The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 438 Part 203 Yan Qin's Plan

Chapter 438 Part 203 Yan Qin's Plan

That night.

Everything was quiet, Yan Qin was starving in the cave, his chest was sticking to his back, his family Ding Shuangxi brought back some wild vegetables from outside, for fear of being discovered, he did not dare to start a fire, so he could only eat raw, he was always pampered Yan Qin, who was used to it, couldn't eat it anymore, he vomited it up as soon as he swallowed it.

"How dare you feed me such a lowly thing?" He kicked the weeds that were placed in the big banana leaves on the ground.

"Young Master, it's freezing outside. I've been squatting for a long time, but I haven't found any trace of the beast. Just bear with it. It's better than starving." At first he wanted to hunt back the beast that came out for food, but this time Local beasts are extinct, even this wild vegetable, he also searched for a long time before finding it.

"Then look for it until you find it." He poohed a few times, unable to spit out the bitter taste of wild vegetables in his mouth, grabbed the water bottle beside him to drink some water, but found that the water was gone, "Where's the water?"

"No more..." Shuangxi licked his lips, and gave the young master all the water. He hadn't drank all day, and the skin of his lips was wrinkled and peeling. There was snow outside, and snow could quench his thirst, but this time It is located in a forest, and the soil on the surface is very special. When the snow touches it, it becomes bitter, and it is so bitter that it cannot be swallowed.

In such a desperate situation, Yan Qin's temper became even more irritable, and he raised his foot to kick Shuangxi, "Trash!"

Shuangxi was in charge of sweeping and sweeping in the Clan Prime Minister's Mansion. She was a weak monster, and couldn't stand his heavy foot, so she rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

Another servant, Shuangfu, had a broken leg and was bleeding profusely. The wound had not been treated in time, and the wound began to fester. He had been running a high fever for the past few days, and was already unconscious. Shuangxi was the only one who could serve him.

Both of them are the sons of the Blackbird Mansion, and their ancestors lived in the mansion for generations, no matter how bad Yan Qin treated them, they didn't have the guts to resist.

Shuangxi knelt down and came over, "Young master, spare your life, young master, spare your life!"

Yan Qin was so hungry that he couldn't stand anymore, so he sat down on the ground, thinking that a few days ago, he was still living in the days when he was surrounded by delicious food and wine, surrounded by beautiful women, and warm pillows in high beds. For a while, he stabbed his face like a knife, and the hatred in his heart became stronger.

He has a habit of biting his own fingers when he has bad thoughts.

In this situation, if he doesn't take any action, he can only sit and wait. Either he will die here from starvation or cold, or he will die in Bai Yu's hands. He must find a way to escape from the predicament.

It is impossible for him to stay in the Night Falcon family. The queen gave birth to a child, and Bai Yu is the father of the child. The identity of the king's husband has been made public, and his status is second only to the queen. But to leave the Night Falcon Clan, one must have a customs clearance badge. He had to leave the house that day, and he didn't bring anything with him, so it was impossible to leave through normal channels.

Unless... vicious waves flickered in his eyes.

If Bai Yu wanted to kill him all the time, he wouldn't make him feel better.

"Double Happiness, come here..."

"Master, what are your orders?"

Yan Qin clung to his ear, chattering a lot of words.

While listening, Shuangxi's eyes widened and she looked shocked.

"Did you understand?"

"I understand it, but the wind outside the young master is so tight, I'm afraid..."

"Why are you so timid? If you ask you to do something, you just shirk it."

"This..." This is clearly a problem for the strong.

"What are you worried about? You are just a nameless servant. Who will pay attention to you? In my father's party, the left general Wei Hu is in charge of the most elite troops. The interpersonal relationship and prestige established in the army cannot be easily disappeared. If it fails, there must still be people who are loyal to him, and if you follow my method, you will definitely be able to contact his people."

Although Yan Qin spends his days drinking and drinking, but as a nobleman, he has not forgotten what he should learn, and he always has some brains.

The blackbird is down, but the relationship will not be broken easily. Except for General Zuo Weihu, the four elders also belonged to the blackbird faction. Uprooted, Wei Hu is now imprisoned and relieved of military power, but he must be secretly connected with the four elders.

What he asked Shuangxi to find was this life-saving straw.

Of course, he was also a little scared, because the tree fell and the monkeys scattered. During the few days of hiding here, he knew that those who had flattered his father had already turned against him and had become the side supporting Bai Yu. No one would help him, not only No way to help, let them find his trace, I am afraid they will directly arrest him to claim credit for Bai Yu, but the four elders are different from Zuo General Wei Hu, they were all picked up by his father, and they will definitely not give in easily, just Yes, it was a last resort, but he would definitely take his identity into consideration.

If possible, he would like to go in person, but his wanted portrait has long been covered by the whole clan, and the bounty is huge, and he will become a street rat wherever he goes, so he can only let Double Happiness go.

Whether it can be achieved depends on good luck.

If it can be done, he will make Bai Yu suffer a hundred times.


Early in the morning, Yumo hugged the washbasin and vomited profusely. Qiluo left, and she had to bear the symptoms of nausea. The movement was very loud, and the vomiting made her eyes black and dizzy, and also affected her appetite. Throwing up whatever, even drinking saliva, can spit it all out.

Shen Nong Ding tried her best to prescribe anti-emetic medicine for her, but it was useless at all. She vomited when she should vomit, and sometimes she would vomit suddenly after taking a walk.

Mei Luo was so distressed that she ordered her to lie on the bed and not move.

But even so, it didn't change the violent attack of the sickness, but in two days, she lost a lot of weight, and her chin was pointed.

The decoction and the soup are not interrupted at twelve o'clock. According to Bu Jie, she can make up as much as she vomits. Otherwise, on the day of delivery, she may not have the strength to give birth to the child. Thinking about it, Shan Haijie said that the medical equipment is very backward. There is absolutely no possibility of cesarean delivery, so it can only be delivered naturally, if it fails to survive, it will be one dead body and two lives, so even if Yu Mo has no appetite, he still forces himself to eat desperately.

After drinking the medicinal soup, she felt nauseated, suppressed the urge to vomit, and forced herself to divert her attention.

"Xue Wu, shall we talk?"

At this time, Xue Wu became the best object for her to divert her attention.

Qi Luo is no longer in this world, this time it is a real death, and it is impossible to parasitize her body. Although Xue Wu has surrendered to Yu Mo, she still refuses to speak.

After Yumo learned about Qiluo's disappearance from her mouth, she felt very sad. She cried for a long time and got along with her for a few days. She really liked this mother-in-law, but it was Meiluo who was more sad than her. Nothing happened, but in the dead of night, Mei Luo would bury her head in her arms, just so quietly and motionless.

"Xue Wu, why don't you go into the demon refining pot, there are Taotie and Zhulong in it, if you are bored, you can talk to them."

Qi Luo would let it stay with her, and Yu Mo was very grateful. Because of this, she decided to take care of it instead of Qi Luo.

It's a pity that Xue Wu doesn't appreciate it, no matter what she says, it ignores it.

This temper is also stubborn enough.

At noon, Mei Luo came back after dealing with the political affairs, and seeing her talking to Xue Wu without stopping, she felt a little uncomfortable. For the past two days, she would hold Xue Wu and talk when she had nothing to do, and she would take it for a walk and take a bath She would rub it for it when she was in bed, and put it under the quilt to sleep together at night. She was kind to Xue Wu in every way, but Xue Wu didn't appreciate it. The most annoying thing was that because of Xue Wu's relationship, she He was left out in the cold, and slept with it in his arms at night, and the two of them didn't even speak a few words.

He walked over angrily and took Xue Wu Sword away from her.

"Hey, what are you doing, I'm talking to it."

"What to do after talking so much, and it won't talk to you, it is born with such a bad temper, I don't think you should worry about it, find some time, I will let Mu Xiang dig a hole in the garden and bury it It’s not that it doesn’t want to care about people anymore, so it’s better to stay in the pit for the rest of its life.”

He raised his hand and threw the sword to Mu Xiang behind him.

Mu Xiang hurriedly caught it, it belonged to Queen Qi Luo, if it fell, she would not be offended.

"Go, dig a hole!"

When Mu Xiang heard this, she panicked even more, and looked at Yu Mo anxiously.

Yu Mo lifted the quilt, trying to get out of bed to save Xue Wu, but she vomited badly for the past few days, her legs lost strength, and when she just stood up, her legs were so weak that she fell down.

Mei Luo quickly supported her, "Let you lie down, why are you disobedient?"

She stared at him coldly, "Give me back the sword, it was left to me by your mother."

"I want to keep it for you? It also depends on whether it has the heart, otherwise what's the use of keeping it, is it hanging around your waist as a decoration?"

The Queen Mother wants Xue Wu to stay by her side to protect her, if it refuses to do its duty, what difference does it make of scrap iron, it's better not to.

"Whatever you get angry with it, you are allowed to be sad. Don't you allow it to be sad? It has been with your mother for so long, and it always has feelings. I believe it didn't ignore me on purpose. It's just that your mother just left. It hasn't slowed down yet. At this time, we should take care of it even more, do you understand?"

She held his hand and said to Mu Xiang, "Give me Xue Wu!"

Of course Mu Xiang wanted to throw away this hot potato quickly, but Mei Luo's face was not good-looking, so she didn't dare to give it casually.

"Are you afraid of what he will do, bring it!"

Mu Xiang glanced at Mei Luo timidly, "Wang, Miss asked me to give it..."

As soon as the words were finished, Yu Mo had snatched her away, and hugged Xue Wu back into her arms, soothing her softly like a child.

In order not to let her get too excited, Mei Luo could only turn a blind eye and put her on the bed, "Lie down and don't move!"

Bu Jie came to check his pulse as usual, and when he saw the two people staring at each other, he asked, "What's wrong, is this a quarrel?" He looked at Mei Luo, with a reproachful tone, "What are you and the girl arguing about now? Don't forget, she is pregnant now, so she can't get angry." After speaking, she smiled and looked at Yu Mo, "Girl, you are the same, Mei Luo is young and energetic, and her temper is always anxious, don't take it to heart Come on, worry more, he is thundering and raining, and he will be fine in a while, don't hurt yourself because of annoying him, he has hurt you to the core. How is it? Are you more comfortable today? " He stretched out Take her pulse.

The pulse condition is very stable, but her body is a little weak.

Regarding whether Yu Mo is comfortable, Mei Luo has a lot of things to say, so she yells at Bu Jie.

"Your medicine doesn't work at all. She has vomited seven or eight times since the morning."

"It's normal to be sick!" It's just that this girl is a little serious.

"You can't make any better medicine!"

"My medicine is already the best medicine. This sickness cannot be controlled at all. It is a physical reaction. If you ask Shennongding, is its medicine effective?"

He and Shennong Ding were on equal terms when it came to stopping morning sickness, and no one was better than the other.

Yumo vomited like this, he no longer has the heart to vomit, but there is one thing that worries him.

"Bu Jie, when will I give birth? Have you diagnosed it?" She didn't want to have a baby in four months, she couldn't accept this pregnancy cycle.

"The child is still very young, so we can't find it out. You raise it for a month first, and we'll look after it a month later."

He was also very surprised when he found out about the fact that human beings conceived in October. It took such a long time to give birth to a child, which was enough to give birth twice.

Yumo rubbed her belly, feeling very upset, the most she could have was a mixed-race baby with a foreigner, and the pregnancy time was always the same, and the baby born with a demon was actually a mixed-race baby, but the cycle was completely different. Also... She has recently started to worry about what the child will look like when she is born. What if it is a human head and a dog body as she thought last time?
Just thinking about it made her feel stressed, and when she was upset, her stomach felt uncomfortable and she vomited again.

Mei Luo stroked her back, her face turned pale from vomiting, and his face turned blue from distress.

This is the 11th time today, and I ate my lunch for nothing.

Bu Jie was a little worried about this. According to such a way of speaking, how could this girl's physical fitness keep up? He decided to add more tonics later, more tonics are always right.

Because of Yu Mo's unborn child, her wedding with Mei Luo was scheduled for a month later. Although Mao Meng and Bai Fang were unwilling, they had no choice but to do it with all their heart. They were proceeding in an orderly manner. However, Shudu and Lexian have become areas where strangers are not allowed to enter. Whoever enters will be unlucky.

The beloved man and the beloved woman are going to get married and have children. How can the brothers and sisters accept it?

However, Mei Luo has plenty of ways to deal with them, after all, it is her own territory, and she will not be lenient in her actions.

Li Wang is also very worried, the cooked duck... Yumo's duck is actually not cooked yet, but to Li Wang, it is no different from a cooked duck, and now it is about to fly.

The three of them had their own thoughts, so they got together.

"Mei Luo, where is Ping An?"

In the evening, Yumo vomited three more times, lying on the bed, lingering on his breath, obviously very tired, but unable to fall asleep, Xue Wu still refused to talk to her, she tossed and turned and asked about Zi Yi.

Yumo couldn't fall asleep, and he certainly couldn't. He stroked her back and frowned, "Shut up in the water cage!"

The bird almost killed her, and he didn't kill it directly because he was sure that it was sent by Bai Yu, and it might be useful to keep it.

"Can I have a look at it?" Whether it was the animal pet she had raised, who suddenly turned against him, or a spy, she couldn't forgive her feelings, but she didn't like to hurt animals by nature, no matter it was good or bad, there would always be a tinge of compassion.

"It almost killed you, you still look at it, do you want to beg for mercy?"

"No! I'm sorry, this is what Bai Lianhua did. I'm not interested, so I just want to ask it why it wanted to harm me."

"It was sent by Bai Yu, do you need any reason?"

"I want to hear it for myself."

"Momo, it's just a bird, a beast."

"No, I don't think it's that simple. When it wants to kill me, it's obviously not an animal that should react. It seems that someone's thoughts are in it."

The animal may be able to complete the task through domestication, but who gave it the order at that time, Bai Yu's men were fighting with the Taotie Candle Dragon, and it suddenly appeared, as if it had been lying in ambush for a long time, and where did it hide after the catastrophe? , can avoid patrolling guards.

It can't get out of the enchantment, so how can it contact Bai Yu's people.

The combination of these factors made her feel that Ping An was by no means an ordinary bird.

"I don't allow you to see me!" She would definitely soften her heart when she saw her.

Yumo knew that he was worried about her, so he suggested: "You can just watch from the side, and I'll just ask a few words."

"Are you sure it can understand what you say?"

"It can hurt me so much, how can I not understand it, maybe it can trick out Bai Yu's plan." She was definitely not kind, she just wanted to clarify some things.

When he rescued it back then, Taotie couldn't tell its true identity, he only thought it was an ordinary animal, who would have thought that it would be so powerful that it could help Bai Yu's men to catch her overnight, if this matter was not dealt with Clearly, she will be suspicious in the future.

Mei Luo couldn't beat her, so she could only compromise.

"Okay, I'll let you go if you want to go, but it's agreed, only one stick of incense is allowed, no more time."

The water cage was very cloudy, and he was worried that her body would not be able to bear it.

"No problem, then... how about tomorrow?"

"what ever!"

(End of this chapter)

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