The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 450 Part 215 Returning Purple Wing

Chapter 450 Part 215 Returning Purple Wing

Three days later, Bai Yu was still thinking about the cause of Blackbird's death. Although the body was bruised and ashes, his symptoms at the time of death were all recorded, so it did not prevent him from investigating it.

The blackbird couldn't have committed suicide, someone must have killed him, but he couldn't figure out what method could make him die without a trace.

"grown ups……"

Outside the door, Gray Wing knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?"

"Fengchen wants to see the lord."

Wind Chen?

Bai Yu twisted up a pair of sword eyebrows, and after rescuing Feng Chen from the dog realm, even after his treatment, it still couldn't change the tragedy that Feng Chen was already a disabled person. The bird demon lost his hands, which is equivalent to breaking his wings, not to mention his legs It was broken, and the only difference from the blackbird is that it is a wooden barrel, and it has not become a human pig.

Oh no, he was blind too.

He would visit Fengchen every five days, and he would save him because he had saved Heji's life back then, but he wanted to restore him to the past, except for the Shennong Ding, which was the Nuwa stone. The two artifacts are not in his hands, he can only save Feng Chen's life as much as possible, and save him from some flesh and blood pain.

Bai Yu opened the door, "But what happened to his injury?"

"The subordinate just went to see him, he didn't look like him, he just said that he has something important to see the adults."

"I see! Now go..."

He put on a fur coat made of wild animal fur and leaped into the wind and snow, followed by Hui Wing and rubbed his hands, "It's really cold, it's been snowing for more than ten days, and I don't know when it will stop. .”

The Night Falcons are not afraid of snow, but they are afraid that it will not stop. According to the season, these few days are the harvest days. If the snow does not stop, the crops that have finally grown will be crushed by the snow and freeze to death.

No food means starvation. This is a big problem for the Night Falcon clan. It is blamed on Shenghu for being too fond of fighting and recruiting soldiers so much that two-thirds of the civilians who worked in agriculture fell, and the remaining one-third Even if one can support three, it is impossible to grow a large amount of grain. Not to mention the lack of grain, most of it is sent to the army. The granary in the clan is almost empty, and it can only be half full during the autumn harvest. It is impossible to save these savings until next year.

The royal family and the nobles never had to worry about not having enough to eat. No matter how little food was available, they would not pick it through their teeth. Naturally, the common people suffered so much, especially those who worked in agriculture. The food grown was not left to them at all. All when the tax is paid, the people who grow the grain can't eat enough, and they can still count on how good the harvest of the grain will be. In addition, the nobles don't want to live a tight life next year and be a little rich. As a result, civilians have no food to eat, and can only eat wild vegetables and bark to satisfy their hunger. Under the vicious circle, civilians starve to death pile after pile, and corpses are scattered everywhere.

The tribe can't grow enough food for the people's livelihood, so it can only be obtained by invading foreign tribes. This is also the reason why Bai Yu has repeatedly fought against some small tribes around him. It is to ride a thousand horses and get the biggest benefits with the smallest people.

Although it is a palliative, not a permanent solution, it is effective for today's Night Falcon family.As for wanting to improve the perennial lack of crops in the clan, it is naturally impossible to change overnight. The nobles have to be cleaned up, and the royal family has to be cleaned up. The prosperous scene when the old king was alive.

And there is...

Bai Yu looked at the snow-capped environment in front of him. It was getting colder and colder, and the colder it was, the poorer it was. The land and the environment were no longer suitable for living. It was necessary to change to a place with abundant supplies as the habitat of the ethnic group.

No matter how much the income brought by the invasion is, it is not as good as a piece of fertile land. That is the real foundation. Looking at the entire mountain and sea world, the place that can be called unique, rich in supplies, and easy to defend and difficult to attack is the place of the dog. The Changhai area where it is located can be said to be a place favored by the heavens. If this is not the case, how can the dog monsters live for thousands of years and still be alive.

Therefore, he is bound to win.

In the world of the weak and the strong, only one's own ethnic group is the most important, and only by keeping one's own ethnic group can one have a place to live and work.

"You will order it tomorrow. The common people do not need to pay taxes this year. I have food reserves, but this year's taxes will have to be paid next year."

"I understand your lord's thoughts, but all tax matters require the Queen's approval."

Free this year, pay next year, and pay double. It seems that there is no discount, but in fact, if you can eat enough this year, you will have the strength to work. As long as you plant well, you are not afraid that you will not be able to grow double the grain next year. It can be said that is an incentive.

"I will tell her that if she is not too stupid, she should know that this is the best strategy for now."

Bai Yu continued to walk forward on the thick snow, leaving footprints of different shades behind him. Along the way, he could see many victims lying on the corner of the wall of the royal city. No.

"Have there been more disaster victims recently?"

"My lord, the number has doubled. It is said that Baiya Village in the east was hit by an avalanche. The houses and fields were all buried under the snow, and many people died..."

Bai Yu stopped and said angrily, "Why don't I know about this?"

"It happened when the blackbird was alive. It should have been hidden because he was afraid that it would cause a disaster and would use the food he hoarded."

Bai Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it!"

"Don't be angry, my lord. I'm busy these days, and my subordinates don't dare to worry you too much, so I didn't say anything. But people have been arranged, and the porridge sheds will be set up in the morning, afternoon and evening. It's just... just relying on my lord's salary and the people in the house. Food is too much for monks and less for porridge..."

Setting up a porridge shed may not satisfy all the victims. In order to save food, the porridge is getting thinner every day. In a few days, I am afraid that there will be no rice in sight.

"The other nobles have nothing to say?"

"They think these are pariahs, dead and nothing worth mentioning."

Bai Yu clenched her fists tightly, her face turned dark.

The current Night Falcon family is that whoever has the right can survive, and people's livelihood is no longer a concern of these high-ranking people.

"Find a few people to go hunting in the mountains, try to hunt as many as possible, and see if it can make up for it. The weather is getting colder and colder, and eating porridge is useless."

"Yes, this subordinate will take a few people up the mountain later."

Now is the season for koala bears. If you are lucky, you can get a nest.This litter is usually about twenty, because koalas live in groups, and unlike bears in the human world, this kind of koala is not as tall as an adult when it grows up. Although it is fierce, it is not difficult to deal with. The fruit can be lured out, which is considered a specialty of the Night Falcon family, but in the past they would not catch too many, fearing extinction, but now such days, if you don't eat them, you will starve to death, you can only choose one of the two.

"I remember that Niang Niang knew how to distinguish wild vegetables and mushrooms in the mountains..."

"That's right, my lord, she has lived in the mountains since she was a child, and she is well versed in this."

"Take her with you. It's good to bring back some delicious mushrooms and wild vegetables. In addition, if you are smart, express your heart quickly. Don't be stupid and keep silent. Be careful not to be chased away."

When Hui Wing heard this, his face immediately turned red, and he hesitated, "My lord, why are you talking about me."

Wu Niang is the cook in Bai Yu's mansion, she was born in Shanyao Village in the extreme north of the Ye Falcon clan, that family is very good at distinguishing medicinal ingredients, Bai Yu once went there to ask for medicine, and rescued Wu Niang's father, but unfortunately, after years of fighting, The strong men in Shanyao Village were not spared either. Some died, some were maimed, and the whole village collapsed. Only the old and the weak, women and children were left. When the plague hit, all the people in the village died, only the mother-in-law fled. After she came out, she went all the way south to find him, and he took her in as a cook in the mansion and as a servant of the pharmacy.

There are many men around him, and suddenly a girl came, and she was good-looking, which naturally attracted the attention of a group of people, and the one who focused the most attention was Hui Wing, who would go to see her when there was nothing to do, and after a while, both of them had their own thoughts. , just refused to pierce that layer of paper.

"Could I be wrong, don't say I didn't remind you..."

"Okay, okay, my lord, Fengchen's house is here, you go in by yourself, the subordinates are looking for someone to hunt."

He walked fast, as if there was a tail behind him that would be caught by the door.

The house Fengchen lives in is in the alley to the south of Wangcheng. That's Wei Hu's level.

The Night Falcon tribe respects martial arts and despises literature, and this has been the case for generations. This is also caused by the harsh environment. Without a strong army, it is impossible to resist foreign enemies, let alone invade other tribes to gain Abundant material reserves.

The Fengchen clan back then was very prestigious. His grandfather and father were the favored ministers of the old king. They were extremely trustworthy and had close contacts with Sheng Yu. But after Shenghu ascended the throne, the Fengchen clan declined. Taken away, the others are no different from civilians.

He knocked on the door, and the guy who opened the door was a boy who bowed respectfully to him, "It's your lord who is here, go in quickly, it's windy and snowy outside."

"How is your master?"

"After taking the adults' medicine, I'm much better. I'm reading in the study now."

The servant's name is Yiming, which means "one blockbuster", he is the only remaining servant of the Fengchen clan, he takes care of Fengchen's daily life and food, he is still very young, he has just turned three hundred years old this year, so he looks only twelve years old. Three years old, short and short, but wearing a loose old robe, he looks very thin.

When he arrived at the inner courtyard, he took the fur coat that Bai Yu had taken off and hung it on the hanger, "Sir, wait a moment, I'll fetch a bowl of ginger tea, you can drink it to warm yourself."

"No, I'll go to the study to find your master now."

"Then I'll send it to the study."

Bai Yu nodded, and went straight to the road leading to the study.

Because of Yao Ji's relationship, he has always had a good relationship with Feng Chen, and he is very familiar with his family.

He knocked on the door of the study room, there was a cough from inside, after a while, Feng Chen said, "Come in."

Bai Yu pushed the door open and entered, "What are you doing in the study?"

Although Feng Chen was born in a military family, he likes to read books very much. At the moment, the desk is full of books. He is sitting in a wheelchair, as if he is reading, but in fact he has lost his eyes, and no one knows what he is reading.

"You're here... sit down, I'm also idle and bored, I can't see, it's good to smell the fragrance of books."

Bai Yu walked over, "Why are you looking for me?"

"You sit first!"

"Stop sitting down, I have something to do later, just talk about it if you have anything to say."

Because of the serious injury, Feng Chen lost too much blood and his face was pale. After becoming a cripple, his mood fluctuated greatly, and he had no appetite to eat all day long, so that his body became thin and thin. His handsome and young facial features had aged a lot. This was not just caused by the injury. Yes, it is also because of the looseness of the demon power.

"My lord, ginger tea is here, drink it quickly."

Yiming walked in holding a teacup.

"Put it down, drink hot now."

Yiming looked at Fengchen, "Master, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"Just get some food, you go down first."

Yiming nodded, retreated obediently, and closed the door.

Feng Chen doesn't have hands, and he can't drive a wheelchair, "Although it's cold today, the plum blossoms in the mansion are in bloom. You came just in time, so we can enjoy the flowers together. Oh, I was wrong, you are the one to watch, tell me after watching, is it the same as before? .”

This kind of self-mockery didn't start today, as if this way, he would feel better.

Bai Yu pushed him to the window and opened it.

Outside the window are a few red plum blossoms, and the snow is flying down. The color of these plum blossoms is eye-catching, but gorgeous and not demonic, the fragrance is quiet and elegant, and the posture is ancient and delicate.

Red plums and white snow, no matter when you look at it, it is a beautiful scenery.

Fengchen stared at those plum blossoms with empty eyes, he couldn't see them, but he could smell the fragrance of words, and after a while he said, "When are you going to save Ziyi?"

When Bai Yu heard the name, he froze for a moment. In fact, when he came, he had a hunch that he might want to ask about Zi Yi.

"She was imprisoned in a water cage in the dog realm, and she was heavily guarded. It was not easy to save her. My operation failed before. If I rescue her immediately, I will lose my troops. Don't worry, she is just an ordinary animal now. Bird, the dog monster clan will not torture her, but life is more difficult."

"Her identity has been revealed, and it is impossible for the dog monsters to let her go. If they don't use punishment now, it doesn't mean they won't in the future. If they can't ask anything and have no benefits to speak of, they will definitely kill her."

"She is your apprentice. I can understand that you cherish her, but I also said that if you act rashly, you will only increase your grievances. If she knows, she will not be willing. She is just like you, with love and righteousness. She will die some people, and she will not be happy if she is rescued."

"Don't prevaricate me with such words. I know better than you what her temper is. I'm just afraid that this girl will be overwhelmed for a while, and she will kill herself."

"It's just an ordinary bird now, how can it commit suicide?"

Since she is not human, it is impossible for her to bite her tongue. She must be tied up in a water cage, and it is impossible to hit a wall.

"How to say, you are right, but you also said the key point. The key point is that she is an ordinary bird now. I have thought about it. The best way is that you refine the antidote, and then let people think of the pill. The way to send it over, as long as she regains her human form, she will be able to save herself, and she will definitely be able to escape by herself."

Hearing this, Feng Chen, who knew him well, felt his heart skip a beat.

"You look at me because you think this method is not good?"

"This is a good idea!" He withdrew his gaze and looked at the plum blossoms outside the window again.

Feng Chen happily said, "Since it's good, then you should do it quickly, without delay, if you need anything, tell me, I'll let Yiming prepare."

He was very active, but Bai Yu didn't move, still looking at the plum blossom, as if fascinated by it.

Feng Chen felt that he was getting hot, and his tone seemed a little hasty, and asked: "What are you still doing in a daze? Don't forget, she is like this, but it's all because of you."

Bai Yu turned her head slightly, her eyes seemed to be stained with frost outside the window, a little cold.

Feng Chen continued: "She is loyal to you, no less than Hei Yi, Qing Yi, Hui Yi."

"I know!"

"Know? Knowing that you are still indifferent?" His tone became cold, "I don't care what you think, in short, I will get this antidote within three days!"

Bai Yu smiled without saying a word, his expression seemed to understand something.

"What are you laughing at? I'm not kidding. Now I'm useless and can't help you, but Ziyi is different. She is of excellent quality and smart. In time, she will definitely become your right-hand man, and she will never be worse than anyone else. In order to help you, she turned herself into an animal and suffered all kinds of hardships and sufferings. She should come back, and she doesn't care whether you give me rewards. Her biggest wish is to stay by your side. Since I am her master, I naturally want to Grant her wish."

"These words, you might as well let her tell me herself."

"You...what are you talking did she say it herself, she..."

Bai Yu shouted out of the window, "Zi Yi, come out, your master has always been a person who can't hide his thoughts."

As the words fell, there was no movement outside the window at first, but after a while a piece of snow fell from the eaves, and then a magnificent purple wing drew a silhouette on the white snow.

It's Purple Wing.

it came back.

(End of this chapter)

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