The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 454 Part 219 Yan Qin Was Captured

Chapter 454 Part 219 Yan Qin Was Captured

Bailihong explained how he hid Yan Qin in detail, and wept bitterly during the period, and his expression of regret and regret was so vivid that a river of tears flowed from the place where he knelt down. Even women can't compare.

"Okay, okay, if you continue to cry, do I have to treat others in this palace?"

An old man cried so much that his nose was dripping with snot. Yaojia felt uncomfortable seeing it, so she hurriedly stopped him from continuing. Not only was his crying ugly, but he was so sloppy that she couldn't bear it.

"The old minister has nothing to say. It is really because the old minister has trouble sleeping and eating because of the matter of hiding Yan Qin. No complaints, I just ask His Majesty to spare the whole family of the old minister, and the old minister is responsible for everything!"

He kowtowed and pressed his forehead to the ground, and the river of tears that flowed out widened again.

Such a pitiful appearance made it difficult for Yaojia to deal with. He seemed to be here to plead guilty, but the deeper meaning was to show her that he had made a clean break with the Wutong faction from now on and had nothing to do with it. The situation became extremely chaotic, and most of the courtiers felt that she was too young to take on the responsibility of the king. On the surface, she seemed to submit, but she knew what she thought behind her back. Lascivious queen.

Giving Baili Hong a knife at this time will make more courtiers think that she intends to remove the old courtiers so that they will make way for Bai Yu. She is also cultivating her own new power, and the situation may become even more chaotic. If those courtiers unite to resist her because they are worried about whether they will be the next one to be stabbed by her... then her position as queen will be in jeopardy.

Although Bai Yu can help her, but there are not many people who sincerely surrender to him and her, manting arms to block the traffic, why not take a step back and stabilize the situation first.

Therefore, she decided to keep Bailihong and let his head grow on his neck well. Not only should she not be punished, but she should also be rewarded, to give those courtiers an image that as long as she casts light and abandons darkness, she will let the past go.

"Get up, have you been crying for so long, are you thirsty? Come, give Elder Hong a seat and serve tea."

"Your Majesty..." The tears in Bailihong's eye sockets flowed even more fiercely.

"Get up and get up..."

"I am frightened!"

"What are you afraid of? You dare to surrender yourself. Would you still be afraid? If you knew today, why bother you? Get up and look upset."

Bai Yu reminded her that this old man looks mediocre, but he is a very thoughtful person.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xu Shi had been kneeling for a long time, but he couldn't stand up all of a sudden, but just as he was about to stand up, he fell and fell to the ground, his appearance was even more miserable.

Yaojia covered her forehead, and motioned to the maid beside her to help him up.

After Bailihong sat down firmly, he glanced at her secretly, seeing that she really had no intention of punishing him, he let out a sigh of relief that was hanging in his heart.

This is really a risky move, harboring a repeat offender, it is a capital crime everywhere, but he has no choice but to take the risk, if Bai Yu is allowed to be one step ahead of him, his life will be over, he can't help but wipe it with his sleeve Sweat on forehead.

He came from the head, one is to show loyalty, and the other is to show loyalty.

One is to the queen, and the other... is the mysterious master.

As long as he shows that he has severed the relationship with the blackbird faction, the purpose of showing loyalty will be achieved.

Now... just wait for Bai Yu to come back.

He was sure that Yan Qin must now fall into Bai Yu's hands.

Yao Jia asked: "Since you said that Yan Qin was harbored by you, what about the person, where is he?"

"Your Majesty, when I decided to surrender, I sent someone to arrest him, and soon my people will bring him before Your Majesty."

"Well, you still have a conscience."

"I am ashamed..."

"Is your people well-mannered?" After finally finding Yan Qin's whereabouts, he can't be allowed to escape. As long as he obeys the law, the blackbird faction will be truly wiped out.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the people sent here are all capable subordinates of the old minister, and they will definitely arrest this traitorous minister and bring him to justice."

"Okay, then I'll wait. If you let him escape, you will lose your head."

"Yes, yes, I know."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a howl outside the bedroom, which was worse than killing a pig.

Hearing this sound, Bai Lihong knew that Bai Yu had returned, because the people he sent were just for show.

"Why is it so loud?" Yaojia heard it too, and couldn't help but look towards the palace gate.

The maid hurriedly went out to check, and came back after a while.

"Your Majesty, Lord Bai Yu has brought Yan Qin back!"

"Huh?" Yaojia frowned, and looked at Bailihong, "You told Ah Yu?"

"I don't have any, Lord Bai Yu must have found out by himself."

"That's quite a coincidence... It seems that Yan Qin is destined to die today."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Yaojia stood up, supported the maid's hand, and walked out of the palace. It was Yan Qin outside, unkempt, with a lot of bruises on her face. Looking at it, she knew it was fresh, having just been beaten.

As soon as he saw Yao Jia, he howled immediately, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, save me, Bai Yu, this bastard Bai Yu wants to kill me."

Yaojia was very upset when she heard the word Ye Zhong, and her face was full of anger, "Slap!"


The maid walked over and slapped her left and right, making more than a dozen slaps.

Yan Qin was supported by Hei Yi, and his whole body was tied with ropes. He had no strength to resist, and he fell down abruptly. His cheeks were immediately swollen like two steamed buns stuffed into his cheeks, and his two front teeth fell out.

Bai Yu took off the sword on her waist and bowed to her, "Your Majesty, I have brought back Yan Qin, the son of the blackbird."

"Well done, this kind of chaotic officials and thieves, everyone has to punish him, and what to do with him after arresting him, wouldn't it be clean to kill him directly?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, only His Majesty has the right to kill your subjects, and you cannot..."

"Okay, you're talking about these rules again, this thief hid deep enough, I'm afraid you have spent a lot of effort, have you been injured?"


Yan Qin is not Bai Yu's opponent at all. If you want to catch him, as long as you know the hiding place, you will be able to catch him. However, Yan Qin still doesn't know how he was discovered. Scrubbing his body, he was caught naked like this, along the way, being naked is always indecent, so Hei Yi casually put on a piece of clothing for him, regardless of whether it was clean or not, as long as it could cover his body.

When Yan Qin saw Bai Yu, he was terrified. Unfortunately, it was impossible to escape, but he didn't stand still, and made a lot of troubles, but he couldn't beat him, so he could only use his mouth to show off, swearing a lot of nasty words.

Bai Yu didn't care at all, let him scold, the more he scolded, the more disgusting it would be, and Bai Yu had already planned in his heart to torture him like this, but he would not lynch without authorization, if he wanted to do it, he would get Yaojia's approval , It's all come to this point, he doesn't allow himself to make any mistakes that destroy the plan because of anger and personal affection.

Yan Qin was so dizzy from the beating that he couldn't speak fluently, but he still opened his mouth and called, "Your Majesty, I have something to say, something to say."

"What else do you have to say?" Yao Jia looked down on him since she was a child, a typical dude who has nothing to say except eating, drinking and having fun. Back then, the former king intended to make him his son-in-law, and she immediately went on hunger strike when she found out.

In contrast, he is not qualified to lift Bai Yu's shoes.

Falling into Bai Yu's hands, Yan Qin would be a dead end, but he himself didn't think so, because he knew a secret. He had scolded Bai Yu countless times along the way, but there was only one thing he didn't say. Things are his life-saving talisman.

"Your Majesty, it's about...about that bitch He Ji and Bai Yu."

He spat out blood, his swollen face proudly raised.

He didn't say anything when he was arrested, because he was afraid that Bai Yu would attack him, but now...he looked at Yaojia, as long as she found out, Bai Yu would definitely die.

But these words had little effect, Bai Yu didn't panic at all, Yao Jia just raised her eyebrows, but Hei Yi was very nervous and kept looking at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu signaled him with his eyes, don't be impatient.

"What do you think happened to He Ji?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, this fellow Bai Yu met He Ji at night, they obviously had an affair and deceived His Majesty."

This was found by Shuangxi's undercover agents, so he would never suspect that it was fake.


"In the middle of the night five days ago, my servants saw it. If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can tell this person. This person is now in Heji's mansion, and his name is Shuangxi."

"Nonsense!" Yaojia scoffed.

"Your Majesty, it's true. I'm absolutely not telling lies. If you send Shuangxi to ask, you'll know that what I said is true."

Yaojia still didn't believe it, because she remembered very clearly in the middle of the night five days ago, Luan Xiang had a fever, and it was Bai Yu who was taking care of him, and she was there at the time, and when his fever subsided, she kept Bai Yu in the palace for the night. Needless to say, she was sure that Bai Yu was by her side that night.

Yan Qin didn't know about this, and was still clamoring about Bai Yu and He Ji, the more he talked about it, the more unsightly it became, it didn't seem like someone told him, but he saw it with his own eyes.

"Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll pull out your tongue."

"Your Majesty, I... I am not talking nonsense."

Only then did Yan Qin realize that Bai Yu was too calm, when he looked at him coldly, he didn't feel nervous at all.
Hei Yi wiped his sweat aside, and finally understood why Bai Yu was not afraid. It turned out that he had been prepared for a long time, the middle of the night five days ago, he did go to see He Ji, and everyone around him knew about it.

Naturally, he would not ask at this time, but gave Yan Qin a slap in the face, "You still dare to slander Your Excellency, be careful that I will depose you!"

This slap was very strong, and it knocked out two of Yan Qin's teeth, causing him to vomit blood.

Yan Qin is in a hurry, the life-saving talisman is no longer working, can you not be in a hurry.

"Your Majesty... my minister..."

"Enough, I haven't settled with you for poisoning the little prince, but you framed Zhongliang first, you should kill him!"

"No, no, Your Majesty, I am not lying. By the way, Your Majesty, Bai Yu and He Ji had a private life back then..."

What he said was true, but no one would believe what he said the night before, and who would believe it again.

Yao Jia raised her face and shouted: "Pull it down, you will die!"

"Your Majesty!" Yan Qin howled palely.

"Your Majesty, this person can't be killed yet. If he dies now, people in the court may think that His Majesty intends to let the blackbird have no sons and grandchildren. The benevolent act His Majesty did the day before yesterday will be in vain."

To put it bluntly, the matter of poisoning the prince, the blackbird did not admit it until his death. There is no evidence.

Although according to the night falcon family's kingly law, killing the royal family, regardless of whether they participated or not, the immediate family members are all guilty of the same crime. Yaojia let go of the collateral family. It is not wrong to kill the direct family members on the spot, but the timing is not good. Before there is no evidence that Yan Qin was also involved, it is best not to let him die. It is best to use the method of publicity to show that she will kill in a dignified way, so that those courtiers understand that she will not deal with them secretly. It will be clear, and it is also a reminder to those courtiers who have different intentions. The black bird father and son have been caught by her own hands. Who else will she be afraid of?
Yaojia thought it made sense, nodded and said, "You're right, but this little bastard talks too much, I'm afraid he will say something he shouldn't say."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, hand him over to the minister, and the minister will give His Majesty a satisfactory explanation."

Once someone is caught, it is not difficult to fabricate evidence.

Yan Qin was so frightened that he pissed out, and in Bai Yu's hands, would he still have a way out?
No, death is more comfortable!
"Your Majesty, Bai Yu has bad intentions. Your Majesty, you can't hand over the subject to him..." He was terrified, and remembered what he did to He Ji back then. No one knew about it. Good fruit to eat, and more importantly, if this matter is known, the fact that Sheng Yu was framed is tantamount to revealing the truth, and the character of the former king will be questioned, but at this time he can't care about so much, Yao Jia has nothing to do with Bai Yu Too much trust, even if he said something about He Ji, he would not believe it, so this is the only thing that can prove that Bai Yu and He Ji have an affair, "Your Majesty, I have one more thing..."

Bai Yu seemed to understand what he wanted to say, and secretly gave Hei Yi a wink.

Hei Yi nodded, loosened his hand quietly, Yan Qin broke free suddenly, and rushed towards Yaojia, he just wanted to talk about what happened back then, but now when he rushed towards Yaojia, no one would think that he just wanted to say a few words.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Bai Yu flew over and removed one of Yan Qin's arms.

"Wow!" Yan Qin rolled in pain.

Hei Yi rushed forward at random, "How dare you sneak attack Your Majesty, how audacious."

"No, I'm not..."

"How dare you say no!" Hei Yi kicked his chest.

Yan Qin couldn't speak any more, and passed out from the pain.

Yaojia was even more angry, "You bastard!"

"Is Your Majesty okay?" Bai Yu asked with concern.

"It's okay, how about you, are you okay?"

"The minister is very good!"

"Don't be so reckless next time, how can he hurt me with his little ability."

"I'm just worried about His Majesty, my body moved involuntarily."

This is like a love sentence, Yaojia was very happy to hear it, "Anyway, I won't allow it next time."

"Yes!" Bai Yu replied.

"Let people drag this bastard down and serve him severely. It makes me sick to watch."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will speak out this bad breath for Your Majesty..." After finishing speaking, Bai Yu looked at Hei Yi, "Drag him down and put him in a dungeon."

Bailihong, who was standing at the gate of the palace, could see clearly what happened outside.

Sure enough, Bai Yu had planned everything long ago, and the fact that Yan Qinhui was stupid enough to hold a night meeting for Bai Yu happened to be seen by Shuangxi. Ever since he knew that Bai Yu knew that Shuangxi was from Yan Qin, he had thought about it. Yes, how could it be so easy for people to see him going to see He Ji.

It was correct not to say it, but if I said it, I am afraid that he will end up with Yan Qin now.

That night, Yan Qin in the water prison was beaten violently. There was no good flesh in his body, and all kinds of utensils were used in turn. He was tortured to death, but he couldn't die. Bai Yu used medicine to hang his life.

Before the violent beating, his lifeline was cut, inch by inch, blood flowed out, and his screams were heard throughout the water prison.

These are not enough for Bai Yu, what he suffers now is still less than one ten-thousandth of what He Ji suffered back then.

He would make him regret being an adult, and even dare not reincarnate as a demon after death.

On the other side, He Ji found out about Yan Qin's arrest, and when she heard the name Yan Qin, she trembled and shivered all over. She once wished she could cut off his flesh piece by piece, wished she could smash him into ashes, But she knew that even if she caught him and tortured him to death, she couldn't change what happened.

Her sister will not be coming back.

Her family will not be resurrected either.

Her partridge will not call her mother sweetly like in the dream.

And the wound in her own heart will never heal.

"Green Warbler, help me up."

"What is the lady going to do?"

"I want to have a word with Partridge..."

Tell it that its father has avenged him and that it can finally rest in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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