The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 448 Part 213 The Mysterious Man in Black

Chapter 448 Part 213 The Mysterious Man in Black

That night, He Ji had a nightmare. In the nightmare, flames shot up into the sky. Everything she could see was stained with fire and blood. Sisters, no one was spared, one died more tragically than the other, only the youngest brother remained, she tried her best to save him, and sacrificed her own life for this, but the villains who came to slaughter were inhumane Yes, the killing intent and lust in their eyes pushed her into hell.

When her body could no longer feel pain, when her empty eyes could no longer shed half a tear, despair and darkness enveloped her, and she questioned God more than once, why did she treat her family like this, why didn’t these people die? The bad guys, but her family.

The endless humiliation turned into flames of vengeance, which stained her eyes red. Due to constant struggle and resistance, all the nails on her fingers were turned up. Helpless, she could only use these broken hands that hurt her heart. To maintain her last dignity, but the villain did not let her go.


At that moment, she would fall apart at the touch of a fragile one, and the cramping pain in her abdomen woke up her powerless.

When a steady stream of blood gushed out, she knew that she had lost another relative. She was so looking forward to its arrival that she even had a name.

Partridge...partridge...what will you look like, mother or father?

She howled until her throat was covered with blood, but those people would not let her go because of this.

The nightmare magnified the fear in her memory, and she woke up in a cold sweat.

Dead, disabled... She was like a ghost, unable to see black and white in this world.

She opened her eyes, empty and confused, and tears fell...

"Miss, you're finally awake..." Luying was right next to the bed. Seeing that she was sleeping unsteadily, she came over to have a look. Seeing her painful expression, she was afraid that her fetus might move. She wanted to wake her up, but she couldn't. Several times, she didn't respond, but the painful expression became more and more serious.

He Ji hugged her body tightly, sweat dripped down one by one, like ice and snow, and she shivered from the cold.

"Cold, so cold..." She gritted her teeth tremblingly.

"Cold?" Lu Ying looked at the brazier in the room. When Bai Yu left, she asked her to add another one. She took off her outer robe in the room, and she was so hot that she was sweating all over her head. She even said it was cold, " Miss, what's the matter, this room is almost like an oven."

"Green Warbler, I'm really cold." She rolled up the quilt and wrapped herself up, as if the place she was in was icy and snowy.

Lu Ying hurriedly asked Ada to bring over the brazier, and desperately added charcoal to the other braziers. These charcoals were top-quality, without a trace of smoke and dust, and there was a sweet woody smell. The room turned into an oven, even if Lu Ying didn't move, she could sweat all over, but He Ji was still shivering in the quilt. Lu Ying got anxious, took off her shoes and climbed onto the bed, got into the quilt and hugged her tightly. She kept rubbing her shoulders.

"Miss, how about this, is it still cold like this?"

Luying's body is very healthy, even in the snow, her hands and feet are hot, and now she is in the 'oven', her skin is even hotter, and the heat is continuously transmitted to He Ji, so being hugged like this, It gave her a sense of security, her head slowly tilted towards the green warbler, and the fear in her heart began to dissipate slowly.

"Miss, drink some hot tea, it won't be cold after drinking."

He Ji obviously didn't have much strength, she couldn't even hold a teacup, she almost fell over, but Lu Ying was quick to catch it, and fed her with a spoon instead.

Hot water, a brazier, and a hot green warbler allowed He Ji to escape from the cold.

Lu Ying felt that her hands were beginning to warm up, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but she still breathed and rubbed her hands non-stop.

"I'm much better..." She gained some strength, but her body was still soft.

Luying helped her to lie down, covered the quilt tightly, estimated the time, and it was almost dawn.

"Miss, close your eyes and sleep for a while. If you don't get enough rest, your body will not be able to bear it."

"I know..." But now she doesn't feel sleepy, she is afraid that if she closes her eyes, she will fall into the hell that makes her life worse than death. If it is not for the hatred that supports her, she will not be able to live today, but if she lives, she will be able to live again. how?
In order to get revenge, she endured the humiliation and survived, in order to clear her father's unwarranted crimes, when facing the blackbird, she had to greet others with a smile, flatter her, put the catastrophe behind her, and thank him for the grace of "not killing" , and thank you, just watching him show off his power in front of her, wearing fresh clothes and angry horses, extremely extravagant, but she can't even burn paper and incense for her family. Every time she sees him, she wants to stab him with a sword. Cut him into ten thousand pieces, but at that time, she didn't have the ability.

She tightly covered her quilt, just like this movement, she did it very hard, she knew very well that her health could not get better, this was the backlash caused by the forbidden technique, and in order to win the competition and get the right general She took a forbidden drug to increase the power of the medicine without telling Bai Yu. This medicine can increase the demon power by three times on the day after taking it, but the side effect is that the Yuan Dan is consumed rapidly. It is ridiculous that the demon power has been increased by two or three times. She could only barely win. In the past, such an opponent would definitely lose within ten moves. It can be seen how weak her body was at that time, and there was not much demon power left.

Forbidden techniques and forbidden drugs have completely destroyed her body. Even Bai Yu can't cure her. If she is not pregnant and continues to recuperate, she may live for more than ten years. But she is pregnant now, and the only remaining power of Yuandan The child in the womb must be protected, and part of it will be sucked away by the child. Then she will be weaker, and may even kill her directly, but it is absolutely impossible for her to give up the child. She has already lost it. , Knowing what kind of heart-piercing pain it feels like, even if she dies, she will give birth to this child.

This is her and Ayu's child...Although it is the second child, she firmly believes that God must have opened his eyes and returned the partridge to her. This time...she will definitely protect it and bring it safely Come into this world.

Her lifeless eyes looked at the top of the Babu bed. When Ayu became king, she might not be there anymore. When she died, he would have no relatives around him except the red ibis. He didn't like being with others. But she knows that he likes to be lively in his heart. He was like this when he was a child. As long as her brothers and sisters are happy, he will be happy too. She can't let him be alone. With this child, he will not be alone. will be lonely.

She bent her lips and gently stroked her swollen belly. This little life will take her place and continue to love him. In this life, she only hopes that their father and son can be safe, and she also hopes that she still has time to wait until the day when her revenge will be avenged. .

In this way, she can smile to see her father, Harrier Ji, Qu Ji, Ji Ji, and Brother Honglu and Brother Hongqu.

Don't worry about Scarlet Ibis, Ayu will definitely take good care of him.

A fishy sweetness welled up in her throat, she dismissed Lu Ying, took out the handkerchief from the box next to the bed, coughed violently, and spit out black blood with a wow.

She locked the dirty handkerchiefs into the box, and there were more than a dozen pieces inside, exuding a strong smell of blood.

Life is coming to an end step by step, and her time is really running out.

The night falcon family, the royal palace, and the water prison.

An oil lamp was lit on the gray-black wall, emitting a pale yellow light, flickering, illuminating a tunnel, which was very narrow and covered with frost due to the cold climate. When walking on it, one had to avoid slipping from time to time.

The tunnel is very deep, and the stairs spiral down, and you have to go around seven or eight times to get to the bottom.

Below this is the dungeon.

The water prison is humid all year round and has been filled with cold water. The water is very special. No matter how cold the weather is, it will not freeze. The colder the water, the colder the water. The taste of soaking in it is no different from cutting flesh and bones with a knife. Prisoners held here will be dispelled of demonic power, leaving only the life elixir, so they have no ability to resist the cold here, and if soaked for a day, they will basically be useless.

Blackbird was imprisoned here for a full seven days, but he was not dead yet. As long as Bai Yu didn't let him die, he couldn't die, but he was no different from a useless person.

He was cut off with a pair of hands and a pair of legs, and stuffed into a wooden barrel filled with cold water, only one head was exposed, and he became a human pig, who could hear, see, talk, but couldn't move, but even so, He has never surrendered, as long as he has the strength, he will keep howling in the prison.

"Your Majesty, Bai Yu is going to harm you, Bai Yu is going to usurp the throne, you can't trust him, the old minister is the one you should trust, he is your arm... Your Majesty, you must not be confused, Your Majesty... the old minister was framed..."

The jailers are all Bai Yu's confidantes, and they have heard him howling like this for seven days.

He heard it at first, and when he got angry, dozens of ear scrapers were thrown at him, regardless of whether he could bear it or not, but the blackbird's bones were very hard, and he was stunned and injured. As long as he woke up, he would continue to howl.

After Bai Yu found out, he told the jailer to let him howl. This water prison is tens of meters deep underground. Standing at the high doorway, it is impossible to hear his voice. He is just dying.

The snow and ice were flying outside, and the two jailers shivered from the cold.

"This cold water, it's really not a cover, it's just that I put all my strength into it, it's all cold."

"Brother, don't be in a hurry, we will change shifts soon, and it will be good to have a few sips of wine then."

"You're right, in addition to wine, you have to order two catties of white meat."

The two jailers couldn't bear it anymore when they thought that they would have wine and meat after the shift change later.

There are three cells in the water prison, the middle one is squatting with a blackbird, the other two are empty, the blackbird may have regained its energy and started howling again.

"Your Majesty, the old minister was framed. The old minister is the veteran of the three dynasties... The old minister..."

His voice was hoarse, it sounded like a broken gong.

"This old thing is really stubborn, so he's still alive." The jailer spat at the door and kicked it hard, "Don't howl, do you hear me? Look at your current appearance, even if you have turned over, so what can you do, give up as soon as possible, and beg your lord to give you a good time is the right thing to do."

After the blackbird was cut off and its limbs were stuffed into a wooden barrel, the feces and urine were all in it. The smell was unbearable, and pus began to form on the soft skin. committed suicide.

Blackbird said disdainfully to the jailer, "You are not worthy to talk to this old man with your status."

"Oh, old thing, you are still stubborn, right? Be careful, I will beat you up! Old thing, don't take chances, this day has changed a long time ago, and the position of family minister will be given to Bai Yu by Her Majesty the Queen in three days. My lord, your clan has long existed in name only, no one will think of you, you will stink to death here, rot to death."

"Brother, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? Lord Bai Yu told us to treat him as a joke. Don't do anything to him. He's already like this. He won't live long. If you beat him to death , Master Bai Yu will punish the crime."

Another jailer took him away. Although the jailer's job was suffering, it was also easy. Just such a prisoner, don't worry about it, just give him water and a little food regularly, and it doesn't matter if you forget it. In short, don't let him die own hands.

"Master Bai Yu said that if he doesn't die, we both have meritorious service and will be rewarded."

"I know, I haven't forgotten, just to scare him. I don't sleep in the middle of the night, and I have to howl. I can't hear things clearly after being howled by him these days."

"Let's go, let's go, the shift changer is here, let's go drink, eat and drink enough, sleep for a night, and everything will be fine."

The two left after changing shifts. They also knew the two people who came and came to help temporarily. After all, it was not an easy task to be here for seven days, and appropriate adjustments were needed.

The blackbird didn't hold back at all, and continued to howl.

Seeing his appearance, the two people who came from the shift did not dare to approach him, and retreated outside as if he was something ominous.

Although it was cold and windy and snowy above, it was warmer than the prison.

The two stood for a while, when they suddenly smelled a fragrance, they subconsciously sniffed it, and as soon as the fragrance entered their noses, it rushed to their brains, the two of them trembled and fell to the ground.

Then, a black figure flashed and rushed into the door. Because the whole body was wrapped tightly, it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman, and the face could not be seen clearly.

The man in black went down the stairs lightly, not caring about the slippery top, as if he was walking on flat ground.

The blackbird didn't know what was going on outside, so it continued howling, but it was exhausted.

The oil lamp on the wall was suddenly extinguished, and it was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

"Who?" The blackbird keenly noticed that someone was coming.

The man in black took out the key, inserted it into the keyhole on the cell door, turned it around, and pushed it inward.

After a rattling sound, the cell door was opened.

"Who is it? Why don't you speak?"

The man in black snorted, very softly, but it caused the blackbird to panic.

"Don't the family members think that someone came to save you?" The voice was muffled by the masked black cloth, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

save him?

If you really want to save him, you won't play tricks.

Bailihong was loyal to him, if he sent someone to rescue him, he would definitely bow down first, but this person didn't.

Therefore, he definitely didn't come to rescue the invisible man in black in front of him.

"Who the hell are you? Who sent you here, Bai Yu? No, Bai Yu won't let me die..." He couldn't figure it out, his body was cold and painful, and he couldn't continue thinking.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm here to see you instead of my master."

"Your master..." Blackbird was even more inexplicable.

"Yes, the master asked me to bring you a sentence, it's time to go, don't miss everything in the world, and don't think about your people coming back to save you, the master thinks of your love for the elders of the three dynasties, and will find a way to give it to you." The whole corpse... Oh, no, the whole corpse is definitely gone, your hands and feet..." The man in black snorted again, "In short, I will let you go with dignity, and the coffin must be chosen well."

Hearing this, Blackbird's face was even more astonished.

"Could it be that your master..."

"Family, I would like to remind you, don't make the same mistake again. If you hadn't, you wouldn't have ended up like this. You think you are smart, but my master is a hundred times smarter than you."

The blackbird's eyes widened, and the sparkle in his eyes seemed to confirm who the owner of the man in black was.

"Your Excellency, can you give me a word for your master?"


"My son Yan Qin..."

The man in black sneered, "You don't need this son, he is a person who has more than enough success to fail, so what's the use of keeping it?"

"But this is the only son under my knees. Your Excellency also said just now that your master is grateful for the affection of the old man of the three dynasties. This is a decent and unseemly way. To the old man now, there is no difference, but my son is innocent."

"Innocent? You have the face to say that if he is innocent, there are no bad people in the world. Sezi has a knife on his head. If it weren't for him, that bitch wouldn't be able to come back alive."

"He's just young, just give him some time to practice."

"Okay, as long as you obey the master's order, I will definitely convey this."

"Thank you, Your Excellency..."

"The family members can go well!"

A pill, placed within reach of the blackbird.

The man in black came and went without a trace, and the speed was extremely fast.

The jailer who fell outside woke up after the man in black left, and completely forgot what happened when he fainted just now.

The next day, the blackbird died without a trace, but when he died, the corner of his mouth was smiling.

 Crane Ji is the eldest daughter, but not the oldest child in the family. She is the second in line. On top of her is the elder brother, the red cormorant. The red pheasant was born after her, and she is the third. Among the younger sisters, Harrier Ji is the oldest, the other two are twins, and Scarlet Ibis is the youngest.

  Master Sheng Yu is very capable of giving birth, no, the princess is very capable of giving birth, but the princess belches after giving birth to the red ibis, she must have given birth too much, which violates the fertility principle of the mountain and sea world.

  If you don’t know these words, please look them up in the dictionary, you know, I have this habit.

(End of this chapter)

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