The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 442 Part 207 Queen's Guard

Chapter 442 Part 207 Queen's Guard

Yumo also participated in Linglong's succession ceremony, and as the future queen, she personally awarded Linglong the seal of the Huansi Mansion. This was to announce her identity, and to make people who have never seen her Those aristocrats glanced at her, so as not to provoke her in the future, but unfortunately, her nausea symptoms became more and more serious, and she didn't have the energy to complete the wedding ceremony, so her marriage with Mei Luo had to be postponed for a while. Therefore, Mei Luo also thought of this method, let her show her face at Linglong's succession ceremony, after that, unless she died, no one would be able to shake her back.

Ziying's funeral was not held in a big way, a memorial tablet was set up, and the nobles and family relatives who came to mourn were offered incense and it was over. The position is what everyone expects, everything is going on in an orderly manner, and there is no trouble.

Yumo finally persisted until the end of the ceremony. As soon as she returned to the place vacated by Huansi Mansion for her to rest, she vomited all over the place, and cried while vomiting. Arrived.

"Miss, are you feeling uncomfortable? Why are you still crying?" Mu Xiang frantically passed the handkerchief.

Yumo vomited, feeling like he was about to vomit, unable to speak, and kept shaking his hands.

She vomited for a long time before she stopped, and after rinsing her mouth, Zi Kai helped her to sit on the couch.

Her face was pale, the makeup on her face was stained by tears, she looked like a female ghost.

Mu Xiang fetched hot water and wiped her face.

"Miss, if you don't feel well, you should lie down and rest for a while. Would you like to let Mr. Bujie come over and have a look?"

Her current status can no longer be compared to before, and she is unspeakably expensive. If something goes wrong, she and the whole family of Zikai will suffer. Fortunately, after the ceremony, Mei Luo still has some things to deal with. Did she follow along? Otherwise, the two girls will definitely be scolded.

"No, just take a break!" It was like this every day, and I felt better after vomiting.

Linglong walked in wearing the governor's robe. The robe was very heavy, and the crown jade on top of her head was also very heavy. Wearing it on her forehead was like a big iron ball. To wear the crown jade, she tied her hair up tightly. Feeling a headache, she dismissed the maid who followed, she took off the crown jade, and threw it on the table.

"What's the matter with you, you looked like a human just now, but now you're a big tabby cat, you're so ugly."

Zi Kai carefully put away the crown jade, how can such precious things be thrown away, if it is broken, it will lose its head.

"Miss Linglong... No, Master Linglong is here."

She is now the head of the Huansi Mansion, and her title is about to be changed to an adult.

Linglong nodded to Muxiang, "Is there any tea? Give me a cup of tea! And what's wrong with your young lady, why does she look so ugly?" She found a chair and sat down.

Mu Xiang served tea over, "Miss, this morning sickness happens several times a day, even today I don't know why, she cried while throwing up."

"Crying?" Linglong took a sip from the teacup, and looked at Yu Mo with her beautiful eyes, "Why are you crying?"

"It hurts!" Yu Mo, who was lying on the couch, sat up and began to cry again.

"Why is your heart so sad? Don't forget that you are going to be a queen, and you can't show your emotions. Hurry up and put away your tears. People who don't know will think that our Huansifu is treating you harshly." Well, I can't afford to be guilty of that."

Linglong's face was calm and calm, she didn't have the joy of succeeding to the head of the family, nor the pain of losing her mother, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

Yu Mo wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, and shouted, "You know what I'm suffering for."

"I don't know what you're suffering from, but it looks like you still have the strength to roar so loudly. Your body must be fine."

"Don't change the subject, answer me directly."

"What do you want me to say?" After drinking the tea, Linglong asked Mu Xiang for another cup.

"Master Ziying's matter."

After the words fell, the atmosphere became a bit dignified. Linglong paused for taking the tea, "You thought of it yourself, or the king told you."

"Both! And is it hard to guess?" She is not a fool.

"Since you know everything, why ask?"

"How can you pretend that nothing happened, it's your mother!"

"Because she is my mother, I respect her decision. She is not simply committing suicide, but for the future of the entire Huansi Mansion. If it were me, I would do the same."

Yu Mo was most annoyed by this, and patted the bed, "Am I such a chicken belly? If I didn't like you, I would have spoken ill of you to Mei Luo, and you don't have to wait until today. You obviously didn't Treat me as one of your own."

In order for her to deal with the Huansifu, she would trade her life for it. As a human being in the 21st century, she absolutely cannot agree.

"Girl, it will take time to prove how you behave, but as the head of the government, the biggest responsibility is to eliminate all things that may endanger the ethnic group. How you behave is a matter of the future. It is too far away, so far away that you may find out By the time it's too late, you don't have to take this matter to heart!"

"How can you say it so easily?" She still felt unwilling, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was her own existence that made Ziying choose death.

Her thoughts are easily shown on her face, Linglong can understand it at a glance, if her mother could see her current appearance, maybe she would not choose such a path, but who can predict the world's affairs?As the leader of the ethnic group, you can't gamble with the whole clan, because you can't afford to lose.

Sister, this girl is still a bit tender to be a queen, but it doesn't matter, Linglong will take good care of her for you.

"Okay, girl, I understand your thoughts. There is no need for you to think that you have harmed my mother. She did this because she considered her responsibility. My daughter is not uncomfortable. Why are you uncomfortable? It’s enough to scold a few words, and let time prove the rest, by the way, you can’t miss your homework, starting tomorrow, I will find time to go to the palace to teach you.”

"What homework?" She changed the topic so quickly that Yu Mo couldn't keep up with her train of thought.

"Could it be that the books in the dormitory cannot be displayed?"

The books she mentioned were the ones that Cang Wu sent to Yu Mo.

"What? You still understand this?" Mei Luo and Lin Lang both said that she is a person addicted to illusion.

"Is there something you probably don't know?" Linglong smiled mysteriously.


"If Queen Qi Luo hadn't come to the Dog Monster Race to learn from him, I..." She pointed to herself, "The king might be my son..."

Yu Mo was stunned.

No way?
In the evening, she specifically asked Mei Luo about this matter.

Mei Luo said in a steady tone, "Well, what she said is not wrong. Linglong was one of my father's queen candidates."

"But she's much younger than Aunt Linlang?" Linlang was older than Qiluo, but not by much, but she was far behind Linglong.

"Momo, it doesn't matter how old a demon marries a wife. It's possible to marry a wife who is a few hundred years older than you, or a few hundred years younger. The difference is a few hundred years, which is about five or six years apart from you humans. So, you can rest assured to worship this master."

Ziying's death represented his loyalty to Yumo, and he was relieved to hand her over to Linglong.

Yumo swallowed, and looked up at the bookshelf, "Could she be a very strict teacher?"

"I don't know about that, but a strict teacher produces an excellent apprentice, you learn first, anyway, you don't have anything to do now, and it's better to have something to kill time than if you have nothing to do."

She was suffering from morning sickness like this, and she still wanted to go to the doctor's office for a consultation. Bu Jie complained more than once, saying that she had robbed him of his job.

"Then how can it be called running around with nothing to do? I'm trying to win people's hearts. You know that I don't know anything else, and my strengths are healing."

Her identity has been decided, but the decision does not represent the will of the people, at least some nobles are still dissatisfied, but they dare not say it.

There has been a saying since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

Only by winning the hearts of the people with her can she become a queen safely. It is not so simple for the nobles to win over, but the common people are different. There is no need to talk about any interests, as long as they are sincerely good to them, and the base of the common people She is three or four times bigger than the nobles. If something happens in the future, the common people can stand on her side and have an equal share with the nobles. Otherwise, why do the US presidential elections care so much about the votes of the common people and try their best to bring down the class? That's what votes are for.

She was upset, and pinched the flesh on his waist with a straight face, "Do you think I'm doing something useless?"

"Why, I'm afraid you're too tired. I feel bad for you vomit like that every day!" He held her hand pinching her waist and warmed it in his palm, "You will be the most honorable woman in my dog ​​monster clan." , don’t need to be exposed to the wind and the sun every day, what if you get tired and sick? It’s better to stay in the palace, I can see you whenever I want to see you.”

If she goes outside the palace, it will be very difficult for people to find her. The doctor's office of the dog monster clan is originally a place to see a doctor and treat injuries. , and also arrived at any time, he knew that there was something called takeaway in the human world, she was of the same nature, no matter what the disease was, she would come to the door in person, it was too hard!
"I did it to divert attention. As long as I have something to do, I won't vomit. I will vomit when I calm down. Why don't I just run around?"

"I'm tired and sick. It's not you who suffer, but I who feel distressed. You want to win the hearts of the people and wait until the birth is over. Then you can do whatever you want, just don't allow it now." He held back this matter for a long time Yes, I have long wanted to find time to talk to her.

"There are more than eight months to give birth?"

"I'm not in a hurry for what you're in a hurry for. When you're not overwhelmed with embarrassment, get the marriage done quickly, or I'll always feel uneasy." He glanced at her stomach, "Why is this child not inherited? It must be inherited from you humans. A problem that can only happen in October!"

He didn't care about it before, but now he really cares, and feels that ten months is really too long.

"Can you speak? What is a problem? This is the normal pregnancy time. Your kind is called backfiring."

This idiom is not used correctly, but it is almost the meaning.

"This is called evolution..."

"Go, it's still evolving. It's called evolution from hairy to hairless. Have you ever heard of BJ ape..."

"I'm not like that stuff."

"Yeah, it's different. I'm still thinking about that kind of thing!" She glanced at him, "I know you've been holding back for a long time, but as I said, it's not allowed during pregnancy."

How can she not understand a man's mind, so she loves to fuck the sheets.

She turned over and said, "Go to sleep, so that you don't get angry."

He stuck it up, put his arms around her and said, "I'm not that beastly, but at least you can give me some soup."

"Solve it with your own hands. This kind of thing doesn't matter whether it has evolved or not."

He said angrily: "There is a saying that is really right."

"What?" she turned back.

He snorted, "If you have a child, your husband won't want it."

"You're not my husband yet..." You haven't been married yet, and now you're at most a cohabiting boyfriend.

He was angry, glared at her, bowed his head and kissed her with his mouth.

"Damn, I just vomited!"

"I've rinsed my mouth, I don't dislike it."

"Be serious!"

"Very serious!"

She protested, "Wait a minute..."

"No, it's just for kissing now, what are you waiting for?"

"No...I mean...vomit..." She wanted to throw up again.

Melo: "..."

He swears that he will only have one child like this in his life, and don't want any more.

When the month reached the third month, Yumo's symptoms of nausea disappeared, she no longer vomited, and her spirit has improved for a long time. The most gratifying thing is that her stomach has finally bulged. It's not too big, but at least it has a slope According to human pregnancy, the stomach will not bulge in three months, but her stomach cannot be regarded as a purebred human, and any development is possible. For this reason, she is very happy. Touch her stomach back and forth.

Because she is in good spirits, she spends the morning with Linglong to learn etiquette, the principles of being the best, and some messy military courses. She will take a nap at noon, and when she wakes up, she will go to Bujie to see the doctor of the dog and monster clan and provide door-to-door service Mei Luo's policy was dismissed, and no one dared to recruit her again.

She lived a very happy and fulfilling life like this, met many people, and her plan to win people's hearts was on track, but the rule that everyone who came to see her for treatment had to be transformed into the original form was something that many dog ​​monsters couldn't understand.

Aren't they all seeing a doctor? Why does she have to turn into a dog, but her medical skills are indeed ridiculously high, and everyone accepts this rule.

It's just that Mei Luo's suspicion is very serious, and she is always worried that someone will harm her. If she goes out of the palace, Awu and Dada must be her followers. When she sees a doctor, the two will stand like door gods.

But Awu and Dada have other things to do, if they are not free, she cannot go out of the palace, she has fought with Mei Luo several times for this matter, but each time it ends without a problem.

Today, because Dada was going to patrol with reinforcements from the cat monster tribe, her schedule to leave the palace was delayed again. For personal safety, she also consciously did not go out secretly, but she couldn't figure it out. The ball, and the beast, why must Awu and Dada protect it.

But then I figured it out, fierce beasts are docile animals in her eyes, but they are not in the eyes of other people. The catastrophe is over, but the shadows are not so easy to disappear. Some people still have fear of fierce beasts. If you don't come out, it's better not to come out.

Mei Luo knew that her character was restless, and it was indeed impossible for Awu and Dada to stay with her all the time. After thinking about it for a long time, he came up with an idea. Bu Jie was the first person to know this idea. For a moment, he thought his brain was burned out.

"You actually asked those two people to be the girl's guards!"

"Well, isn't it good?"

"Well, these two are yours..."

Mei Luo raised her eyes with a fierce look on her face, "They are nothing!"

Bu Jie rolled his eyes, "Okay, if you say no, then it's not, the other girl doesn't matter, but that girl's identity is different, isn't this another chance for Bai Fang?"

"No, on the contrary, I have cut off all possibilities. As long as one hair is silently lost, the entire clan's family will suffer. Do you think he dares?"

When a person hurts someone's mind, the best way is to let this person protect the person he wants to hurt, and tell him that if something happens to the person he wants to hurt, no matter whether he did it or not, He is responsible, not only him, but the whole family will suffer together.

In this way, dare to harm?

It will hurt you if you are stupid!
A day later, Yu Mo looked at Jin Ji and Ji Fu who came to visit her. These two will be her exclusive guards from today onwards.

She blinked, her whole body in a state of bewilderment.

Who is not easy to choose, but these two people have to be chosen?
Isn't this a blockage?

(End of this chapter)

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