The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 461 Part 226 The Short-Lived Roe Demon

Chapter 461 Part 226 The Short-lived Roe Demon

Just as Shu Du guessed, Bai Yu's men and horses did have contact with the Roe Monster Clan, but Kun Yao didn't know about it. After Zhen Yu left, Kun Xin went to the study to tell the matter because he had something to discuss.

After hearing this, Kun Yao was shocked and shouted, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"Brother Wang is not in good health. I also want to wait until the matter is clarified. I didn't expect people from the wolf monster clan to come."

"Don't the giant clams don't know?"

Kun Xin nodded.

"Confused! How could he not know about such an important matter." Kun Yao put down the teacup in his hand heavily, very angry.

"Ah Huan is still young, and I don't know how to deal with some things. I was thinking about..." Kun Xin also has difficulties with this. In fact, this nephew's brain is not bad, but he is a bit playful and can't tell things clearly. weight.

"He was spoiled by you." Kun Yao became even more angry, "What did I say when I retired, give him more experience, don't always take everything on yourself, think of everything for him Well, let him do it again. After a long time, he will get used to it and won't think about problems by himself anymore. When we are all dead, who will help him? Today the wolf monster clan is here. Look at him, but Looks like a king."

"Brother Wang's lesson is that now that the Night Falcon Clan and the Wolf Demon Clan are here, I don't know what countermeasures Brother Wang can do?" This matter was not important at all, it was a meeting between clans about alliances, and others were calm It is not uncommon in the past that this kind of thing is not uncommon in the past. The roe deer monster clan has great talents in making weapons, and it has always been the best choice for alliances, but they have always refused in the past.

Not to participate in the battles of foreign races is a rule passed down from the ancestors of the roe deer monster clan, and it has not been broken so far.

"What did the Night Falcon family say?"

"It is said that it is located in a remote place and intends to relocate. They are afraid that they will encounter enemy attacks during the relocation. In order to protect the safety of civilians, they thought of us. After forming an alliance, they hoped that we could send a hidden weapon team to protect them. After the relocation is successful, if my family encounters foreign enemies And they will do their best to help.”

"Joke, the meaning of this alliance, it sounds like they are good, but we don't."

Resisting foreign enemies, the roe deer monster clan has its own experience, and has never made any mistakes, regardless of whether it has allies or not.

"I'm also wondering about this. It stands to reason that there are always things to talk about in business exchanges, such as opening ports, trade routes, and expanding our existing trade, but there is no such thing."

Kun Yao took a sip of tea and thought about it for a while, "I don't seem to feel any sincerity."

"Brother Wang, do you feel that too? I feel the same way."

"Tell me, besides that, are there any other details?"

"Yes, the negotiator mentioned the strange stone on the mountain."

"Oh?" Kun Yao squinted her eyes, and quickly realized something, "The needle feather girl from the wolf monster clan also mentioned this stone."

Kun Xin was taken aback, "If you say that..."

"Hehe, the people on both sides probably came here for this stone."

"Brother Wang, this stone only appeared five years ago. No one in the clan has been able to find out what its structure is. Why are they so concerned about it?"

This stone is extremely huge, it suddenly floated up from the ground five years ago, no one knows how many years it has been buried in the ground, only know that since he appeared, there have been many strange things in the roe deer clan, and he has sent many people to Exploration has yielded nothing, it is not only huge, but also very hard, no mining can hurt it, and it is still erected on the top of the mine.

Thinking of five years ago, Kun Xin couldn't help looking at Kun Yao. When the stone surfaced, it happened to be when he was seriously ill. At that time, the earth shook and caused an earthquake, which destroyed many houses. The shock lasted for three days and three nights, and he also fell into a coma for three days and three nights.

When he woke up, the earthquake stopped.

After his illness got better, he went up to the mountain to see it, but even he, an experienced ore expert, didn't know the origin of this stone.

"It's not clear yet, but since they are thinking about it, they will naturally show some clues. Let's appease them first, and see what kind of medicine they sell in their gourd. I will deal with the wolf monster clan, and the Baiyu people will leave it to you. By the way, are these people in the clan now?"

Kun Xin shook his head, "They came ten days ago, and they went back after talking about it. I also said to consider it at the time, but I didn't say how long it was considered. I haven't heard from them recently. Is it possible that I have forgotten it?"

"How could they forget? I'm afraid they know that the wolf demon clan is coming, so they don't dare to act rashly. This is in line with what the girl said. The three clans of dogs, wolves, foxes and night falcons are already in the same situation."

"Brother Wang, if they all came here for that stone, wouldn't our clan be squeezed between them?"

They all intend to form an alliance, no matter who they reject or agree to, the other side will quickly become an enemy, but if no one helps, he is worried that they will be angered and they will all become enemies of the roe deer monster clan .

Kun Yao is worried about this possibility. If he doesn't handle it properly, the roe deer and monster clan who have been calm for a long time may lead to a bloodbath.

"Cough, cough, cough..." After deep thought, he suddenly coughed.

Kun Xin patted his back, "Why did you suddenly cough?"

"It's okay, maybe I choked on the tea, just press it down."

But he didn't stop coughing for a long time, the more he coughed, the more he coughed, his face turned blue, and he pouted after a while.

Kun Xin yelled in a hurry, and the wizard in the palace rushed over and stabilized his condition.

"Uncle Three, how is Uncle Da Wang? He's getting better. Can I go in and see him?" Tridacna waited outside for a long time, when he saw Kun Xin coming out of the dormitory, he asked with concern.

"After taking the medicine, he has already fallen asleep. The wizard said not to disturb him for the time being, let him have a good sleep."

Tridacna felt relieved after hearing this, but still looked towards the bedroom from time to time.

"My lord, I have something to say."

"Third Uncle Wang, tell me, I'm listening."

"Is the king interested in that pinfeather girl?"

Tridacna's face immediately turned into a big tomato, "Uncle San Wang, why did you suddenly mention this when you are so good? It's nothing, you must have read it wrong."

"The king's thoughts are all on his face, how can I not see it?" Kun Xin sighed, "Wang, there has never been a precedent for this family to marry a foreign woman."

Young people are inevitably worried about love, and when they are worried, they tend to act impulsively. He must remind him first, lest he make mistakes in his errands.

"Uncle Wang, it must be because of your old eyesight."

"Then why do you keep staring at people?"

" she pretty..."

This reason is not valid in Kun Xin's mind. There are more good-looking women. Although their roe deer monsters are weak monsters, their human figures are often imperfect, but there is no shortage of beauties, and they are all tall. In his aesthetic view In the middle, Needle Feather...too short to enter the stream of so-called beauties.

"My lord, I feel that..."

"Okay, Uncle Wang, the most important thing right now is Uncle Wang's illness. Does the wizard have a good countermeasure?"

Kun Xin shook his head, "It's still the same, it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

"Then what should we do? Uncle Wang is the pillar of the clan, so nothing will happen."

"I know that, I have already thought about it, if the wizards in the clan are not good enough, I have to look for wizards from other clans."

If he remembers correctly, then Bai Yu is an extremely outstanding figure among wizards...

Thinking of this, he was suddenly taken aback. This diagnosis and treatment might not be what they want, and Bai Yu can come, there must be conditions, and the condition is probably an alliance. At this moment, he suddenly realized why the Night Falcon clan came to talk about the alliance. If it's irrelevant, they probably already knew that Kun Yao was sick, and it was a disease that the roe deer monster clan couldn't cure.

For this reason, he frowned deeply and paced back and forth in front of the bedroom door.

Tridacna didn't know the reason, but thought he was worried about Kun Yao, so he couldn't help comforting him, "Uncle Wang, you go back, I will guard this place, you are too old, you can't be younger than me."

How could Kun Xin leave? Looking at Tridacna, he felt even more worried.

Brother Wang was right, they spoiled him so much that he had no sense of crisis at all.

In the dormitory, Kun Yao had already woken up, and the wizard beside the bed was feeling his pulse.

"Am I already terminally ill..." His complexion was a thousand times worse than when he was talking with Needle Feather, as if he was about to die.

The wizard hesitated to speak.

"Let's talk, it's already this time, there is nothing to hide."

The wizard knelt down and said, "The old minister is incompetent, he is at the end of his rope."

"Get up, don't blame you, there is no way the disease can be cured, I have already prepared, but I don't know how long I can live?"

Five years ago, he suddenly became seriously ill, and the medicine stone was useless. He woke up after being in a coma for three days and three nights. There are very few people who reach the age of 1000. Perhaps it is because of this that they marry more wives and want to reproduce as much as possible in a limited time.

He is 1100 years old this year, and he has lived 200 years longer than his younger brothers who died earlier, which is enough.

The wizard didn't dare to say it, he was already in tears.

Kun Yao understood that she might not survive this year.

"Don't cry, remember, don't tell anyone about this, including the king and the third prince."

"The old minister understands."

"Just prescribe some cough medicine, and some medicine that can make you look better. If you die, you will die. Don't force it."


Kun Yao coughed a few times, lying on the bed but feeling a little out of breath, he touched his chest involuntarily, the chest hurts, he always felt that something was pressing on his lungs, but he couldn't get out of the cough, the more he coughed, the more he felt. It hurts more.

The next day, Zhenyu woke up early and heard the news that Kun Yao had fallen ill, so she hurried to Shudu to discuss the matter.

Shu Du said, "I was wandering in the market earlier and heard a lot about the royal family of the roe deer monster clan. It is said that their royal family does not live long, and few of them can live to 1000 years old. This Kun Yao is considered a long-lived It's gone."

"Hey, if you don't live to be 1000 years old, don't they all die in their prime of life, is it sick?"

A demon can basically live to be 2000 years old, half of it is 1000 years old, and even half of it can't live, it's so pitiful.

"Well, it is said that they are all lung diseases. No one has ever known the specific cause. The father of the giant clam king, the former king, coughed for several days and nights, and finally died of coughing."

"Cough to death? How pitiful!" Sitting on the bed, Duoji stroked Fuqiu's fur, and said to it, "Mouqiu, do you know about this?"

"I have read some, but it is not written in detail in the book. The etiology is unknown, but it is true that I don't live long." Although it knows the world, it doesn't know everything in detail.

Shu Du suddenly patted his thigh, his face suddenly became serious, "Oh no!"

"Well, what's wrong?" Needle feather handed him a steamed bun.

"I said earlier that Bai Yu's people are likely to have contacted people from the roe deer monster clan. What is Bai Yu's best at?"

"Poison!" This is a well-known thing in the world, but Shudu mentioned it at this time, but it is a bit abrupt. It doesn't mean that Shu wants to poison the roe deer monster clan. The regent is a good target, but he doesn't care. I have become so ill, do I still need to poison it?With a flash in Zhenyu's mind, another possibility came to mind, "He is a wizard, and he is a famous wizard."

Wizards can heal diseases!
She and Shu both thought of getting together, and their complexions suddenly became ugly.

If Bai Yu cured Kunyao, he would become a great benefactor of the roe monster clan. What hope do the three tribes of dogs, wolves and foxes have to form an alliance with the roe monster clan? I'm afraid they will become their enemies, but when it comes to curing diseases... They also have a tall man.

But it was impossible for her to come.

But... Zhenyu and Shudu looked at Duoji together...

This kid really came to the right place, maybe he can help.

"Brother Wolf, Sister Zhenyu, why do you keep looking at me, eating breakfast." He didn't eat much, and most of it went into the stomach of Shudu.

Mao Qiu said, "Duoji, you are going to be a wizard for a while."


dog environment.

In the palace, Yumo was sitting on a stone chair in the garden with a huge belly. The belly had grown bigger in a few days. She could hardly walk on her own. She had to be supported by someone else. , she will definitely fall because of the unstable center of gravity.

Sitting like this, looking from a distance, the first thing you see is her belly, and then her head, it looks like a ball with a head on it, without a neck, you will find it funny after a long time.

She came out to blow some air. Autumn has arrived in the dog land, and it will still be a little hot in the morning, but when the afternoon approaches the evening, the autumn wind will be very cool, which is the most comfortable time of the day.

"Miss, we've been out for half an hour, it's time to go back."

"Sit a little longer, it's hot inside." She is a pregnant woman, her body temperature is already high, and staying in the dormitory will only make her hotter, so it's not as comfortable as here.

"It's not good to be cold, in case you catch a cold..." Mu Xiang had a cloak hanging on her elbow, and she was worrying about trying to cover her like this. She tried it before, but she just refused.

"Don't worry, I'm not sweating, and I don't feel cold, how can I catch a cold." Her stomach has a heating function, and even if it's snowing now, she probably won't feel cold.

"Miss, miss, I have a letter." Zi Kai ran over from the gate of the palace.

"Whose letter is it?"

"It belongs to Miss Needle Feather."

As soon as Yu Mo heard that it was Needle Feather, Yu Mo became a little excited. She braced her waist and thought of it. Mu Xiang hurried forward to stop her, "Miss, the letter will come soon, don't worry."

Zi Kai also knew that she was in a hurry, and rushed over in three steps at a time, and handed the letter to her.

"Finally there is news. I am really anxious. If there is no news, I think something happened to them."

Mei Luo protected her tightly, and didn't tell her anything. Every time she asked if there was any news about Needle Feather, he said it was safe and calm. After hearing too much, she thought it was good news but not good news. worry.

But she has her own ability, when Dorji followed, she gave it a pair of little pussies specially used for sending letters.

She quickly opened the letter and read it at a glance.

Seeing the letter saying that they had entered the Prince Regent's Mansion, eating well and sleeping well, Yumo let go of her hanging heart, and then she saw about Kun Xin's illness, and Zhenyu asked her in the letter if there was any There is no cure for lung disease.

She definitely has the medicine, but she can’t take it blindly. Before she saw the medical records, how could she just take the medicine casually? However, in the letter, Zhenyu wrote that the regent had a persistent cough... This is too vague, who said that a persistent cough must be a lung disease , bronchi may also be ah.

So, she took a pen to write back, asking her to find a way to investigate Kun Xin's illness, and what medicine the wizard prescribed, etc.

After the letter was written, she handed it to Zi Kai, "Quickly pass it on."

Zi Kai hesitated, held the letter in her hand, and said falteringly, "Miss, the king said that you can't run around."

"I didn't say I was going, I just wanted to do a favor and communicate with each other through letters. Look at my stomach now, even if I want to run, I can't run."

Let alone running, if I want to stand, I have to rely on help from others. I can't stand for a long time, because my legs are already swollen like pig's feet.

(End of this chapter)

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