The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 457 Part 222 Roe Deer Clan Mine

Chapter 457 Part 222 Roe Deer Clan Mine

Xu Shi was startled by the three of them, and without making a sound, the old roe deer demon got out from under the cabinet, knocked on the pipe, poured out the ashes in it, and said, "But you want to buy something?"

He stood up very high, and the pair of emerald-like antlers touched the roof of the small shop, just as a slanting sun leaked from the window, shining on the antlers, making it even more crystal clear, like a treasure.

The eyes of the three looked over intentionally or unintentionally.

"Guest officer, do you want to buy something?" the old man asked again.

"Oh, yes! Shopping!" Needle Feather withdrew his gaze, and handed him the blueprint of the scalpel that Yu Mo needed, "Treasurer, take a look, you may be able to make these things."

The old roe deer put the pipe lightly on the cabinet, took a closer look at the blueprint, and looked surprised while looking, "Where did the guest officer get this blueprint?"

"Don't ask me, just tell me if it can be done or not, and we will go to another house."

A lot of time has been wasted on the scalpel. In addition to the journey when I came, it took seven or eight days to get out, which is two days behind the original plan.

"It can be done, but I can't guarantee that it will be exactly the same. This blade is extremely thin and requires high-quality gold and stone. I don't have it right now. I have to go to the mountains twenty miles away to find it."

Needle feather thought, since there is no guarantee, and there are no materials, wouldn't it be a waste of time, and then took back the drawings, "Forget it, let's go to another house to have a look."

Just as he was about to leave, the old roe roe man beat his pipe and said, "There is no other family. The only one who can make this knife is the old man. If you don't believe me, you can go and find it, but the old man's ugliness is the first thing to say. The old man is interested now. After the time, it may not be there. Interested."

It can be heard that the old man's tone is quite loud.

"You're an interesting old man. I see that you don't have any customers in this shop, so how can you say that you are the only one who can make it?" Shu didn't believe it, and agreed with Zhenyu's point of view.

"That's all the old man said, and it's up to you, the guest officer, to believe it or not." He pointed to the door, "Please go, I won't see you off!"

Shu Du felt that there was some disdain in his words and eyes, and he felt uncomfortable, "Hey, let me tell you, how do you do business? You don't understand any etiquette, no wonder there is no business."

"Hehe... Please don't bother me if you have any business, please go ahead." This is clearly an order to evict customers.

Shudu has a stubborn temper, and when others ask him to leave, he just refuses.

"You said you can do it, okay, I'll let you do it, I want to see what you can do."

Zhenyu frowned, and pulled him aside, "Why are you so angry with him, didn't you say you can't guarantee it?"

"It's just that the old man is not pleasing to the eye. You give him the blueprint. If he makes a four-faced appearance, see if I don't demolish his shop."

"As for the scalpel, Yu Mo didn't force it. If it doesn't work, let it go. Don't forget, we haven't done our business yet."

"I haven't forgotten! Listen to me..." He bowed his head and murmured next to Needle Feather's ear.

He came here to investigate the Kunlun Mirror. He has always kept it in his heart, and he never dared to forget that when he tried to slip away, he was not idle. He just asked around and found out that the stone was placed in the roe deer clan for generations. Xie's mine, the mine is guarded by the army, unless there is a pass token, otherwise you can't go up at all, and the shops selling weapons of the roe deer monster have this pass token, in order to be able to go up the mountain to mine at any time, Refining weapons.

After hearing this, Zhenyu understood, "You mean to use him..."

"Didn't he say that he didn't have the gold stone, so he had to go to the mountain to find it? The gold stone is the thing in the mine, it must be there, since he is going, why don't we go with him, he must have a token, and it will save us a lot Trouble, what do you say?"

"That makes sense!" Needle Feather nodded. They were slow to go to the mine because of the token. They could have used Bixi's invisibility technique, but the mine was heavily guarded, and a sentry post was just three or five steps away. Xie's breath-holding cannot last long, and it is easy to be discovered.

They came here only to investigate first, and without confirming that the stone is the Kunlun Mirror, they should not act rashly, so as not to cause disputes between the dog monster clan and the roe monster clan.

She glanced at Shudu happily, "Look, are you still sober when you should be sober?"

It means that when he is the same, his mind is still very fast.

"You think you're the only one who thinks that I'm just eating and waiting to die, and you underestimate me too much."

"Yes, yes, yes, you are the best, okay."

"Nonsense!" Shu Du puffed out his chest, looking arrogant, "Furthermore..."


It didn't take long for Shu to be wise, and the vigor of committing crimes came back again, "This is all for the sake of silence, of course..."

Without further ado, Needle Feather slapped him.

pissed her off!

Duoji shrunk his head and watched Shudu get slapped, his face turned red, it must have hurt.

"Shopkeeper, we have decided, you do it!" Needle Feather angrily threw the blueprint to the old man.

The old roe deer demon took a puff of smoke, "Are you sure?"

"Sure! Tell me, how much is it?"

"We'll wait until the sword is made. Now that you're sure, please..." He pointed to the door again.

"Hey? What do you mean?"

"I'm going to close the door and go up the mountain to mine gold and stone, otherwise how can I make knives for you?" He took another puff of cigarette, and carried the red frame in the corner on his back, "I will keep the blueprints for myself, and the guest officer will pick them up in three days Goods will do."

"Three days?"

"Otherwise? This knife needs to be sharpened a hundred times, and it is so small that it may take time to confirm the number of times of sharpening, and it may break in the middle. It takes time for old people." He knew when he saw the blueprint that this knife was very good. It is complicated, not to mention the size, the blade as thin as a wing is the most labor-intensive part. With his skills, it will take at least three days. "If the guest officer can't wait, the transaction can be cancelled!"

"Three days is fine, but for this gold stone, we will go to the mountain to collect it with you."

"Why is this?"

"Of course I'm afraid that you won't be able to choose a bad mine. You're going anyway, so there's nothing wrong with taking guests there. We'll choose it ourselves, so we won't be afraid of your refilling the good one."

The roe deer demon old man seemed a little embarrassed, "Our clan stipulates that only people from our clan can go up the mountain."

"The rules are dead, you are alive. We are here to make weapons, but also to see how powerful your mines are. You can learn a lot. Don't worry, we just take a look. By the way, we will pick gold and stones with you, won't you?" What are the evil intentions?" Shu Du was afraid that he would refuse, and dragged Duoji to push him down, "Look, this child is still so young, if we have evil intentions, will we bring the child?"

This makes sense, the old roe deer demon thought for a while, "Well, since this is the case, I will reluctantly take you to the mountain to have a look, but you have to remember, don't talk to others casually, and... You have to hide in the mine cart, you can't come out."

"Okay, you can say whatever you want." Shu Du agreed without hesitation, and secretly felt that the old man was quite easy to deceive.

Needle Feather felt a little nervous in his heart, always thought it was too easy, but looking at the old roe deer demon, he didn't look like a treacherous person, and the scars on his hands were the damage caused by years of making weapons, and the hands were full of bruises. Yuzi, no matter how you look at it, is a weapon expert. Except that the store has no business, there is nothing suspicious about it. But for safety reasons, she went out to ask Maoqiu for advice.

Maoqiu was getting impatient waiting outside, it was now a pack animal, so naturally it couldn't enter the shop.

"What are you dawdling about? Why are you only coming out now?"

Needle Feather patted its head, "Don't be angry, I have something to ask you!"

She recounted what happened inside.

"You said that there are many fine weapons hanging in his shop?"

"Well! Why, are you interested in this?"

"No, I just remember that there is a book that says that a true weapon expert is best at simplifying complexity, and even deliberately making small objects for the sake of honing his skills. The smaller the weapon, the more skilled he is. , but in fact, the function will never be worse than that of ordinary size!"

"So, do you think this old roe deer demon is really an expert among experts?"

Mao Qiu shook his head, "I don't dare to guarantee it, but it's more or less the same. There is a good saying, 'The Great Hermit hides in the city'! It is precisely because he is an expert that he is so idle and careless about the amount of business, because There are too many ordinary weapons, no difficulty, no excitement at all, maybe what he wants is this kind of proactive door-to-door request to make some impossible weapons, look at mother's scalpel, isn't it like this?"

This is the scalpel of the human world. No one in the mountain and sea world has seen it, let alone made it.

"You're right, and we may just happen to be right."

"In short, mother's scalpel is handed over to him first. As for going up the mountain, you, Shudu, and me, together, is it still dangerous?"

The demon power is strong, and the spiritual power is strong enough, plus the two artifacts of Duoji and Haotian Tower, who can bully them.

Needle feather felt relieved and went back to the shop.

"Shopkeeper, let's go!"

The road up the mountain was not difficult, but the hard part was hiding in the minecart of the old roe deer monster, the three people and one spirit beast were crowded together, and it was still very hot.

This mine car has a roof and is semicircular in shape. The top is loaded with ore, and the bottom is placed with some ore mining tools. In the roe deer monster clan, there are many such mine cars. On the way to the mine, you can see it at a glance. There are more than ten vehicles, but the size or material is different.

The car of the roe deer demon old man is very old. It is made of wood. The paint on the outside has peeled off.

Shudu has the largest stature, and he can only squeeze in Duoji, Needle Feather, and Fuqiu with his legs hugged, not to mention how hard it is.

"Go over..." As soon as the mine cart bumped, Needle Feather rushed into his arms.

"If I can go there, do you still need to tell me?" Needle Feather is still angry about what happened just now, but she is also very happy in her heart when she keeps stabbing him in his arms.

Shu Du complained, "Why do you have to squeeze into the mine cart, can't you use it?"

"Do you think you look like a roe deer?" Makeup is useless, and the height is not enough.

Shu was speechless, pointing at the fur ball, "It looks like it!"

Maoqiu said contemptuously, "Is there something wrong with your eyes? I look like a roe deer there. Do I have antlers on my head?"

It has only one straight, tapered golden corner, which is sure to be recognized when you go out.

Needle Feather knew that he disliked this small and confined space, and wished he could go out to get some fresh air, but there was nothing he could do about it. The reason why the market of the roe deer monster clan was able to open its doors to the outside world was because people who entered the roe deer monster race After the basin area, the release of demonic power will be restricted. Once a fight is released and excessive demonic power is released, the hidden weapons hidden in the market will be activated, which means that if they want to fight in the market, it is difficult for them to win.

These hidden weapons are made of ore that can track demon power, and they are very sensitive to demon power, which ensures that even if bad people enter the roe deer monster clan, they will not be able to kill them. Very smart.

"How long will it take?" Shudu was already sweating profusely.

"Be patient." Needle Feather wiped his sweat with his sleeve.

At this time, there was a sound outside.

"Father, why did you go up the mountain today?" The voice came from a young man.

"Oh, I got the business, go up the mountain to mine."

The father in the young people's mouth is naturally the old man of the roe deer.

"There is actually a business that you are interested in, what kind of weapon is it, let me have a look."

"Go, go, stand at your post, and be careful that you will be arrested and locked up in prison for dereliction of duty."

The young man named Xiao San'er scratched his head, blushed and said, "I'm curious, but you haven't turned on the stove for several years."

"You can't ask for has nothing to do with time, this is a token, take a look..."

"Don't look, don't look, no one knows your face, go in quickly, but I need the help of Xiaosan."

"No, just pick some gold and stones. After a while, let's go. You can be careful not to make your grandma sad."

Stopped the mine cart and started it again. It was bumpier than before, as if it was on a rugged mountain road.

Shu Du was inside, he didn't notice for a while, he knocked his chin, the pain was so painful that tears came out, "When did this end?"

"Don't worry, I'll ask." Needle Feather worried that he would rush out and cause trouble, so he knocked on the minecart.

The old roe deer demon stopped the car when he heard it, "What's the matter?"

"Are you here, can you come out and take a breath?"

"No, there are still three checkpoints ahead, and you can only come out after passing."

The mine cart went all the way, and all the guards at the checkpoint knew him, without checking at all, it was very smooth.

After another half hour, when Shudu was about to bear it no longer, the roof of the mine cart was finally opened. Once it was opened, the stuffy heat inside dissipated, and the smell of sweat and sour wood also disappeared.

"Okay, come out."

Shu Du was the first to jump out and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Needle Feather was too hot inside, and what they wolf monsters hate the most is the heat.

Dorje blushed from being bored, but like Maoqiu, he was not as afraid of heat as they were. Maoqiu was a little afraid of heat when he was a child, but when he grew up perfectly, his body temperature can be adjusted through spiritual power.

After going out, Needle Feather looked around and released a little bit of demon power, but there was no movement around. It seemed that there were no hidden weapons installed in the mine that could measure the value of demon power and then launch attacks like the market.

The next step is to find a way to find the stone.

There is no cave in this mine, all rare ores can be found on the mountain, some are exposed outside, and some need to be found by experienced people.

"Shopkeeper, where is the gold stone you mentioned?"

"The front, the front is all there, you follow closely, if you lose it, you can't get out."

Shu Du turned his head sideways to Zhenyu and said, "Later, if you cling to him, I'll look for it later?"


"What is entanglement, aren't you very good at entanglement, just entangle me like this."

"Get lost, can it be the same?" She pestered him because she liked him, and she didn't like that old man.

"Ask him questions, all kinds of questions, so that he doesn't have time to look at me." Shu Du provided a method.

But Zhenyu didn't bother to do this. Such a shameful thing was not in line with her character, so she handed over the heavy responsibility to Duoji. He is a child with many problems, and it is not easy for people to find out.

Dorje didn't even need to pretend, he was already full of problems, because he had never seen so many strange ores.

"Grandpa roe deer, what kind of stone is this, why is it purple, this one, this one looks like colored glaze..."

The [-] whys of the Duoji version are directly online without teaching.

Shudu took the opportunity to run away, but the old roe deer monster had sharp eyes, so he quickly spotted him, "Guest officer, where are you going? I told you not to run around."

"I'm in a hurry to pee!" Shu Du lied.

"There is a latrine in front of the urgency... that's it..."

Shu Du failed to escape, so he could only go to the Maokeng in resentment.

After the old roe deer demon found the gold stones, he dug several pieces quickly. The gold stones sounded like gold, but they were not gold at all.

The old roe deer demon said, "These stones have to be put into the furnace to be refined into gold stones, so of course they can't be seen now."

He said while staring at Shudu.

Shu Du wondered why the old man kept staring at him.

Needle Feather felt that the old roe deer demon was definitely not an easy character, so he pretended to be curious and asked, "Shopkeeper, I heard that you have a strange stone here, which can restore what happened to the original state the next day..."

After the words fell, the old man's eyes darkened.

"What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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