The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 443 Part 208 Linglong's Intention

Chapter 443 Part 208 Linglong's Intention

Linglong slapped the book in her hand on the head of the dazed Yumo, "What are you doing in a daze, have you written down what you just said, repeat it."

Yu Mo rubbed his head and lamented, "Master, I don't even care about listening to the class at this time."

Linglong is now her teacher, so she is called Master.

"Jinji and Jifu are both first-class strong monsters in the clan, and they are also women. They are perfect for protecting you. Why do you have to worry about it?"

"But they used to be Mei Luo's..."

"Which one?" Linglong sat down, raised her teacup, and took a sip.

"Master, you ask the question knowingly."

Jin Ji used to be Mei Luo's queen candidate. If Mei Luo hadn't strayed into the human world, Jin Ji would have been his concubine Ji, and would have been his queen, not to mention Ji Fu, who was the granddaughter of the clan chief. She is also the head of the War Beast Mansion, the most suitable candidate to be the queen, and her grandfather Bai Ya doesn't like her even more.

Let these two people protect her, she will not have any sense of security, she will only feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know what Mei Luo thinks..." She lay on the table with an expression of lovelessness.

"Get up, sitting like this, you don't look like a queen."

"I feel gloomy!"

"It's strange that you are so depressed. A few days ago, you said you were smart, why are you so stupid today? The king has worked hard for you. In my opinion, these two are the most suitable guards."

Yu Mo raised her head, but still didn't feel that the two of them were suitable, but Mei Luo went to the border patrol without telling her, "Master, please explain!"

Linglong put down the tea cup, and Mu Xiang immediately filled the empty cup with new tea.

"Are you worried that they will harm you?"

Yumo shook her head, "I'm not afraid of harm. I can protect myself, but I feel awkward, and the two of them will never protect me sincerely." With Wisteria's lessons learned, she has taken sufficient safety measures around her.

For Jinji and Jifu, no matter what, she snatched the position of their queen, this is a thorn that will always be stuck in her and their chests.

"It doesn't matter whether you are sincere or not, what matters is whether the two of you are doing your duty." Just like her, if her sister was still there, even if the position in charge of the mansion had been decided long ago, she would not do it. But if you do it now, it will definitely be done well.

"How can they do their duty if they have a grudge against me?"

"Did you know that before the king chose them to serve as guards, he ordered them to be in both of their mansions, repeatedly ordering them to know that if anything happens to you, their families will suffer!"

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" She was a little greedy, and she was eating mung bean cakes in the food box. Recently, she stopped vomiting, but she was always hungry, and she wanted to eat when she had nothing to do. After hearing this, her hands stopped Dun, suffering together, wouldn't it be too cruel to even sit down.

"That is also the king's fate, and he is forced to do his duty."

In a sense, as long as it is not sincere, it cannot be regarded as due diligence, at most it looks like due diligence on the surface.

"You're wrong." Linglong hooked her hands, meaning to give her a piece too.

Yu Mo stuffed the mung bean cake into his mouth, took another piece, and held the mung bean cake with both hands and offered it to her.

Linglong took a bite and continued: "Let's take Jin Ji as an example. On the surface, she should be the one who hates you the most. If it weren't for you, she might already be the queen. Your appearance disturbed everything, and she hates you too." There is nothing wrong with it, but she was born in the Mansion of Thousand Beasts, and she is a dispensable low-ranking member of the nobility. Her father and brothers are both incompetent and greedy. The Queen's position is due to her father and brother, so she had to do it. Before that, she asked several times to go to the army for training, and wanted to make military achievements, but she refused because of her background in the Thousand Beast Mansion. Do you know Why would she let go of being a good noble lady and insist on going to the army for training?"

"I don't know." She had only met Jin Ji twice, so she didn't know her very well.

"She wants to leave Thousand Beast Mansion, from her family, and even from her father and brother. In her heart, she only has one younger sister. Her greatest hope is to let her live a good life and marry a good family. She will agree to do it." The king's concubine Ji is also because of this, it is impossible for her to be the queen now, and the last hope of leaving the family is tantamount to disappearing, which means that her future path will still be bleak, but the king gave her a guard The post has opened a new road to prosperity. To protect you is to protect the queen. On the day you wear the crown, she will officially become the queen's bodyguard. Although she is not a military rank, her official position is also equivalent to that of a general. In the future, if she is successful in protecting you, she can be proud and stand on her own, and then she will be able to completely break away from the restraint of her father and brother, so how can she not protect you with all her heart?"

Her elder sister, Lin Lang, is Queen Qiluo's guard, and anyone who sees her will call out general, because not everyone can be the queen's guard, and she has done something that can be said to be glorious.

"His father and brother are so hateful?"

"Selling a girl for glory, isn't it abominable?"

"But it's not right, Master, you said that she loves her sister very much, but that sister's name is Yin Ji?"

She has seen Yin Ji before, and she even pinched her.


"Since Jin Ji loves her so much, why would she also become Mei Luo's concubine Ji? The two sisters serve the same husband. How can this be called love?"

Pushing into a fire pit is more or less the same.

In ancient times, Huang E and Nv Ying served her husband together, and the two were also good sisters, and they were passed on as good stories, but no one really knew the misery involved.

"As I said just now, her father and brother both sell their daughters for glory. One daughter is for sale. Wouldn't it be safer to sell two daughters?"

"Damn it!" This was because he was afraid that Jin Ji would not be favored, and there was another daughter to guarantee the bottom line.

"Why, why do you say things I don't understand all day long?"

"Master, that's the language of our human world. It's normal if you don't understand it. Go on, go on, Jin Ji, I understand. What about Ji Fu, she makes me more anxious than Jin Ji."

"Jinji will protect you for the sake of her younger sister, Yinji. Naturally, Jifu will also do the same. The lives of the entire War Beast Mansion are on her body. Does she dare to disrespect you? Besides, the matter of the queen has made her a nobleman. The laughing stock among women, being able to protect you now is just an opportunity to clear up these gossips and let people know that she has no intention of being a queen at all, and it is completely rumored by outsiders, but if she gets angry and does not become a guard, she will be wiped out for the rest of her life If you don't know the dirty water, since you have to do it, you can't do it willfully, if something goes wrong, the dirty water will be splashed even more violently, so she has the heart to bully you, and she doesn't have the guts, so you can rest assured."

After Linglong finished eating the mung bean cake, she clapped her hands, drank the tea, and sighed again, "You don't understand such a simple truth, let me see, when the baby is born, I'll take it."

"Ah? Why is it Master?"

"You're stupid..."

Yu Mo: "..."

She is not stupid, she did not expect so many reasons?

"But girl... There is something I want to remind you. Neither of these two people are vicious people, and they are both aboveboard in their actions. You will be the queen in the future. If you can take them for your own use, it is also a good thing. Besides, now that your identity is fixed, you also have a child of the king in your womb, but have you ever thought about..." Linglong frowned, as if hesitating whether to speak out, but for the sake of this girl, she decided Or remind her earlier, "You are a human being, and your life span is short."

The Yaozu cannot live without a king, and neither can they live without a queen. She likes this girl very much, but it is also a fact that her longevity is a flaw.

"Master, do you want to say that while Jin Ji and Ji Fu are working as guards, let me observe more and see which of them is suitable to be my child's stepmother?"

"Now you're smart again..." Linglong glanced at her again, "Then what do you think?"

"No way!" she yelled, full of anger, "I know Master loves me very much, and he is also reminding me that in the future I may die before my child reaches adulthood, but he wants me to choose a concubine for my husband while I am alive. I can't make it out, whoever Meiluo wants to marry after I die has nothing to do with me, that's his business, as long as he likes it, I just know that I can live a day to day, and I will work hard to live on."

She is a human being, and it is impossible for her to live as long as a demon. This is an unchangeable fact. She and Mei Luo both know this, and it is also a pain that she does not want to touch. But if it can't be changed, why bother to bring it up to cause sadness?

She and Mei Luo are very good now, their relationship is stable, and they have a child again. She firmly believes that she will be very happy, but the happiness cannot last as long as their monsters, but this does not mean that she will bow to her fate. She is working hard to cultivate Yuandan , taking Shennongding’s medicine on time, she just wants to live longer. One hundred years old is a blessing from God, and it’s a miracle to live past one hundred. Arrange the continuation, and let Mei Luo worry about this kind of thing after she dies.

She just wants to give birth to a child in peace and be a good queen. Although Mei Luo must be very sad if she dies, but he still has a child, which is what she left him, and he will definitely be able to survive. .

"Well, since you have already made a decision, I will not say more. When the day comes, you can rest assured that since I am loyal to you, I will also be loyal to the child in your womb. I will definitely not let it suffer any grievances. In the future, after Wang Ruo marries Xin and has other children, it will still be the only master I will be loyal to in Linglong's heart."

"Master..." Hearing this, Yu Mo was very moved.

This means that if she does leave, the baby will be safe.

"Okay, I said that the queen can't express emotions, you should keep this point firmly in mind, don't do it again next time, today's lesson ends here."

"So fast?"

"I have just taken over the Huansi Mansion and I have a lot of things to deal with. Teaching you is already a time out of my busy schedule. You are pregnant, so it's not good to be too tired. There is no rush, just take your time."

Yu Mo wiped away tears, "Then I will send Master out."


As soon as Yumo sent Linglong out, she ran into Jinji and Jifu. This was their first day on duty, and they would accompany her to the doctor's office in the afternoon. She still felt uncomfortable before, but after Linglong After a thorough analysis, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared, but what could not be changed was the awkwardness.

Although it is not the first time to meet them, the last time Le Xian made trouble, she met both of them at the same time, but the situation at that time was completely different from the current situation. Not leaving means that she will spend a long time with these two people.

Since we have to get along for a long time, it is better to be sincere from today, maybe one day we can get rid of the past and become best friends.

Linglong said, "Miss Jifu, Miss Jinji."

"Master Linglong."

Because they became bodyguards, both of them changed into the silver-gray military uniforms of bodyguards, and wore swords.

Linglong nodded, and saw Adai who was following Jifu with sharp eyes.

Adai was lowering her head, probably feeling her gaze, and raised her head slightly.

When Linglong saw the unwillingness in her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched...

Sometimes the master is not bad, but his temper is always spoiled by the slaves who follow him.

She suddenly turned around and bowed to Yu Mo, "Queen, please wait, just send it here, if you send it again, I will be ashamed."

This time the queen called, Yu Moyun was in the fog, and she was even more startled.

Although she confirmed the identity of the queen, as long as the wedding was not held for a day, the title would not be changed. She didn't know how to respond to this nonsense call.

"Master, you are..."

Linglong winked at her, the queen obviously had a purpose in making this call.

Yu Mo saw her eyes, and immediately replied, "My lord, go slowly."

Linglong straightened her body, turned to Jin Ji and Ji Fu with a smile, and said, "I forgot, I haven't congratulated the two ladies yet..."

Her "Queen" just now not only scared Yu Mo, but also surprised them, making them subconsciously start thinking about what to call Yu Mo later.

Is it Miss, or Queen?
"I don't know what Master Linglong wants to congratulate us on?" Ji Fu responded politely.

Because of Lin Lang's matter, Linglong has caused a mess in the clan's residence, and there is always a grudge when meeting each other, but she has a different status now, she is the person in charge of the house, she must not ignore this grudge, and Lin Lang's death is indeed true. It was caused by Bai Ya. Although it was a wrongful killing, the Clan Prime Minister's House was still at fault.

"Shouldn't you congratulate the two who have become the queen's guards? Although the guards are not in the army, they are the closest people to the queen. In the future, you will need to take care of them."

Queen's Guard...

Jin Ji and Ji Fu looked at Yu Mo at the same time.

Yu Mo stood where she was, smiling and amiable, but she was secretly scolding Linglong in her heart for such a sudden move without prior notice.

"Isn't it?" Linglong walked through Jifu and looked at Adai behind her.

Adai was startled, and hurriedly lowered her head.

Jin Ji replied, "My lord, you are very polite. If you want to take care of us, it should be your lord who takes care of us a lot."

"To each other, my business is done, it's time to go, please!"


When Linglong walked past Adai, she glanced again, and happened to collide with Adai's stealthy eyes.

The sharp and warning eyes made her tremble uncontrollably.

Satisfied, Linglong waved her sleeves and left gracefully.

Yumo was thinking about how to greet these two, whether to invite them in for tea and chat, or to act like a queen and let them wait outside while she went in to have a meal and sleep?

According to her temperament, the latter is a bit embarrassing.

Before she could think it through, Jin Ji and Ji Fu suddenly spoke.

"See the queen!"

Both of them bowed respectfully.

They even called themselves queens.

Of course they have to, because Linglong is the head of the Huansi Mansion, even she calls her Queen, how can they still call her Miss.

She stabilized her mind and understood Linglong's intentions.

Now that we are all called queens, then...

"You two have worked hard, but the sun is still very strong. I can't go out at the moment. I will go to the doctor's office after I have a nap. It will be an hour later."

A queen must have the air of a queen, not to mention making the two guards wait for an hour, even a day is no problem.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu bowed their heads, "Yes!"

The two of them couldn't see any unhappiness, as for Adai, she was already frightened by Linglong's eyes.

The moment their eyes met, Linglong's illusion had already been activated, instilling in her an illusion. If she had a wrong heart, the entire clan's mansion would be miserable. She froze, digesting the cruelty and bloodiness brought by the illusion, and raised her head When she looked at Yu Mo, her smiling face became terrifying like a devil, and she hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

"See the queen!"

That's right, it's impossible for her to change as a queen, and it's useless to be unwilling!
 Isn’t Linglong amazing...isn’t she amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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