The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 455 Part 220 The Strange Incident of the Roe Deer Race

Chapter 455 Part 220 The Strange Incident of the Roe Deer Race
The news of Yan Qin's capture quickly spread throughout the Night Falcon clan, making many courtiers uneasy, but Yaojia's mentality was uncertain. The clever ones must have known the meaning, but the stupid ones... Naturally, only Can follow smart people.

Yan Qin was the last hope of the Blackbird faction, but now that he had fallen into Bai Yu's hands, what hope was there for him? In addition, Bai Lihong's defection completely disintegrated this wave of remaining forces.

But deep in the darkness, there is a very mysterious master, still no one knows.

On the third day after Bailihong expressed his loyalty to Empress Yaojia, he received another letter from the master.

The letter was very satisfied with his actions, which relieved Bai Lihong, and he added an extra bowl of rice for dinner.

After a few days, the master sent a message again, with only three words: Cha He Ji.

Seeing these words, Bai Lihong's heart was suspended again.

"Is it finally here?"

The Night Falcon clan, which seemed to have calmed down, was still turbulent in a deeper, invisible place.

At this time, Quan Jing was worried about Yu Mo's stomach.

Because it's big, and it's big...

But her pregnancy has only reached four and a half months, but she is no different from her eight-month-old belly. This belly suddenly grew up in half a month, getting bigger day by day, like a balloon .

"Miss, what are you doing again?"

When Meiluo is not around, Zijing and Muxiang will follow this 'balloon' all the time, because the belly is said to be eight months old, but it is still a bit ridiculously big, and it feels like it is about to give birth, but Yumo said, She was sure that she was not in labor yet, and this determination was also confirmed by Bu Jie.

From a scientific point of view, the big belly is just because of... more amniotic fluid.

Hell, the amniotic fluid is too much, God knows how can the amniotic fluid be as much as eight months after being pregnant for four months.

Yumo seriously doubts that what she is pregnant with is a 'sea dog'!
"Drink tea!" She walked to the table and was about to lift the teapot.

"Miss, please sit down, we will come."

"I'm not a cripple!" She just has a big belly, but it doesn't mean her hands and feet are crippled.

"No, if the king finds out, he will definitely scold us."

Ever since her belly got bigger, Mei Luo has been in danger, no matter what she does, she feels it is dangerous.

Zi Nai snatched the teapot from her hand, poured hot tea for her, and took it with both hands, "Miss, drink tea."


Yumo looked at the cup. Is there any difference between their pouring and her pouring? It's just one more movement, but for the sake of quiet ears, she still didn't say anything, and drank the tea obediently
"It's a little hot!"

"Wang said, miss can't eat too cold food."

"But it's hot." With a big belly, people are not only tired, but also very afraid of heat, especially the climate in the dogland has always been humid and warm. Although the hot season has passed and autumn has entered, the temperature is still at 26 degrees , for a pregnant woman like her, it's not cool at all.

"The king said..."

Mu Xiang spoke one by one to the king, Yu Mo was a little annoyed when she heard it, and said: "The king said everything, everything is said by the king, can you add a word?"


"The queen said..." She slapped the table.

Pregnant women are easily irritable.

This slap made Zi Jia and Mu Xiang's faces turn pale, "Miss, calm down..."

They hurried up to hold her hands and caressed them back and forth, fearing that her hands would hurt.

"Let go, I'm fine!"

Yu Mo withdrew her hand, there was no pain, she was swollen, her hands and feet were swollen like steamed buns, they looked fleshy and thick.

The edema just started a few days ago. She is having trouble making a fist now, which is also one of the symptoms of her pregnancy. It is different from the edema of human pregnancy. The edema sometimes occurs and sometimes disappears. The bigger the belly, the more severe her edema The shoes on my feet are two sizes too big. The most terrible thing is that after a period of swelling, flame-like patterns will appear on the skin, like tattoos, and the pulse of fire can be faintly seen, as if the skin is burning. There will be heat, just like the little fireball in the belly before, very hot.

The first time it appeared, Mei Luo was anxious and ran around in a hurry, holding her and rushing into Bu Jie's mansion, but when she got there, the pattern disappeared, and it didn't appear until the next day.

Bu Jie was completely puzzled by this, but Shen Nong Ding's meaning was still the same, it was the fault of the little thing in her stomach.

I heard that Mei Luo chanted to her stomach for several hours.

However, it may be due to her cultivating Yuandan on time, this hotness has been suppressed, and it will only make her uncomfortable occasionally, so it doesn't matter.

"Do I look a lot like a bear?"

She accidentally saw a mirror not far away. She had a big belly, swollen hands and feet, and she wobbled when she walked, as if she was wearing a puppet costume.

"How come, the lady is still very beautiful."

This is a bit against my will, but in fact it really looks like a bear.

This bear is naturally not a needle koala, nor a bear in the human world, but a kind of clumsy, fat, Kumamon-like bear with a gentle temper that grows around the dog environment. They walk like Yu Mo Same now, wiggling and wiggling ass.

Mei Luo had caught one before to relieve her boredom, but after seeing it, she felt that she was very similar to it now, and her temper became angry.

"You don't have to lie to me, it's obviously very similar. Look at this hand, it's clearly a bear's paw."

"Miss is pregnant now, it's a good thing to be fatter, and it will be fine after the prince is born."

"Really?" Yu Mo asked uncertainly, she felt as if she had gained twenty catties.

"Well, Mu Xiang won't lie to you!"

"Okay, I'll believe you once." Who doesn't like to hear good words, especially women who love beauty, it's always comforting to hear, she suddenly pouted, "I'm a little hungry."

"Miss, wait a moment, Zijia will go to the kitchen to bring food."

She is quite able to eat now, and she can eat non-stop all day long. This bulky figure has a lot to do with this reason, but even if she is full, she will get hungry very quickly, just like a food bulldozer.

Her highest record is eating eight steamed stuffed buns and two plain noodles in one go, and she ate more than a dozen mung bean cakes in less than an hour. Once, Meiluo woke up in the middle of the night and found that she was gnawing like a mouse. Nuts to eat.

That look...Mei Luo has been laughing for several days.

Fortunately, he is very rich, so he is not afraid that she will overwhelm him.

After eating, Yumo will try her best to move around as much as possible. It is inconvenient for her to go anywhere in this state. Meiluo has long stopped her from going to the doctor's office, and now she can only wander around in the bedroom.

A bear strolling around the bedroom was the first thing Mei Luo saw when she came back.

What a cute bear!hehe.


Yu Mo turned back, "Didn't you say you will come back at night?"

He will personally train troops in the near future, and it was Li Wang's proposal, saying that it is to run into the tacit understanding of the fox monster clan, wolf monster clan, and dog monster clan in battle, and to exercise their unity. , good at defending, each has its own secrets, before the fight with the Night Falcons, sit together and study it, hoping to create a new formation suitable for the advantages of the three armies.

This idea coincides with Mei Luo, so now he almost spends his time on training soldiers. When he went out this morning, he said he thought of an idea, and rushed out. He only came back in the middle of the night yesterday.

"Mu Xiang said you are in a bad mood today?"

Yumo glared at Mu Xiang who was cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks. This little girl is good at telling the truth. She didn't even make a move, so she told the secret.

"No, listen to her nonsense, I just..." She patted her belly, "I think it looks ugly when I'm fat."

Mei Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and walked over to support her, "I'm not fat, I look pretty good."

Even if she weighed two hundred catties, he would not dislike her, but he was always worried that she would lose her balance and fall down.

"Che, you can say good things." She took his hand, walked back to the bed and sat down, "Is there any news about Fuqiu?"

"not yet!"

Maoqiu is not in the dog realm now, He Bixi and Zhulong took Duoji to find the artifact.

This stems from a month ago, when Duoji was shopping in the market, he heard a businessman say that a strange thing happened to the roe deer tribe two thousand miles northwest of the dog land, that is, time seemed to be stopped there. , In one world, every day things are happening repeatedly.

The roe deer demon is a very gentle race. There are only three towns in the county where they live. They make a living by selling metals. They are also a race of forging weapons. They are not strong monsters, but they have invented many mechanical weapons, commonly known as hidden weapons, which made many The strong demon is hard to defend against, so he can live in peace.

Two months ago, Roe County dug up a stone in the mountains. Since the stone appeared, strange things have happened. The forged weapon returned to the state when it was not forged on the second day. At first, I thought it was someone's prank , I can’t find out who made it, so let’s just let it go, but this kind of thing happened again, someone simply marked it, and as a result, the forged weapon turned back into the original embryo the next day, and the mark remained the same.

This is not something that pranks can do.

Except that forged weapons will always change back to unforged ones, similar things happened everywhere in the county. in the warehouse.

In other words, everything that has been done will return to the original state the next day.

When Dorji came back to tell about this, she only took it as a joke and didn't believe it, but after hearing this, Maoqiu felt that it might be caused by a magic weapon.

The Kunlun mirror has the ability to change time, and that stone may be the Kunlun mirror, but what is puzzling is that the artifact is still in the shape of a stone, which means that there is no master. Without a master, there is no order. How does it start? capable.

After Mei Luo knew about it, he thought it was right to go and have a look first, regardless of whether it was true or not. He planned to go by himself, but the dog monster clan had too many things for him to deal with, and he couldn't get away. Yu Mo's bulky body Don't even think about it, in the end I sent Maoqiu to investigate. It knows more than anyone else, and it will definitely find something if it goes there. , Yu Mo was not at ease, so Bixi and Zhulong followed suit. Duoji went secretly, because he felt that if he didn't do anything, he felt like eating rice in the dog monster clan.

With Zhulong and Bixi protecting him, Yu Mo didn't let anyone chase him back.

Mao Qiu meant that regardless of whether it was an artifact or not, it was better to bring the stone back first than to let Bai Yu get there first.

There were two other people on this trip, Zhenyu and Shudu.

These two people went not only for the artifacts, but also to order a batch of hidden weapons with the roe monster clan. Needle feather is very good at this, just to discuss business, but every strong monster will have its own department for forging weapons, but that is all It's a very simple weapon. If you want to get more high-end weapons, you can only find the roe monsters. Just like the rat monsters, the best clothes in the world are from the mouse monsters.

In the world of the weak and the strong, strong monsters have strong military power, and some weak monsters will have life-saving skills, and they will never spread it to maintain the life system of the mountain and sea world.

"It's been a few days, are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Yu Mo always felt that it took a little too long.

"Don't worry, there will be spies reporting back from Bai Yu every day. Recently, he has been in the Night Falcon family, and his subordinates have not moved much. They probably don't know about it yet."

"Mei Luo, will there be fraud?"

"You mean this is a trap set by Bai Yu?"

She nodded and analyzed: "Look, I got the news from the businessman. If it's an artifact, how can it be so coincidental that Duoji can hear it? Also, if it's an artifact, wouldn't anyone be able to let Kunlun know that roe deer clan?" The mirror was selected as the owner, so how can they dig it out?"

Meiluo massaged her waist in detail. Her lower back is prone to soreness recently. As long as he is around, he will do so, "I thought about it too, but it's unlikely. It's such a coincidence, it looks weird, but What method is Bai Yu going to use to make strange things happen in the whole Roe County?"

"Perhaps he got another artifact? Now there are only four artifacts left: Pangu Axe, Kunlun Mirror, Kongtong Seal, and Fuxiqin. Fuxiqin, you said that in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, the Pangu Ax can only be used by humans. It means that only the Kunlun Realm and the Kongtong Seal are left, by the way, what is the function of the Kongtong Seal?"

"It is rumored that those who can get it can live forever!"

Compared with the Pangu Axe, Mei Luo wants to get the Kongtong Seal more. As long as he has it, the problem of Yumo's short lifespan can be easily solved. However, he has sent many troops, and so far there is no exact whereabouts of the Kongtong Seal. There are some of them, but I can't believe them.

"That's not it... ah!" Yumo exclaimed, "Do you think that Bai Yu has already obtained the Kunlun Realm, just knowing that you will go to the roe deer to buy weapons, and set up this trap to lure you?"

"Momo, is there any benefit in doing this? If I go, he can kill me? And he can be sure that I must be the one to do it?"

Without a complete guarantee, he didn't think Bai Yu would set this trap.

Yu Mo was right when he thought about it, Bai Yu would not do such a thing that might be useless.

"Momo, you don't have to worry about these things. Be good at raising the baby. You see, when you think about things, your face will turn ugly. The most important thing for you now is to give birth to the baby safely, you know?"

"It's easy to say, it's only been more than four months!" It's too early to give birth.

"I asked Bu Jie, even though you have exceeded the gestation cycle of the dog demon, it does not mean that the child will really follow the gestation cycle of humans. Maybe you will give birth in two months?"

She is indeed human, but he is a demon.

This child is half human and half demon, maybe it's a compromise.Maybe it will be born in seven or eight months.

"It's not impossible, but it doesn't move very much, it doesn't look like it's fully developed."

"It's in your stomach, and you can't see it!"

There is no B-ultrasound in Shanhaijie, and you can't see the child's growth cycle, so everything is possible. With his selfishness, he really hopes that she can give birth soon. Every time he sees her belly, he is worried. It will burst suddenly.

In fact, Yumo also wanted to unload the goods earlier, but she is a human being after all. The ten-month gestation cycle is a preconceived thinking, and seven or eight months is a premature birth. She is a bit unacceptable, and she has committed many cranky thoughts that human mothers will commit disease.

Will the child be missing arms and legs, will the child's hearing and vision be normal, and so on.

She also had a dream yesterday that the child had the fatal Down syndrome. If this continues, she suspects that she will be depressed first, but she has never thought about this kind of thing, unless the Pangu ax is in her hands now Here, she can go back and have a B-ultrasound and a Tang screening, otherwise it will only increase troubles in vain.

"Mei Luo, have you decided on the child's name?"

When this matter was mentioned, Mei Luo felt a little dry.

"Anything but call Inuyasha!"

Yu Mo: "..."

I still remember it.

But there's nothing wrong with the name.

(End of this chapter)

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