The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 449 Part 214 The Bamboo Curtain Hidden Shadows

Chapter 449 Part 214 The Bamboo Curtain Hidden Shadows

It is conceivable what kind of shock the blackbird will cause when it dies suddenly in the water prison, but it is dead if it dies, and there is no reason to find out, which makes Bai Yu frown and his face darken, and he can't find out the reason. How he died shows how great the murderer is.

"My lord, it doesn't look like you've been poisoned..." Hei Yi was the one who spoke. He was the first person to discover the sudden death of the blackbird during a routine morning patrol.

The two jailers were kneeling on the ground and trembling at this moment, but they didn't know what to ask.

They came back after a break, and after changing shifts with the substitute, they saw the blackbird. Black Wing came to check, and he lost his temper.

They can swear to God that they never slacked off. Even if they dozed off in the cold, they would sleep alone and wake up when one had had enough sleep, and then switch to the other to ensure that one of them was awake all the time, and that there was nothing suspicious during this period. People have been here.

The weirdest thing is the appearance of the blackbird after death. He died with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He has been suffering from injuries for several days. His complexion is haggard and has no luster at all, but it is normal. It's not too big, but the other symptoms are gone, and it looks very peaceful, just the smile hanging on the corner of the mouth, the more you look at it, the weirder it is.

Bai Yu checked carefully, but he couldn't figure out what caused the death. If it was said that the injury was too serious, and he was too old and weak to hold on, he absolutely didn't believe it. In order to ensure that the blackbird would not die, he added medical treatment to his diet. The medicine for the injury cannot completely cure him, and it will definitely not let him die.

When the blackbird died, his plan was completely disrupted.

The purpose of keeping him alive is to restrain the henchmen behind him, so that they don't dare to act rashly. If they act rashly, he will have an opportunity to catch him.The second is that he wants Wudiao to watch his son Yan Qin die before him, and to taste the pain of losing his own flesh and blood.

"The two of you will tell me in detail what happened last night, what you did, where you went, and you can't miss a single thing, even when you shit and piss, you have to tell me." He was annoyed at the plan Being destroyed, I was even more resentful that I couldn't find any clues.

His tone was so angry that the two prison clans dared not hide anything. They babbled about what happened last night. After talking for half an hour, there was still no clue.

Hei Yi said angrily: "You must be lazy and let people take advantage of it."

Neither he nor Bai Yu believed that Blackbird committed suicide, because if he committed suicide, he would have no hands or feet, so he could only bite his tongue, but from what he saw just now, there was no damage to his tongue. If he really wanted to commit suicide, he would not have waited until now. Will do that from the start.

"Master Heiyi, we really don't have one. Since this old thing came in, we two brothers have guarded it. You know that we are all dedicated people. We dare not do any negligent behavior. Yesterday, we went out to beat the teeth. I also told you, and we didn’t go until you agreed and arranged a replacement.”

"Then it must be because I drank too much... confused!"

"No, absolutely not..." The heads of the two of them were shaking like rattles, "It only takes an hour to go out for a drink. We each have four or two drinks. You know our brother, you can drink well. Not to mention four taels, four catties is not a problem, and you can still walk in a straight line after drinking it."

"Yes, yes, Lord Heiyi, you can't falsely accuse us. We really didn't drink too much, and we were just four or two. If you don't believe me, you can go to the tavern and ask, it's the time-honored shop you often go to, and Xiao Er can be a witness , definitely four or two, we still drank intermittently, after drinking, we both went back to take a nap, woke up and went back to work in a hurry, we didn’t meet anyone, and nothing happened.”

Black Wing knew these two Prisoners, and had drank several times in the tavern, so he really knew that they were very good at drinking, so four taels would not have any effect on them!
"Could someone have drugged your wine?" This possibility is also extremely high.

"Impossible. After we finish drinking, we are refreshed. There is no problem at all."

"Master Heiyi, according to me, this must be because the old thing has done too much evil. Old Tiantian couldn't stand it anymore. He decided to accept him last night, so he just disappeared..."

Although the two of them are a bit greedy for money, they will never do things that are treacherous. They will be loyal to whomever they follow. Besides, even if they want to do something, they will not choose when the two of them went out to drink last night. This is not for themselves. Are you digging?

Hei Yi bowed to Bai Yu and said, "My lord, these two brothers should not lie."

"Yes, yes, we really did not lie to your lord. If there is any concealment, it will be like being struck by lightning. Please check it out."

It's not that Bai Yu doesn't believe them, but that this matter is too strange. At noon yesterday, he received the news that there was movement in Bailihong's mansion, and he was waiting for him to make a plan to catch the turtle in the urn. die first.

Once Bailihong and the others find out about Blackbird's death, there is nothing to be afraid of, except that they will come to a dead end.

"Hei Yi, what about the two top-ranking staff?"

"Qingyi went to ask, and said that nothing happened, but last night the blackbirds were noisy, the two didn't look down, they went outside, but stayed at the door, and stayed there until the two brothers came back. During the period, it was calm, According to them, they haven't even encountered an ant."

"These two people may believe?"

"They are all selected from the lord's cronies. The family background is very clear. Qingyi and them also know each other. They are still in the same village. They will never betray you."

Bai Yu turned his head and took another look at the blackbird's body. When his eyes touched the smile on his mouth, his chest felt tight, and the smile expanded in his pupils, making him feel uneasy.

"You tell Qing Yi to let him guard He Ji secretly, and let him come to see her if she is even slightly injured."

He wasn't worried about himself, he was only worried about whether He Ji would be in danger.


" send another pair of people to watch Bailihong, and report back to me in detail what he does every hour."

"This subordinate understands!" Hei Yi clasped his fists and asked again, "Then how do you plan to deal with these two adults?"

Upon hearing this, the two jailer brothers kowtowed several times to Bai Yu, "My lord, my lord, we are really not lazy, please be merciful, my lord, there are old men, and there are young men... My lord, can you please forgive me?" You can't take your anger out on us..."

One of them was afraid that he would chop off his own head, so he knelt and walked beside him, tugging at his sleeve, already full of tears and snot.

Bai Yu flicked his sleeves, at this moment, he only wanted to see what was out of sight, "Get lost!"

The two immediately crawled away. When they got to the stairs, the ground was slippery. They fell a big somersault and rolled down again, their heads were broken. They didn't dare to cry out the pain. Want to take them under the knife.

After they left, Black Wing asked again, "My lord, what should we do with the blackbird's body?"

"Bruised bones and ashes..."

Now that the blackbird is dead, it is impossible to hide his death. I am afraid that it has already spread outside. After all, he is the elder of the three dynasties. Even if he is guilty of hurting the little prince, those people outside will definitely intercede with the queen. Give him a good burial.


He doesn't deserve it!
How Lord Sheng Yu died, so he will die accordingly.


In the deep corner of the palace, because of the lush forest planted, sunlight cannot penetrate. Even in broad daylight, it is dim and somewhat difficult to see clearly. Stepping on fallen leaves, the man in black came here lightly, and stopped after a few steps. I got down, looked around for a while, and after making sure that there was no one there, I reached out to the ground. The ground was covered with fallen leaves. After sweeping, a copper ring appeared.

With a strong pull, a door was lifted. Inside the door was a secret passage, so narrow that only one person could walk.

The man in black walked in, and when he had gone a little further, he put his hands against the door and closed it slowly. After the door was closed, fallen leaves flew around, covering the copper ring again, and no trace could be seen.

In the dark passage, the black-winged man picked up a lamp placed beside the dark passage, lit it, and walked deeper step by step with the faint orange light.

After walking for about a stick of incense, they came to the end. There was a heavy stone door at the end. The man in black didn't rush to push it open. Instead, he put the oil lamp on the ground, touched the stone door, and pressed down hard on the raised part of the stone door. .

The stone door didn't respond immediately, but slowly opened after a while.

It was very dark inside the door, and I couldn't see anything clearly, only the oil lamp in the hand of the man in black was flickering. After a few steps, there was another door, which was the same as the stone door outside, but there was no place to press it. He straightened his clothes, made sure they were neat, and raised his hands.

When the hand was raised to the end, a rope appeared, pulled it, and then heard the faint sound of a bell coming from the stone gate.

The jingling sound was very rhythmic, like a code word. After the sound, the stone door did not open, and the man in black stood quietly.

After about half an hour, the stone gate opened.

The man in black walked in and extinguished the oil lamp in his hand. The inside was still dark, but he could vaguely see a whole row of hanging bamboo curtains. There was a figure in the bamboo curtains, and he couldn't see who it was in the dim light, but the man in black Immediately knelt down to this figure.

"Master, the matter is settled, the blackbird is dead..."

"Well, I'm not so old...did he say anything before he died?"

The bamboo curtain is thick, and the voice coming out is a little soft, and you can't hear what you said a little further away, but it doesn't hinder the communication between the man in black and the figure.

"He begged the master to save his son's life... exactly as the master wanted."

"This man, no matter how strong he is, he still has weaknesses. It's human nature to get a son when he grows old, but there are other things besides..."

"Not anymore, but according to my subordinates, he would be willing to die, probably because he guessed the identity of the master."

"I think so. Don't underestimate him. After all, he is a veteran of the three dynasties. He always has some resourcefulness and means. It's a pity that he was wise all his life, but he was ruined by his own son. If he didn't have this son's back then Reckless, how could he end up like this? He angered people who shouldn't be angered."

"No matter how wise you are, there is no wise master. He is already at the end of his battle. It is the master who pities him. Otherwise, how could he die so peacefully?"

"I've worked hard on you this time, so I asked you to make a special trip."

"The lives of the subordinates are saved by the master. The subordinates will do what the master wants the subordinates to do. What is the trouble? The blackbird has committed suicide. What orders does the master have?" The man in black knelt on the ground, Standing straight, he looked like he was willing to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire. Unfortunately, the black clothes on his body were too tightly wrapped, and only two bright eyes could be seen, and his voice was neutral. Can't tell if it's a man or a woman.

Similarly, the people in the bamboo curtain are also very mysterious. I am afraid that only the two of them who are here know who they are.

"Don't move for the time being. His death will definitely cause disturbances in the court, but it can be big or small. You don't want to show up for the time being. Send the people below to pass a message to Bailihong..."

The man in black was stunned, "Bailihong is a member of the blackbird, and he has been trying to save him for the past few days. Now that the blackbird died suddenly, he will definitely vent his anger on Baiyu, and maybe he will risk his life to assassinate Baiyu. Can the master do that?" Let's catch one and wipe out all the blackbird's henchmen, and also wait for the opportunity to find out what kind of medicine is hidden in this white feather gourd? Why do you want to send a message to Bailihong."

"The blackbird is dead, and his party feathers have lost their backbone and become a mess. There will be no more disturbances, and he will not be so impulsive. Speaking of which, this Bailihong is smarter than the other three elders." There are many, but it is hidden deep, and it looks mediocre, but it is actually a talent that can be cultivated. After a few times of training, it will definitely be used well."

"The master wants to take him under his command?"

"Well, but it also depends on whether he is willing or not?"

"He dares to be able to make the master look good. It is a blessing that he can hardly cultivate in three lifetimes. What else is he willing to do? If he refuses, his subordinates will immediately twist his head off."

"Why is your temper still so rough? If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have let you stay outside the palace, and I would have brought you with me long ago. You know that talents are rare, so don't let one go, just take the blackbird To put it bluntly, if he hadn't been fascinated by power and wanted to go beyond the royal family, I wouldn't have let him seek death. But there are two things to say, that is, no matter how rare this talent is, he must be loyal to me. If he is unfaithful, talented It's useless, I don't have anyone at hand right now, if he secretly helps, many things can be solved, you don't need to worry about whether he is willing or not, just bring my words to him, remember not to let people find out."

"The subordinates understand..."

The bamboo curtain shook, and stretched out a smooth white hand, holding a bamboo tube in his hand, "The words are all in it, just leave it to him, tell him, if he wants, let him find a way to show loyalty, I will do it myself judge."


After speaking, the figure behind the bamboo curtain disappeared, as if it had never been there.

The man in black put the bamboo tube into his arms, and also left silently.

The sudden death of the blackbird really caused an uproar in the Night Falcon family. There were two factions in the court, one advocated a generous burial, and the other thought it should be ashes. Retire early.

Those who promote the burial are not necessarily blackbirds, but because of the veterans of the three dynasties. There is no credit but hard work. Just assisting the three generations of kings is considered a sin. , Naturally, it is Bai Yu's team.

This debate is actually just a superficial battle, because it is absolutely impossible for Bai Yu to give the blackbird a good funeral, so he took the first step.

As soon as the blackbird died, those party members who hadn't come to the fore were also divided into two factions. Some of them knew that they had no power to change, so they surrendered to Bai Yu one after another, and accused him of many evil things. Most of them were like this. But a small group, such as the Bailihong faction, wailed in secret and held the foundation laying secretly.

General Zuo Weihu, who was imprisoned, went blind when he heard the news.

He was not imprisoned in a water prison, he was imprisoned in a fire prison.

This fire prison is extremely hot, and it is even more torture for the harpies who were born in a place of ice. The ground in the prison is a piece of scorching copper, like a cannon, just standing on it will burn your feet , the flesh and blood are peeled off, and the blood is sticky, and it will be stuck to the copper plate, making it difficult to move an inch. Once walking, it is a taste of bone erosion.

Wei Hu was imprisoned here for a few days, and his whole body was burned to pieces. Because his feet were burned, he couldn't keep his balance. If he fell, he would lie on the copper plate and roll back and forth.

Bai Yu would use this method to deal with him because he was the one who led the army to attack Sheng Yu's army back then, and used this kind of cage to secretly escort Sheng Yu back to the royal city.

As soon as he heard that the blackbird had died suddenly, he kept howling, which could be seen from the grief from the heart, but people are dead, what's the use of crying, not to mention that he is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and he can't save himself, even howling until his throat bleeds No one will sympathize with him.

The night falcon family has changed a long time ago, and it is no longer his majestic era.

He just won't admit it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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