The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 452 Part 217 Even more scum

Chapter 452 Part 217

"Ayu, do you want to hug him?" Yaojia looked at him with a smile on her face shining with maternal love.

"I have thick hands and feet, afraid of hurting him..."

He didn't want to hug this child. First, he had no feelings for him. Second, the birth of this child was designed by him, and his whole life could be summed up in one evil word.

"You are his father, what are you afraid of, come here!" Yao Jia picked up the child from the cradle without any explanation, and stuffed it into his arms.

Bai Yu's face is a little stiff, but if he refuses, it will always be hard to get over it. In Yaojia's heart, he believes that the child is the crystallization of his love with her. If he doesn't hurt or love him, it will easily arouse her suspicion.

He let go of the disgust in his heart, and hugged the child stiffly.

In Yaojia's eyes, he seemed like a father who didn't know how to hold a child.

"It's not like this, really, how can there be such a hug, you have to support his head, the child's neck is soft..."

Bai Yu changed his posture and gently supported the child's head.

In the bright red swaddle, Luanxiang looked extremely fragile, his face seemed uglier than before, and he suddenly coughed.

The child coughed, it was very pitiful, even a small vibration seemed to kill him, Yao Jia hurriedly patted his back, feeling a pain in his heart, this child has been extremely weak since birth, as if He was born with a bad constitution, but she still blamed the blackbird for his frailty and sickness.

"It's all to blame for the blackbird who killed a thousand swords. He didn't even let such a small child go. He dared to poison Luan'er. I don't know if there will be sequelae in the future. If the old man is not dead now, otherwise I must kill him myself with a knife."

"Your Majesty, calm down. It's because of my lack of supervision that allowed him to die so easily in prison. It's also because of my lack of skill and my failure to detoxify the prince in the first place, which made the prince weak and sick. I'm ashamed of my Majesty. Your Majesty should punish my sin." Yes." After handing the child back to her, he bent his knees and knelt on the ground.

"What are you doing, get up quickly, what crime did you do, there are so many wizards in the clan, only you can prescribe the right medicine to detoxify Luan'er, those wine bags and rice bags don't even know what the poison is, if you didn't treat it in time, Luan I'm afraid my son will die."

"The minister is a great wizard, as it should be, but the matter of the family..."

Yaojia handed the child to the maid beside her, and stretched out her hands to help him up, "You are just like this, you are kind to everyone, and at this time you still call him a family member. What kind of family member is he? You've been dismissed, don't you forget, three days later you will be the new face of my Night Falcon family, how can there be a place for the old man Blackbird, I've done my best not to copy his whole family."

Yanqin is the heir of Blackbird. His first wife passed away more than a hundred years ago. He had several concubines, but after he was caught, he scattered like birds and beasts. The mansion is now sealed up, the one who is guilty is the blackbird lineage, and his relative, Yaojia, has not been punished, or dare not be punished.

Because the foundation of the blackbird seems to have collapsed, but there are many disciples and a large group. Once the killing is too severe, it may cause rebellion. She has just ascended the throne and has not yet secured her seat. The truly loyal person may be a I can’t even count on my fingers. If I want to sit still, I can’t offend too many people. There is evidence to kill the blackbird.

This knife kill was also neat, without sloppiness at all, it can be said that it was so fast that the blackbird could not guard against it, and the whole family would not announce it until after he was caught. Naturally, it was not she who came up with this plan, it was Bai Yu. , Now it seems that it is extremely successful, otherwise the blackbird has taken precautions, I am afraid that the current night falcon clan will have civil strife long ago.

"Your Majesty is generous, and I am very grateful." Bai Yu bowed respectfully, and then said, "Before, Your Majesty asked how to dispose of the dead blackbird?"

"Yes, after all, he is the elder of the three dynasties. Although he is accused of poisoning the prince, his snobbishness is deeply rooted. It is absolutely impossible to pull it out overnight. You have to take your time. Everyone else is dead. It doesn't hurt to save face. On the one hand, it can show my generosity, and on the other hand, it is also to maintain stability, so that those under his command will not blame you for his death, and attack you secretly. It is considered to be selling their face to them, and handing over the corpse to them for the funeral , do you think it's okay?"

Bai Yu leaned down and bowed deeply, "I thank Your Majesty for your kindness, but I'm afraid this matter will disappoint Your Majesty."


"The minister has crushed him to ashes..."

Yaojia was startled, "Why are you doing this?"

Bai Yu glanced at the thin Luanxiang in the maid's arms. He had a calm expression just now, but now he changed to a sad expression. He didn't speak, but his expression was very good, anyone could see that he What emotion is in this look.

"You are avenging Luan'er..."

"Yes!" He said very decisively, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face, "I am indeed avenging my son."

This one is not Luanxiang, but his partridge.

When he saw Luanxiang earlier, even though he didn't like it, when he held him in his arms, it reminded him of the child who died in Yan Qin's hands before he was born.

If the partridge can be born smoothly, it should be able to read and write by now, and the age of learning to make medicine. He has thought about it countless times, holding his little hand, teaching him how to learn calligraphy and drawing, but blackbird and Yan Qin ruined all of this.

He fully expressed this hatred, not acting, but showing it from the bottom of his heart.

Yaojia always felt that he was indifferent to Luanxiang before, as if she didn't want to get close, and she never showed the joy of being a father, but now the hatred in his expression seemed to burn a flame between his five sense organs, you could see that he Hate it so much.


She immediately felt that this was the right thing to do.

"Your Majesty, please punish the crime. It's because I didn't think about the matter thoroughly..." He curbed his anger and knelt down on the ground again.

Yao Jia stopped immediately, "When will you get rid of your habit of kneeling? Didn't you say it? We are both monarchs and ministers, and husband and wife. We are both prosperous and hurt. You are avenging our children. You are more bloody than me." Duo, get up, if you dare to kneel again next time, then I..." She bent her knees and knelt down on the ground without hesitation, "Then I will kneel too!"

"Your Majesty!" Bai Yu was startled, and immediately stretched out her hand to hold her shoulder.

"Don't persuade me, and don't say those high-sounding words, I don't like to hear them."

"Get up now, sir." He seemed very embarrassed and helpless, and stood up from the ground.

Seeing him getting up, Yaojia naturally got up too, and stroked her knee, "There is a blanket on the floor, and it hurts even when I kneel down, as if my knee hit a stone, thank you for kneeling so hard."

"Your Majesty is a golden branch and jade leaf, how can I be compared with Your Majesty."

"Why not, you are my husband, and I am a golden branch and jade leaf, and you are the same. Don't say such things again in the future, just listen to your fate."

"Yes, I remember."

Yao Jia took the initiative to stick to him, and snuggled into his arms, "The more I care about such a large group, the more I feel tired. I knew why it was not easy to be a queen. I shouldn't have clamored for this position in the first place. Fortunately, I have you." ...Ayu, now I just want Luan'er to grow up safely, with less illness and less disasters, I know you are more capable than me, and I will have to work hard on you in the affairs of the clan in the future."

"This is the duty of the minister. I must devote myself to His Majesty and overcome obstacles."

"Look, it's here again, it's a minister again, Your Majesty, I like to hear you call me Yao'er..."

Bai Yu didn't refuse, and called out: "Yao'er..."

Yaojia smiled sweetly, and put her arms around his neck, "I've been in good health for the past few days, and it's getting late, how about..."

"I still have one more thing to play..." Bai Yu remained unmoved, with a serious expression.

"What else is there?" Yaojia stomped her feet.

"It's about disaster relief."

"Disaster relief?"


Bai Yu talked about the tax exemption, and hoped that she could encourage the nobles to donate the hoarded food for free.

No matter what he said, Yaojia would never refuse, she kept nodding her head, but her jade arms clung to him tightly.

After that, silence is better than sound, and spring waves are infinite.

Speaking of which, what Yaojia dissatisfied with him the most was that he was too cold-hearted, and he was not a person who likes to indulge in sex. Even the husband and wife, Dun Lun, he still abided by the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers. Every time she took the initiative, she asked It's not that she is bold and unrestrained by nature, but if she were any other woman, she would have been ashamed to death long ago.

However, at least she is satisfied every time she has sex in bed.

It's just... every time I wake up, I feel like something is missing... It feels unreal, like a dream.

In the cave, Yan Qin received the news of the sudden death of the blackbird, and his eyes widened in disbelief. The boy who came to deliver the letter was severely beaten by him, because he was the son of the blackbird, and the boy dared not resist , can only bear with it.

"How could my father die suddenly, how could it be!?"

It is because of the towering blackbird tree that covers him that he is able to drink and indulge in pleasures, and be lawless. He has always believed that his father is just out of luck for a while, and there will always be a time when he will rise again. He can still live a luxurious life, but now, this big tree has not only fallen, but also died, how can he not be in a hurry.

He has been in this cave for some days, and he looks forward to returning to the king's city every day, and returning to the family minister's mansion to be his young master.


The letter not only wrote the news of Blackbird's death, but also added a sentence at the end, which was about Bai Yu's becoming the new family member.

white feather...

Yan Qin stared at these two words, his eyes were red, he grabbed the boy by the collar, and pulled him in front of him, "Tell me honestly, how did my father die? Was it caused by the bastard Bai Yu? Yes or no!"

"Master...Master, I don't know about this villain. The villain is only responsible for delivering letters to you."

He was sent by Bailihong to deliver the letter, and he had no idea what was written in the letter.

"You trash..." Yan Qin swung his foot and kicked him hard in the chest, obviously venting his anger, stomping extremely hard.

There was a dull pain in the boy's chest, and he immediately spat out blood, "Master, please spare me!"

Outside, Li Zi came back with the needle bear he had hunted, and when he saw the situation, he rushed over, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Ask him..." Yan Qin squeezed the letter in his hand fiercely.

After hearing this, Li Zi turned to look at the boy, "Did you offend the young master?"

"No, no, the villain is just here to deliver a letter. The young master kicked the villain after reading the letter." Spend money on healing.

"A letter?" Li Zi glanced at the parchment in Yan Qin's hand, which had been crushed by him.

Yan Qin threw the letter in his face, "Look for yourself!"

Lizi read the letter again, but was also shocked, because the blackbird died.

Once he died, Bai Lihong would definitely move, but he didn't know how?But no matter how he moved, the big blackbird tree was gone. Judging from his serving Yanqin these few days, this young master was just a poor man, not a good candidate for succession.

It seems that he picked the wrong person this time. For his father's sake, he had to bear with it and make a familiar face so that he could find a better job in the future. Now it seems hopeless. If Bailihong can succeed Bring down Bai Yu... Maybe Bai Lihong will become the Prime Minister of the clan.

"Young master, people cannot be resurrected after death. Since this is the case, the young master should calm down so that he can avenge his clan."

Apart from eating and drinking, this young master also has women.

Yesterday he was asked to find a woman to cheer him up.

Where do women come from in this forest, there are many female bears, does he want it?
Because there is no, he scolded him a lot, and said that there is no one here, why don't you go down the mountain to look for it, there must be a village nearby, just find a young and beautiful one, kill and bury it afterwards, without anyone noticing.

Truly a scumbag.

"Revenge, yes, yes, revenge!" Yan Qin was pacing back and forth in the cave, his mind was in a mess now, if his father died, he would have no backing, whether Bai Lihong would take care of him is a big question. question.

Will he beat him up and confess him to take credit?
The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, but Lizi was from Bailihong, so he couldn't show timidity in front of him.

"Lizi, go back and find Bailihong and ask him to send someone to pick me up."

"Master, what are you doing here?"

"Go back and avenge my father, can't you still eat in this cave and wait to die?"

Lizi thought it was a bit bloody, knowing that he was eating and waiting to die here, but then he thought, if he really wants to be bloody, do he need to wait for someone to pick him up? He has legs and hands, so he can rush to the royal city by himself. The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable, so what is it to fight with one's own life?
It can be seen that he didn't want to take revenge, but he was afraid that life here would be difficult in the future, so he was going to hold on to Bailihong.

"Master, you are getting angry now, why don't we calm down and wait for Lizi to go tomorrow."

Yan Qin was right when he thought about it. If he was in a hurry, it would be easy for Bailihong to see the clues. He had to think carefully about the way to go in the future, and Bailihong hadn't given any news about that bitch.

"General Zuo's Mansion, any news recently?"

"No, Double Happiness didn't send a message back."

"Trash, it's all trash!" Yan Qin swept the cups and plates on the table to the ground.

The boy who fell on the ground saw that his temper was getting worse, so he ran away, and if he stayed, he would definitely send another kick.

When dinner came, Yan Qin couldn't sleep, so he called Li Zi, and asked him to find a woman.

Li Zi couldn't believe it, his father was dead, and he still wanted to play with women.

Li Zi didn't think he was a gentleman, but he couldn't do this kind of thing by kidnapping a woman, so he had to respond to him first, saying that he went out to find a woman, but in fact he went back to find Bai Lihong.

But he didn't understand Yan Qin, he was a scumbag, the more angry he was, the more he wanted to find a woman to ravage him, only by doing this could he calm down, seeing that he hadn't come back for a long time, he directly attacked himself.

The forest he lives in is relatively remote, and it takes a long time to go down the mountain to find a village, but even if there is a village, there may not be living people, let alone a young woman, but by coincidence, in the northeast of the forest, there is a It is a very small village, with only three families in the village. They are all hunters, who specialize in hunting and catching animals in the forest, and then salt them into dried meat and sell it in the market to make a living.

Yan Qin went round and round in the forest, lost his way with no one to guide him, and came to this village after wandering around blindly.

Two of the three families in the village went to the market to sell meat, and one family had a hunter's wife to watch the house, and the hunter also went to the market. It was a long journey, at least three days. In this way, the hunter's wife was alone and was growing vegetables outside.

Seeing that it was a woman with a good figure, Yan Qin's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards her.

Most of the civilians are weak monsters, with no force value, and they are also women. Except for a longer lifespan, they are similar to humans. .

Yan Qinhou was in a hurry and didn't drag anyone into the house. After making sure that there was no one else, he started to do it outside.

After being refreshed, he wanted to kill her, but who would have thought that this woman sprinkled a handful of soil while he was wearing his trousers, blindfolded him, and tried everything to escape. She has lived in the forest for a long time, and she is very fond of this place. Familiar, escaped smoothly.

This escape also exposed Yan Qin's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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