The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 460 Part 225 Throwing an Olive Branch

Chapter 460 Part 225 Throwing an Olive Branch

Hearing that it was Bai Yu, Kun Yao frowned tightly.

He seems to have heard of this name. For nearly a hundred years, the small clans around the Night Falcon clan have ordered weapons from the Roe Monster Clan just to deal with this person. If the weak clan wants to seek peace on one side, they must either form an alliance with the strong clan, or He resisted stubbornly, and the latter was relatively more, which was also the source of the wealth of the roe deer monster clan, but he was really surprised to have the three clans form an alliance to deal with this person.

The Night Falcon family is also considered a strong monster family in the mountain and sea world, but it has shown a tendency to decline, and now it is rising again. Could it be the power of this white feather?
Seeing that he was silent all this time, with a pensive expression on his face, Zhen Yu asked, "Your Highness doesn't believe it?"

"No, it's just that the old man has ignored political affairs for a long time, and only listened to the girl's side. He really doesn't know the truth." Kun Yao turned to look at Tridacna, "You are the king, and the recent situation of the foreign race is understandable."

Tridacna has been staring at Zhenyu, didn't hear his words, and only thought about how could there be such a beautiful girl in this world.

"Ah! What are you looking at, did you hear me!"

Needle feather sensed his attention and coughed lightly.

"Ah!" Tridacna woke up, "Uncle Wang, did you speak just now?"

Kun Yao frowned again, glanced at the needle feather, and then looked at the giant clam. There was a faint red glow on his face, so he knew what was going on, but he didn't specify, and asked again: "What are you doing about the situation of the foreign race recently?" Do you understand?"

"Oh, this, these things have always been managed by the third uncle, I don't know." He said it very easily, without any integrity that a king should have.

"Are you the king, or your third uncle is the king, how can you leave all political affairs to him?"

"I'm not good at it!"

This great king was not what he wanted to be. His father died and he was the only son, so he inherited it.

Kun Yao really wanted to slap him, but the needle feather was there, and he really slapped him. He was so angry that his beard flew up when people looked at the roe deer monster.

"Uncle Wang, don't be angry, third uncle is not an outsider!"

The royal family of the roe deer monster clan are very united, there will never be any rebellion, and the uncles of the kings are brothers and friends, and they deal with political affairs with discretion, and they will never deceive, so he Very relieved.

Kun Yao also knows this, but the king is the king, and he must bear the responsibilities he should have.

"Uncle Lei!" He shouted.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

"Go ask the third prince to come over."


Soon, the third prince Kun Xin came.

The biggest feature of the roe deer clan is their height. As soon as Kun Xin appeared, the sitting needle feather had to look up to see his whole picture, and then she discovered something.

Yao, is always handsome, no matter old or young, his facial features are very correct, and this Uncle Three Wang is the same. If you look closely, he has a five-point resemblance to Kun Yao and Tridacna. Anyone can tell that they are relatives, but only Du Kunyao's antlers are emerald, but Kun Xin's and Tridacna's are amber in color.

Kun Xin respectfully bowed to Kun Yao, "Brother King, are you looking for me?"


"Thank you, Brother Wang." Kun Xin nodded politely when he saw Needle Feather.

He already knew the identity of Zhenyu from Uncle Lei, so there was nothing to be surprised about. When he saw that Kun Yao was fine, he knew that what happened on the mountain was a false alarm.

"Brother Wang, how are you doing recently?"

"Okay, you can eat and drink!"

"That's good!" Satisfied, Kun Xin instructed again, "Yesterday, I got a new ginseng in my mansion, which is said to be ten thousand years old. Tomorrow, I will send someone to send it to Brother Wang to nourish his body."

"You're not much younger than me, so keep it for yourself."

The age of the two can be said to be almost the same, both over a thousand years old, but their mothers are different. Kun Yao is the eldest son, he is the third, and Tridacna's father is the second. There are thirteen brothers in total. Ba and Lao Jiu have passed away, and the rest are still alive.

"Brother Wang, you don't need to be polite to me. I eat the thousand-year-old ginseng and that's enough."

The royal family of the roe deer demon is very rich, ginseng is something that is around a hundred years old, and there is no one in the house that has dozens of ginseng, and ginseng that is about ten thousand years old is very rare, even if you have money, you can't buy it Yes, he managed to get one, just to give it to Kun Yao.

"Okay, okay, if you want to send it, send it, talk about business, you know the situation outside."

"Brother Wang wants to ask about the alliance between dogs, wolves and foxes?"

Hearing this, Kun Yao nodded, "That's it, since you know about it, does the guy named Bai Yu know about it?"

"Understood, why did Brother Wang become curious about this person?"

"This person can be dealt with by the three clans of dogs, wolves, and foxes. It can be seen that he is a very powerful person. Since he is a powerful person, I always want to know if he is a threat to our clan?"

Suddenly there is such a No. [-] person, it’s fine if you don’t know it, but now you know it, you have to be careful.

"Brother Wang, don't worry, this person has no influence on our clan for the time being, and has no contact with weapons. He is far away, so I think he will not pose a threat."

"you sure?"

Kun Yao always feels that this is not an easy matter. It doesn't affect it now, but it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. Maybe it will be too late when it is discovered, and we must take precautions early.

Needle Feather listened quietly from the side, and while listening, she was analyzing. From the words of these two princes, she learned that the Roe Monster Clan and the Night Falcon Clan had nothing to do with each other, and they had no business contacts. It is impossible for Bai Yu not to know that the family can get the news of that strange stone. Mei Luo told her to be careful of Bai Yu's men when she came here, and now it seems that Bai Yu's hand has not reached here.

This is good news.

She is here to buy weapons, so money is naturally not lacking, and she can buy as much as she wants, but the three clans of dogs, wolves, and foxes can buy it, and so can the night falcon clan. It's the same, with such a large and powerful arsenal as the backing, it can be said to be even more powerful in terms of military power.

If you can win them over... it has to be said that it is an excellent thing.

It's just... looking at their behavior, they are the type who only like to protect themselves and don't know how to wade through muddy waters. It must be difficult to persuade them, but even if it is difficult, she can't let go of this opportunity. If Bai Yu takes the lead, then Not good.

She has to think it over.

Then there is the matter of that stone... She wanted to ask directly, but thought it would be abrupt?However, Shu is not here, so she has no choice but to find someone to discuss with.

Dorje leaned into her ear and said, "Sister, why is only the old man's horns emerald?"

"You found it too?"

"Well, because it's very similar to my hair color, and we've stayed in Roe County for a few days, and we haven't seen anyone with emerald-colored antlers, only the old man." He discovered this when he was on the mountain. One thing, I thought it was because the antlers of the royal family were different from other people, but Tridacna and Kun Xin are not emerald, which shows that Kun Yao's antlers are very rare.

"I also find it strange, maybe this prince has some extraordinary talent?"

"For example?" Duoji opened his eyes curiously.

"Don't ask me, I don't know. We are guests now. We can't get started so we can ask about this kind of thing. Let's talk about it later." After she finished speaking, she suddenly felt her cheeks were a little hot. A peeping gaze.

Why does this man keep looking at her?
She didn't like this feeling very much, and subconsciously stared back.

Tridacna was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled foolishly.

Dorje snickered when he saw covering his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhen Yu felt a little puzzled.

"Sister, this roe deer demon king must like you."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Really, since my sister sat down, he has been looking at you from time to time. If you look carefully, his face is red, and it is the same when Brother Dog looks at my sister." He is young and does not understand love between men and women, but This kind of admiration in the eyes has been seen too much, it must not be wrong.

"I just met him, and we haven't spoken to each other. You must have read it wrong."

Duoji spread his hands, "If my sister thinks so, I have nothing to say, but...Look, he's looking at you again."

As expected, Tridacna looked over again.

Now Zhenyu intends to form an alliance with the roe deer demon clan. Tridacna is the roe deer demon king. In order not to affect the alliance plan, she naturally cannot stare back, so she can only divert his attention.

"My lord..."

This voice of lord attracted both Kun Yao and Kun Xin to respond, because it was not clear who she was calling.

Zhen Yu bowed to Kun Yao, "My lord, Zhen Yu has something to say."

"Speak, girl!"

"Bai Yu is cruel, scheming, and has a delusional attempt to dominate the mountains and seas. He has teamed up with the King of the Fox Monster Clan, and has repeatedly attacked Li Wang and the Dog Monster King, disturbing the safety of several groups. This person It's quite ambitious, and it's hard to guarantee that it won't attack the nobles in the future."

Kun Yao could hear the hidden meaning in her words as soon as she heard it.

"The girl means..."

"Turning passivity into initiative, what does your lord think?"

It's a good one to turn passive into active, which is throwing the intention of forming an alliance to him.

But... the Roe Monster Clan is content with one side, and has never had any disputes with other races. Even if there is, it is only when others bully them. This is the policy of the Roe Monster Clan since ancient times. The rules have been followed so far, and no mistakes have been made.

If he can protect himself, he will never take the initiative to provoke a war, so he has no idea.

Bai Yu wants to dominate the mountain and sea world... This matter sounds a little unbelievable. There were many monsters who tried to dominate the entire mountain and sea world, but they failed in the end, but they were arrogant.

Besides, Bai Yu has ambitions, so don't the three tribes of dogs, wolves and foxes have no ambitions? He is clearly ruthless about the strength of the three tribes.

It is impossible for him to give the answer right now, and said with a smile: "Our clan is just a small clan, I believe that Bai Yu still doesn't like it, if one day he really comes, the city wall of our clan is strong and full of hidden weapons, he may not be able to Seek any benefit."

Needle Feather said calmly, "My lord, we know that he has obtained the Xuanyuan Sword and the Eastern Emperor Bell."

This was a strong dose of medicine, and Kun Yao's hand holding the teacup shook in shock, and spilled some tea.

"My lord should know that there is no weapon in the world that can compare to that Xuanyuan Sword..."

Even if the roe deer and monster clan are experts in weapons, they can't make a weapon that can rival the Xuanyuan Sword.

Kun Xin remained silent all this time, but couldn't sit still after hearing Xuanyuan Sword, "Brother Wang... this..."

Kun Yao interrupted him with his eyes, not allowing him to continue, then he calmed down and looked at Zhenyu calmly, "Thank you for reminding me, how about it, I hit it off with you, can you please stay for a few more days?"

He decided to think carefully about this matter, and he must not make a decision lightly, so he will appease her first.

"Did the lord forget that I'm still waiting for the weapons made by the lord?" She was not in a hurry to form an alliance, it would be best if she could form an alliance, if she couldn't, she would make a good friendship and it would be convenient in the future.

"Oh, yes, yes, the old man almost forgot, girl, eat vegetables, eat vegetables!"

After the dinner, Zhenyu stayed at the Prince Regent's Mansion, and at midnight, she went to Shudu.

Shu Du was completely treated as a servant, and he was assigned to the place where the servants lived. The room was small and broken. He had always been a wild monster, and he was not particular about it. He was ready to sleep when he was full, and the fur ball was sent to the bird stable. , stayed with a group of chocobos, but it was not so peaceful, kicked the door open, and ran to the garden of the mansion to rest.

When Zhenyu was looking for Shudu, he happened to see it losing his temper, so he took it away along the way.

Shu Du saw that Zhenyu was coming, and his face was very ugly, he snorted, "Hey, master, it's not appropriate to find me so late, is it?"

"Come on, I have something to talk to you about." She entered the room with Fuqiu.

Shu Du sat back on the bed, crossed Erlang's legs and said, "I have to talk about something in the middle of the night, do you know if you're sleepy?"

"I know what you're angry about. Don't you just treat you like a human being? It's their lack of vision, and it's not me. Besides, you are the wolf demon king. If you really reveal your identity, it may cause a lot of trouble."

"You don't need to tell me, I know it too. I mean you ate so well just now, but Maoqiu and I only have pickled vegetables and tofu. It's not fair."

"I'll treat you to a good meal tomorrow. When did you become so greedy? Let's not talk about this. I want to tell you about the alliance with the roe deer monster clan?"

Shu Du frowned, "Where did this come from, I didn't have such a plan when I came here."

"It's a temporary decision, okay?"

"They're just weak monsters. What's the use of forming an alliance? You have to take a fancy to their weapons, so you can just spend money to buy them."

"I also know that you can buy it with money, but Bai Yu has to guard against it. What if he also takes a fancy to the roe deer monster clan? According to his personality, if he doesn't form an alliance, he may slaughter the clan. Bai Ze is a lesson from the past."

But the capital of Shu thinks it is impossible, "If he is a slaughterer, how can he get weapons? He is not that stupid. I think if this is the case, he will definitely poison that idiot, and it is more likely that he will blackmail the roe and monsters." some."

"Look, you think so too, which shows that an alliance is very necessary."

"That's what I just said, it's a hypothesis, but in fact, Bai Yu has not made any movement now, and seems to be completely ignorant of Roe County's affairs!" If there is any movement from him, it is impossible for them to come to Roe County so smoothly, "I Do you always feel that something is wrong with this?"

"What do you mean?"

Shu Du's usually not very shrewd eyes lit up, "I suspect that Bai Yu's people may have seen the royal family of the roe deer."

"Hey? Impossible. If I have seen it, the regent may not know it. Is it possible that I am acting with me when I have dinner today?"

It's really acting, it's too real.

"People's hearts are separated from each other... Such a weak race can survive until now, except for the hidden weapon being strong, it is impossible to have nothing else."

"Shudu, is this your intuition, or do you really think so?"

"Half and half!"

Although he is usually pretty, but he is confused without a watch, on the contrary he is very sober, this may be the ability of being a king, no matter how lazy he is, his mind will still turn around.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"The plan for now is that the enemy will not move, and we will not move. Since you have thrown an olive branch at Roe County, then wait for them to take it. Anyway, they know what our purpose is, so you might as well go ahead if you have time." Find out about that stone."

"You just said that Bai Yu's people may have contacted the royal family. If so, can they still let me explore the stone?"

"It's not obvious, come in secret, there are so many servants in this mansion, if you want to ask, you can always ask something, and..." He looked at Maoqiu, "You are not disturbed by the trapped demon stone, and you can move faster than us Easy to get up."

"You want me to sneak up the mountain to investigate?"

Shu Du nodded, "If Zhenyu and I disappear, the target is too big, but you are a beast, so you won't attract attention easily."

"In their eyes, I'm just like a beast..."

"It doesn't matter. When you start beating up tomorrow morning, just like ordinary livestock, let them think that you are no different from ordinary livestock except that you can talk, and they will be less wary of you. When they become less wary, you will act. Time. By the way, this time we have to use Bixi. It makes it very difficult for us to hide together, but if you are alone, you should be able to hold your breath for a while. If it really doesn’t work, you are also a beast, so what’s the point of running around? impossible."

Fuqiu felt that this strategy was feasible and nodded.

Zhen Yu looked at the calm and strategizing appearance of the capital of Shu, but his face was blooming with a smile.

 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Brother Ergou would like to wish you all a happy new year. I wish you all the best in the new year.

  Brother Ergou, who will be on duty during the Spring Festival, said... so sad.

  PS: Kunlun mirror is an unusual Kunlun mirror, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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