The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 444 Part 209 Small Fireball in the Belly

Chapter 444 Part 209 The Small Fireball in the Belly

For a few days, Yumo got along very peacefully with Jinji and Jifu. Since they respected her, she would not intentionally make things difficult for them because she was the queen. There's nothing wrong with them.

Ever since Linglong made a show of her power to Adai, Adai has not worked with Jifu anymore. Originally, when the lady went to work, the girl had to serve her, so what happened? How could she be the top leader? From now on, they will depend on her breathing. If she is unhappy, they will wait until they can't finish eating.

It's just that when I occasionally go out of the palace, I will meet Le Xian, a troublesome spirit. Jin Ji and Ji Fu don't like her very much. When the three of them meet, they are like two big sticks. The meaning of the mallet is ordinary, but he didn't use his hands, so he just used his mouth to sarcasm and pinch him.

Le Xian obviously came to trouble her, but she is now recognized as the future queen, and she is still pregnant with the future dog demon king, no matter how unhappy she is, she will not make too much trouble, in case it makes her uncomfortable , hurt the child in her stomach, then the days of her wolf demon patriarch princess are coming to an end.

Yumo doesn't need to use his brain to deal with her. Eight out of ten sentences can kill her, and the other two are humming, which is really annoying, just ignore it.

The trouble is Shudu, he always comes over to court her while she is in the doctor's office. As long as the child is his.

If his 'greatness' were to be placed in the human world, it would really fascinate a bunch of girls, but it was useless to her.

She could only roll her eyes at him, trying to find a way to get Mu Xiang to recruit Needle Feather.

Zhenyu didn't leave after the battle in Cangwu Mansion, and was waiting for her to take Shudu back after she and Meiluo got married. Did not give him a chance to speak.

There are still needles and feathers in the capital of Shu that can be suppressed, but Li Wang can’t do it. Ning Yi and Ning Bao around him all follow his lead. He said that if they go east, they will never go west. Ning Bao never waits for her and asks him for help He is also reluctant to be a lobbyist. Seeing her ignoring her, he will leave angrily, but Ning Yi is different. Like Li Wang, he seems to think that she is a good material for the Queen of the Fox Monster Clan , when she is free or not, she will chatter about Li Wang's various good things in her ear, as if she would be the number one fool in Tianzi if she didn't marry Li Wang.

She just likes to be a big fool and brainwash her in turn. Isn't she long-winded, she is even more long-winded than her.

Although this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, it's better than nothing, and it's better than blowing wind in her ears all the time. If it's too much to say, she hides and lets Bu Jie deal with it.

She lived like a fish in water in the medical office, ate well, and was well served, as long as she had nothing to do, Mei Luo would not prevent her from coming to the medical office, so she begged to go every three days, It was changed to go every other day, because only when she was seeing a doctor in the doctor's office could she regain her strong self-confidence.

In terms of medical treatment, no one in the dog monster clan can compare to her, but there are also troubles, that is, some diseases cannot be cured without surgery.

At the beginning, Duoji activated the rebirth formation for her and treated many patients of the dog monster clan, but some members of the dog monster clan did not catch up. It is estimated that the shadow of the catastrophe was too great, and they hid in the cellar when they saw the rebirth formation, or It's the wardrobe, under the bed.

The light emitted by this rebirth formation is the source of healing diseases. It is only useful when it is illuminated. If it is not illuminated, you can only consider yourself unlucky. Taking medicine is useless, it must be removed by surgery, and the trouble is in the joint of surgery.

The instruments she brought back were all disposable, and were scrapped after use. The CPR machine that rescued Dada from death was also broken by Bu Jie. It's hard for a woman to cook without rice.

However, surgical operations are both difficult and simple. It does not necessarily require the assistance of high-tech equipment, but at least anesthesia is required. Both local anesthesia and general anesthesia are needed. She was under anesthesia when she was young, but she didn't. Even Shennong Ding couldn't achieve full anesthesia for the operation, but fortunately, Ning Yi can help with anesthesia. After her Qiansiblade is implemented, people can't feel consciousness According to her demon power, it is enough to make a person fall into a coma for several days or nights.

In order to be able to perform the operation, Yu Mo had no choice but to let her continue to bother her, using the unique trick of entering the left ear and exiting the right ear.

After the anesthesia is over, it's the scalpel.

There is no iron or steel in the world of mountains and seas, only copper, copper is definitely not acceptable, and there is another kind of rare metal, black stone, cold stone or something, although it is called stone, but Yumo confirmed that it is indeed metal, and these The cold property of the stone is very high. It is not sharp to cut the skin, but it can be frozen instantly, which can effectively prevent heavy bleeding.

Let her collect as much of these stones as possible, and let the weapon-making place make the required utensils according to the drawings she drew, because her drawing skills are really not very good, so she has to follow the weapon-making place a lot. Master communication.

Of course, these things alone are not enough for surgery. Infusions, blood bags, etc. are required. As for the sharp knife that can see the blood sealing the throat, it can only be used as a knife transformed from demon power.

Bu Jie became the spokesman for sharp knives.

"I asked you to cut the knife three inches. What do you mean when you cut it down to four inches? Do you know that it will cut all the internal organs?"

"I have a feeling for the human form, but if you insist on turning the patient into the original form, it is naturally difficult for me to grasp the scale!"

Bu Jie is suffering. He is very curious about Yumo's surgical method, but disembowelling sounds bloody, and it is even more intrusive to watch, but she did heal several people with this method. He has a heart I want to learn, even if I have some conflicts in my heart, I still follow her every time she has an operation, and I get used to it after going back and forth.

He used his demonic power to transform the scalpel she wanted, and it can only be controlled by him. He is a strong demon, and he can release the demonic power very precisely. No matter how big or thin the knife is, it can be transformed into it. it is good.

"I'll do it myself. This patient has a tumor on the outside of his waist. If it is not cut, it will grow bigger..."

There is no testing equipment in Shanhaijie, so it is impossible to determine whether it is malignant or not. She can only cut it open and judge it based on her experience. She knows it is bad and must be cut. Fortunately, it did not grow in the waist. , otherwise according to the current equipment, it would not be possible to complete it at all.

She held Bu Gu's hand, and the magic scalpel was made by him, and she held it in his hand, so she could only act with his hand.

"Get rid of distracting thoughts, close your eyes, and feel the sensation of my knife. Be quick, accurate, and don't hesitate. Otherwise, the stomach will be broken, but the muscles inside will not be there, and you will be blind."

"Okay, okay, you are my master, I will listen to you."

Yu Mo went down with the knife, and it was really fast and accurate. There was a golden retriever lying on the temporary operating table. Of course, it was the original form of the dog and monster tribe. The coat color was beautiful, but the nose was dry and the corner of the mouth was damaged. In order to bite the pain.

Ning Yi stood by her head, her Thousand Silk Blades had all been released, restraining the big golden retriever's consciousness and perception.

When she first saw Yu Mo undergoing surgery, her complexion was hundreds of times uglier than Bu Jie's, but at least she was someone who had been in a killing field, so she knew it was treatment, so she got used to it after watching too much.

The resection went well, and Yumo cut out the tumor and put it on a tray.

Bu Jie took a look and couldn't help asking, "Are you sure it's not internal organs!"

"Have you ever seen such ugly internal organs?"

"I don't see as many as you, so I don't know, but how do you tell the difference?"

"I'll tell you after the operation is over, I don't have time now." She used a hemostat made of cold stone and a knife to stop the bleeding of the excised site, and then sewed it up.

The suture thread is specially made, and it needs to be able to melt automatically in the body. She thought that there was no such thing in the world of mountains and seas, but she didn’t expect it to be. It is just taken from a plant, which is a bit like a vermicelli, but it is extremely tough, and it is desperate It won't break even if it is pulled, but it will slowly melt in a liquid with a certain temperature. She has done experiments, and the ablation time is very close to the surgical sutures used in the human world, and it takes two days longer.

"Bu Jie, give me No. 5 thread!" She began to sew up the abdomen.

Bu Jie followed for a few days and was already familiar with these utensils, so he took them and handed them to her.

Yumo sewed, knotted, and cut quickly and skillfully.

"Okay, let's send it to the ward. Let the little wizard pay attention tonight to see if there is any edema in the abdomen. If it hurts, you can add a little more of the pain-relieving decoction, but it can't exceed twice. If it still hurts on the third day, Gotta tell me."

"it is good!"

The big golden retriever was sent to the ward, and Yumo wiped the sweat from her forehead. She had done this kind of operation countless times in college, and she also practiced more than a dozen times in Zhang Chaoyang's pet shop. She has rich experience and is very sure. There's nothing wrong with this golden retriever.

The recovery of the patient requires the help of Duoji in addition to the soup and medicine.

He is a Nvwa stone and has the ability to repair, but after the activation of the rebirth formation, his spiritual power has disappeared a lot. Now the repair ability is only a little bit, but it is enough for these patients.

"I'm a little tired..."

"Oh, then you go to rest and take a nap for a while, I'll clean up here."

She nodded, and when she was about to leave, Ning Yi squeezed over, "Miss, let me tell you, our Highness Prince Li..."

Balabala's three thousand characters are all kinds of favors of King Li.

She still went in with one ear and out with the other, and quickly walked towards the exclusive resting place. Jin Ji and Ji Fu guarded the door, saw her come back, and saluted, she winked, the two nodded, and immediately blocked her Ning Yi's way out.

She took the opportunity to enter the house, turned around and closed the door, plugged in the door plug, then ran to the bed and lay down.

Every surgeon will be quite tired after the operation, because the operation requires extremely strong attention and concentration, and may not feel very tired during the process, but when the work is over, the fatigue will increase sharply as soon as the spirit is relaxed.

That's what she's doing now.

But not just because of this, there are others.

She caressed her lower abdomen and moaned, "Hot..."

From the third month onwards, she stopped vomiting and her appetite became very good. Even if she put a cow, she felt that she could finish it. But not long after the good days, she discovered another symptom, That's how it started a few days ago.

There seemed to be a fireball burning in the lower abdomen, and as the days passed, the heat became higher and higher.

Before, I felt like a warm baby at [-] degrees, but I didn’t bother her, just like eating a bowl of chili noodles in my stomach, but since yesterday, the temperature has become significantly higher, about [-] degrees, already It was higher than her body temperature, although it didn't hurt her, but it would make her very uncomfortable. After discovering this symptom, she didn't dare to tell Mei Luo, and kept enduring it by herself, but now she was very worried whether her temperature would continue to rise , if it is five degrees higher...she might show her flaws no matter how forbearing she is.

"Girl, how are you? Are you hot again?"

Bu Jie came in from the outside. He is a great wizard after all. Even if Yu Mo wanted to hide it, he couldn't escape his eyes.

Another known one is Shennong Ding.

"It's okay, it'll be over soon."

This temperature will not last forever, and it will disappear about every 10 minutes, but the attack time is irregular, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at noon, and sometimes in the middle of the night. In short, it happens every day, three times a day, and the time is not fixed.

"Lie down and cover it with a wet handkerchief, it will be more comfortable."


After covering it for a while, it really made her feel a lot more comfortable. After 10 minutes, the hot feeling disappeared.

Shennong Ding had discussed with her the reason for this hotness. It is generally because the child Yuandan in her womb is growing. If she is a demon, the mother's Yuandan can offset the negative effects of growth, but she is not, she is a human being, and she can You have to bear this guilt abruptly.

Bu Jie checked her pulse when she was hot for the first time, and it is said that the pulse condition was very intense, so it can be seen that Shen Nong Ding's words were indeed verified.

It is growing, growing very fast.

But if this continues, she doubts if she can last until the moment she gives birth to him?

"My child, my child, what are you doing so hard on your mother? If something happens to me, you won't be able to live. Who will give birth to you? Kill the chicken to get the eggs. The lack of maternal love is not good for your growth, so you can You can't be obedient, don't toss mom any more."

"It's still in your stomach, how can you understand what you say." Bu Jie mocked her soliloquy.

"What do you know? This is called prenatal education. Who made you so backward in science and technology in the world of mountains and seas? Otherwise, there will be a B-ultrasound or something, so I can see what's going on."

"Bi...what?" Bu Jie had the expression of a duck listening to thunder again.

"I said, you don't understand either."

"If you don't tell me, of course I don't understand."

"It means that through some means, I can see what the child in my stomach looks like?"

Bu Jie was surprised, "There are such things."

"Hmph, are you ignorant?"

"You humans are really interesting. You are obviously too weak to be worth mentioning, but those inventions are incredible."

"Who said we are weak? If we really fight, we still have atomic bombs. One drop can destroy your entire mountain and sea world."

"Just blow it up, how is it possible?" Bu Jie would definitely not believe such a thing.

"It's fine if you don't believe it!" She leaned to one side, ready to squint for a while.

Bu Jie suddenly sighed, "If I knew there were so many good things in Xuanyuan Realm, I should have let me go. What's the use of letting Mei Luo go?"

"Are you going?" Yu Mo laughed, "Just like your Shar Pei, dog dealers don't want it."

"What are you talking about, you look down on me." Bu Jie was annoyed, but seeing her tired face, she stopped arguing, "Girl, I think you have to tell Mei Luo about this, if something happens, he will have to kill her." I can't."

"Isn't there nothing to do, and he is so busy now, knowing it will only increase his worries and worry. He can't sleep for two hours a day now, and he has to be busy with this, and he has to be busy with that. It's all your fault, if you improve, he won't be so tired."

After Cangwu's death, Meiluo was busy with government affairs, and her workload increased dramatically. Although Hongsong could help, she was different from Cangwu. She always consulted Meiluo before doing things, unlike Cangwu's own With determination, Hongsong is at best a secretary assistant.

"I'm not supposed to deal with government affairs, just like you. Without Taotie, can you fight? There are always things you are good at and things you are not good at."

"You can learn."

"I've learned it, but it's useless. When I look at those things, I feel sleepy."

"You are obviously lazy." In ancient times, this guy would definitely be a lazy prince.

"I'm not lazy. I should do it. I won't ignore it. Look at this hospital. It's safe and well-organized under my management. There hasn't been anything wrong since I took charge." His tone was proud, He also chattered about a bunch of his great achievements.

It's a pity that Yu Mo didn't hear anything, because he fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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