The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 458 Part 223 Regent Wang Kunyao

Chapter 458 Part 223 Regent Wang Kunyao

Needle Feather was afraid that the old roe deer demon would suspect that he would call the guards, so he hurriedly comforted him, "Just asking, we have also encountered strange things in the past few days here, just curious, if the shopkeeper knows, can you tell us about it?"

She pretended to be a gossip, and she looked quite similar, but when this topic started, the old roe deer demon became vigilant.

"I'm just a commoner. I don't go out much on weekdays. I don't know what you said. The stones are picked, let's go down the mountain."

"Huh? Are you leaving now?"

Shu Du looked around just now, but Ren didn't find any useful clues.

"Gold and stones may be rare in other monster races in the mountain and sea world, but they are not rare in our Roe County. Let's go..." He carried the basket on his back and prepared to go down the mountain.

Zhenyu glanced at Duoji, and motioned him to drag the old man roe deer demon. He is a child, and the words of a child are not easy to arouse suspicion.

Duoji nodded, stepped forward and grabbed the old man's sleeve, "Old man, haven't I finished my question yet?"

"Why do you have so many questions? I'll come back to you when I go down the mountain and go to the shop."

Duoji was in a hurry, and stomped his feet, "There are rocks on the mountain to see, but there are none in your shop."

"Then you pick up a few pieces at will, not more, up to ten."

Hearing Duoji's words, he was even more anxious, and turned his head to blink at Zhenyu.

There was nothing Zhenyu could do, and she looked at Shudu.

Shu Du pointed to his nose, and replied with his mouth... I can't do anything to ask me for anything.

At this time, Maoqiu came running over on its hooves, and rubbed against Shu Du's hand vigorously.

"what happened to you?"

Maoqiu is just a pack animal now, if he opened his mouth to let the old roe deer hear it, it might arouse even more suspicion. It bit the sleeve of Shudu with its mouth and dragged it aside, then said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Let Haotian Tower sense it. If the stone is really a Kunlun mirror, what can it sense at such a short distance?"

This reminded Shudu, and hurriedly took out the Haotian Tower.

"Haotian, do you feel anything?"

"No, I have been sensing it since I went up the mountain, but there is no movement?"

Shu Du thought, could it be that the stone is not the Kunlun mirror, and their trip was in vain?How did the strange things about the roe deer monster clan come about recently?

"Old man, old man, shall we stay a little longer? I'm tired." Duoji played with his temper at the behest of Needle Feather.

"Are you really tired, or fake tired, huh?"

The roe deer demon old man is not easy to be fooled at all, so he was exposed on the spot.

"Of course I'm really tired!" He exclaimed unconvinced.

"Hehe, I see, you guys have other plans..."

"No, absolutely not! I came here to buy weapons with... my parents, our family is an ordinary businessman."

The parents he was talking about were Zhenyu and Shudu, and it was usually more convenient to pretend to be a family of three.

"You said they were your parents, but I don't think you look like the two of them at all. Your hair is green, and neither your father nor your mother..."

"I... I follow my grandma!" Duoji replied tactfully.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it any longer, Zhenyu winked at Shudu again, meaning that when the old roe deer demon's attention was on Duoji, they would simply do it.

Shu Du nodded, and then his figure flashed over, trying to knock the roe deer demon old man unconscious.

The old roe deer demon was turning his back to him at the moment, but he didn't know what was going on. He seemed to have eyes in the back, and when Shu Du came over, he immediately raised his hand to block it.

"Sure enough, there is a purpose, isn't it showing off?" The roe deer demon old man pulled out the pipe on his waist and waved it over.

Shu didn't expect him to be so flexible, and his demon power is not bad. Isn't it said that the roe deer demons are all weak demons?
The two immediately fought.

Duoji ran back to Zhenyu, and said anxiously, "Sister, what should I do now?"

"Don't talk yet..." Zhenyu stared intently at Shudu and the roe deer demon old man. This old man's force value is not weak.

Mao Qiu stepped forward and said, "It must be resolved quickly, and it will be troublesome if it attracts guards."

"I know, leave it to the capital of Shu." Even if this old man is powerful, he is definitely not as good as the capital of Shu.

"Sister, that old man is very good, don't hurt him."

"I know, but you don't care about that roe deer monster. You are also a magic weapon. Hurry up and take a look. If we have a direction, we can also act."

Haotian Tower can't sense it, maybe Dorji can't sense it, anyway, try it if you have already come, you can't go wrong.

Dorje was stunned, "How do I sense this?"

No one taught him.

Needle Feather: "..."

Haotian Tower flew over, "Brother Shitou, close your eyes and feel your surroundings vigorously. If there is a sense of resonance, you can definitely feel it."


Dorje closed his eyes and began to sense the movement around him.

On the other side, Shu didn't want to hurt the old roe deer monster, so he kept his wits about him and kept persuading, "We're really curious! We don't have any malicious intentions!"

"If there is no malice, why don't you say it when you are down the mountain, and only say it when you are on the mountain."

"Aren't you afraid that you won't agree?" Having said that, he definitely doesn't want to take them up the mountain.

"I'm telling you now, no way!"

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Because you don't look like a good thing!"

Shu Du was so angry that he slapped his palm immediately, "You are not a good person!"

"Hehe, it's not up to you, the defeated general, to say that."

"Will I lose to you? Just kidding." Shu Du admitted that he was not weak in force, but he would not take it seriously. He would fight until now because he didn't want to hurt him.

The old roe deer demon suddenly jumped a few steps away, raised the pipe in his hand, and said, "Archery!"

"Huh?" Shu Du was stunned for a moment, looking at his pipe.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the pipe was extraordinarily golden, but it was just a pipe, and it didn't look like a hidden weapon.

"Shudu, be careful, behind!" Zhenyu yelled.

"Ah?" Shu Du turned his head, and suddenly saw dozens of arrows flying towards him.

blah blah!

He turned his demonic energy into a sword and swept away the arrow, "Where did this come from!"

As soon as the words fell, the nearby grass swayed, but after a while, a large group of people came out, all of them were roe deer monsters dressed in military uniforms with antlers on their heads.

Zhen Yu said in horror, glaring at the old roe deer demon, "You're cheating!"

"Girl, this is called a soldier who never tires of cheating!"

"You...!" Zhenyu was anxious, and flew to Shudu to fight side by side with him, "Shudu, are you alright?"

"It's okay, this hidden weapon is not very powerful..." He knocked it out easily.

"It's not powerful, it's not what I'm talking about now." The old roe deer demon had an unknown conspiracy on his face.

Shu Du faintly realized that something was wrong, and looked at the arrows on the ground. These arrows formed a formation after landing at some point.

This is……

With a bang, the arrows trembled and emitted green light.

When the green light flashed, Shudu found that the demon power was disappearing, and the needle feather beside him also noticed it, and shouted: "Oh no, this arrow is made of the same material as the hidden weapon of the roe deer monster clan in the market, and it will absorb the demon power."

"Now I know, it's too late!" The old roe deer demon laughed.

"Brother Wolf, I'll save you!"

"Don't come here!" Shu Du yelled, he and Zhenyu were already in danger, and he couldn't be in danger with him, he was Nuwashi, if the roe deer found out, he would be arrested.


"No, but, stand far away, don't worry, it's just that the demon power has been sucked away, it's okay, and..." Shu Du raised a corner of his eyebrows, looked at the old man with a grin, "Remind you, we are not just a family of three... ..."

"Huh?" The old roe deer demon suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

"My lord, be careful!" a guard shouted.

With a bang, the fur ball rushed from behind the roe deer demon old man, tied him up with spiritual power, and the sharp horns on his head reached his throat.

The battle situation is reversed, and both sides have hostages.

"Why hasn't this animal been sucked out of its demonic power?"

"Because I'm not a demon, I don't have demon power..." Maoqiu opened his mouth, the snow-like white fur fluffy like freshly fallen snow, reflecting the orange-red back of the setting sun, the snow-white fur is mixed with white and orange, very gorgeous.

It is a spirit beast, and the source of its force value is spiritual power. Of course, it cannot be absorbed by the trapped monster stone.

" can you talk...?" The old man's eyes widened.

"It means you are ignorant, let my friend go, or I will kill you."

"My lord!" The guards yelled in horror, and surrounded him and the fur ball.

Shu Du frowned and looked at Zhenyu, "Did you hear that, those soldiers called him Prince."

"I heard it!" She was not deaf.

"Then isn't he a royal family? Hell, how can a royal family open a shop in the market?"

"Who knows! This is irrelevant right now, let's get out of trouble first!" Zhenyu shouted at Fuqiu, "Furqiu, escort him over here."

Maoqiu nodded, and put its sharp horn against the throat of the old man, the roe deer demon, and dragged him over.

The guards on the side watched this scene nervously, their eyes fixed on the sharp corner of the fur ball, as if they were all worried that it would accidentally stab their prince to death.

"My lord, my lord..." Suddenly someone ran out of the guards, it was the guard Xiao San'er who had talked to the old man earlier.

Shu Du and Zhen Yu had heard his voice before, so they recognized him and understood one thing.

The sudden appearance of so many guards must have something to do with the young man. As for when the old man notified him, it must have been when he was speaking.

"It turns out that you planned it long ago!" This meant that he had suspected them a long time ago.

The old roe deer demon denied it, he had indeed suspected them early on.

How could there be a family of three like this, he was just doing his tricks, and the only thing he missed was this animal.

"Quickly let our prince go, or you will be pierced by thousands of arrows."

Xiao San'er waved, and the guards all showed the guys on their arms, all of which were portable crossbows.

The capital of Shu yelled: "If you want to let us go, you let us go first." The royal family is in their hands, so they don't need to be afraid.

Xiao San'er was a little hesitant, and worried about the safety of her prince, so she compromised, "Okay..."

"Don't let them go!" roared the old roe deer monster, "They haven't figured out their purpose yet, so how can they let them go? If they let them go, they will let the tiger go back to the mountain."

"I've said it all, we're just curious, don't you understand?"

"Curiosity? Curiosity will bring such a..." He pointed to the fur ball, "Such a rare thing!"

This rare creature can speak human language, and is not disturbed by the trapping monster stone, so it must be a very powerful monster.

"Don't force me to swear, we just take a look, what's the matter, to see whether you will die or you will exterminate the clan!"

"Bold maniac, dare to be rude to our prince, do you know who he is!?" Xiao San'er clenched his fists with righteous indignation.

"I don't care who he is, the royal family is very rare, I... ouch..." Shu Du was abducted by Needle Feather.

Needle Feather stared, "If you can't speak, don't speak."

"Okay, okay, come on, you said it's over?"

Zhen Yu looked at Xiao San'er, "Isn't he just a prince, as far as I know, there are more than a dozen princes of your roe deer monster clan, who knows which one he is..."

The roe deer monster tribe is only at the county level, which is one level behind the realm, but the royal family has a large number of people. As far as she knows, the former king and the former king have given birth to more than a dozen sons. It is the royal family that has the most wives and the most. It is said that if there are twenty or so women married, even if only half of the wives are able to have children, they will have ten children. The opposite realm.

Xiao San'er raised her chest and said, "This is our Prince Regent, the Uncle Wang of the current Great King, how can other princes compare to him, so he hastily released our prince."


Shu Du tilted his head to Zhenyu, "How old is the current king of the roe deer monster clan, and do you want to set up a regent?"

"It's an adult!"

"Since he is an adult, how can there be a regent?"

"I heard from my father that there are many princes of the roe deer monster tribe, and there are many princes, but they are very united, and they will never fight to the death for the throne. The previous king once passed the throne to his favorite son, named Kun Yao, this Kun Yao passed the throne to his younger brother after being the queen for ten days, but this younger brother was ill-fated, fell ill soon, and passed away after a year, and the position was passed on to the current king. It can be said that the great king grew up with Kun Yao, respected him very much, and regarded him as his biological father. In order to make him superior to other king uncles, he was named regent and had the same royal power as himself..." Said Well, Zhen Yu looked at the old roe deer demon, a little surprised, "So you are Kun Yao?"

"It's the old man!"

The capital of Shu groaned strangely, "It's just an eye-opener. If you don't do a good job as the regent, you go to the market to open a shop. How free are you? Isn't it too busy?"

It doesn't matter what other people say, but Shu Du said that sincerity has no qualifications, because he, the wolf demon king, is even more irresponsible than him.

"Hobbies!" Kun Yao was very calm and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he couldn't move because of the fur ball tied him up.

Needle feather asked, "When did you doubt us?"

"From entering the store..."

"Hey, so early?" Where did they arouse his suspicion, and Needle Feather was puzzled.

Kun Yao sighed, "This strong monster is not very smart, well, I will tell you, although you deliberately lowered your demon power and pretended to be ordinary people, but you didn't make a sound when you walked. It’s a problem only in martial arts, how can it be an ordinary businessman?”

Needle feather is ashamed, habit is indeed the biggest flaw.

"Then you still play with us all the way?"

"Your purpose is unknown, the old man must investigate clearly, right?"

There are many people in the market, and if it gets too big, it may cause panic. This mountain is different. When talking to Xiao San'er, he handed the written parchment to him, and the above explained the whole story clearly. Xiao San'er only needs to Just do it.

As for why Xiao San'er didn't call him lord when he saw him, there is a reason. He is the regent king with a detached status, but everyone in the clan knows that what he likes most is hiding in the market, hoping to have weird weapons If the drawings came to the door, if anyone saw him and called him the regent, how would he do business?
"Then what are you going to do now?"

Both of them have hostages now, so they have to figure out the priority before exploring the purpose.

"I'll ask again, what is your purpose, why are you so concerned about that strange stone!"

"It's all about curiosity!"

"I don't believe it. If you are curious, why do you need to sneak up the mountain and go to the square of the market? There are all kinds of news about strange stones. Although my family has not spread the matter far, it has also been troubled by this stone. I hope to consult capable people and strangers. Answer, if you are interested in finding out, you can sign up there, and someone will lead you up the mountain one by one, but you have to wear handcuffs and anklets made by the trapping stone..."

Shu Du rubbed his nose. He and Zhenyu both knew about it, and it was because of the handcuffs and anklets that they stopped walking. If it was confirmed that it was the Kunlun Mirror, they would definitely steal it. law to steal.

Zhen Yu considered whether to tell the truth, and exchanged glances with Shu Du.

The meaning of Shudu is that if you don't say it all, looking at this roe deer monster clan is not a crooked way, and if you explain it clearly, maybe it will be better.

Needle feather nodded in agreement.

"Lord Kunyao, I am Needle Feather of the Wolf Demon Clan, and I have been entrusted by the Dog Demon King..."

Kun Yao became even more skeptical after hearing this.

You belong to the wolf demon clan, why do you listen to the dog demon king?

(End of this chapter)

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