The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 439 Part 204 Interrogating Xiaopingan

Chapter 439 Part 204 Interrogating Xiaopingan

The next day, Yu Mo woke up early, and after waking up, he had morning sickness, which didn't stop until the jaundiced water came out, and he didn't stop when he had nothing to vomit.

Mu Xiang handed her the warm mouthwash, she shaved her mouth, took the veil and wiped it, raised her head and took a breath, and continued to spit it out like this, she doubted whether she could last until the day of delivery.

Mei Luo was by his side, every time she vomited, his expression would be ugly.

She patted his face and said in a relaxed tone: "Okay, isn't it just vomiting, it's fine after vomiting, don't...vomit..."

Before he finished speaking, he spit it out again, and before he could spit it into the basin, he spit it all on Mei Luo, and a sour smell permeated the air.

Mei Luo didn't care at all, and raised her hand to run along her back from top to bottom, "Your movement is bigger than yesterday, it's better not to go to the water cage, it's better to lie on the bed and rest."

"No, if I don't understand this matter, I won't be able to rest well even if I rest." She pushed him, "Go and wash, the clothes are all dirty."

The fungus quickly took the water basin and came over, "Wang, the water is here."

Mei Luo took off her dirty clothes, washed them casually, changed into a clean robe, and helped Yu Mo to sit by the bed, "Is it better?"

"Well, it's much better." She must have vomited completely this time, her stomach was completely empty, she suddenly smacked her mouth, her mouth was tasteless and a little uncomfortable, she tugged at the corner of Mei Luo's clothes, "I want something sour."

In the past few days, she is especially good at eating sour, and any sour taste has become a delicacy in her mouth.

Mei Luo came over with candied fruit, picked the biggest one, and fed it into her mouth, "Do you want to eat anything else?"

She shook her head with candied fruit in her mouth, "I don't want to."

"Is it good to have some porridge, you can't just eat these."

"You'll vomit if you eat it, so it's better not to eat it." She really doesn't have any appetite now, only candied fruit can eat, "Give me another one."

Mei Luo stuffed the whole jar of candied fruit into her hand, seeing that she was eating it with gusto and didn't feel sour at all, she couldn't help saying: "You can eat such sour things."

He tasted one out of curiosity before, and it was so sour that he couldn't even open his eyes.

"I don't want to eat this, it must like it." She stroked her belly.

The sour man and hot woman are actually unscientific, but her nausea symptoms are so severe, it should be a boy, if it is a girl, it will be too noisy.

She leaned into his arms, "Mei Luo, do you like boys or girls?"

"Boy!" he replied without thinking.

She stared, "Patriarchal!"

Mei Luo's hand covered the back of her hand, stroking her lower abdomen together with her hand, "The first one is better for a boy."


"If a boy inherits the throne, no matter how he trains and handles it, he won't feel bad, but if it's a girl, I can't bear it."

In the world of mountains and seas, demons do not have patriarchal thoughts, and it is a treasure to be born. After all, it is difficult for a female demon to conceive. If it is a royal family, there is no rule that a son must inherit the throne, and a daughter can also inherit it. .

The eldest son succeeds, or the eldest daughter succeeds.

"Think about it, if you are a daughter, you have to get up to study and practice martial arts every day before dawn, and when you are older, you have to go to the army to practice in the sun and wind, roll in the mud, how hard it is..." In his mind, it seemed that It has formed a picture of a white and tender female doll who looks like Yumo getting up early and late for training every day, and suddenly her face turns black like a pot bottom, and she categorically says: "No, this baby must be a boy."

The most important thing is that because this child wants to inherit the throne, he will go to Hell Pool to practice for a hundred years. For 100 years, he will not see his daughter, and he is even more reluctant.

No, no, absolutely not...

He unconsciously increased the strength of his hand, and said towards her lower abdomen, "It must be a boy..." His tone and face were agitated, a vein on his forehead was raised, and he stared at her lower abdomen. Look.

"Okay, boy, boy, don't be so excited!" Yumo expressed understanding for the reason why he is a boy.

As for boys, it really doesn't matter if you are a little bit tired, but girls are different, you have to be proud.

But it's destined to be a boy or a girl. If it's a girl, there's nothing I can do. It's better to live with the situation.

After eating a few candied fruit, she suddenly had an appetite, drank some porridge and side dishes, which were specially made for her, and the cook changed several, depending on who could make her eat more, After breakfast, she didn't forget to go to the water cage.

Meiluo had no choice but to compromise.

He helped Yumo walk out of the dormitory, and there was a magnificent and luxurious chariot parked outside, with soft cushions inside and a large space, so it was no problem to lie down and sleep.

"What is this for?" She was just going to a water cage, and it was only a few steps away, so she didn't need to take a car.

"I'll give you a seat!"

"Give it to me? No need, just a little way."

"You've vomited like that, where do you have the strength to walk, get in the car and sit down." He carried her horizontally into the car, and when she was seated, he drew the windshield curtain and faced the front of her. The coachman's wooden ear said, "Let's go!"


"Mei Luo, won't you come up?" She opened the curtain and asked, this car is too big, it can fit four people.

"It's just a little way, I just walk over."

He is healthy and not disabled, so he doesn't need this.

Yu Mo: "..."

She said that just now.

"Take care of yourself and sit down, I will call you when you arrive." He drew the curtain tightly.

When they arrived at the water cage, Mei Luo carried her out of the car again, like she was a fragile doll, but refused to let her go.

Fungus and Muxiang accompanied them, and they covered their mouths and smiled when they saw it.

She thumped Mei Luo blushingly, "Put me down, I can walk by myself."


He was extremely worried that her legs would limp and fall, so he held her in his arms to feel at ease.

After entering the water cage, Yu Mo strongly demanded to go to the ground, how could he be hugged when he came to visit the prison.

Mei Luo couldn't stand her twisting battle, so she had to put her down, "It's agreed, only one stick of incense is allowed, no more."

"Got it! You've said it several times."

From the moment this person knew she was pregnant, she would not allow this or that. If this continues, she will only be paralyzed on the bed and become a useless person.

"My lord, the bird is brought up."

The two guards knelt down to report, and bowed respectfully to Yu Mo.

She is the future queen, and this matter has been spread in the Dog Realm. Although she once severely injured the Dog Monster Race, it is an indisputable fact that the dead after the rebirth formation were resurrected, and because of the rebirth formation, those disabled people, there are All incurable diseases will be healed, and no sin can match this kindness.

Peace, that is, Ziyi was lifted up from the well by five flowers, and this well was the place where Fengchen was imprisoned that day.

After being locked up for a few days, it was extremely dirty. Its once beautiful purple-blue feathers had fallen off a lot, and its luster was also dimmed.

Yu Mo wanted to get closer, but Mei Luo was protecting her tightly and forbidding her to get too close, so she could only ask questions from a distance of two meters.

"Peace, it's me!"

Ziyi raised her head. The days of imprisonment were not easy. It was very haggard, but when it saw Yumo, the light in its eyes burned and it uttered a sharp bird song.

Yu Mo was startled, and took a step back. Seeing this, Mei Luo ordered, "Slap your mouth!"

"Don't! Don't!" Yu Mo hurriedly stopped, "I didn't stand firm myself."

The two guards didn't know whether to listen to her or Mei Luo, so they stood there.

"Mei Luo, I have raised it anyway, and it has feelings, so don't be too hard on it."

"You have feelings, but it doesn't. If it wasn't for it, Cang Wu might not have died."

"I know, but you've also seen it. It has a very stubborn temper. If you don't like your tricks, let me try."

"What can you do? If you have a way, you won't be almost killed by it..."

After the war was over, Maoqiu told about Ziyi's attempt to kill her. At that time, Meiluo wanted to kill it, but she stopped her, saying that she should not touch it until the matter was clarified.

Yu Mo couldn't refute this, she really didn't find it suspicious.

"Yes, you are right, but you can't pry its mouth open, so let me try it. Maybe it's like this for you, but it's different for me."

"You can talk, but you are not allowed to get close to it. It looks like an ordinary bird now, but who knows if there is something hidden."

"Okay, I'll just stand here and don't move." She looked at Ziyi. She rescued it on the way back from Mount Sumeru. At that time, it was the same as now, a little pitiful, but who ever thought that little pitiful was just White-eyed wolf, she doesn't have a soft heart, especially now that she is pregnant, she doesn't think about herself, she also thinks about her children. If she is caught by Bai Yu, not only she will be miserable, but the whole dog monster clan will suffer together, so She didn't think about asking Mei Luo to forgive it, she just wanted to know why it did that.

"Ping An... Oh, it should be fine to call you Ping An. After all, I don't know what your original name was. I also chose this name. I think you can understand what I said. I came here to ask you A few questions, you can’t talk, let’s change the method, if the question I asked is right, you can nod, if it’s wrong, you can shake your head, okay?”

Ziyi's eyes still stared at her with burning eyes, she didn't nod or shake her head, but Yumo was sure that it understood what she meant.

"First question, you are not an ordinary bird, are you?"

If it was an ordinary bird, no matter how much it was trained, it would be impossible to show such a fierce attitude towards her.

After waiting for a while and seeing it nodding, Mei Luo sneered and said, "I think it won't shed tears when it sees the coffin."

"Don't be impatient, it will show." Yumo waited patiently, it didn't matter how long she waited, she had plenty of time to spend with her.

After a long time, Ziyi nodded.

This is a good start.

"You are Bai Yu's person, and you regard it as your master. He wants you to lurk by my side?"

Purple Wing continued to nod.

In fact, there is no need to ask, even if you don't ask, you will know the purpose of it coming to her.

Yumo continued, "You just admitted that you are not an ordinary bird, so who were you before and what was your name? You can write on the ground with your paws, and I can understand it."

Ziyi hesitated for a moment, but finally wrote down her name with her paws.

It knows that no one will come to save itself, and it doesn't want its people to come to save it. Now that the dog land is completely blocked, it is a trap to rescue itself. It doesn't want anyone to suffer in order to save it. Since the result is death, there is no reason not to let the enemy Know your real name.

"Zi Yi, so your name is Zi Yi...well, Zi Yi..." She no longer calls Ping An, Ping An is a bird raised by her, and she is no longer the one in front of her eyes, "I want to know why you became like this ..."

The first three questions are her test, and the test result has come out.

It can understand human language, and can also write its own name with its claws, and how complicated the name is is enough to prove its unusualness.So……

"Furball!" She called out to the demon refining pot.

The fur ball immediately jumped out, "Mom..."

"You know more about the world of mountains and seas than I do. I want to ask you, is there any way to turn a monster into an ordinary animal? I don't mean turning into its original form."

"Well, I understand what mother means!"

A monster can transform into its original form, but even in its original form it will have demonic power, and the demonic power is stronger, but Ziyi is different, it is the original form, but without demonic power, which is why both Meiluo and Taotie thought The reason it's just an ordinary bird.

Maoqiu is Bai Ze, and Bai Ze is a spirit beast with insight into the world. This question is not difficult for it.

"It is said that there is a plant on Wanmo Island called Chulin, which extracts the juice from its roots, mixes it with Fence, Qianmo, Dongzicao, and a poison called Guiyuan, which can be made to make demons live forever. It is the poison of beasts, which is a forbidden drug. More than 1000 years ago, there was a clan of raccoon beasts, who used this medicine to wipe out their biggest enemy, the lizard dragon clan. Enduring repeated violations and oppression by the lizard clan, he invented this medicine. When the raccoon clan suffered a devastating blow and only a dozen tribesmen were left, these dozen people took the risk and secretly sprinkled the medicine into the lizard dragon clan. In the water source that the tribe relies on for survival, the biggest effect of this medicine is to turn the monster into a beast, and the lizard dragon tribe is caused by this medicine to turn the whole tribe into an ordinary beast, and they can no longer fight fiercely."

"Can you cure it?" It is Bai Ze, who can detoxify with blood.

"If it is not poisoned, my blood can prevent it, but once it is poisoned, the monster will become a beast, and it can no longer be cured, so it will be listed as a forbidden drug, because there is no medicine to cure it, and it cannot be cured. Extremely cruel."

When she heard that there was no cure, and there was no cure, Wisteria's eyes changed, from disbelief to shock, she kept shaking her head with a very excited expression.

After Yumo saw it, he understood that it must have used this banned drug, but after taking the drug, it couldn't change back to its original appearance, but he didn't know.

Bai Yu lied to her, in order to let it lurk to her side, she didn't tell it the consequences.

That being the case, it is useless to catch it, because it is already a useless pawn.

"Mei Luo, I'm done asking, you can go."

Mei Luo was very surprised, "Are you sure you have finished asking?"

"Well, I'm done asking..." She took the lead and walked out.

When she got outside, she stopped and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds.

What birds like most is freedom, and the blue sky is their home. If their wings are broken, it is better to be dead.

Purple Wing's wings were broken from the moment he took the medicine, and he lost his freedom a long time ago.

"Mei Luo..." She turned her head, "Let it go."

"It nearly killed you..."

"It can no longer return to its original appearance. It will always be a beast. This kind of punishment is enough, and it should be regarded as the last mercy of the master. I think it must really want to go back and ask Bai Yu why he treats it like this .”

He frowned, he wanted to kill it more than let it go, "Are you sure?"

"Sure! I'm a human, why bother with a beast, let it go back! You shut it up, and you're wasting food!"

"I don't want you to be able to say that!"

"You also saw the expression on its face when it knew that it would never be able to return to its original state. I was thinking of letting it go back, maybe it would give Bai Yu a headache and kill it. I also thought I would dirty my hands. "

"A woman's mind?" He had guessed it.


To be able to do this for Bai Yu is either loyalty or love.

She guessed the latter.

Ziyi is a woman who is infatuated with love.

She snuggled into Mei Luo's arms and said emotionally, "Mei Luo, I suddenly feel so lucky!"


"I love you, and you love me...this is the greatest luck."

Because the two love each other, there will be no pain of not being able to love, nor will you drown in the ocean of love.

She raised her head with a smile, "Did you say you were lucky?"

He didn't answer, he lowered his head and put his forehead against hers, "Mo Mo, if you find the Pan Gu ax..."

Even if she was pregnant, he was worried that she would still go back.

Lucky, not necessarily happy.

"I've thought about it, I still have to find the Pangu axe, and I still have to go back..."

He froze for a moment, and the hand that held her was cold.

"Mei Luo, I'm going to be a mother. I have to let my parents take a look at my grandson. After all, it's a mixed-race grandson. There is no other family... By the way, I will take a family photo by the way. In case a guest asks me later, my parents will also ask me." I can show the photos and tell the guests that I am married, but I am married far away and I am unlikely to be able to come back."

For quite a long time, he was still stiff, but when he understood the meaning of this sentence, his eyes gradually brightened, trembling with joy, he hugged her up.

"My father-in-law once told me..."


"Don't eat you as a snack..." He hugged her tightly, "When you go back to see him, tell me what to say!"

Yu Mo: "..."

It's useless to say anything, just wait to be beaten.

 Lan's father got it right, tears flowed like rivers...the daughter was eaten to the brim.

(End of this chapter)

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