The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 453 Part 218 Li Hong surrendered

Chapter 453 Part 218 Bai Lihong surrendered himself

In the middle of the night, the desolate street was silent, and the watchman had just struck the second watch, when a figure leaped out of the darkness at such a speed that those who saw it thought they were dazzled.

The man in black jumped into Bailihong's mansion, landed quietly, and then rushed towards the backyard quickly.

Baili Hong had just met Li Zi, and after learning of Yan Qin's stupid request, he was holding his breath.

The bones of the family members are not yet cold, this son not only doesn't know how to mourn, pay homage, cultivate one's morality, and plan future revenge schemes, but also lustfully wants to have fun with women, he is so angry that he almost vomits old blood.

He still doesn't know about Yan Qin's rape of the village women, if he knew, he would spit out the blood.

Thinking that Blackbird has shown him kindness, he will not abandon Yan Qin. He is living in seclusion today, just thinking about revenge, but now that Blackbird has died suddenly, the whole situation is leaning towards Baiyu. How easy is it to get revenge?


He sighed faintly, and when he was about to go to bed, the candle in the room flickered frantically for a few times in the absence of wind, and then went out with a pop.


He stared wide-eyed in the darkness vigilantly.

"Elder Hong is well!"

The man in black appeared through the darkness. It was the mysterious man who met Wutong in the water prison that day. He was still clothed in black and masked.

Bai Lihong thought that Bai Yu had sent someone to assassinate him, so he immediately touched the sword beside the bed and pointed it at the person.

The sword light flashed, like a pearl in the darkness, it was fleeting, and the flashing moment had already attacked the man in black.

The man in black avoided it lightly, clamping the blade with his index finger and middle finger, "Is this how elders treat guests?"

"Come here late at night, where is the guest?"

The guests should come to the door openly during the day, instead of going out in the dark like this silently.

"The elder misunderstood, I am not Bai Yu's people."

Bai Lihong was dubious and did not take back his sword.

"If I'm Bai Yu's person, do you think the elder can stand here and talk safely? Bai Yu is very good at poison, if he really wants to kill the elder, why use this kind of killing method, just poison the drinking water source in the mansion, to guarantee the elder 110 people in the house died miserably."

These words reminded Bai Lihong that Bai Yu hated him to the bone, and it was absolutely impossible for him to find someone to kill him neatly.

"Who the hell are you? And who sent you here?"

"The elder will know after reading this letter." The man in black took out the leather letter from his pocket.

Bai Lihong was afraid that it would be poisonous, so he didn't dare to touch it with his skin, so he covered his fingers with his sleeve and took the letter over.

Seeing his actions, the man in black showed contempt in his two exposed eyes, "The one above is not poisonous, but if it was poisonous, wouldn't the one below be caught too?"

"You can take the antidote in advance..." The identity of the person in front of him is unknown, and he can't tell whether he is an enemy or a friend. If he is not cautious, he doesn't know if he will be able to see the sun tomorrow.

He flicked the parchment in his hand and unfolded the letter. After seeing the writing on it, his eyeballs opened wider than copper bells, as if he couldn't believe it.

"It seems that the elder knows who the master below is?"

"This, this, how is this possible?" He held the letter in front of his eyes, so close that his eyeballs almost touched it, reconfirming that what he thought in his heart was the same.

It turned out to be...

"Elder, don't be surprised who the next master is, it's better to see what the master means first..."

Bai Lihong read it naturally, and was extremely shocked by the content above, already breaking out in a cold sweat.

"You... Is your master..." He wanted to confirm again.

"Hush!" The man in black pressed his index finger against his mouth, "It's good for the elder to know in his heart, don't say it out loud, be careful that the walls have ears."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Bailihong wiped the sweat dripping from the corner of his forehead with his sleeve, and rolled his eyes repeatedly at the content on the letter paper.

"The elder has been watching for so long, but do you understand?"

"Ming, I understand..."

"It's good to understand. The master said that the elder is a talent that can be created. It's a pity to kill the monster. It's better to use it for us. I don't know what the elder thinks?"

What else can he do?The moment he saw this letter, his whole body felt as if he had been immersed in extremely cold snow water. He felt chills from head to toe. It was fear, panic, and an unprecedented terror.

It turned out that this person had been staring at them, silently, without any flaws, but attacked at the most critical moment.

"Old minister...understood!"

"Well, it's good to understand. Now that you understand, you should know what to do, right?"

"This..." Bailihong still hesitated in his heart.

The man in black had a cold look in his eyes and said, "Elder, do you want to toast and refuse to eat, instead of taking fine wine?"

"No, no, the old minister definitely didn't mean that, it's just that the clan prime minister just died... The old minister really has the grace of rebuilding, this..."

"What kind of clan, he is just an old man. Now that everyone is dead, the elder still cares about it. Is he afraid that he will come back from the dead, pointing at the elder's nose and scolding ungrateful? Such ghosts only say, but the elder may not believe it Well, even if he can really come back from the dead, he can't scold you. Let me tell you frankly, Bai Yu has already crushed the blackbird and scattered it into the bottomless ice cave. No, I don’t even have the mouth to scold.”

"What?" Baili Hong was startled again, "Then who is lying in the coffin in the hall today?"

Today at the court meeting, Yaojia specially asked someone to carry a coffin of the Eight Blessings, which was made of high-quality dragon wood, saying that it was for the officials to lay the foundation of the blackbird. , There is hard work without credit, and now that the person is dead, her lord has a lot to let go of the past, so that the blackbird can walk with dignity.

This move moved the courtiers present a little, and they all praised her for her generosity.

He hid in the crowd, took a look at it, and confirmed that it was a blackbird lying in it. The corpse had no hands or feet. Although it was cruel, he would never mistake that face. Now the man in black said that the blackbird had been killed long ago. How could he believe him when he was so devastated?


Bailihong finally understood that it was just a show of human affection, for the officials to watch, and he couldn't help lamenting that after the death of the blackbird, there was not even a whole body, and it was sprinkled into the cold ice cave. The bottom is bottomless, and no one has ever gone down. It has always been a place of death for those who have committed serious crimes, because there are countless monsters that like to eat monster meat.

"My lord, Bailihong is incompetent..." He couldn't help crying.

"The elder is also a man of temperament, but the death of a person is like a lamp going out. His death is better than your death. I am really grateful. Tomorrow's death sacrifice, just burn a few more pieces of paper."

It was very uncomfortable for Bailihong to hear such cold words, but he couldn't refute.

The so-called people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Losing the blackbird, the power behind him will basically collapse. It is absolutely impossible to make a comeback. Originally, I wanted to risk my life and die together with Baiyu in order to repay the blackbird. But thinking of his own family, it doesn't matter if he dies, but he can't hurt his family. Wutong has a mediocre son, but he has a very smart and excellent son. Errand.

The letter also said that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and the other party welcomes him to seek refuge at any time, but there must be rules for seeking refuge, and you must show loyalty, and it is a loyalty that can satisfy the other party.

This is a bit difficult for him...

He used to see the blackbird as the leader, and put the blackbird first in everything. Now that he wants to change his master, he must sever all ties with the old master, and there must be no more ties to him.

He already knew what to do, but... if he really did it, his conscience would be a little bit hard...

"The elder is hesitating?"

"No, no, it's not hesitation, it's what you want to do?" Although he hasn't made a decision yet, he can't let the other party see his intentions, otherwise the invitation may be invalidated.

"Then elder think about it slowly, the master is not in a hurry anyway..." The man in black squinted, "If the elder is smart, he should know that not being in a hurry does not mean that he can wait indefinitely..."

"Understood, the old minister understands, and I hope that your excellency will speak a few words in front of your master."

"Good words are not as good as practical actions, and the elders who have the ability to express themselves."

"Your Excellency is very right, but I don't know how to call you?"

"I'm of no importance, and not worthy of the elder's attention. Now that the letter has arrived, I should go."

"The old minister sent..." Bailihong showed humility.

"No, the elder should spend more time thinking about what to do, and leave!"

The man in black dodged, just like when he came, and he left without a sound.

The candles in the room hadn't been lit again, it was still dark, but it didn't hinder Bailihong from reading the letter.

He has read this letter more than a dozen times, and he can already recite it fluently.

"My lord, this person is really not good for his appearance. You are wrong, and I am wrong... so wrong..."

After the words fell, he was silent for a long time, and it was not until dawn that he lit a candle and burned the letter in his hand to ashes.

After daybreak, he received a report from his spies, saying that Bai Yu knew about Yan Qin's whereabouts.

He knocked over the porridge bowl in his hand in shock, "How did he know?"

"Elder, Bai Yu is really powerful. He knew from the very beginning that we had buried spies in General Zuo's mansion... He had followed the vine a few days ago, and found out that we would send food to the young master every few days. If it wasn't for the elder's sake of the young master For the safety of the young master, we have decided on a plan to send food, I am afraid that Bai Yu will have discovered the whereabouts of the young master long ago."

This food distribution strategy is to send food out every day, but the place where it is sent may not be where Yan Qin is going. A few times, there will be one real time, so that Bai Yu's people can't tell whether the food delivery is real.

And if it is true, it is not sent directly, but transported several times, so it takes a lot of time to check, and if it is not done, the whole route will be mistaken.

But no matter what, Bai Lihong's scheming method really scared Bai Lihong into a sweat.

"In that case, how did he find out again?"

"Yesterday we really delivered food. When we arrived at the nearest transfer point in the forest, a disheveled woman came and said that someone had raped her and she was going to sue the officials. Everyone heard the noise, including the one who was secretly following us. The white-feathered men and horses... the villain described by the woman is very real, anyone who knows the young master will know it is him."

Baili Hong slammed the porridge bowl on the table with a loud bang, "You beast, the mud can't support the wall!"

"Elder, what do you think now, do you want to transfer the young master as soon as possible..."


Bailihong sneered, what's the use of waiting for animals to stay in this world, it's better... He clenched his fists, his heart beating wildly in his chest.

Family member, it's not that I'm ungrateful, it's that your son is so shameless, if he survives, he will definitely cause even bigger troubles in the future.

He immediately said, "Come here, change clothes, I want to enter the palace to meet His Majesty!"

At this time, Bai Yu had also received the exact whereabouts of Yan Qin in the mansion, and his eyes fell on the letter paper in his hand, burning with a bloody light.

Finally found him.

"Grey Wing, let's go!"

He must catch this beast with his own hands.


As soon as he took a step, Hei Yi hurried over from outside the residence, "My lord, this subordinate has something to report."

Bai Yu was eager to catch Yan Qin and didn't care about other things, but he still asked, "What's the matter?"

"Bailihong suddenly entered the palace today to meet the Queen."

Bai Yu stopped, "Why did he enter the palace?"

"The subordinates don't know, but it can be seen that they are very anxious."

The blackbird is dead, Bailihong should be more cautious at this time, the blackbird died so badly, it is impossible for him not to have no hatred in his heart, and he will definitely cooperate with the people below to find a way to deal with him. If you want to join him, you should In the hall, not in private.

In order to lure Yan Qin out, he intentionally exposed the whereabouts of Night Interview He Ji, knowing that there was someone from Yan Qin in the mansion. Obviously this strategy was very successful. Now that Yan Qin knew about it, Bai Lihong would also know about it. Could it be that he was going to who told this?

The corner of his mouth curled up, and there was a sneer on his face, showing no worry that Yao Jia would find out about this matter.

Very good, since he wants to die, let him go.

"Don't worry about him, you and Hui Wing will follow me to catch that beast first, and discuss other matters when we come back."

Hei Yi nodded and followed him out of the mansion.

On the other side, Bai Lihong had already arrived outside the bedroom, and was kneeling outside waiting to see him.

Yaojia had just got up and heard the news of his arrival before she put on her makeup.

"Let him wait outside and come early in the morning, so he won't be afraid of disturbing my tranquility."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Did Luan'er eat enough milk?"

The nurse said, "I ate it, I ate more today than the previous few days, and my face looks better."

I heard that Yaojia was so happy that she didn't have time to make up, so she asked the wet nurse to bring the baby.

It was extremely difficult for her to give birth to this child. It was painful for a day and a night, and she was almost dystocia. Fortunately, she was physically strong and gave birth to the child safely. However, after giving birth, she was very weak and had insufficient milk. She fed the child for the first three days. There is no milk, and the wet nurses have been prepared long ago. After all, the royal family and nobles will not feed their own children after giving birth, and will prepare one or two wet nurses to take care of the children.

The nurse quickly brought Luanxiang over. He was sucking his little finger while he was still a baby. His face was still thin and his eyes were dull, but his complexion did look better.

The maid reminded, "Your Majesty, is Elder Hong still waiting outside?"

"Well, let him come in." Yaojia carried the child to the nurse, and asked the maid to brush her hair briefly, and sat on the couch covered by the veil.

"Your Majesty, the minister... the minister is guilty!"

Bailihong played a good show, knelt and walked into the bedroom with a sad expression, and the maids behind didn't have time to help him up.

Seeing this behavior, Yao Jia was stunned for a while, "Elder Hong, why are you doing this?"

"The old minister is ashamed of the former king, and even more ashamed of his majesty. The old minister is here to plead guilty."

"What's your fault?"

"Harboring the accomplice who killed the prince..."

Yaojia trembled, and lifted the veil, "Say it again!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister hid his heir Yan Qin because of his gratitude for the kindness of the blackbird, and he is really ashamed of His Majesty."

Blackbird is recognized as the murderer who poisoned the little prince. Regardless of whether his son participated or not, they are all accomplices. Yaojia only spared the blackbird's family, but did not say that he let go of his son.

Yaojia was so angry that she kicked her up, "Good job you Bailihong, no wonder you couldn't catch Yan Qin, so it was your good deed."

"The minister is guilty, and I hope His Majesty will punish him."

"Why didn't you know you were guilty before, but you didn't say it until today!"

Now that he has hidden it, he definitely doesn't want people to know about it. If the blackbird is dead and the power behind him has collapsed, and he is afraid that the hiding will not be able to be concealed, he should directly kill Yan Qin and throw his body away. That's right, but he turned himself in, which makes people feel a little inexplicable.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I have no choice but to think that the blackbird was indeed kind to me. Before he died, he asked Gu to help me. I thought that he would do all the bad things, and he deserved to die, but His Majesty forgave him the crime of poisoning the prince. I miss him." As the elder of the three dynasties, he also gave him a share of dignity after death, which is really an act of great benevolence. Facing the nobleness of His Majesty, how can I still do that kind of cover-up? It disturbs my conscience and goes against my loyalty. First, I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

It sounded good, but in fact, if he didn't confess himself, that is, Bai Yu would confess Yan Qin after he caught him. How could he think the latter was more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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