The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 441 Part 206 The Biggest Backing

Chapter 441 Part 206 The Biggest Backing
"Axi, why are you hanging around the young master's door, hurry up and help, the kitchen is waiting for firewood!"

There are very few domestic servants in He Ji's mansion. The gardener in charge of flowers and plants and the woodcutter is a 25-year-old strong little fire named Ada. He has dark skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he works hard and has strength. One person can support three people, he yelled at Ah Xi who had just entered the mansion.

Axi is Shuangxi. Through Yanqin's method, he successfully contacted Bailihong, who was the last among the four elders.

The leader, Bai Lipeng, has been locked in prison by Bai Yu. The remaining Baili Pigeon and Baili Quail are brothers who are attached to Bai Lipeng. Li Peng is just two useless people, so he won't take them into action for the time being, but he sent people to monitor them all day long. The remaining Bai Lihong is the most soft-spoken of the four elders. It's like finding him as an elder just to make up the numbers.

But is this really the case?

Of course not, the elder of the three dynasties of the blackbird was not in vain. He is well versed in the intrigue routines of the officialdom.

Therefore, Bailihong has always been low-key in his affairs, so low-key that it almost feels non-existent.

It is precisely because of such a back road that Yan Qin's plan was able to succeed.

It proves that the more inconspicuous a person is, the more terrifying he is.

Shuangxi withdrew her searching eyes, and rubbed her head foolishly, "I'll just take a look, I heard that this young master is young, just the right age for fun, and there are many fun games in my village..."

Ah Da gave him a contemptuous look, "We don't like such flirtatious things in our house, you work hard is the right way."

"Yes, yes, brother A is right, hehe, I will help you right now."

He is a newcomer and dare not fight against these old people.

"Hurry up, the kitchen is still waiting for cooking, miss is not in good health recently, be careful to eat the whip when it's late."

"Come on, come on, big brother, please take care of the little one, and the little one will definitely repay you in the future."

After the two left, Lu Ying, He Ji's personal servant girl, came out of the house with a basin in her hand, met Ah Da, who walked away from Shuangxi, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, how is your health?"

"It's still the same, I vomited badly, this belly..." She paused, looked around, and said after confirming that there was no one left, "The belly is getting bigger, but the body is skinny, I'm worried... "

"Don't worry, don't worry, with Master Bai Yu, Miss will be fine."

Lu Ying and A Da are both He Ji's loyal servants and servants who survived the disaster, and they know very well about He Ji and Bai Yu's past.

"Ada, how has the young master been these few days? Are you still clamoring to see Miss?"

"That's right, I was clamoring to see Miss just now."

About He Ji's pregnancy, only a few people in the house knew about it. Even her own younger brother, He Ji didn't tell, so she could only keep it a secret from day to day. contagious disease.

Luying's eyes suddenly turned red, "Miss doesn't know what sin she committed, she has to suffer so much."

"Why are you crying? It's not good for the young lady to see."

"I'm wronged for Miss. Think about how honorable Miss was in the past. She was called Miss by name, but what's the difference between her status and princess status? When Master was alive..."

"Okay, at this time you are still saying that there is nothing, take good care of the miss, I will go to the kitchen to make more soup."

Lu Ying wiped her eyes and nodded, "Well, tell the kitchen to stew thicker."

When the two of them were far away, Shuangxi poked his head out from the bushes in the corner, and rolled his jet-black eyes in circles.

"You must inform the young master immediately!"

Dog monster clan, royal palace.

The sleeping hall was filled with the smell of eating. Yumo sat on the chair, holding the rice bowl, and stuffed something into his mouth vigorously, eating so much oil that his mouth was full of oil, beside Linglong who was drinking tea first.

Seeing her stuffing food like this, Linglong frowned slightly, "Do you really want to eat like this?"

"Yeah!" Yumo stuffed a handful of vegetables into his mouth, "I vomit a lot."

"You eat like this, be careful to spoil your stomach."

"No, I have a strong stomach and I am a vegetarian. It doesn't matter, but you have been here for a long time without talking. What do you mean by watching me eat?"

"I'm looking for you, of course I have something to do." Linglong put down the teacup.


Yumo hiccupped, this kind of demeanor was extremely dazzling in Linglong's eyes, but it was hard to say anything about her.

"I ask you, did you ask the king to release the bird?"

"Well, it's me, what?"

Linglong turned cold, "The bird was sent by Baiyu. If you really can't ask anything, then leave it to our Huansifu. I have a way to make it talk."

Yumo put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and sighed inwardly, "So this happened again... You're not the first person. Both Bu Jie and Elder Hongsong came here to scold me."

"Hehe, it can be seen that our brains are more clear than yours about the stakes and interests of things. How can a person who does big things have a woman's benevolence in his heart."

"For your sake, I'll say it again. I'm not a woman, but I don't think it's necessary to go to war. I know the capabilities of Huansifu, but it was a chess piece that was thrown away when it was used. How much does it know? It’s useless to ask, and a woman’s intuition can’t be wrong. Ping’an... No, it’s Purple Wing. It must have feelings for Bai Yu. If you let it go, Bai Yu will definitely have a headache. I think Is it that stupid, so stupid that it will be released for no reason."

"I think you are stupid." Linglong's words were sharp, she didn't have her face at all, she didn't look like Elder Hongsong at all, and she didn't dare to ask too loudly, after all, Yumo's identity is different now, she is the future queen, she is a dog monster The most honorable woman.

"How did you see that?"

"Who broke into Queen Qiluo's tomb without obeying the agreement." She made a clear agreement with her for seven days, but she unexpectedly broke in ahead of time. Isn't this stupid?
"You still have the nerve to say, let me ask you, you didn't plan to take me into the tomb at all, right? You also said that the enchantment needs to be broken by a special person. It's all a lie to me. Xuewu will never choose Queen Qiluo Someone other than the master, now that you think about it, you have ulterior motives, my dear!"

If she wasn't Aunt Linlang's own sister, she wouldn't have let her in to chat with her at all.

Linglong squinted her eyes, "Yo, girl, you are smart, but what is kiss?"

"Don't worry about it! Answer my question first."

In the past few days, all the people have been respectful to her, so that she has become more courageous and dared to shout and drink. Since she has decided to stay in the mountain and sea world to be the queen of the dog monster clan, the queen's prestige should also be Take it out for fun, as Queen Qiluo said, she doesn't have to bow to anyone, only others bow to her. In order to show that she is angry, she slapped the table, "Say, invite it truthfully."

"Yes, I really never thought of taking you into the mausoleum."

"Look, I'm right. If that's the case, why do you still agree with me for seven days?"

"Want to find out how determined you are."


"You are a human being and a sinner of our race. If you don't have enough determination to overcome all difficulties, it is a fool's dream to want to be the queen. The first time you hear about determination, you may be so hot-headed that you don't care about it. , but after a period of time, the feverish head will cool down, become hesitant, and become afraid of this and that. I gave you seven days, just to see if you are still courageous and determined when the time comes Still unshakable."

When your head is hot, you can't think of anything else, but when you calm down, your determination will be shaken by hesitation. Once shaken, no matter how big your determination is, it will become tofu.

"So, no matter if I get Xuewu or not, you will help me?"


"Why?" She only met her once, and she didn't talk much.

"You are the person my sister likes. As long as my sister thinks it is right, I will also think it is right."

Linglong said it very seriously, but when it stopped in Yumo's ears, it had a different meaning - the iceberg beauty in front of her was just like a sister-in-law.

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of person..."


"No, it's nothing!" She couldn't understand the word sister control, and she had to waste time explaining, so it's better not to say, "It's just that you are willing to help me, sister, drink tea."

Yumo graciously refilled her cup with hot tea.

"Why do you call me sister? Shouldn't you be called aunt? It's a generation behind."

Her name is Aunt Linlang, so she should be called Auntie.

"It's not the same. You look much younger than your aunt. Wouldn't it be old to call you aunt?"

"That's good!" Women are very concerned about age, even if Yao can live a long time, it can't change a woman's mentality.

"Does sister eat dim sum..." There are piles of dim sum in her place, and there are everywhere.

"I'm not here to eat, I have something to ask you."

"Didn't you ask?" She criticized her for trespassing on the mausoleum just now.

"One more thing..." Linglong's brows darkened, "It's about my aunt."

Yu Mo was a little flustered when he heard this, and he dared not raise his head while eating snacks, "What do you want to ask, sister?"

"My aunt has something to do with your poisoning?"

Wisteria is a traitor's affair, no one except Cang Wu and Bu Jie knows, how did she know, Mei Luo deliberately kept it a secret, just because of this matter, Huan Si Mansion would not be hit and the outside world would be suspicious.

How did Linglong know?
Yumo hesitated whether to tell the truth, thought for a while, and decided not to tell, everyone is dead, she is fine, let everything go with the wind.

"Sister, why do you think so?"

"It's useless even if you want to hide it from me. Even if you don't tell me, I can guess that the people around you have been trained by your sister, and they will never betray you. The only one who doubts is my aunt."

" think too much."

Linglong snorted, "My Huansi Mansion has strict rules and regulations, and I will definitely not do things that cover up my own people. Even if it is announced, I will not be afraid of others poking my spine. I just want to know the truth."

"Elder Wisteria is dead, some things should be in the past."

Wisteria's betrayal was intended to kill her and Mei Luo, but Lin Lang was indirectly killed. She really didn't want Ling Long's disciples to cause grief.

"It's not what I want to know, it's what my mother wants to know."

"Hey? Master Ziying?" Yu Mo was surprised, because after hearing that Lin Lang died, Ziying couldn't bear the pain of losing her daughter, and she became sick with missing her, and she lay in bed mourning all day long. How could she still have the heart to know in such a mood? this kind of thing.

"There are no incompetent people in my Huansi Mansion."

Linglong's tone was very stern and proud, and she continued: "My mother personally arranged and implemented the formation of the water cage. Those who can destroy it, except for the people of the Huansi Mansion, don't think of others. The demon power can be so strong There are very few people who directly destroy the enchantment set by my mother, I can't, and my sister can't, so the only one is my aunt."

At that time, Ziying didn't think of this because of her horror, but combined with the people Yumo had contacted before being poisoned, the answer was ready to come out, and it was precisely because of this that she was in pain until now, and her body went from bad to worse.

My dearest sister killed her own daughter, she couldn’t let go of such pain anyway, now that Wisteria is dead, and the Huansi Mansion has not been held accountable, she is very grateful for Mei Luo’s kindness, but not being held accountable does not mean it does not exist , as the person in charge of the Huansi Mansion, she should be guilty of the same crime, or even more guilty.

"Sister, how is Master Ziying?"

"not good!"

Having lost her daughter and her younger sister, the younger sister was also the chief culprit in causing the catastrophe of the dog monster clan. Under such a blow, anyone with some self-esteem and conscience will not feel better.

"Then please tell my sister that Yu Mo doesn't blame anyone, and I don't want to mention this matter again, so that she can relax and recuperate. Sooner or later, we and Bai Yu will have a big battle, and she, the illusionist, must never be missing. If she wants to make up for something, then she should protect Mei Luo well, this is the greatest reward for me."

In terms of pain, she really felt that Ziying and Linglong were the ones who suffered the most. She may have felt pain and complained before, but in the end she got the Shennong Ding, Bixi, and the perfectly grown Bai Ze, and Dorji, whose identity as Nvwashi was also discovered after that catastrophe.

In this way, she was a blessing in disguise, but the Huansi Mansion got nothing, but two people died instead.

Therefore, she doesn't complain to anyone, she just wants someone to protect Mei Luo during the war and be more loyal to him.

"You really think so?" Linglong looked expressionlessly at her.

"Sister said so much, just want to know, when I become the queen, will I have a rift with the Huansi Mansion, if one day I am not happy, relying on Meiluo to spoil me, I will listen to it... right? ?”

Linglong is different from Linlang. Linglong is the one who bears the future of the Huansi Mansion. What she has to consider is not only her own preferences, but also the good and bad of the ethnic group.

After being silent for a long time, Linglong spoke.

"My sister once said that you are someone who will interest me."

Yu Mo chuckled, "Obviously... Auntie is right."

Linglong didn't answer. After standing up, she knelt down on one knee, "Miss, Linglong swears to you today that she will never betray you in this life. When you live, the Huansifu will live. If you die, the Huansifu will definitely die before you." .”

"Sister, you don't need to be so big when you get up."

"No, this gift is what I should give."

"It's really not necessary, I actually don't understand anything."

"No, Miss's generosity and kindness are the greatest kindness to my Huansi Mansion."

She bowed deeply and touched the ground with her forehead.

Yu Mo hurriedly helped her up, as a human being, she really couldn't bear this kind of kowtow.

The next day, the obituary came from Huansi Mansion—Master Ziying died of illness.

Yumo couldn't believe it, why did such a good person disappear.

The person who came didn't say much. He was dressed in white and had a calm face. He was very respectful to Yu Mo.

"How is Miss Linglong now?"

"Miss has succeeded to become the new head of the Huansi Mansion."

It is most normal for the old and the new to alternate, but she always feels that there is something wrong with it.

"Mu Xiang, tell Mu'er to prepare the chariot, I'm going to Huansi Mansion."

"Miss, the king said that you are not allowed to go out casually."

"It doesn't matter what he says at this time, hurry up..."

When Mu Xiang was hesitating, the Huansi Mansion came to announce the obituary and said, "Miss, Miss Linglong has one more sentence that I want me to bring to you..."


"Miss Linglong said that only in this way can the Huansi Mansion truly become Miss's backing."

Yumo froze when he heard that.

Does this mean... She felt a pain in her heart.

Master Ziying definitely did not die of illness.

"Miss is resting, and my subordinates are going back to report."

After the person left, Yu Mo sat stiffly on the edge of the bed. She didn't move an inch until the sunset came and Mei Luo came back.


"Mei Luo..." She grabbed his clothes tightly, "Tell me, how did Lord Ziying die?"

Mei Luo sat beside her and sighed, "This is her own choice, you don't have to take it to heart..."

There is a traitor in the Huansi Mansion. This is the crime of extermination. Even if no one commits the crime, this fact cannot be erased. Definitely go to atone for sin.

It is atonement and a means of showing loyalty.

Linglong will be the new person in charge, and she will be Yumo's biggest backing.

 In fact, Ziying committed suicide because she was worried that Yumo would hold grudges in the future. It is useless to say that, because the heart will change, especially when a person gains power, no matter how kind the heart is, it will become cruel. He can share a bowl of water with his subordinates, but in a peaceful and prosperous age, when the king sits on the dragon chair, he will think, how dare you share the same bowl of water with me back then.

  Of course, it wasn't that Ziying didn't believe in Yumo, but that she prevented this possibility and used her own death to completely show her loyalty and erase Yumo's possible resentment in the future.

  Even if Yumo turns bad in the future, her death will not give her any reason to attack.

  A little crazy, but as a patriarch, her decision is not wrong at all.And she was hit too hard, and her self-esteem couldn't let her just let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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