The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 447 Part 212 Tragic Past

Chapter 447 Part 212 Tragic Past

"Master, master, there is news from Double Happiness!"

Yan Qin, who was still hiding in the cave, contacted Bailihong. Although he could not show himself in front of people, his daily living and eating were greatly improved. The cave was originally dirty and dilapidated, overgrown with weeds, muddy pools, rolling around It can be a clay figurine, and now it is tidied up, and there is still some distance from the high pillow and soft bed, but it is finally a place where one can live, and Yan Qin also regards this as a residence, and lives very comfortably.

The only dissatisfaction is that I can't take a bath every day, and I can only wash it once in a few days. Children of noble background like him have some cleanliness. If they don't take a bath for a day, they feel uncomfortable. He was unkempt all day long and had lice, which made him jump up and down in shock, cursing Bai Yu hundreds of times.

"Is there any news? Come and show me?" He threw the half-eaten chicken leg on the plate, wiped his hands and mouth with a handkerchief, "There is finally news, if there is no more, I will scold my mother Already!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I kept the young master waiting for a long time, Li Zi will open an altar of wine for you to quench the fire."

"That's good, hurry up!" Yan Qin took the leather paper from his hand.

This Lizi is a very young guy, specially sent by Bailihong to serve Yan Qin. Shuangxi has lurked into Heji's mansion, so there is no way to serve him. , is already dead, Yan Qin was born to open his mouth when he eats, and stretch out his hands when he wears clothes, how can he not have someone to serve him, no one to serve him is equivalent to killing him.

Although Lizi is not a strong monster, he can barely fight. Despite his ordinary appearance, he is very clever. He has been praised by Yan Qin repeatedly for his service, and he is also good at flattering. It is not for nothing that he is willing to accompany Yan Qin to endure hardships here. , just waiting for him to turn around and follow him to prosperity.

After Yan Qin read the letter, Li Zi quickly poured the wine.

"Young master, the wine is just hot, drink it while it's hot."

Yan Qin flicked the vellum, "Look at what I said, as I expected, this Bai Yu had an affair with that bitch."

"Yes, yes, yes, the young master has amazing calculations. Who can outsmart you? You predicted it in advance, and Shuangxi didn't go in vain."

"The funny thing is, Yaojia is still kept in the dark about that girl. My father reminded her a long time ago that Bai Yu couldn't be sincere to her. She just didn't listen, and she didn't choose me as a jade-faced gentleman. Seeing that bastard, she has already raised her children outside, and she still thinks she is in love with a concubine. Hahahaha, it deserves it, whoever told her not to choose me as the king's husband, this is retribution."

"The young master is right. Her Majesty is really fascinated by cow dung. If you don't choose the young master, you are a man of great looks, but choose that bastard. I don't know why I like him. Lizi thinks, Even if there are a hundred of those bastards, they will not be as good as a single hair of the young master."

Yan Qin felt refreshed by this flattery, and couldn't help but drink a few more glasses of wine, "You have a sweet mouth, but you are telling the truth, well, this rewards you."

He threw him the beef shank he had eaten.

This beef leg is the leg of Fenghuo Niu, which is an extremely rare meat. Fenghuo Niu grows on the coldest cliff. It is ferocious and cunning by nature. It is difficult to catch. It is very big and its whole body is covered with tendons. , the fat content is also high, and it is an extremely nourishing ingredient, but it only has two legs. These two legs are its essence. When eating, it can only be roasted, otherwise the essence of the meat will be lost. In addition, Bazhen grass, fennel, pepper, and green jasmine are added to the roast. It takes three days and three nights to roast the skin and meat. It is Yan Qin's favorite food, and Bai Lihong provides him with supplementary food. When making water, he specially ordered this beef leg, which is enough to prove how loyal Bailihong is to the blackbird, even in such a limelight, he did not dare to neglect Yan Qin.

Chestnut is a commoner, the lowest class in the ethnic group, and his family is a farmer. When the old king of the Night Falcon clan was there, he was very rich, and the whole clan could eat and drink well. Conscription, in order to raise soldiers, the tax was tripled, and the peasants couldn't afford it at all, and the strong men were taken to join the army. The remaining old and weak, women and children were particularly difficult to farm, because the Night Falcon tribe was located in a cold region, and the crops The growth period is quite long, and it is a very tiring job. Without a strong man, life is impossible to live, getting poorer and poorer, and many people starved to death.

Li Zi was the youngest in the family, and his elder brothers forced him to go to war and never came back. His parents were afraid that he would disappear, so in order to avoid conscription, they dressed him in women's clothing, and said that he was the youngest girl in the family. He escaped the conscription, but even so, life is tight. Once there is a meal, there is no next meal. Not to mention eating, he has never eaten ordinary meat. Previously, Yanqin was delicious. It smells so good that it will make your mouth water when you smell it. It's already greedy, but now he rewards him, no matter whether he has gnawed it or not, he just bites on the teeth marks on his legs.

"Thank you, young master, for the reward. It's delicious. It's so delicious."

The beef shank had been roasted until it was so hot that it was full of juice when he bit into it, and gradually his body was covered with oil.

Yan Qin didn't like dirty things the most, so he waved him away, "Go farther and eat, the table is dirty."

"Yes, yes, yes, Lizi has never seen the world, let the young master see a joke, I will squat down and eat it." He backed away holding the big cow leg.

This beef leg was very thick, taller than his own body, he was so happy that when he ate it, he wished he could swallow the bones.

There was still a beef leg on the table, but Yan Qin had no appetite to eat it. With his eyes narrowed, he picked up a meat cutting knife and stabbed the word He Ji on the paper.

"This bastard is quite capable. It's a broken shoe, and he can still be held in the palm of a wild species. I don't know what tricks he played. He played it before, so he should be killed. Once it's clear, it must be this bastard. The wild species harmed me, hehe, now I have caught it."

His narrowed eyes were a vicious green light and he licked his lips.

Back then, when Blackbird sent people to Shengyu's villa to slaughter Heji and the others, he took the initiative to plead for orders and brought a large number of experts there. Together with the spies who had already ambushed in the village, they cooperated with each other and poisoned the drinking water. After waiting for someone to be poisoned, he rushed in straight to Huanglong.

Although he is also a strong monster, he is still inferior to He Ji and her brothers, not to mention that he is going to kill them all, so he can't make mistakes, so he used such despicable methods.

Speaking of the He Ji Yan Guan Fang back then, even Yao Jia was not as good as her. He was fascinated by her the first time he saw her, thinking that he was the son of a family minister, not a prince, but also a nobleman among the nobles , is more than enough to match her, but he was turned away several times when he came to the door, and once he wanted to peek over the wall, he was captured alive by Sheng Yu, and his legs were broken. It turns out that Tuzhuang went there with selfish motives.

In this world, there is no woman he can't get.

Taking advantage of the fact that He Ji was poisoned, her demon power weakened, and she was powerless to resist, he readily showed her animal desire.More than once, she was sleepy for two days and two nights, her hands and feet were bound, from day to night, she came seven or eight times, how she felt comfortable.

He still remembers that taste, just one word - cool.

Didn't she look down on him? He made her remember him forever.

There was also her younger sister, who was also of superior beauty, and he didn't let it go, but that girl was the least poisoned among the brothers and sisters, and almost hurt him, but fortunately, there were four expert guards to protect him, so he was fine. In order to reward these guards, he threw the girl to them.

He knows how to reward his subordinates very well. How can he be happy alone, but if he wants to be happy together, that's enough energy.

Unexpectedly, this girl was killed.

The girl's death shocked He Ji, and she didn't know where she learned the forbidden technique. The power of resistance.

He thought that he was going to die anyway, and seeing a few guards staring at her naked, he simply gave her to them too. She has a tough temper, no matter how bullying she is, she refuses to give in. Those eyes, Always staring at him fiercely.

That being the case, he was not polite anymore, and let her have a taste of what hell is.

As many men came, he let him fuck her, even if she was bleeding from the lower body, she was unconscious, and she didn't let her go.

When it was over, when I wanted to kill her, a masked man with strong demon power came in and rescued her. I thought that she would not survive if she was injured like that, but I didn't want her life to be so hard. She was still alive and returned to the world. Empire.

He had asked his father to send someone to kill her several times, but his father refused. He would be a useless person if he said anything. If he did it now, he would make the late king a person who did not keep his integrity. He could only give up, but he sent someone I went to visit him, and he was indeed seriously injured, and has been ill all the time. Anyway, he has passed it happily. The entire Night Falcon clan is under his father's influence. Should he be afraid of her seeking revenge? If she dares to come, even if she dies, he will not let her go. It's on my mind.

Unexpectedly, this bitch would make Yaojia look at him differently, and he would become a right general and become a nobleman again.

On the day he was entrusted, he had seen from a distance that a beauty is a beauty, and she looks good in anything she wears. Unfortunately, his father didn't allow him to trouble her, so he sent him to the border of the Night Falcon clan for training. He said it was training, but he ate well. He slept well, no one dared to trip him up, they all served him attentively, there was no shortage of beauties, wine and food.He also forgot about He Ji, such a broken shoe, what else was he thinking about, only the wild species would take care of him.

Thinking about seeing her that day, I knew she was not a virgin, it must have been broken by that bastard, fortunately he still misses her so much.


If the girl Yaojia found out about the adulterous relationship between these two people, these two people must be the ones to suffer, and they must be in trouble.

However, he will not let the couple die so easily, he must cut off their flesh piece by piece by himself.

"Lizi, come here!"

Li Zi was swallowing jujubes at the entrance of the cave, but when he heard the sound, he ran over without wiping his mouth, "Master, what are your orders?"

This mouth is full of greasy saliva.

"You wipe your mouth clean before you speak, is it dirty?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm sorry, young master." He turned his head away and wiped it with his sleeve violently, "Okay, young master, tell me, just do what you say."

"You give this letter to Bailihong, and ask him to find a way to let Yaojia know about it, but remind him that the bastards and cheap goods are going to fall into our hands, young master, I can't get rid of my anger, and I don't even eat Huixiang, do you hear me? Go and come back quickly, I am used to serving you these few days, and I can’t do without you.”

Lizi made a doggy bow, "Master, don't worry, although Lizi is not a strong monster, but his speed is fast enough, if the entire Night Falcon family is the fastest in the sky, I dare to say that it is the second, and no one dares to say that it is the first. "

"Okay, hurry up, but be careful not to mess things up. If you do, be careful, young master, and I will punish you."

"Absolutely not!" Li Zi rolled his eyes, rubbed his hands together and said, "It's a mess, the young master will punish me, Li Zi has nothing to say, but if it works, look..." This beef leg hasn't been eaten yet After finishing, I was thinking about the other one, staring at it with a pair of sneaky eyes, and the halazi dripped down.

"Look at your prospects, okay, I promise you, if it is done, let alone this beef leg, if you want to eat it for the rest of your life, young master, I will get it for you, how about it?"

"Hey! Thank you, young master, Lizi kowtows to you here."

"Okay, don't make such nonsense, go and deliver the letter."

"Yes, yes, Lizi is going now."

He carefully stuffed the letter into the bamboo tube hanging around his neck, and when he got outside the cave, he immediately transformed into a...big sparrow, soaring high into the night.

Yan Qin was very proud. While eating the beef leg, he imagined the tragic situation of Bai Yu and He Ji falling into his hands. The more he thought about it, the more proud he became. Tianming didn't wake up.

On the other side, Lizi has already met Bailihong with the letter.

Upon hearing Yan Qin's request, Bailihong crumpled the parchment into a ball, and shouted, "Stupid, you still think about personal revenge at this time, and you want to do it yourself, how do you do it, grab it from Her Majesty, what reason do you have?"

"Elder, don't be angry with me, I'm just a messenger."

Baili Hong glared at him, "Why did I ask you to serve him, just to let you watch him, and don't let him get into trouble."

"Isn't this not causing trouble? I'm serving you delicious food and drink. How could I forget what you told me? He hasn't even come out of the cave during these days."

Chestnut escaped the conscription, but his parents still starved to death. He was alone, and the crops could not be grown. Since he was alive, he had to eat. Wang Cheng of the Night Falcon clan wanted to find a job to support himself.

At that time, there was a servant in Bailihong's mansion, who happened to be his distant relative. He begged for a long time before he got a job in the mansion. Seizing the opportunity, he became Bailihong's close servant from the lowest servant. Bailihong thought he was a good man, so he deliberately trained him. He could fight, but he was not strong, but his flying speed , but it hits his talent, very fast, he can deliver the letter, and it takes two hours for others to deliver the letter.

He is loyal to Bai Lihong, but he thinks that he is mediocre and inferior to the other three elders. Now he is the only elder left. With the rise of Bai Yu's power, his status has plummeted, and he can't get involved in the government. There is nothing to do in the mansion all day long, and the queen doesn't want to see him. I feel that he will die sooner or later. He has lived a hard life. Plan to find a new owner.

Yan Qin is the only son of the clan prime minister, and if he turns over in the future, he will be rich, so he took over this matter.

Bai Lihong thumped his chest and said, "The Clan Prime Minister has a great name and great talent, why did he give birth to such a low-minded person who only knows women and food, and the most important thing right now is to rescue the Clan Prime Minister? Personal enmity, in my opinion, having this kind of son is as good as not having it. It was right that I didn’t bring him back. In that cave, the mountains are high and the water is far away. my plan."

"Elder, how should I reply?"

"You just say, I know, but this matter has to be done slowly. You can delay it as long as you can figure out a way. Just don't let him know too much about the royal city. And Shuangxi, you should keep an eye on it. Send the message to me first."

That Shuangxi was also sincere, even Bai Lihong didn't give face, insisting on directly reporting the news to his young master, his loyalty is commendable, but his brain is not very bright, and sooner or later he will cause trouble.

But now it seems that Bai Yu and He Ji are indeed inseparable. This news fell into his hands, and it is useful, but it cannot be reported directly. According to the Queen's mind, she will not believe anyone who says that she can only find out by herself. see for yourself.

It seems to be well planned.

 Uh... isn't it a bit harsh.

  But it's just fiction, fiction.

  The matter of He Ji's family is almost clear at this point, but I have also laid a foreshadowing.

  Well, guess what?
(End of this chapter)

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