The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 456 Part 221 A deserted shop

Chapter 456 Part 221 The deserted shop

Roe deer county.

Roe County is located in a basin, which is characterized by the higher level of the surrounding terrain than the living area. The middle is low and surrounded by mountains. Because it is a race that is good at making hidden weapons, it is placed on the mountains surrounding the county. A hidden weapon mechanism with powerful attack power, once there is a foreign enemy, it will be activated instantly, the lethality is extremely high, and it has become a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The surrounding mountains were created naturally and formed an octagon around Roe County. There are gates in the southeast and northwest of the mountain. The east gate is exclusively used by the royal family, and the south and west gates are used by the army. They are extremely hard stone gates that are usually closed. The demon power is also difficult to break through, not to mention the various hidden weapons and equipment installed on it. There have been many powerful demon clans who sneaked in to plunder the secret method of making weapons from the roe deer monster clan, but they were all blocked by this mountain gate and hidden weapons and were killed. A does not stay.

Probably because of this, the roe deer and monsters have had the habit of hoarding food and water since ancient times, and every household has a cellar, so that when the enemy strikes, there will be enough food and grass to fight the enemy.

The north gate is opened every day, which provides convenience for merchants who come and go. Entering the north gate is the most famous weapon market of the roe deer monster clan. There are about 200 shops selling a wide variety of weapons. If you don’t plan ahead If it is good, it is likely to be tricky.

The bustling streets, the shops along the street are all hung with the flag of the word "weapon". The inn and tavern will be particularly eye-catching if it is sandwiched between them. There are also clothing shops like the mouse monster clan here, but they only sell goods, and the second is all roe deer monsters. family members.

The roe deer monster tribe is relatively rich among the monster tribes in the mountain and sea world because of their weapon sales. This is the same as the nature of arms sales in the human world. It is a very profitable business, especially custom-made weapons, which are even more profitable.

In Maoqiu's arms was the blueprint drawn by Yumo. She drew it at first, but the drawing was too ugly. Maoqiu found someone to improve it according to her dictation. Naturally, what Yumo wanted was not a weapon, but a weapon. Knowing that there are masters who make weapons here, I want to see if I can order a batch of hand-made scalpels. Anyway, they are all knives, and they are also considered weapons.

Although the common metal in the world of mountains and seas is copper, there are some rare metals that are not found in the human world. They are not iron or steel. I can’t tell what kind of texture it is, but Yumo has investigated and thinks it is very suitable for surgery. Knives, and the roe deer monster tribe is rich in weapons, the biggest specialty is all kinds of rare metals.

Needle Feather said that the basin of the Roe Monster Clan was rumored to have been smashed out by a huge boulder that fell from the sky. Since then, the metal mines in Roe County’s underground have been very rich. old saying.

The monsters in the mountain and sea realm may not be clear about this giant stone, but Yu Mo understood it as soon as he heard it.

It must be a meteorite.

In geology, most meteorites contain rare metals. If they are really meteorites, it means that the so-called rare metals in the mountain and sea world are probably much higher than those known or invented in the human world.

On the street, at first glance, there are many races, but the most are the roe deer and monster people, and they are very recognizable.

The roe deer is naturally the roe deer, the most famous wild animal in Nagada, Northeast China. In the human world, the roe deer is also called dwarf deer, but in the mountain and sea world, the roe deer is not short at all. All of them are two meters tall, or even taller. The antlers are not counted in this height. If the antlers are counted, they are of the giant race. Shuttle inside, Dorje's small body is not worth mentioning, and he has become a villain directly. The people of the country, even the height of Shudu is short in it.

"Brother Wolf, where are you going?"

On the crowded alley, Duoji stretched out his hand and grabbed the hem of Shudu's clothes from between the crowd.

"What are you following me for?" Shu Du looked at him with a headache.

"Sister Needle Feather told me to watch you, and said that you should not be allowed to run around."

"I didn't run around, I just went to see if there is a better shop, let go!"

Shu Du wanted to shake off Duoji's hand that was pulling the hem of the clothes, but he pulled it very tightly. Unless he tore the hem of the clothes, he would definitely not be able to get rid of him.

"Sister Zhenyu said that the store just now is the best, with high quality and low price, and it is still a time-honored brand. Why are you looking far away."

"What do you know, shop around!"

Duoji had a look of disbelief, and said directly, "You must take the opportunity to slip away and go back to the dog land to harass my sister."

Ever since Yumo became pregnant, the capital of Shu has never stopped, and it was almost a catastrophe in the palace. Because Yumo was tightly protected by Meiluo, once he even wanted to climb over the wall and sneak into the palace. For this matter, Hao The Tianta is depressed, and the dignified artifact has become a sharp weapon for the disciples to climb over the wall. What is the dignity?

Shu Du was stunned and blushed, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Dorje raised his head and squinted at him, "Then you come back with me..."

"If you don't go back, it's not like you don't know how fierce Needle Feather is to me."

"Sister Zhenyu likes you, but she didn't mean to be mean to you."

Needle Feather loves him, even he, an ignorant boy, knows about it. How could the capital of Shu not know about it? She really didn’t think about it at the beginning, but since the visit to Penglai Island, she has been too obvious. The brain must be able to turn the corner.

Shu Du sighed, "Duoji, you don't understand, twisted melons are not sweet..."

"What does this have to do with whether the melon is sweet or not? I don't care. Sister Zhenyu told me before going out that she must take good care of you, otherwise she will ignore me in the future. Brother Wolf, you can go back with me quickly, after the discussion Regarding weapons, we still have to go to the mountain to look at the rocks."

This stone is naturally the one that caused the strange incident of the roe deer monster clan. Whether it is the Kunlun mirror or not is not yet known.

The roe deer and monster tribe are very troubled about this matter, and they dare not make a big publicity, fearing that it will attract the younger generation, so they can only spread it in the market a little bit, to see if they can meet some experts who can solve the puzzle.

Regarding the strange phenomenon that what happens every day will return to its original state the next day, Dorji and the others also encountered it in a few days here. It is really magical and weird, but it does not happen in all places.

"Okay, okay, I can't talk to you, go, just go with you."

The two passed through the crowd and returned to the original shop. When the needle feather at the door saw Shudu, she raised her eyebrows angrily, but she didn't attack on the spot. After all, she knew from a young age that a woman should show a little face to a man when she is out.

"Where did you die?" she asked angrily.

"I'm hungry, I'm looking for something to eat." Shu Du was equally upset.

After the words fell, the two stared at each other, and sparks burst out between their eyes.

The furball on the side said, "Must I carry so many things?"

I saw it was mounted on a saddle, with a cloth bag hanging on the saddle, slanted on both sides. The cloth bag contained a lot of weapons, shining silver, and the weight was heavy at first glance. It spoke very softly, only Shudu and Zhenyu , and Dorje can hear.

Dorje said, "There is no way, you are a spirit beast, it is too precious, if people find out that you are Bai Ze, someone will definitely think about you, this is a disguise for your safety, you bear it, wait for things Once you're done, just leave Lulu County."

Maoqiu snorted, the majestic spirit beast became a pack animal, its dignity received a strong blow, it stomped and said, "Isn't there a station for renting chocobos?"

There are no horses or mules in the mountains and seas, and chocobos are used to carry people and things.

"Don't...don't be angry, can't I get some for you?" Duoji took out a few weapons and carried them on his back.

"I'm not a slut!" Fuqiu was very dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do. If he pretended like this, it would indeed attract unnecessary attention.

But it looks a lot like a horse, but there are no horses in the Mountain and Sea Realm. Even if it is a disguise, it will still make many people look sideways, but they don't think in the direction of Bai Ze. Many people probably think that this is some kind of rare monster captured by others. .

On the other side, Shu Du and Zhen Yu were still breathing, and the waiter in the shop came out with some change.

"Guest officer... this..."

Hearing this, Needle Feather turned his head satisfied, and raised his voice, "What!?"

Xiao Er was startled, took a step back, and stretched out his hand tremblingly, "Change." He held a few pearls in his hand.

"No need, I'll reward you." Needle Feather didn't like such a small amount of money at all.

"Thank you, Ma'am, please go and come again next time."

The madam's name made Zhenyu very happy. She did not reveal her true identity when she came to the Roe Monster Clan this time. After a pause, I have to agree.)
"Well, wait for me to discuss with my husband..." When she said the word "husband", she gave Shudu a vicious look, then turned her head and smiled, "Determine which one is better, and then order a larger batch."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Xiaoer didn't doubt her and Shu at all. Husband and wife, there is no one who doesn't quarrel.

When Xiao Er went in, Zhen Yu got angry, pinched Shu Du's ear and shouted, "Where have you been?"

"Oh, take it easy, your ears are going to fall off."

Shudu has nothing to do with this dominatrix.

"Don't talk to me about anything else, do you want to go back and provoke Yu Mo again?"

Shu Du replied, "You still ask after you know!"

"You don't want to be ashamed! She has such a big belly, you still think about her." Mentioning this, Zhenyu became angry, and didn't understand why he was so stubborn.

"I don't mind, I just like her, you can control it... Oh, let it go, let it go, Needle Feather, your ears are really going to fall off."

Needle Feather Twisting Technique is not a cover-up, his complexion glowed with anger.

Duoji couldn't bear to see Shudu screaming in pain, "Sister Zhenyu, let go, Brother Lang knows it's wrong."

"He doesn't know what's wrong. If he knows it, he won't run around. It's just a cheap thing."

Chasing after someone else's wife is not a crime or something, it is really embarrassing to the wolf monster clan.

Shu Du must be angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to get an injection. After all, the two grew up together and had a lot of affection. She is also a woman. He beat her as a big man. Compared with chasing Yu Mo and persisting, he felt Even more humiliating.

Fuqiu is a parthenogenetic creature, and he doesn't know much about the love between men and women. He just thinks that the two are too naive to be noisy.

"Are you still going? If you want to go back and make a fuss, I promised my mother that I will go back as soon as I finish my business."

"Why are you so anxious, your mother's scalpel hasn't been found yet?"

Yumo's knives have been seen by many shops. No one is sure that they can make such a thin and small blade. Many shop owners are still curious and ask what it is used for. Unfortunately, they don't know it. No, because surgery in Shanhai is a medical method that is completely crooked by evil spirits.

Dorje pointed to the front, "When I was looking for Brother Lang just now, I found a small shop ahead, and the weapons at the door were very small. Maybe that shop is okay?"

"Go and try it. If it doesn't work, we can only give up. When it gets dark, we have to go up the mountain to find that mysterious stone."


"I won't go, I'm tired, I want to go back to Bixi." Shu Du covered his ears, grinning in pain.

Bixi and Zhulong are ferocious beasts, their appearance is too terrifying, it is inconvenient to take them with them, so they are temporarily staying in a sea five hundred miles away from Roe County as a backup team.

How could it be possible for Zhenyu to let him go, if he hadn't been under her nose, she would definitely return to the dog state with oil on her feet, it was impossible for her to let him succeed.

"It's agreed to split up. If you change your plan at this time, if something goes wrong, who will be responsible?"

"You are so strong, is there any difference between me and me?"

Needle Feather stretched out his hand to pinch him again, he was afraid to death, so he quickly retorted, "Ok, ok, ok, I'll go, don't pinch anymore, my ear really fell off, but no wizard with such good skills as Momo can help me Sew it up."


The three of them and Maoqiu went to the shop that only made small weapons.

The shop door also hangs the flag of the son of weapons, but there are no customers inside or outside the door, which is in stark contrast to other shops where customers come like a cloud.

Shu Du said, "I don't think this store is very good. You can see that there are no customers."

The roe deer monster clan are all good at weapons from civilians to royal craftsmen. As long as it is a shop that sells weapons, the business is ridiculously good. They have been here for a few days, and this is the first time they have seen such a deserted shop.

It stands to reason that the weapons shop's craftsmanship is inherited in the same line, similar to each other, and if there is a difference, it is only a difference in creativity.

Some shopkeepers have big brains and can always invent some weird things. Whether they sell well or not depends on the needs of customers. Naturally, there are some that are not interested in people, but there must be hot sellers. There is no customer like this. It's really weird.

"Could it be that the location of the store is not very good?" Zhenyu pointed to the surrounding environment, "It's in a corner of the street, it's hard to find if you don't look carefully, there is no signboard outside the store, so a small flag is hung Well, we walked this street no less than a dozen times in the past three days, but I found it every time except this time."

Shu Du felt that this was not a reason, "No matter how remote it is, there are still people passing by. Could it be that everyone is blind?"

"Are you blind?"

"No, I mean... Forget it, forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I'm here, let's go in."

"I want you to tell me!" Needle Feather walked in first without looking back.

The shop is smaller than what you see from the outside. Although there are weapons, but only a few, it is not comparable to those bustling shops. The door is large, and the area inside is also large. There are hundreds of weapons hanging on the wall, and here... Needle Feather counted only ten weapons, the style is still very common, but the characteristic is that these weapons are extraordinarily small.

Duoji looked around and tugged at the hem of Zhenyu's skirt, "Sister, why don't you even have a mistress?"

Three people came in, but no one came to greet them. The service doesn't look good.

Shu Du's voice was loud, and he had already yelled, "Is there anyone who is breathing? The guests are here, why don't you come out?"

It's a pity that there is still no response, and no one can be seen.

Needle Feather was looking at the weapons hanging on the wall, and suddenly found that these weapons looked ordinary, but they were exquisitely crafted, so small, but even the patterns were carved very delicately, especially one of the daggers, which was only the size of a thumb, but the top was actually There is a picture of... a fish, it looks like a fish, each scale is very clear, and it has a three-dimensional effect, just like the real thing.

She reached out her hand curiously, wanting to take it down and take a closer look.

Just as he stretched out his hand, suddenly an old voice came from under the counter, "Customer, don't move if you don't buy!"

All three were startled, but no one could be seen.

Dorji heard the sound coming from below, and the counter was covered by a cloth. He lifted the cloth and saw an old roe deer smoking a pipe inside.

He looks very old, with white hair and white beard, wrinkled skin, and many age spots can be seen on the tan complexion. He is very tall, and the entire underside of the counter is covered by him. The pair of antlers on his head are extremely beautiful. They are turquoise, like emeralds. If you don’t look carefully, you don’t think they are antlers, but precious ones. Emerald Coral.

 The currency in the world of mountains and seas is divided into Luo beads, Ke beads, and the highest grade of Jue beads. The one in her hand is Jue beads, and the currency is in hundreds, which means that 100 Luo beads are equivalent to 1 Ke bead, and so on. .

(End of this chapter)

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