Chapter 440 Part 205

As for why it is just beaten, the reason is very simple. In the human world, Mei Luo can only be a dog, unable to speak human words, and cannot explain it. What else can I say, just wait for the beating.

But this matter is still far away. The Pan Gu ax has not been found yet, and it is not clear when it will be found. Let's wait slowly. It is important for her to raise the baby first.

After returning to the dormitory, Yumo activated the embarrassment mode again, vomited profusely, and when the vomit was over, it would be fine, and she answered a word, and got used to vomiting.

When lying down on the bed to rest, Mei Luo also climbed up.

"What are you doing here? You're not busy with your government affairs!"

When Cangwu died, no one would take over the government affairs for him. Although the elders of the dog monster clan died, Cangwu and Wisteria, as well as red pine, yellow birch, Qingshan, and Qingshan were seriously injured and paralyzed on the bed. After the launch of the rebirth formation, he also received the favor, he was all healed, and he was alive and well again, but among the three elders, Huang Hua was good at fighting, and when he was not fighting, he was a bad old man who liked to drink. After being injured, she had the idea of ​​retiring. She just wanted to be at home with her grandchildren. Among the three elders, there was only Elder Hongsong who could do something. Unfortunately, she was also old and didn't have the ability to plan strategies like Cangwu. Entrust all the government affairs to her, it will be fine for a few days, but there will be mistakes after a long time.

Therefore, Mei Luo can only do things by herself now, and has to do everything by herself, completely losing the opportunity to be a "faint king".

"It's okay, I've finished taking care of everything that needs to be dealt with, it's okay to stay with you for a while, I'll leave after you fall asleep." He always had a smile on his face, the corners of his mouth almost grinning behind his ears.

Today can be said to be the happiest day in his demon life. He is silently willing to stay in the world of mountains and seas to spend his life with her. On such a happy day, he has no mood to deal with government affairs, he just wants to be with her.

He was so happy that he forgot one thing, that is, Yu Mo's lifespan is very short, and it is impossible for him to spend his whole life with him, but at this time, he couldn't think of this, or maybe this short lifespan made him subconsciously ignored.

The smile on his face expanded infinitely, it was almost a burst of laughter.

"Still laughing, you've been laughing for a long time."

"Happy!" He took her hand and kissed again and again, "You sleep for a while, I will accompany you, and I won't disturb you."

"Can't sleep!" Just after vomiting, my stomach feels empty and uncomfortable, but I have no appetite, I don't want to eat anything, and I don't feel sleepy at all.

"Then close your eyes and squint for a while. The first month is the most important thing. Even if you don't like it, bear with it. It will be fine after that."

"Don't stick it so tightly, it's too hot."

She is pregnant now, her body temperature is already high, and the weather is so hot, even if the bedroom is much cooler than outside, she can't stand the heat of him pressing against her.

"Hot? Then I'll fan you." He quickly fetched the fan.

The cool breeze removed part of the heat, and Yu Mo felt much better. After resting for a while, he regained his appetite, "Candied fruit!"


He is as diligent as Muxiang and fungus in serving her, he can get what she wants, and he is very fast.

Yumo picked one and stuffed it into her mouth, the sour taste diffused in her mouth, which relieved the discomfort in her stomach, turned over, and prepared to listen to his words and squint for a while, if eating is not enough, then she can only rely on sleep made up.

Mei Luo didn't leave until she fell asleep. He was unwilling to do so, but the government affairs were really busy. Knowing Bai Yu's movements, one must always be ready for the challenge.

Not long after he left, Yu Mo woke up, feeling nauseous. As soon as he woke up, he called Mu Xiang to bring a water basin, and vomited into the basin again.

She also couldn't figure it out, how could she vomit like this without eating much.

Mu Xiang handed over a glass of warm water, "Miss, why is your reaction so strong?"

"Don't mention it, this child must be a king of leather." The mother who tossed her like this will definitely be a great devil when she is born in the future. She vomited cold sweat and her stomach felt even more uncomfortable. .

"Brother Ding, please, give me some antiemetic medicine."

Shennong Ding popped out a few pills as promised, and Yu Mo hurriedly took them. In fact, he took a lot of these pills, but they didn't work very well, so Quan was comforted in his heart.

Maybe it wasn't that the pills didn't work, but that if she didn't take them, she might be able to vomit her life away.

Seeing her pale face, Shen Nong Ding couldn't hold back the words he had been holding back for a long time, and said, "Girl, there is something I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Say it! Anyway, I'm feeling uncomfortable now, so tell me quickly, just to divert my attention."

"Then listen to what you want, but don't get excited."

"What is so serious, I can still be excited after hearing it?"

"It's about your pregnancy."

When Yu Mo heard it, his heart turned cold, "You don't want to tell me that there is something wrong with the child, do you?"

She vomited so violently, it was against common sense, she hadn't thought much about it before, but now listening to it, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

"It's not about this. The child is very healthy. Didn't Bu Jie also say that? What I'm going to talk about is not about this, but it has something to do with the child."

"Say it, don't worry about me."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you right away, don't get excited." Its tripod body floated in front of her, "Others may not know, but I know very well that it is impossible for demons and humans to have children, but you have... "

Yu Mo blinked her eyes, she was a little confused by what she said.

Shen Nong Ding had no choice but to go into more detail, "Because humans and demons are not the same species, it is impossible to have children, and there is no chance to conceive. For example, dogs and cats in your human world will not mate. Have children, right? So, do you understand?" It once stole Yu Mo's memory, so it still has a certain understanding of the human world.

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "I thought you were going to say something, it turned out to be this! Impossible, absolutely impossible, if it is really like what you said, how did this kid come here? Is it in my stomach? Who is full and stuffed a child into my stomach? Or is there such a coup in the world of mountains and seas, if this is the case, if the demon wants a child, he can find someone to stuff it .And Mei Luo and I...cough cough..." There are some things that she can't explain clearly, the general meaning is that they are all on the bed, a man and a woman, unless there is something wrong with their health, how can they have no children, oh, yes, If you use contraception, there is a great chance that you can have no children. Thinking of contraception, she was stunned for a moment, then looked at Shennong Ding, "I see, you just think that I can't have children, so the contraceptive pills you gave me are fake yes, right?"


Yumo became angry, immediately grabbed it with both hands, pushed it down on the bed, and slapped it vigorously with his hands, as if spanking its buttocks, "Okay, guard against day and night, house thieves are hard to guard against, so you made the tortoise Long, let me have a child before I was married, tell me, how are you going to compensate me?"

"I entrust you as the master. I will give you whatever you want, and you can pay for it. Besides, aren't you also very happy in your heart?"

She was happy, but before she was happy, she was frightened.

"Brother Ding, you are the divine weapon Shennong Ding, how can you fool people with fake pills, are you worthy of Shennong?"

"It's my own idea that you don't get involved with him."

"It's my own idea. It's obviously a bad idea. You said, how did you hear the rumors? It's too irresponsible."

"This is by no means a rumor. Although the world of mountains and seas is not connected to the world of humans, there will always be a few humans accidentally strayed into this place due to the relationship between the giant tides. I have met two pairs of demon and human couples who have the secret recipe for survival. No matter what methods they tried, there was still no child."

"Isn't it difficult for a demon to get pregnant?"

"It's difficult, but it's not a man's problem. It's a woman's problem. You know that the life of a demon is different from that of your human beings."

"So what? Isn't it just a few times?" Keke, it's a lot less, only once every six months, and it is said that some people only once a year.

"It is because of the small number that it is difficult for a woman to get pregnant, so it is not a man's problem."

The problem of this small daily cycle directly affects ovulation. Ovulation is only once every six months, and the longest is only once a year. The time is still uncertain.

"Maybe you meet those couples, men have problems with infertility?" She absolutely doesn't believe that demons and humans can't have children, otherwise what is in her stomach, teratoma?

Bu Jie is a great wizard at any rate, and it is impossible to make a wrong diagnosis. It is an indisputable fact that she is pregnant.

"Girl, I can't explain this to you clearly. Don't believe me, I really didn't lie to you. It's impossible for humans and demons to have children!"

"You only met two couples of human and demon. There are too few cases. If you meet a hundred couples and none of them, then I can still believe it."

"There are already a lot of two pairs. If human beings can come to the mountain-sea world if they have nothing to do, then is it meaningful that the mountain-sea world and the human world are not connected?"

This is true, but Yu Mo just thinks that this rumor is unreliable.

"If you don't believe it, forget it. We won't talk about it. After all, you already have it. But there is one more thing. I want to tell you that it may not be that simple to have this child in your stomach."

"Huh? What are you trying to say?" She was confused by him.

"Girl, you are a human being, and you are pregnant with a demon's child. You know that demons are born with Yuan Dan, which is the source of demon power. I worry that the older the child is, the heavier your burden will be. It's only been a few days You just vomit like this, and I'm afraid it will be even worse in the future."

Yu Mo's forehead was sweating, "Don't scare me."

"Why would I scare you? I'm worried about you, girl. This child came at an untimely time. I wanted you to take more medicine to strengthen your body, so that you can strengthen your body. In addition, you can cultivate Yuandan. It wouldn't be so hard, if the child came at that time, the burden could be minimized, now..."

It is also recently to see her sickness too serious to think about it.

The child in her womb has half the blood of a monster. This blood is not a joke. If the child inherits more from his father, he will also be a strong monster. Yuan Dan will become stronger and stronger as he grows up, without demon power She has to bear the burden brought by Yuan Dan, the question is whether she can bear it.

"so serious?"

"Actually, I'm also guessing, but your physical condition has been deteriorating these past few days, so the possibility is high. To be honest, it's the first time I've met people and demons who can have children. Is it true? I don't know." Not sure, but you have also seen that your vomiting is really unusual, this may be the negative effect of Yuan Dan. If you are a demon, you already have Yuan Dan in your body. After pregnancy, the child’s Yuan Dan can be absorbed by the mother’s Yuan Dan. Dan suppressed, or got along well, but you didn't, so the child's Yuan Dan will hurt you."

"Brother Ding, you are telling me that it is better not to have this child, are you?"

"If I say so, will you agree?"

She shook her head violently, "Nonsense, how could you agree?"

This is her child, the only one, and there will be children in the future, not this one, and she will definitely not want this child for such a reason.

She took a deep breath and calmed down the panic in her heart, "Brother Ding, tell me honestly, will the child be okay, my body is weak, will it cause any problems for it, will it be unhealthy, will it be Because of me, what is missing in my body?"

"It shouldn't be. It's stronger than you. Even if it has something to do, it's also your business. It's the same as the law of the jungle."

Yu Mo, however, was unwilling to believe how a child still growing in her womb could have the ability to hurt her mother. She decided not to just listen to Shen Nong Ding's one-sided words, and called Mao Qiu.

Maoqiu heard about this, and agreed with Shennongding.

Shennong Ding was right. Humans and demons would never have children. It is more miraculous that she can have children.

Yu Mo's heart suddenly turned cold, "Really?"

Maoqiu couldn't bear to look at her expression, turned his head away and said, "Yeah!"

"Furball, tell me that the child will be fine, right?"

"No, just like what Shennong Ding said, even if there is something to do, it is also something to do with my mother!"

Her heart fluttered. At that moment just now, she felt the psychology of a mother who was told by the doctor that her child had Down syndrome after the prenatal examination. No, it was worse than that. Her problem was more inclined to the mother's pregnancy It was only later that I found out that I was a terminal cancer patient, and giving birth to a child was a gamble for my life, and if I failed, I would lose two lives.

But she doesn't believe in evil, her luck has always been very good, and she thinks nothing will happen, but it is an indisputable fact that she vomits so much that she can't even eat, so how can her nutrition keep up with it? This is not good, she Nutrition must be supplemented.

After thinking about it, she immediately called Mu Xiang.

"Mu Xiang, hurry up and get some food, the more the better, the more nutritious the better."

Mu Xiang didn't know what was going on in her mind, she thought she had a good appetite, so she clapped her hands happily, "Okay, miss, wait, I'll get it right away."

"Girl, it's not good to eat too much."

"I'm also a doctor. I know what's good and what's not. Don't worry, I won't mess around. I'm just planning for a rainy day. A weak body can be made strong. Diet therapy is also a way. By the way, you said that I am a human being, and I have no yuan." Dan, now that I have a child, can I still practice?"

After she became pregnant, her cultivation of Yuandan fell into place.

"It's not a big problem, but it can't be too aggressive."

"Okay, I see."

What is congenitally deficient is acquired, the Lan family has been doctors for generations, and there is absolutely no such thing as being able to heal others but not self-healing. She can't smash the signboard of the Lan family no matter where she goes.

"Brother Ding, you can't tell Duoji about this." Mei Luo couldn't hear Shennong Ding's voice, but Duoji was in human form, so Mei Luo could hear his words, "Maoqiu, you mustn't say that either!"

Mei Luo is so happy that she has a child, and she must not hit him at this time.

As a mother, she is strong. In the human world, she has seen many miracles between mothers and children. The child is the angel of the mother, and the mother is the protector of the child. The two are dependent on each other, so she will not be afraid. Master bet, she has never lost, at least in the world of mountains and seas.

"Baby, don't worry, mother will be able to hold on, so you must grow up healthily and be born safely..."

Yumo turned on the mode of throwing up after eating, eating after vomiting, Meiluo was very happy that she could eat, but she would throw up all of it after eating, it was no different from not eating, but after vomiting, she would eat more than before. Work hard, he doesn't know whether this phenomenon is good or bad, he only knows that Yu Mo eats a lot of food, five meals a day, every meal is nutritious, but not only is she not fat, but she is even more emaciated.

Bu Jie came to check the pulse on time every day. The child's condition is stable, but the mother's health is not good.

Because of the short gestation period, Yao's belly will bulge after about one month of pregnancy, and it will get bigger and bigger in the next two months, until it will be ripe after four months, but Yumo's belly will still be flat after one month, with a slight slope nothing.

This means that the child follows the human gene at this point and needs to be conceived in October.

Yumo doesn't worry about how much pain she will suffer, all her thoughts are now on the idea of ​​giving birth safely.

Only ten months, so soon.

But at this time, in the Nightfalcon clan, Shuangxi sneaked into the residence of the right general, Heji...

 Puppy: Blame me, it’s hard for me too.This is the author's setting, fuck it.

  Brother Ergou: ...This is a foreshadowing, foreshadowing, foreshadowing, understand, but I don’t deny that silently will be the most difficult, weirdest, and tragic childbirth in my writing, hum, hum, don’t ask me why?
  Regarding teratoma, some relatives may not understand what it is. Generally speaking, when a mother is pregnant, she actually conceives two children, but one of the children is 'eaten' by the other child (nakedly the law of the jungle Uterus version), and after the surviving child is born, a tumor will form in its stomach, or somewhere, with teeth, bones, and hair in it... Don’t be afraid, benign tumors, just ask a doctor to remove them .

  Recently, a girl in our company checked it out. Recently, she has been worrying about how she ate this sister or younger sister.

  poor baby...

(End of this chapter)

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