The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 451 Part 216 Little Prince Luanxiang

Chapter 451 Part 216 Little Prince Luanxiang

Ever since Yumo knew that it would be difficult for him to regain his human form, Ziyi didn't believe that Baiyu would be so determined to it. After being thrown out of the dog realm by the dog monster clan, it fought hard, regardless of the wounds on its body, and went through hardships to return. To the night falcon family.

There are many twists and turns along the road, and the danger is extremely dangerous. If it was still a demon, it would be easy to return to the Night Falcon family, but now it is just an ordinary bird, its physical strength and mental strength have been tested, and it has to avoid predators that may appear at any time. Bird monster, it didn't dare to rest for too long, and didn't dare to close its eyes. It just leaned against the tree trunk to rest for a while. Besides, water and food were also difficult problems, but these were not important in its heart. Answer.

Does it never become human again?

When it returned to the Night Falcon Clan, it wanted to go to see Bai Yu immediately, but it was too timid to go to see him immediately, so it turned around and came to Fengchen.

In this world, if there is anyone who treats it the best, it must be Feng Chen.

Feng Chen wept with joy when he found out that it had returned safely, and he didn't ask why the dog monsters let him go, he asked how he was, but at that time he was too tired, his whole body was wounded, and he was in the body of a beast again, unable to speak, with one head plunged into his arms.

Yiming found that it was full of injuries, and hurriedly asked Yiming to find Bai Yu.

Hearing it, it resolutely refuses to let it go. Although it has become a bird and cannot speak human words, Feng Chen understands it very well. Even if it is a small movement, he will know what it is thinking. Although he has doubts, he knows its temperament. No matter how much he asked, he would not say what Ken said. Fortunately, the injury was not as serious as imagined. Yiming simply bandaged it, and it was fine after a night of rest.

It's just that the spirit is always depressed, without the freshness of the past.

As a master, Fengchen does not only have a teacher-student affection for Ziyi. Under the persecution of Wutong and Shenghu, his relatives have died, so he has a family affection for Ziyi, and he loves Ziyi like a sister. pity.

If it hadn't insisted on sacrificing itself and turning into a beast to get close to Yu Mo, he would definitely not have allowed it to take such a risk.

Now that he has returned safely, his fear can be put down.

After a few days of care, its injury has healed, but Fengchen was not allowed to tell others about its return, so only Fengchen and Yiming knew about it, and it was always depressed these few days Feng Chen was very worried, asked several times, but it didn't respond, even nodded and shook his head stingily, he thought it might have suffered a lot, and was not in the mood for a while. After adjusting it, I didn't force it, thinking that it would get better in a few days.

Unexpectedly, its condition was getting worse day by day, Fengchen was so anxious that he simply asked Yiming to force-feed it, and mentioned that if it wanted to do this again, he would invite Bai Yu.

It reacted only when it heard Bai Yu's name.

Seeing this, Feng Chen knew that it must have something to do with Bai Yu for it to look like this. After being pressed, it finally opened its mouth, and it wrote with its claws just like when Yu Mo was questioning.

I want to turn back into a human...

Yiming dutifully told Fengchen these five words.

In just five words, Feng Chen felt pain in his heart, but he also understood the crux of the matter, and said that she is a silly girl, if she wants to become a human, she would have said no, why is she hiding it, but she refuses to do so? He said it, and reminded him again and again not to let Bai Yu know about its return.

Feng Chen was a little inexplicable, but thinking that this girl has always loved Bai Yu, maybe she is now in the shape of a beast, she has low self-esteem, and maybe she dare not see Bai Yu, so she immediately patted her chest and told her, wrap this matter on him, and the previous situation was over. scene.

When Bai Yu called its name out of the window, it subconsciously appeared, fluttering its wings, and looked at him through the window.

Those words he said, it could hear clearly on the eaves, even if you don’t ask, you know what the answer is, but you still hope that it is not true, and hope that he will not be so cruel to it.

A bird does not shed tears, no matter how sad it is, it cannot shed a single tear.

It survived the journey back thousands of miles, the pain of swallowing Erodan's bones, and the coldness of every inch of the shadow of swords and swords, but it couldn't survive the coldness and determination in his eyes.

It has never thought about anything, it just wants to stay by his side, whether it is a slave or a handmaiden, it doesn't matter if she sacrifices her life, it just wants to fight side by side with him and accomplish the great cause in his heart, that's all, but he doesn't even have such a small expectation. Hope is not given to it, it has become an ordinary bird, it is impossible to help him, he is so ruthless, but also so cruel.

If the eyes are blind, the ears will become sensitive, and when he hears the sound of the wings, Feng Chen will know that it has shown its face.

"Zi Yi, come in, it's cold outside."

The concern on Feng Chen's face formed a sharp contrast with Bai Yu's calm expression, it didn't spread its wings to fly in, and still looked at the man in front of him who was extremely ruthless to it.

Bai Yu said, "You will come back, which is beyond my expectation."

It is already a useless chess piece. From the time it swallowed Erodan, its fate is doomed to be abandoned. This made him speculate on the intentions of the Goblin Race. Although it is an ordinary bird, It is impossible for the dog demon king not to know that it is his own, and put it back so readily, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

He looked at Purple Wing suspiciously.

Seeing his sizing eyes, Ziyi felt extremely sad in his heart. Even though it was a harmless bird, he was still wary of it.

Feng Chen couldn't see the movement of the two of them, so he hurriedly said: "Zi Yi has returned safely now, you should give this medicine."

Eruo Dan was handed over to Zi Yi by Feng Chen himself. Before he acted, he was very clear about this matter, but he did not know that this pill was unsolvable. He was full of trust in Bai Yu, and he never thought about it. There is no solution, if Ziyi knows, it is impossible for Ziyi to lurk beside Yumo smoothly.

Now he just wants to restore Ziyi's demon power as soon as possible, so that it can continue to assist Bai Yu and complete his great cause.

Bai Yu knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, he didn't tell Feng Chen at the beginning because he expected that Zi Yi would not be able to survive, but now it seems that he can only tell the truth.

"Feng Chen, there is no cure for this medicine!"

He spoke very lightly, without a trace of guilt, and it became a blockbuster to Feng Chen's ears, making his ears ring.

There is no cure...

He stared at the empty eyes, which was a subconscious behavior, causing the eyelids that had healed together to burst in an instant, and his expression gradually turned pale, and he slowly turned his head towards the direction Bai Yu was speaking.

Although Ziyi already knew the answer, but at the moment he said it, his body froze, he stopped fluttering his wings, and fell from the sky. The ground was covered with snow, which was extremely soft. Feixue suddenly felt that her eyes were a little hot, but they were still dry, but her chest hurt like a knife had been inserted.

Feng Chen finally digested the four words "no medicine can solve", and instantly rushed to Bai Yu. He had no hands or feet, so he lost his center of gravity when he rushed over, and fell to the ground. Bai Yu quickly supported him and brought him back. wheelchair.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet, so don't get excited."

Feng Chen twisted his body, his eyes were bloodshot, "You lied to lied to me..."

"Fengchen, whoever does great things, how can he have the benevolence of a woman."

"Although Ziyi is my apprentice, I treat her like my own sister. If you and I are like brothers, then she is not your sister. How dare you treat her like this."

Bai Yu sneered, showing disdain and indifference.

"I only have three younger sisters, you should know who they are?"

In this life, he only recognized He Ji's younger sister, his own younger sister.

"Don't mention it, if she is still alive and knows about your behavior, she will beat you up for me."

"Perhaps, but she is already dead. If you still remember, you shouldn't forget how she died tragically..."

Feng Chen's eyes were reddened with clear bloodshot eyes, of course he remembered, and it was impossible for him to forget that the naked, blood-covered Harrier Ji, the appearance of dying, was deeply imprinted in his mind, dreaming back at midnight, he Will always be awakened by the appearance of her dead.

He swore that in his lifetime, he would avenge her and make sure that the person who killed her died without a burial. In order to achieve his goal, he didn't care what he would become... Demons and ghosts are not afraid.

Thinking of this, he trembled. What Bai Yu is doing now is not what he wanted to do before.

Bai Yu is another him, the only difference is that He Ji is still alive, but the devastation she suffered can never be erased. Compared with the dead, the living can let the people around him know what kind of pain that kind of tragedy is. What kind of despair is it.

Does he have the right to blame Bai Yu for being ruthless? If he is, if his kite is alive, he lowers his head and lets the blood drip from his eyelids.

Ziyi flew into the house unsteadily from the snow, it needs Yiming to assist it to communicate with Fengchen, now that Yiming is not there, it cannot communicate with him, it flies down on his wheelchair, cooing with.

"Ziyi, it's my teacher who killed you, my teacher killed you."

It was because he didn't ask clearly, thinking that she just suffered some hardships, and she would recover as before when she came back. It was also because he trusted Bai Yu too much, and Bai Yu probably expected that he would not be suspicious, so she handed Erodan to him.

"Cuckoo cuckoo..."

Ziyi respects this master very much, and it only wants to know the answer when it comes back, not to make him blame himself.

"You don't need to persuade the teacher, the teacher is already useless, it is better to let the teacher bear the pain of not being able to be an adult." He was heartbroken, but he couldn't say a word of cruelty to Bai Yu.

As deep as his trauma is, Bai Yu is as deep as it is, and even more serious, so severe that he has no humanity at all.

"Get out, get out now..." He growled at Bai Yu.

"Your eyes need bandaging!"

"Get out!" he yelled.

Bai Yu glanced at him, knowing that he is very emotional now, and it is not appropriate to stimulate anymore.


He called the servants in.

"My lord, what are your orders? Oh, young master, why are your eyes bleeding? Quick, quick, Master Bai Yu, this..."

Yiming hurriedly fetched the bandaging equipment.

"Yiming, use the golden sore medicine I gave you last time, three times a day, if it doesn't stop the bleeding, ask someone to call me."

"My lord, but my young master... this..."

He didn't understand why he didn't make a diagnosis and treatment himself when everyone else came.

"Your young master, the last thing you want to see now is me, just follow my orders..."


After Bai Yu gave his orders, he left. In the heavy snow, he walked alone, his back was so cold that Zi Yi felt endlessly miserable.

It has no anger, no hatred, because these emotions have long been blocked by years of love, even if he is ruthless to it, it still cannot swing its claws and leave scars on his body.

Hehe...Fortunately, the bird does not have tears, and it still has a sense of self-esteem.

After Fengchen bandaged the wound, there was no sound for a long time, Ziyi knew that he felt sorry for it, but now, everything is a foregone conclusion, whether it is self-blame or sad, it is useless.

She surrendered.

However, Feng Chen refused to accept his fate.

"Purple Wing, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope..."


"Googoo?" It didn't understand what hope he was referring to?
"Shennong Ding, Nuwa Stone, these two artifacts have the ability to repair, cure diseases, and detoxify. As long as you have them, you will be able to recover."

He pinned all his hopes on the ancient artifact, but Ziyi knew that the release was useless, so he told Yumo about it when he went to see it in the water cage.

Ziyi spread her wings and flew to Yiming's shoulder.


Ziyi pointed to the inkstone on the desk with her paw.

Yiming understood what it meant. It had something to write and hoped he would convey it.

Purple Wing dipped his paws into the ink, and wrote on the paper: "Master, Erodan cannot be turned back even if it is a divine weapon."

After hearing this, Feng Chen didn't believe it, "They must have lied to you, otherwise they wouldn't let you back, and if they want you back, I'm afraid they want you to have a rift with Bai Yu because of this matter."

"I've thought about this too, but now I'm just an ordinary bird. If I really follow their wishes, how can I hurt adults."


Feng Chen was also impatient, he hadn't thought of this level yet.

"If...if the Nuwa stone and the Shennong cauldron don't work, then collect all the artifacts. I don't believe that all the artifacts combined are useless."

Purple Wing's writing paw paused.

Collect all artifacts...

No, the spirit beast Bai Ze has already made it very clear that Erodan has no solution. It wanted to write it down and tell him this fact, so that he would not have to worry about it anymore, but knowing his temper, he decided to keep it a secret. It is the same, and what you will face in the future will be an extremely frustrating life. If this is the case, why bother to stab the sword again.

Yiming asked: "Miss, don't you want to write?"

It wrote on the paper, "Send Master back to his room to rest, this eye injury must be taken care of."


Feng Chen still persuaded, "This matter, the teacher will definitely find a way, you are like before, stay here with me, Yiming will take care of you, you must not give up on yourself."

It actually thought of leaving, but it was very worried about Feng Chen's body, so it decided to stay for a while and make sure he was fine before leaving.

At that time, it will find a forest and end this life.

You can't be a demon, you are still a walking dead.

After Bai Yu went back, he went to the palace. He had to report to Ming Yaojia about the taxation. Only with her approval and a public announcement could this matter be accomplished.

As soon as he reached the door of the bedroom, he heard a roar.

"How do you take care of the little prince, how can you choke on something!"

"Your Majesty, forgive me, Your Majesty, I just fed some rice paste, who knows..."

"Come here, drag this slave down..."

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... have mercy!"

When Bai Yu walked in, he happened to pass by the two servants who were dragging people.

"Lord Bai Yu..." The maid grabbed his hem, "Save the slave..." She really didn't know why the little prince choked, it was obviously rice paste, and it was almost as thin as water, when he ate it before Well, after feeding three spoonfuls today, the little prince suddenly turned blue and vomited continuously.

It was impossible for Bai Yu to save her, so he pulled back the hem of his clothes coldly, and let her be pulled out by the servants.

"Ayu, you are back, come and see if Luan'er has a fever, he was vomiting and crying just now."

Luan'er is the newly born little prince of the Night Falcon clan, named Luanxiang.

This child is Yaojia's darling, but since birth, he was poisoned first, and then suffered from serious and minor illnesses.

Bai Yu went to the cradle hanging beside Babu's bed, inside was a swaddle embroidered with the pattern of golden luan and phoenix tail, the red was gorgeous, and the gold was gorgeous, if it was wrapped with a little doll carved in pink and jade, it must be very beautiful , but the child inside is as small as a cat, very thin, with a dark complexion, and faint blue hair, because of this complexion, the facial features are weakened, and it is hard to tell who he looks like, probably tired of crying, and has been sobbing , but the sound was inaudible.

Yaojia put away her anger at the child, and smiled warmly, with distressed eyes, wishing she could bear the pain for him.

"Luan'er, look, Daddy is back. Daddy is a great wizard, and he will definitely make you better."

Bai Yu didn't have any feelings for this child, but she pretended well, reached into the swaddling clothes, and took his pulse, "It's a little fever, but it doesn't matter, just take some medicine and you'll be fine."

"He is still so young, but he takes more medicine than milk..."

"Sickness in childhood is also a kind of experience. After getting over it, it will be fine. Don't worry, Your Majesty."



Experience is experience, but you have to get through it. Unfortunately, this child's health is too poor, whether he can live until next year is still a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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