook its head vigorously, not believing what she said.

"I don't, Xue Wu, if you continue to be so willful, fine, it's up to you, but from today onwards, I am no longer your master, you are free, if you remember that I was your master, go to the girl's place , if you don’t want to, you and I will make a clean break from now on, and if there is an afterlife, it will be yours to go, and mine to go.”

Xue Wu was hurt by this sentence, big tears fell down, like pearls scattered from the chain.

Qi Luo didn't soften her heart, she still treated her coldly, "Think about it yourself..."

Xue Wu clenched her fists tightly. What she was most worried about was that one day she would not want it. Now it has finally become a reality, and even if there is an afterlife, she will not want it anymore.

No, it doesn't want to.

"Qiluo, Qiluo, if I go to protect that girl, will you be willing to be my master again in the next life?" It wiped away its tears, tried to smile and asked, there was begging in its crystal clear eyes.

Qi Luo felt a slight pain in her heart, the moment she pushed away from it, she actually hurt more than it did.

Xue Wu really never left her.

She and it trust each other, and have experienced countless winds and rains. It has witnessed her growth, from a girl to a queen, and then to a mother. Grass, when the wolf demon tribe meets the enemy, she also takes it with her, fighting at the forefront, defending her homeland, when the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, it accompanies her, at the highest point of the Sirius mirror, watching the moon and chatting, of course it is also it, He blocked a lot of storms and butterflies for her, and even Ang Liu suffered from it.

It is not a sword, but her best friend and warmest relative.

But parting is inevitable, and she doesn't want it to hide alone in the mausoleum, and keep company with darkness and coldness forever.

"It depends on whether what I want you to do." She sniffed because the soreness at the tip of her nose was unstoppable.

"Okay, I'll do it. I'm willing to do anything for Qiluo. Then... if you remember your reincarnation, you must come to me. I won't choose anyone else as the master. I will wait for you forever."

Before she could nod in time, the wind came and blew away the demon power she had worked hard to maintain.

It's finally time to see you again.

Xue Wu desperately grasped her demonic power that was about to disappear, those demonic powers were like light, no matter how tightly she held it, she would lose it through her fingers.

It cried, "Qiluo, I am waiting for you, I will definitely be waiting for you...we will still be best partners, okay?"

In the far distance, the red sun rises, shining on Qi Luo's slowly disappearing smile, a smile that is brighter than ever.

it is good……

Of course good...

Xuewu, thank you!Beside the bed in the palace bedroom, the Xuewu sword fell to the ground. The cold wind howled, and the sword seeped ice and snow, but it could not freeze the ground, but turned into a puddle of water.

A steady stream of water is also the saddest tear when parting...

A snow dance spirit sword, flowing time, I vaguely remember the moment when the girl got it.

Xue Wu said: "The future of this all gray, it's not pretty..."

The girl said: "Then I'll take you and brighten up the world! Make the future colorful!"

Under Fu Jian's gaze, is the era that belongs to her and it.

It's just over now!
Night Falcon family.

Donghuang Zhong returned to Bai Yu's side in embarrassment with Xuanyuanjian. Xuanyuanjian was trapped by the chains transformed by Cangwu's demon power. It took a while to untangle Xuanyuanjian, and he couldn't use his spiritual power for the time being, but it didn't hinder him from talking to him.

When Bai Yu heard that it wanted to kill Yu Mo, she was very angry, "Fortunately, you didn't kill her, I asked you to capture her alive, why didn't you listen."

"I originally wanted to capture her alive, but I failed, but I think this girl will definitely be a serious problem to your confidant in the future. It would be better if you can kill her."

"Nonsense, what can a human being do to me?" He stood in a corner where the candlelight couldn't find it, his expression was invisible, but his tone was wild.

Monsters look down on humans, because they have no power to fight back in front of monsters.

"You are wrong, she is no longer human."

Bai Yu raised her brows, "What do you mean?"

"I found that there is a demonic power in her belly. Although she is still growing, when she resists me, she looks very strange, which is different from anything I have encountered before."

"Monster power? She is human, how can she have demon power?"

"I'm not sure about this, but it is absolutely impossible to be wrong. I know you want to get the artifact in her hand, as well as the monster. If you capture her, the dog demon king will not dare to fight against you, but this girl is really too cute." It's too weird, I advise you to kill her as soon as possible."

"I will judge this don't need to say more." He doesn't need to have other artifacts, but he must get the Shennong Ding. After becoming a demon, can the Pan Gu ax still be used?"

"It shouldn't matter, but you have to try it to know." Xuanyuanjian stood on the ground, releasing his own spiritual power. The golden light has been interacting with the purple-white bright-colored demon power that trapped him, and the demon power that used life as the price The chains are strong, not so easy to remove, it takes time.

"I have already found the whereabouts of the Pangu axe, and the red wings have set off. There should be news in the near future." In order to obtain the artifact, he set up countless eyeliners. This is how the Eastern Emperor Bell got it. To let a juggler get it and use it to make money is really reckless. When he found out, he killed the entertainer, but before he died, he gave Donghuang Bell an order to choose him as the leader.

It is impossible for an artifact to serve the second master. Once the master dies, it will be free. He does not have so much time for the Eastern Emperor Bell to try and choose. The best way is to give orders from the former master, which is why he wants to One of the reasons for capturing Yumo alive
The second reason, of course, is because she is human and can use the Pangu axe.

But if she becomes a demon, it will be troublesome.

"This girl is not so easy to catch. If you fail today, the dog monster clan will definitely guard against it."

"There are ways to catch her, but she has three fierce beasts, Taotie, Zhulong, and Bixi. It's a bit troublesome, but it doesn't matter. When you get the Kunlun mirror and use it to form a lost formation, you can let her Forget everything."

"Why, you even have news from the Kunlun Realm?"

Bai Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled, "There is nothing in this world that I cannot do."

"You used the forbidden technique again?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" He took a step with a flick of his sleeves, and when he turned around, the candlelight happened to shine on his face, making him look particularly pale.

"I told you that the forbidden technique will shorten your life, so you can't use it too much."

"This is what you taught me too. Since it is useful, why not use it?" Everything is under his control. Except for today's failure, he has never missed a step. No, there will be another time when the dog demon king was poisoned thing.

Maybe what Xuanyuanjian said is right, that girl will really be his confidant's serious trouble.

Xuanyuanjian sighed, "It's up to you, as long as you don't forget our agreement."

"You also know the agreement, so you still want to kill that girl?"

"She's dead, so no one can use the Pan Gu axe? No, you know about it, and I know it too. Apart from her, there is another person of human origin in the mountain and sea world."

Hearing this, Bai Yu's expression turned cold, "Don't mention this matter again."

Xuanyuanjian was not talking, and went all out to release the restraints on his body.

It's a great shame that Tangtang's artifact is restrained by two demons, and it doesn't have the heart to discuss other matters with Bai Yu now.

Bai Yu knew that it needed a quiet place, so he didn't bother it anymore, went out of the room, and met Qing Yi.

"My lord, my subordinates have made mistakes, please forgive me."

"It's not your fault, it's my lack of consideration. It's good that people can come back."

"The subordinate is back, but Ziyi..."

Donghuang Bell only had time to transfer him, but Ziyi, that is, Ping An, did not bring him back.

Bai Yu condensed her eyes, "I will find a way to deal with her, keep an eye on Hei Yi, and don't let him mess around."

"My subordinate understands!"

In fact, Bai Yu never thought of saving Ziyi at all. She has long been a useless chess piece. Saving her would only damage the army. He would not do this, but Black Wing and her love are different, and it will definitely be messed up. , At this time, it only stabilized him temporarily.

"Is there any news from Gray Wing?"

The blackbird has been exterminated, but his son has not been found. What he wants to do most now is to catch this beast.

"not yet!"

"Look again, be sure to find him."

If this person is not eliminated, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart.


On the other side, in the cave where you can't see your fingers, Yan Qin is shivering, his face as gentle as a jade carving in the past is now filthy, and there are only two servants around him, who are not much better than him. In order to protect him, one of his legs Broken, in order to heal his injuries and avoid pursuing soldiers, he had no choice but to hide here.

The winter of the Nightfalcon family is very long, there is not enough food, and it is impossible to survive. He has never been hungry since he was born, and he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. His father, Wutong, is a veteran of the three dynasties. It also depends on the face of the Buddha, who dares to disrespect him, and who dares to treat him harshly.

But now I am so down and out, I can't eat enough, and I can't wear warm clothes.

Immediately, his beautiful and flawless face became ferocious, all thanks to Bai Yu, and... and that woman.

If I had known about this ordeal today, I should have killed her in the first place, and I shouldn't be soft-hearted.

(End of this chapter)

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