The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 445 Part 210 Storm in Crane Princess Mansion

Chapter 445 Part 210 Storm in Crane Princess Mansion

The dog land in summer is about to enter the wind season, so there was a heavy rain, the rain was staggering, and it was sporadic all day. Yu Mo didn't go to the doctor's office for a visit, and stayed in the bedroom to practice Yuandan.

Since the discomfort of pregnancy is because she is not a demon and has no relationship with Yuan Dan, this practice is very necessary. If she can practice a little bit, her physical symptoms may be much better.

It's a pity that the cultivation of Yuandan can't be achieved in a few days, it needs to be accumulated gradually, but when she cultivates, she finds that her body will be very relaxed. diminished.

Therefore, she made practice into a daily compulsory course, meditating for a while when she got up early and before going to bed.

She has kept Mei Luo from telling about the hot belly, but as long as there is something related to her, even if it is only a trivial matter, Mei Luo will find out. After knowing it, he got angry and ignored her all day.

"Still angry?"

It's only an afternoon if she's exhausted, as long as she feels unwell, it doesn't matter where he is or how far away he is, he will come back immediately.

"What do you say?"

Knowing that her abdomen would have a fever for no reason, he moved all the government affairs to the outer hall of the bedroom. Seeing her watching her closely, he insisted on keeping her under his nose to be at ease.

"I know I'm wrong, aren't you angry enough? You're stingy! And I told you, you won't do it when you're practicing. Why are you nervous?"

"Can this practice be accomplished in a day? How long have you been practicing? You started when you came back from Penglai Island. Has it worked? It works now, but after that, what if this little bastard gets worse? Have you thought about it?"

"Well, if I say one word, you will give me ten words. What else can I say? And don't call the child a bastard, he is your seed."

"Hmph!" Mei Luo looked at her belly, "If it wasn't mine, I wouldn't keep it. It's making you sleepless before it comes out, but if it's about to come out, you won't be a demon king in the world."

When Yu Mo couldn't conceive, he was sad and regretful, but he accepted it, and now he was pregnant, but he was in a hurry.

If he had known this would happen earlier, he would rather have no heirs, but it is too late to say this now, her belly is already growing, but he swears that when this little bastard is born, he will definitely give this little bastard a hard spanking.

"It's the devil, and it's your seed. You gave it to me! I was skinny when I was a child. My mother said it was easy when she was pregnant with me. She must have followed you. If it is a little devil, you are a big devil." She Sitting next to him, he turned around when he was upset, turned his back to him, touched his belly and said, "Baby, baby, daddy doesn't hurt you, mommy does, we don't care about it."

"It's only a little bit big now, so I can't hear you talking. Turn around, the soup hasn't been finished yet." He held the spoon in one hand and the soup bowl in the other. Seeing that she refused, he walked over by himself, "Open your mouth and drink Don't make any fuss when it's over."

She glared at him, and obediently finished the soup, "Who says it can't hear, let me tell you, we have done research in the human world, and a three-month-old child can hear, and it can hear every word you say." If you can hear it, scold it again, be careful that it will not be filial to you when it grows up."

"I don't care too much." After putting down the finished soup bowl, he peeled the grapes and handed them to her mouth, "I want to eat this too."

"I'm full." She drank the whole bowl of soup down to the top, her stomach puffed up.

"Eating fruit after a meal is good for digestion and nutrition. Didn't you say that? Just eat a few. The weather is finally getting cooler. It's always right to eat more while your appetite is good, good boy!"

She swallowed the grapes into her mouth, this is a truly pollution-free fruit, sweet to the spleen and lungs, juicy and fleshy, without seeds, it is one of her favorite fruits recently.

After eating the grapes, Mei Luo helped her to take a walk. Because it was raining outside, she didn't go to the garden, so she walked along the promenade. Let's hold it when it's over."

"Hey? Didn't you say that the auspicious day for next month has been chosen?"

Because of her pregnancy, the wedding between the two was delayed again and again. Qi Luo's one-month period was completely nonsense. First, she had morning sickness, and then she was a human being. It took ten months to conceive, and the first three months were not enough. It's a critical period, and now three months are here, but the baby in her belly keeps making noises. The auspicious day was chosen, but Mei Luo is worried about her body. The wedding ceremony is huge and takes a long time, so she may not be able to hold it. .

"Didn't you dislike your big belly yesterday and don't look good in your clothes?"

He doesn't understand women's mentality very well, but he knows that women love beauty. When she tried on the queen's robe yesterday, she said she was ugly no less than ten times. She didn't refer to the clothes, but her slightly bulging belly. , it won’t look good in anything, and I lacked interest in trying it on, and I didn’t feel the joy of the bride at all. Since she is so dissatisfied, it’s better to postpone it until after she gives birth.

"Bu Jie and I have lived a good life. If you really want to conceive in October, when you are born, the dog land will just enter the coolest autumn. It is neither cold nor hot, and you will suffer less."

The queen's gown must be very luxurious, and there are crowns, pearl hairpins and so on. A set is very heavy. If it is hot, she will definitely not be able to bear it. It is better to choose a sunny autumn day, so that she can be more comfortable.

"Well, that's fine, I listen to you." Knowing that everything he thought and did was for her, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face.

This is very useful to Mei Luo, so I don't care about her concealment, the wedding itself is a formality, and with her current status, no one can shake her.

"Jinji and Jifu are you satisfied?"

"What are you talking about..." When it came to this, she complained a little, "You didn't discuss with me beforehand about letting the two of them be guards, which made me feel uncomfortable."

"Don't you always want to go out? Dada and Awu can't always be with you. The two girls, Muxiang and Zikai, are very considerate to serve you, but if there is danger, they are useless at all. Since So, of course I want to find two people who can absolutely protect you. There are not no capable women from nobles in various prefectures, but in terms of demon power, these two people are outstanding. Finding a guard for you is such an important matter. Naturally, I want to choose the best one. Besides, it can be regarded as my little compensation for Jin Ji."

He knew about Jin Ji being selected as concubine Ji, and he agreed. If he hadn't met Yu Mo, he would not have considered whether he liked it or not, but only considered whether this candidate was suitable. No joke , but he retorted first, making Jin Ji the laughing stock of the clan, and knowing that she didn't like her father and brother at home, and looked forward to one day being able to stand on her own, since she had this thought, he naturally pushed her away. Yes, she was given this opportunity, but only if she was dedicated to her duty.

There can't be only one guard, there must be two. According to the conditions of merit-based admission, Jifu became another candidate. Apart from her being excellent, it was also to make Bai Fang completely give up.

In addition, he also played a small game, knowing that Yu Mo would feel a little uncomfortable with the two of them, maybe in order not to see them, he would not go to the doctor's office for a doctor's visit, and would stay in the bedroom obediently, eat and sleep. Eat it, but don't think about it...

He frowned, his face darkened a bit, but he didn't want to shoot himself in the foot. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, she went to the doctor's office more often.

Get angry when you think about it.

Yu Mo didn't understand his small thoughts, he only thought that he was doing it for his own good, and from another perspective, it was not without merit for the two of them to be guards. She had been in the dog realm for so long, and a There are no little sisters who can speak their own words, and it is really a failure to talk about it.

There are classmates in school, classmates can develop into close friends, and close friends become best friends. Although there is a motto of fire prevention, anti-theft and best friend protection, not all girlfriends are like this. A best friend can be regarded as a little padded jacket in life, which can be warm in winter and cool in summer Now that she has decided to live in the world of mountains and seas, how can she not make a few friends? Although she already has Linglong, she still wants to make a few more. The more friends, the better life will be. joy.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu have some conflicts with her, but they don't know each other. Both of them are decent people, and they are worthy of friends. Besides, in the dog world, except for these two, she knows a little bit. The other noble daughters, she alone I don’t know each other, I want to make friends, but I don’t know what to do. It’s better to start with the familiar ones and develop one by one.

"You want to compensate Jin Ji. I agree. I heard from Master that the father and brothers in this girl's family are all scumbags. You might as well give her more salary. At the end of the year, you can get a double salary, and you can give her some firewood, rice, oil, salt and so on during the holidays." Yes, okay?"

"Why don't you just let me give her a house?"

Yu Mo's eyes lit up immediately, and he grabbed his sleeve tightly, "This is good, we can have it!"

"Silly girl, I can give it to you, but you have to see if she dares to accept it. First, she has no military merits, and second, she has no achievements. Giving her a mansion will only harm her."

People with military merits and achievements have not received this kind of treatment. If it is really bestowed, it will definitely attract people's envy and only provoke talk.

"The house is not good, but the double salary is fine. If you are not willing, I will give it to you. In the human world, no matter how scumbag a company is, it will always give you double salary at the end of the year. Your welfare system is too bad."

"Okay, if you say it's bad, then please correct it in the future, Your Highness the Queen." He scratched her nose, enjoying the atmosphere of getting along with her like this, "It's almost time for your walk, you should take a nap."

"I just had enough..."

"After walking, it's time to digest. Pregnant women should rest more." He hugged her horizontally.

"You are raising pigs!"

Mei Luo raised her eyebrows, "My Queen, how can pigs give birth to puppies?"

Yu Mo: "..."

Night Falcon family.

It was night, the wind and snow fell suddenly, and another heavy snow fell, clusters, clusters of snow flew down, like torn cotton wadding, flying endlessly.

In the dark night, Bai Yu walked alone and landed silently in General You's mansion. In front of He Ji's boudoir, he shook the snow off his body, rubbed his hands, and pushed the door open to get rid of the cold air all over his body.

In the boudoir, it was unusually quiet, only four braziers were crackling and burning charcoal fire.

He walked over and saw that the charcoal in a brazier was about to go out, so he immediately added some.

He Ji was lying on the Babu bed, already asleep. Even though there were four braziers to keep her warm, she was still covered with a thick quilt. She seemed to be sleeping restlessly, her brows were tightly wrinkled, and the quilt was pink, which set off the Her complexion was extremely pale, her thin skin seemed to be transparent, and a few strands of blue veins on her forehead could be vaguely seen.

She couldn't see her bulging belly under the quilt, but her chin was so pointed that it could be seen that she had lost a lot of weight. This was definitely not the face shape of a pregnant woman in labor.

After Bai Yu approached, he stroked her face, what he touched was not warmth, but coldness.

How can it be so cold?

Startled, he reached into the quilt and grabbed her hand to feel her pulse.

Even the slightest movement would wake her up, "Yu?" She opened her eyes, her vision was a little hazy, but she knew it was him.

"It's me, don't move, I'm feeling your pulse."

"I'm fine...just...ahem..." She coughed suddenly.

After Bai Yu felt her pulse, she knew how bad her body was. From the second month of pregnancy, she couldn't get out of bed, eat, or sleep well, and her old illnesses also reappeared.

He brought warm tea over and fed her to drink. At the same time, he also gave her some medicine that was harmless to the fetus.

After she swallowed it, she took a breath, sat up, leaned against the bed and said, "Why are you here?"

"Green Warbler said you didn't eat anything today?"

"I don't have much appetite, but I ate some." Instead of moistening her lips after drinking water, she became even more dry. She didn't want him to worry too much, so she smiled and said, "Don't listen to Lu Ying's nonsense, she will be fine with every little thing." It's a big deal, I'm not so delicate, but the month is coming, my body is heavy, and I will be fine after giving birth." She held his hand, saw his tightly knit brows, reached out to stroke, "I Didn’t I tell you, don’t come if there is nothing to do, the blackbird just fell, the people who are attached to him will never surrender to you overnight, there are many people, and there are many eyeliners, just in case..." She wanted to cough, but she was afraid that he would Worried, I forcibly suppressed it.

"Don't worry, I hide my whereabouts every time I come. No one will find out, but you...why didn't you tell me if you were uncomfortable? You should know what I care about most?"

"I know, I know everything, but...cough, cough..." She still coughed, and the sound broke after coughing. The coughing sound was dull, and she knew it was serious.

Bai Yu was anxious in his heart, the thing he was most worried about still happened.

Her body was deteriorating, and if it continued like this, it was impossible for her to have the strength to give birth to the child.

"He'er... listen to me..."

He Ji covered her mouth with her sleeve, her voice became hoarse after coughing, as if a handful of sand was stuck in her throat, "I know what you want to say, but I will never agree, this child is my life, I will be safe After giving birth to it, no matter what you say, I won't listen, my body, I know it myself..."

The more she talked, the more excited she became, and the coughing became more and more intensive.

Bai Yu patted her back, "Don't get excited, I just don't mention it."

He opened the medicine box that he carried with him, and took out the freshly made pill, "Eat it, it will make you feel better."

She stared at the pill, but didn't take a bite.

"It will not be harmful to children..."

She was sure he didn't lie to her before she dared to eat.

Maybe the pills worked, she felt better, she stopped coughing, and didn't want to continue arguing with him about the child, so she changed the subject, "Yu, how is that child?"

The child refers to the child born to Queen Yaojia.

"The poison has been cured, but his natural constitution is very poor. In the past two months, he has been running a fever, but it is all accidental. You don't have to worry about his affairs, I will take care of them." When he mentioned this child, his expression was cold, It seemed to be talking about someone else's child, not his.

He Ji didn't care, she just hoped that he would show mercy.

Yaojia's child is a pain in her heart. Every time she thinks about it, she feels pain, but it is also his child. Although she said that she can give birth to the child safely, she is actually not sure at all. Her body is too strong. It's too bad, the worst plan is to kill two people, if she can't give birth to his child, then Yaojia's child will be his only heir.

She never forgot how much he loved children.

"Yu, I know you care about me and love me, but that child is innocent...I don't want..."

Bai Yu's jaw tightened, and the muscles on his cheeks visibly twitched, "He's not my child, never was..."


"He'er, I didn't want to tell you about this at first, because the less you know, the safer you are, but now that it's all right, the blackbird is gone, it's time to tell you the truth, listen well, my Bai Yu life only loves A woman is you, I will not touch any woman except you."

He Ji's eyes widened in disbelief.

 Two couples, two styles...

(End of this chapter)

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