The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 446 Part 211 Holy Feather and Holy Swan

Chapter 446 Part 211 Holy Feather and Holy Swan

He won't touch any woman except her...

Such a confession made He Ji burst into tears and her nose was sore, but if he hadn't touched Yaojia, how would the child come about?

Suddenly her heart tightened, and she grabbed his sleeve, "What did you do to her?"

Although she hasn't entered the palace recently, she knows the things in the palace very well. She knows that Yaojia has been in pain for a whole day and night before giving birth to the child. It is impossible that he gave some medicine to make her mistakenly think that she is pregnant and has a child. Since Bai Yu is not the father, who is the father of the child?
Bai Yu held her cold hand and put it under the warm quilt, "You don't need to know the details..."

He didn't want it to pollute her heart.

An ominous premonition arose in He Ji's heart. Yaojia loved him very deeply, but she didn't know it now. If she knew, with her current right, she could kill him at any time, and she would be more terrifying than the blackbird.

", cough, cough..." She coughed again because she was too worried, and she couldn't breathe, and her face became even paler.

Bai Yu was shocked, and hurriedly helped her up, "Don't be so excited, don't worry about my affairs, since I can do it, I won't let her know." The newly refined medicine seemed to have no effect on her, which made him deeply worried .

If he could get the Shennong Ding, she wouldn't have to suffer like this.

He Ji coughed so hard that she couldn't speak, and stammered, "Water..."

"You wait……"

He refilled another cup of hot tea and fed it to her.

The hot tea moistened her throat, and although it didn't stop her cough, it also made her cough less intense.

"Ayu, I'm worried...ahem...I'm worried that she will know sooner or later...and...and..."

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. No matter how deeply a secret is hidden, those who want to know will still know it.

"You can't bear to her?"

She nodded stiffly, "Although I don't like her, she is also my cousin..."

He brushed her disheveled hair behind her ears and snorted at it, "You think of her as a cousin, but does she think of you as a cousin? His father took the throne of Lord Sheng Yu, and Lord Sheng Yu kept giving in. However, his father has intensified, and repeatedly framed him for injustice, if she regarded you as a cousin, as the eldest princess, she should have given advice, but has she? "

"Her royal father is also yours..."

He is the late king's illegitimate son, spread throughout the Night Falcon family, but there is no evidence to support it, most of them think it is a rumor, which is why Yao Jia chose him as the king's husband, and the reason why all the officials did not strongly oppose it, but she knew that it was true Yes, he is indeed the son of the late king.

He grimaced, with deep hatred, "He is not my father, my father is Lord Shengyu, in my heart, nurturing grace is greater than giving grace, he is not worthy, and has no qualifications. He'er, don't put Put your compassion on people who are not related, so what if Yaojia is your cousin? Her father is also your father-killing enemy. Without his approval, how could Blackbird have the courage to kill Master Shengyu and kill him? Your family will be destroyed. In my eyes, they are all enemies, without exception."

The Master Sheng Yu mentioned in Bai Yu's mouth is the uncle of Yaojia, the queen of the Night Falcon Clan, and the elder brother of Sheng Hu, the former king of the Night Falcon Clan. The desire of the king, he prefers to live a carefree life, and has repeatedly confessed to his father, that is, the grandfather of Heji and Yaojia, and the previous king, hoping that his old man can pass the throne to his younger brother Shenghu. Then just be an idle prince.

Shenghu is just the opposite. He has long coveted the throne. Since Shengyu does not want to inherit the throne, everyone is happy to be succeeded by him, but Shengyu is too good. In the heart of the old king, he is the best candidate to inherit the throne, so regardless of Shengyu No matter how many times he asked, he didn't agree.

Shengyu saw that the old king was still unwilling to agree, so he didn't insist anymore. At worst, he would pass the seat to his younger brother when he succeeded. Unfortunately, this idea didn't come true, and the old king died suddenly.

Before he died, only Shenghu was by his side. After the funeral, Shengyu wanted to give up the throne to his younger brother. Unexpectedly, Shengyu told the whole family that the old king passed the throne to him when he was dying, and he to inherit the throne.

Sheng Yu was very shocked by this, and thought it was impossible, not only him, but also other courtiers, but he had the old king's will in his hand, it didn't look like a fake.

Sheng Yu never doubted his younger brother, so he thought that maybe his father had figured it out, and he was happy to see it come to fruition, so Sheng Hu ascended the throne logically, and Sheng Yu also became an idle prince as he said before. , living a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, I thought that the days would be passed in such a peaceful and peaceful way, but I didn't expect that after Shenghu ascended the throne, he made things difficult for Shengyu everywhere, and refused to accept some of his political suggestions. The relationship between the two brothers appeared. Cracks began to alienate.

After the alienation, it will be suppressed. As long as Sheng Yu agrees, thinks it is feasible, or thinks that the policies that should be promoted will all be rejected. There are even ministers who secretly join him, suspected of plotting to usurp the throne. After Sheng Yu knew this, he was disheartened Feeling cold, even the prince doesn't want to do it, he just wants to find a secluded place and be a commoner with his family.

He wanted to retreat, but others refused to give in. He was not willing to give in at all. He was convicted of disobedience. 
Thinking of this, Bai Yu's hands clenched until his finger bones turned white. The so-called disobedience is a non-existent thing. Anyone in the Night Falcon clan may seek to usurp the throne, but Sheng Yu is the only one who can't. He was very young, and he claimed to be his son, but he never cared about him, and threw him to Sheng Yu. He grew up beside Sheng Yu, and he knew how noble his character was, so he would never do such a thing. despicable thing.

But good people don't live long, and he was killed in the end, not even a good bone could be found.

The source of all this is the jealousy of Shenghu. He is jealous of his elder brother who has been better than him since he was a child. He is jealous that he can get the favor of his father. , when the old king refused to be king again and again, jealousy became jealousy.

The sudden sudden death of the old king, if he said that it had nothing to do with him, Bai Yu would never believe it, he even suspected that Sheng Yu might have known about it before he was killed, but in fact, even if there was no such thing, according to Sheng Yu With such a small capacity, it is impossible for Sheng Yu to live safely.

Because a person who is too good is the most unsightly stone in the hearts of those who are often suppressed because of him. Only when it is cleared, the suppressed will feel at ease and find confidence. As long as Sheng Yu is alive, Sheng Hu He will worry that his throne will not be stable, and one day he will be replaced by Sheng Yu. He wants to get rid of Sheng Yu's thoughts. You can see it from what he has done. If anyone of Sheng Yu's subjects disagrees with him, he will find a way to get rid of him. Although it is not a tyranny, when his name is mentioned, the members of the Night Falcon clan will tremble three times.

This also happened to be the beginning of the decline of the Night Falcon family.

The reason why Shenghu is afraid of Shengyu is ridiculous, but it is not without reason, and the same is true for blackbirds.

When the old king was alive, Sheng Yu saw the blackbird's evil intentions and kept suppressing him. After Shenghu took the throne, he treated the blackbird very favorably. Big, but no matter what he said at the time, it was useless, Shenghu would never listen to him, and he never hid the matter from the blackbird, which made the blackbird squeeze a lot of resentment, but because of Shengyu He dared not speak out because of his status, but in the end it was his son——Yan Qin who made him ruthlessly kill him.

Yanqin coveted Heji, and had visited several times to ask for marriage, but was rejected by Sheng Yu. Once, because he sneaked over the wall to peek at He Ji, Sheng Yu found out, and Sheng Yu broke his leg immediately, you know Yan Qin is the only son of the black bird, not to mention beating him, he is not even willing to scold him, how could he not feel sorry for his son who was so cherished in his heart when his leg was broken by Sheng Yu, and after feeling distressed, it turned into hatred.

Afterwards, he hit it off with Shengyu, spent a lot of time on careful deployment, and then led the king into the urn step by step, and killed them step by step. Using his illness as an excuse, he begged Shengyu to take his place in the imperial conquest, and then joined the enemy army He was convicted of disobedience on the grounds that he cooperated with foreign countries to attack the border.

The name of Holy Feather is very prestigious in the Night Falcon family, but after the blackbird became the favorite of the Holy Feather, it became more and more snobbish, and almost killed all the courtiers who stood by the Holy Feather. He is one of his people, but not everyone will believe him if he is suddenly sentenced for the crime of disobedience. He is smart because of the solid evidence, and the evidence is solid, which makes it impossible for Sheng Yu to stand up. After being vicious, he is Pretending to be sympathetic, admonishing Shenghu to only kill Shengyu, and let his children and family members let go, Shenghu naturally cooperated, but they secretly did not intend to let one go.

He Ji was not in the palace at that time, and thanks to her younger sister, Haru Ji, who insisted on taking a group of brothers and sisters to another courtyard for her birthday, she escaped the initial massacre, but the massacre did not stop because of their absence, Sheng Yu This is what Shenghu fears most. He ordered the blackbird to attack the other courtyard at night, vowing to kill the Shengyu clan.

When He Ji knew that her father had been convicted of disobedience, it was too late, and it was too late to take precautions. This is something he still doesn't understand. He has been lurking beside Yao Jia for so many years, and he has investigated many things. Going to the other courtyard suddenly was not decided suddenly, but arranged by Sheng Yu. He suspected that Sheng Yu might have known that the blackbird and the holy swan might kill him at that time, but he was just suspicious, so he did not refuse, but with his ingenuity , it is impossible to be unprepared, why was he killed in the end?Also, since he arranged for the whole family to go to a remote hospital, there should be a way out. Why didn't Heji receive his notification.

What exactly happened in this, he has not yet figured out.

The one thing he regrets the most is that he didn't go to the other courtyard with He Ji that day. At that time, Shenghu was ill. As a wizard, he had to stay. He wanted to set off to the other courtyard to reunite with her the next day, but everything went late.

If it wasn't for Yaojia's waywardness at that time, she insisted on pestering him, because he didn't want to, and the princess got angry and locked him up, he wouldn't have missed the best time to save Heji, how could he not hate Yaojia like this .

Fortunately, there is Feng Chen, otherwise he and He Ji would be separated by yin and yang.

After Sheng Yu's death, the Night Falcon Clan is no longer the Night Falcon Clan it used to be. In order to protect He Ji, he can't show any hatred, even a little bit will be found out by the blackbird, which will lead to disaster, so he can only pretend to like Yaojia, Use her rights as the eldest princess to seek temporary safety.

Although he and He Ji were in love with each other, they didn't announce it to the public at the time, they just made a private decision for life. Speaking of which, they are also cousins, but for the sake of pure blood, it is not an outrageous thing for the Yaozu to marry cousins.

Originally, when Sheng Yu came back after winning the battle, he would propose marriage, full of expectation and joy, but what he got was grief.

Because only she and Scarlet Ibis survived, and both were seriously injured, it is unknown whether they can survive. Blackbird and Shenghu announced that they would only kill Sheng Yu. Now that the siblings are back, even if they have concerns in their hearts, they will Dare to act rashly.

He Ji wanted to tell the world the truth about her family's tragic death, but only she and the crippled red ibis were left in the family, and there were blackbirds all over the house. How many people would believe what they said, and who would come Help her, the person sitting on the throne is also the one who killed his father, this piercing hatred can only be swallowed with gritted teeth.

And Baiyu knew that under the circumstances at that time, only Yaojia could truly protect Heji and protect her from blackbirds when she became the queen. Only then did Shenghu die of illness without a trace.

Once he died, the rest of the matter would be simple, but he miscalculated the blackbird's snobbery, the veteran of the three dynasties, deeply rooted, it is not easy to remove, the only enemy left is this one, as long as he and his henchmen are eradicated Only then can He Ji be truly safe.

For her safety, he can do anything.

"Okay, I won't talk anymore, don't be angry...cough cough cough...I'm just worried about you, Ayu, I know you hate me as much as I do, but without Yaojia, I wouldn't be alive now, I just feel less guilty than her..."

Bai Yu understood what she meant, but sometimes he had to be ruthless in order to achieve his goal.

"You don't need to worry about these, I will do it, you just take good care of your body, don't think too much about other things, in this world, you can't tell the difference between good people and bad people, the only way is to treat irrelevant people who may harm you, Eliminate them one by one. He'er, I'm not afraid of my blood staining my hands, and I'm not afraid of falling into eighteen layers of hell after death. A world that makes people laugh."

"Ayu, do you want to be king?"

His words made her think of his ultimate goal.

"Yaojia doesn't have the talent to be a king. Just like her father, she is a self-willed person with no political talent at all. When the old king was alive, the Night Falcon clan was more than twice as big as it is now, but now, never Since Shenghu ascended the throne, taxes have been increased, and soldiers have been recruited and fought repeatedly, but what is the final result? The army has no time to cultivate and rest, and the farmland is no longer cultivated because of the conscription. In addition, there are many enemies, and the border is often invaded. Both you and me The people of the Night Falcon clan, do they just watch their clan go to destruction step by step? Do you still remember what Master Shengyu said..."

"Remember, how can I not remember, although my father is a bit lazy by nature, he never forgets his responsibilities. He said that if the Night Falcon family wants to continue to be strong, they must be strong from the inside out. A wise king, loyal The courtiers, the brave army, and the civilians who can eat enough every day, do not invade other clans, and are not afraid of other clans' invasion, this is the real strong clan!"

He bowed his head and kissed her forehead, "I will always remember Master Sheng Yu's words, I want to fulfill his wish...just..." In this life, the person he respects most is Sheng Yu. He has thought more than once that if he As the king, what will the Night Falcon clan be like now? It's a pity that these thoughts can only be in his mind forever. He can't let Master Shengyu bear the guilt of disobedience. The ideal is realized as a sacrifice to his spirit in heaven.

It's just... the mountain and sea world is always a place where the weak prey on the strong, no matter how strong it is, it can't be strong forever, unless the entire mountain and sea world is unified, there is only one clan, regardless of each other.

For this reason, he will persevere, he doesn't care about the process, as long as the result.

"Just what..."

"It's nothing, He'er, remember, if I am king, you must be queen."

He wants to use his own hands to create a peaceful and prosperous world for her.

He reluctantly left after she fell asleep. Yan Qin hadn't caught her yet, as long as he didn't tear him into pieces for a day, he couldn't help but hate him.

Not long after he left, the grass not far from the boudoir shook, revealing a pair of round eyes.

It's Double Happiness!
He saw Bai Yu leave with his own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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