The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 462 Part 227 The Living Boulder

Chapter 462 Part 227 The Living Boulder

Roe Deer County, Prince Regent's Mansion.

Needle Feather raised her hand towards the window frame, and a light and exquisite beast flew onto her wrist. This exquisite beast was only the size of a palm, shaped like a bichon frize, with thick fur like a ball, with two pairs of dragonflies growing on it The transparent wings are the special messenger monsters of the dog monsters, similar to the carrier pigeons, and are a birthday present from Mei Luo to Yu Mo.

After feeding a few feeds, Linglong raised its head obediently, with a wooden cylinder hanging around its neck, and Needle Feather took out Yumo's reply letter from it, and then locked it in a small cage. There was also a black one and a white one in the cage. One black, one male and one female.

Shu Du stretched his head over, "There is a silent reply, please take a look, what did you say?"

"What are you in a hurry!"

Seeing his impatient look made her feel uncomfortable.

After opening the letter, Shu wanted to take a peek, but Zhenyu refused to let him go, and hid aside.

"What are you doing? Maybe it's just for me?"

"Don't be stinky, you are not mentioned in a single word!" She praised her letter, looking gloating.

Shu didn't believe it, so he snatched it up, and his face collapsed after seeing it. It just wrote a general sentence on everyone to pay attention to safety, and the latter was to ask Zhenyu to collect Kun Yao's illnesses as much as possible.

He threw the letter into the air, lay down on the bed, and lamented, "I'm so heartless, I bought a lot of gadgets for her."

"Pretending to be passionate!" Needle Feather muttered unceremoniously.

Shu Du heard it, but didn't make a sound, and covered his head under the quilt.

Zhenyu set the letter on fire and burned it. After calculating the time, Duoji should have returned, but there were soft footsteps outside the door as expected.

"Sister Needle Feather, I'm back." Duoji opened the door.

He was wearing a blue robe, his usual loose hair was tied up in a bun on the top of his head, and a small wooden box was straddling his body, like a young doctor running in the rivers and lakes.

As soon as Zhenyu's smile broke out, he hurriedly served tea and water, and helped him to sit down, "How is it? What can you see?"

Dorji drank tea and took out a package from the wooden box, "Here, I found it."

Needle Feather opened it and saw, "It's medicine dregs!"

"Well, it's Uncle Qiao's prescription. I think sending this to my sister will definitely make her see something!"

The Uncle Qiao in his mouth is the great wizard of the roe monster clan. These days, he came to the mansion to see a doctor for Kun Yao, and he became acquainted with this wizard named Qiao Yan after coming and going. The day before yesterday, Zhenyu asked him to check on Kun Yao's condition. Since he wanted to visit him, he couldn't go there casually, and lied that he was actually a wizard.

In the world of mountains and seas, wizards are very rare talents, and he will never disbelieve just because he is young.

Duoji actually doesn't know how to see a doctor, but he is the reincarnation of Nvwashi, and he has been with Yumo for a long time, and he has learned a little bit. The posture of seeing a doctor is still learned, so he got confused.

It's a pity that he lost too much spiritual power as a nuwa stone after the rebirth formation, and he is slowly recovering, but the recovery speed is very slow, otherwise, with his ability, he will definitely be able to activate his ability and heal Kun Yao.

Because of his pleasing nature, he is very polite to everyone, and it is easy for people to like him, so neither Kun Yao nor Qiao Yan became suspicious, which also facilitated Zhen Yu's plan.

"Well done, I'll reward you with a candy." Needle Feather stuffed a peach blossom candy into his mouth, "Tell me again, what other symptoms does Kun Yao have?"

"The complexion is not good-looking, and the cough is very severe. It is suppressed by medicine. When he coughs, he will wheeze, and his throat will make a snoring sound."

"Is there? I saw him come out for a walk in the morning, and he looked very pale." She has been paying attention to Kun Yao's movements recently.

"That's fake. Every time he sees people, he will paint his face with rouge, a faint layer, and a lot of powder. If you don't look closely, you can't tell. I also secretly found these women in the box next to his bed You only know about household items.”

"so serious?"


"Did you vomit blood?"

"That's not true!" He didn't stay at Kunyao's place for a long time each time, and most of the time he and Qiaoyan were discussing medication outside.

God is sorry, he racked his brains to pretend to be a wizard. Fortunately, when Yumo went to Bujiana for a diagnosis, he followed Yumo, and he more or less memorized some of them, but after a long time, he will definitely pass the time.

"How's your appetite?"

"I don't eat much, it's all porridge, porridge and water, sometimes I'll throw up." He chewed the candy into pieces and swallowed it, "Sister, I feel..."

"Huh? What?"

Dorje bit his lip, with a trace of discomfort on his face, "I'm afraid this uncle won't live long!"

This is not what he sees, but what he feels. This may be because he is a nuwa stone, and he is very sensitive to the strength of life.

Zhenyu doesn't have much feeling for Kunyao, so he doesn't have the sadness of Duoji, but feels that if it is true as he said, it may affect the next plan.

Kun Yao is the regent, but she has observed in the past few days that whether it is Tridacna or other princes and courtiers, they respect him. Tridacna is clearly the king, but it is obviously a vase-like decoration. If you want to form an alliance, Kun Yao's consent is necessary.

"Shudu, how is your investigation?"

Shu Du hid under the quilt and said, "I haven't found Bai Yu's person yet, but the third prince always makes me feel sneaky. I saw him write a letter last night and arranged for my confidant to send him out of the city overnight. I followed for a while, and the direction was Bai Yuna. I have notified Zhulong, and it will follow. As soon as there is news, I will let Bixi tell us. We will do our best to save him."

But if this Kun Yao really can't live long, then Bai Yu can really be cured?
After hearing this, Zhen Yu made a decision. No matter what, they must act as soon as possible, and they must be one step ahead of Bai Yu.

She wrote down Kun Yao's illness, and sent it to Yu Mo along with the dregs of the medicine.

On the other side, Maoqiu entered the mine unhindered under Bi Xi's invisibility, and reached the mountainside of the mine in the shortest possible time.

The mines in Roe County are located in the north and south, stretching for hundreds of miles, forming a high and wide barrier. The area near the border is not only heavily guarded, but also has extremely lethal hidden weapons installed on the mountain wall, and patrols are equipped. There are patrols in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Bi Xi's breath-holding time can't be too long, so Fuqiu took advantage of his blind spot as a beast, surveyed for a few days, and decided on the patrol route and the time for changing guards before moving.

With a puff, Bi Xi couldn't hold back any longer, he leaked his breath, and his invisibility ability was broken.

Fortunately, the fur ball was hiding in the grass with it at this time, leaning over and avoiding a round of patrolling.

After the patrol team left, Bi Xi held his breath again, and brought it to the bush closest to the top of the mountain.

Looking from here, under the scorching sun, a huge emerald green stone stands on the highest point, like a disc, very huge, with a diameter of at least dozens of feet, it looks extremely transparent, faintly reflecting the scenery behind, the refraction of sunlight Let the stone body be like a green lake with sparkling waves.

"It's this rock?" Bi Xi covered the light with his fins and glanced at it from afar.

"It should be." Maoqiu looked around and found that there were guards around the stone.

"It looks very ordinary." In Bixi's eyes, the stone is just a bit bigger, and the rest is nothing, and it doesn't look like a Kunlun mirror.

Maoqiu doesn't think it looks like it either, it has a certain understanding of artifacts, but the stone doesn't look like a Kunlun mirror from any angle, but it can't be sure that it isn't, you still need to get close to take a look.

"Take a few more breaths, we'll be there later."

"it is good!"

Bi Xi sucked in the air in big gulps, this terrible holding of breath, it actually practiced its lung capacity.

Fuqiu calculates the path of the guards. There are eight people in total, divided into four groups. When the two patrol, they will not approach the stone. There is a time difference, which is about the time of a stick of incense. It and Bixi should be able to go around. Going behind, since it is invisible, the eight people will definitely not find their traces. It glanced at its own hooves. The ground near the rock is soft. If it lands with its hooves, there may be footprints, so it has to fly over.

"Furball, I'm fine, I can go over!"


Bi Xi held his breath, and immediately disappeared the figure of it and the fur ball. The fur ball quietly approached in the barrier, walked in the air, and slowly approached the emerald boulder.

None of the eight guards noticed their existence, and one even let out a sigh of relief because he was bored.

The hairball didn't relax its vigilance because of this, and stopped to observe every meter it approached.

When it got close, it didn't touch the boulder right away, but observed the movements of the eight people again, and approached it quickly when the patrol routes intersected. When it stretched out its hand to touch it, the stone trembled like a living object-like.

"It's not good, Bixie, back away!"

Surprised, suddenly the boulder flashed emerald-colored waves, like a sword aura, rushing towards the face, it had to hold its breath tightly, forgetting to hide, or the fur ball pulled aside, narrowly avoiding the sword aura .

The sound of sword energy alarmed the eight guards, who quickly surrounded them.

"what happened!?"

"I don't know either, it seemed to move just now."

"Look, there's a hole here!"

The pit was still smoking, which was caused by the sword-like wave light.

Because the guards came, the fur ball pulled Bi Xi and flew towards the bushes where it was hiding.

Bixi's breath-holding also came to an end, and he exhaled.

"Scared me to death!" It patted its chest with its fins.

"Hush, be quiet!" Fuqiu lowered his head to observe the movements of the guards.

Bixi is now the Yuanshen, who is already small, hiding in the grass and not looking carefully, you will never find it.

"Tell me, what's the matter with this stone, and it still attacks people?"

"When the sword energy came out, I felt a spiritual force, very small, but very familiar!"

"Familiar? Is it really the Kunlun mirror? But it's not right, you are not a magic weapon, how could you sense it?"

"I don't know either, I just feel familiar, as if I met somewhere before."

Bixi didn't feel anything, and asked again, "Then shall we go there again, so that you can feel the feeling again?"

Mao Qiu shook his head, "Knowing that it will attack, how can we approach it rashly if we don't have a perfect countermeasure? This time we just dodged by chance. If we didn't dodge, wouldn't these guards have discovered us?"

"What should I do?"

"Go back first and discuss with Needle Feather and the others."

Although the investigation was not clear, it was not in vain, at least it was known that the stone was "alive".

"Okay, listen to you!"

Kun Yao managed to calm down his cough, and suddenly coughed again, this time it was more serious, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"My lord!" Qiaoyan was shocked, his face turned pale, and he cupped his hands subconsciously, all the blood he spit out stained his hands.

"Don't shout, Ah Huan is outside." Kun Yao wiped his mouth and asked him to bring a clean handkerchief.

Looking at his gray face, Qiaoyan blamed herself so much that she forgot to wash her hands.

"What are you doing in a daze, wash your hands."


After washing his hands, he returned to the bedside and took Kun Yao's pulse.

"My lord obviously took medicine before, why did he cough again, and it's still so serious."

"I don't know either. Yuan Dan seemed to be very hot just now, but his blood suddenly surged up, and his throat felt fishy and sweet."

"The prince should lie down and stop dealing with government affairs. I'll go find the third prince right now."

"Ah Xin is very smart. If you go to him, you will definitely let him know that something is wrong with my body. It's okay. I'll lie down for a while. It should be better if I rest."

Qiaoyan nodded, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeve, "I want the old minister to call Uncle Lei."


Uncle Lei was the only one who knew about his condition, and he had a sad face when he came in.

"What's your expression? I'm not dead yet."

"My lord has said such unlucky words again."

Uncle Lei grew up with him. Although he is a master and servant, he has a brotherly relationship.

"Ah Huan is still outside?"

"Yes, after persuasion for a long time, he still refused to leave." Uncle Lei took a clean bedding from the cabinet and replaced it.

"At a time like this, there is a lot of stubbornness. It would be great if it could be used in political affairs."

"Your Majesty is also worried about your lord. Having this heart is enough to prove that your lord is a benevolent person. He is still young. When your lord recovers, you can teach him."

Hearing this, Kun Yao felt unspeakable pain in his heart. If he could teach him, he would not have retired early. He knew that he would not live long, so he wanted to do something he liked casually and didn't want to die. I have regrets in the end, but now that I think about it, it's too late. If he knew that his younger brothers doted on him so much, even if he died in the palace, he would be willing.

"Have you eaten?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I've eaten."

"Well, take care of him and don't get sick."

"The old servant understands, the prince should sleep for a while."

Qiaoyan handed him the newly prepared medicine, "My lord, take the medicine."

He swallowed and said, "Did the little guy come this morning?"

"Wang Ye is talking about Dorji?"

"It's not him, who else, like a mouse, can drill anywhere!"

You are right, Dorje is not a mouse.

"I've been here, and after seeing the prince, I was persuaded by the old minister to go back."

"Do you think he is different?"

"The wizard's ability is somewhat, but it's far from superb."

"Hehe, let me tell you, the needle feather girl also saw that I was sick, and wanted to pick up the plane to please her, but coincidentally, I really didn't realize that this little guy is a wizard."

"He has talent, but he is still young."

The talent of a wizard is rare, but if you have it, you have to go through experience before you can gradually grow and become everyone's.

"My illness is giving them a chance." Leaning on the pillow, Kun Yao's heart was heavy.

Yanqiao knew what he was thinking, "If the prince can be cured, this opportunity is also good."

"You don't understand. Now both parties are targeting us. If we don't have a perfect plan, it may be a bitter fruit whether we help or not."

When he dies, the whole group will suffer, how can this make him rest in peace.

Qiaoyan sighed, "The prince is so sad, how can he take good care of his body?"

"I'm now worried that Ah Xin will go to the doctor in a hurry for me."

He guessed right, Kun Xin was determined to cure his illness, so he got in touch with Bai Yu's men.

The letter quickly reached Bai Yu's hands through delivery.

Compared with the illness written by Zhen Yu, the letter in Bai Yu's hand was written by Kun Xin, which clearly described Kun Yao's symptoms from the beginning of the onset, as many as eight pieces of parchment.

Bai Yu read all night and studied Kun Xin's illness meticulously.

Hei Yi, who came to deliver the message, was by his side. Seeing that the candle was dimmed, he immediately took a new one and lit it.

"My lord, can it be cured?"

"The medicine stone is useless." Bai Yu put down the leather paper and twisted the bridge of his nose.

"Isn't that..." If it can't be cured, then the plan won't work.

Bai Yu picked up the white jade teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. When the fragrance of the tea overflowed, his eyes sparkled.

"Whether it can be cured or not is just a word, if I say yes, then it can..."

(End of this chapter)

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