The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 466 Part 231 The Fox Is Best at Strategies

Chapter 466 Part 231 The Fox is Best at Strategies

Seeing Mu Yun like this, Heng Ai didn't dare to tell her about King Li's visit. If she knew that the dog demon king had something to ask, she would definitely agree to it. This was contrary to the original intention of the poisoner. For those who are still alive, this poison cannot be cured.

She decided to hide it, thinking that after a few days, King Li would retreat when he saw no one was paying attention to him. At this moment, she just wanted to persuade her.

"Your Highness..." She knelt on the ground and refused to get up, pleading again and again, "Your Highness, no matter how the world changes, he is still the Lord of my Dragon Palace, the only king, please forgive Heng Ai for not agreeing."

"Why do you stick to these rules? You have a very high reputation in the army. The elders and courtiers all look up to you. You are the most suitable king."

She knows Heng Ai's character better than anyone else. If she becomes the king, no one in the Dragon Palace will object, and they must still be united, so that she can die in peace.

"No, we haven't reached this point yet, Your Highness, Heng Ai will definitely find a way to save you!"

She was born as a general, and she has the integrity of a general to be loyal to the emperor. If she is asked to agree, she would rather die.

"You...cough cough cough cough..." Mu Yun was in a hurry because she couldn't explain it. She was already deeply poisoned, her body was weak, and she couldn't bear such agitation. On Hengai's robe.

Heng Ai was startled, and hurriedly shouted to the outside, "Quickly, go and ask Master Wizard to come over."

Hearing the sound, the maid hurried outside, and footsteps sounded chaotically.

After a while, the sorcerer came. There were no men in the Dragon Palace, so the sorcerer was naturally a woman. Her name was Haiyue, and she belonged to Kuilong. She was a small wandering dragon with wings, so she was no different from a seven or eight-year-old child in human form. If it weren't for the age of 1700 and some old looks, anyone would think she was just a child.

The color of Kuilong is turquoise, so the horns on her head are also of this color, but her hair is black, with the color of black pearls. When she was young, she was very beautiful. Even when she is old, she can also see it from her facial features. two.

Seeing that Mu Yun vomited blood, Haiyue turned pale with fright, quickly opened the medicine box, took out the pills that could suppress the toxicity, and gave Mu Yun to take it.

"Princess, the old minister just said, don't get excited."

" problem..." Mu Yun took a sip of water and calmed down the fluttering breath, "Aunt Haiyue, please help me talk to her and ask her not to be so stubborn..."

"Okay, I know, princess, don't worry, lie down and have a good rest."

Mu Yun had no strength left, so she lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Haiyue watched Mu Yun grow up, and seeing her so weak, her heart ached so much, she went outside and yelled at Heng Ai angrily, "She's fine when you don't come, but she gets sick when you come. , why not follow her order."

"Auntie, do you also want Hengai to be king?"

"It's not that you don't know her temper. She knows that her time is running out, and she wants to arrange the affairs of the clan as well as possible. If you don't want to, just keep it in your heart, but on the surface, you have to agree, so that you can let her go." She can recover from her illness with peace of mind, and now she is well, and it made her so excited that the medicine just now was in vain."

Heng Ai lowered her head, "It was Heng Ai's mistake, Heng Ai just..." She clenched her fists tightly, her heart twitching with pain.

"I discussed this matter with Chen Guang. If it really comes to that time, you are indeed the most suitable king."

Chen Guang is the prime minister of the Dragon Palace. After Princess Mu Yun was poisoned, she took over all the government affairs in the palace and was extremely busy.

"Auntie, why even you..."

Haiyue raised her eyebrows and shouted: "Hengai, this is a matter of life and death for my Dragon Palace. Since you are a military commander, it is natural for you to take the responsibility of protecting your family and family. When the time comes, this is the only way to keep my Dragon Palace safe. You don't need to I feel sorry for the princess."

"Aunt, in terms of seniority, it's you and the prime minister, what can I do?"

"This matter is only about appropriateness, not about seniority. You are still young, and the prime minister and I are in our twilight years. How much time do we have to live? Now that the princess is poisoned, I am powerless to do it. I can only temporarily suppress it with drugs." Toxicity, this method can't last long..." Haiyue's eyes were stained with grief, "It's Haiyue who is incompetent. She can't save the Lord of my Dragon Palace. I am ashamed of my ancestors. The moon must follow."

"Aunt..." Heng Ai exclaimed, this is going to be buried.

"You don't need to say more, I have made up my mind, you take it seriously."

When that day really comes, Dragon Palace can only rely on her.

King Li has arrived at Moss Village outside the Dragon Palace. This is the only post station leading to the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace is in the center of the East China Sea. There is a dam connecting the Moss Village. It stretches for hundreds of miles and leads directly to the center of the Dragon Palace. The dam is ten miles wide and can be walked. It is an important road, and it is also a market. When the wind is sunny, the scenery is unique, and it is a good place to watch the sea.

Although Dragon Palace has always been self-sufficient, some things that cannot be produced in the palace still need to be traded, and this embankment market was opened for this purpose.

It opens at the hour of Chen and closes at the hour of You, which has not changed since ancient times.After the unitary hour, there will be no one in the embankment market, and the passing business travelers will spend the night in Moss Village.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Wang had already collapsed in Moss Village, opened the window, and the sea breeze was blowing outside, driving away the heat of the day, because it was already dark, the beauty of the sea view could not be seen, only a piece of darkness, only The bright light is the torch held in the hands of the Dragon Palace patrol on the embankment.

Although the inn is not dilapidated, it has been around for a long time, both the furniture and the walls are a bit old, but it is still clean, but even so, Ning Yi couldn't bear it, and took out the prepared bedding early to replace it.

"Your Highness, you have worked hard all day, please rest earlier."

"Well, you and Bao'er also go to bed early." Li Wang closed the window and lay down on the bed.

Ning Yi lit incense for him, and through the smoky smoke, she said, "Your Highness, what do you plan to do in the future?"


"Wait?" How long will it take?

Ning Yi felt something was wrong, but she didn't have any plans.

"According to my estimation, that General Hengai probably won't show up!"


Li Wang turned sideways and supported his head with his hands, seemingly lazy, but his eyes were full of energy, "It's too quiet."

Ning Yi couldn't understand what he said, so she blinked.

He smiled and said: "Okay, don't ask so many questions tonight, go and rest, there are still many things to do tomorrow."


The next day, Ning Yi got up early to serve him, but when she entered the house, she found that he was not there, panicked, and hurried to find Ning Bao.

"Sister, I don't know where His Highness has gone so early in the morning?"

"You just slept outside, how could you not know."

Ning Bao let out a sigh, and frowned his thick eyebrows. Yesterday he ran back and forth, fell asleep, and still hasn't woken up. He really doesn't know what's going on in the room.

"Get up, don't be lazy, come and find His Highness with me!"

"Your Highness is more powerful than you and me. What are you worried about? Our Highness likes wind, flowers, snow and moon the most. Maybe we went out for a walk to see the scenery?" He reluctantly got up, put on his robe lazily, and As soon as his hand reached into his sleeve, he let out another breath.He rubbed his sore eyes, "What time is it now?"

"It's time!"

"How early!"

"It's still early, wake up, slob!"

"Okay, get up, why don't you rush, I haven't put on my clothes yet, why are you dragging me outside?" He was dragged by Ning Yi, staggered and almost fell.

At this time, the hall in the inn was very lively, mostly people who came out for breakfast, the voices were full of people, and the aroma of various breakfasts rushed to the face.

"Sister, buy me a meat bun."

"Eat, you know how to eat. Your Highness is gone, and you still have the mind to eat. Are you a guard?"

"I've said it all, His Highness will be fine, he's so smart, and he's a Kyuubi..."

"Hush!" Ning Yi glared angrily, covering his mouth with his hand, "There are dragons and snakes mixed here, so don't say much."

"Oh!" He scratched the back of his head and was dragged out of the station by Ning Yi. He passed by a stall selling steamed buns, quickly lost some change, took a steamed stuffed bun and stuffed it into his mouth. When he was still growing up, he couldn't bear it. Hungry.

After searching around, but did not find Li Wang, Ning Yi was in a hurry, could it be that His Highness went to the Dragon Palace alone?

No, no, His Highness is a cautious person, and will never do such a reckless thing.

Seeing that Ning Bao still looked like he was still awake, he got angry and stretched out two jade fingers to pinch his ears, "Are you awake?"

"Wake up, wake up!" he screamed in pain.

"Wake up, hurry up and find His Highness, if something happens to His Highness, even if we have nine lives, we won't be able to pay for it."

The two went to the market on the embankment, the time had passed, the market was open, and the merchants came to do business. The wide embankment was full of people, like a scenic spot on a holiday, overcrowded, and the two walked through it, struggling.

"Where do these people come from? How can there be so many?" Ning Yi was squeezed until her dress was wrinkled.

While squeezing, Ning Bao lost money to buy food, steamed buns, big pancakes, meat skewers, and two cups of fruit juice from unknown fruit, but it was delicious. When he was full, his energy came back. Seeing people So much, he just jumped up, jumped onto the roof, and looked around.

Ning Yi called from below: "Did you see it?"

"It's so easy to see, just wait."

Suddenly, a familiar figure jumped into his eyes, it was King Li.

He jumped down, "Sister, south, the teahouse in the south, I saw His Highness go in."

Upon hearing this, Ning Yi immediately left him behind and squeezed towards the south.

On the cliff near the dam in the south, there is indeed a teahouse called Shanghai Pavilion, which is simple in style and has the taste of a time-honored brand.

"Hall..." Ning Yi squeezed out of the crowd and jumped in. She wanted to call out the title of His Highness, but thought that this place is not her own place, so it is not good to casually reveal her identity, so she changed her name, "Young Master..."

Li Wang just picked a seat by the sea and sat down, seeing her disheveled hair and wrinkled clothes, he was surprised, "Yi'er, what's wrong with you, you met a bandit?"

Ning Yi rushed over, saw a teapot on the table, and was just thirsty, so she took it up and drank it, regardless of her ladylike demeanor in the past, the teahouse waiter's eyes widened in surprise with such pride like a cow's drink.

Such a beautiful girl, how can she drink tea so vulgarly.

After drinking, Ning Yi put down the teapot heavily, and glared angrily, "Why didn't the young master greet Yi'er when he came out."

"Ben... No, young master Ben got up at [-]:[-] and knocked on your door. You were sound asleep and didn't hear it. Thinking about how tired you are these days, I decided not to disturb you and went out for a walk by myself."

"That should leave a note, too."

"I just came out for a stroll, and I left a note. After drinking the tea, Master Ben will go back. Who knows that you will be looking for it in a hurry." He turned back and shouted at the clerk, "Boy, table number two, more tea."

"Come on." The clerk held the long-spouted pot one meter away, lifted the lid of the teapot, and then poured water into the teapot with precision, all in one go, without leaking a single drop.

Ning Yi was still angry, picked up the teapot and wanted to drink again, Li Wang stopped him with a fan, "You are not afraid of drinking too much, don't be angry, sit down, the snacks here are good, I asked you to try some of them."

"The young master's reckless actions will only make Yi'er worry, why? Why don't you let Yi'er vent her anger?"

"Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, Yi'er don't be angry, sit down and have some snacks." He called to the waiter again, "Man, if you have any delicious snacks, bring them up."

"All right, sir."

The guy was fast enough, and within a short while, four or five refreshments were served, all of which were exquisite.

After serving, Ning Bao also squeezed over from the crowd. When he saw that there was a snack, he was so happy that he grabbed it without wiping his hands.

Ning Yi snorted and slapped it with her hand.

"Oh, sister, why are you beating me, Dian..."

"Huh?" Ning Yi stared.

Ning Bao quickly changed his words, "Didn't the young master find it?"

Li Wang moved a plate of snacks in front of him, "Eat it, your sister has a knife mouth tofu heart, I don't want you to be hungry."

"Master Xie!" Ning Bao rubbed his hands, grabbed the plate and grabbed some snacks to eat.

Ning Yi shouted, "Eat slowly, don't choke, if you sprinkle it, it will be powder."

"Oh, I got it, sister, you are really long-winded. I'll go to the next table to eat."

The price of this teahouse is very high, even if there are many people in the market, few people come, and the table next door is still empty.

Ning Yi calmed down his temper, straightened his clothes, and asked, "Young master always has a plan in his work, so he definitely didn't come out to hang out, but what did he find out?"

Li Wang poured tea for her with a smile, and even peeled an orange for her, "It's still the same sentence, it's too quiet!"

Ning Yi frowned, "Master, Yi'er is not as smart as you, please explain clearly."

"What this young master means is that the vendors, sellers, and shopkeepers in this market are all too quiet. Oh, no, to put it another way, calm is more appropriate."

She didn't understand even more, "I don't understand what the young master means."

"Yesterday, my young master told you that there must be something wrong with Princess Muyun."

"Yes, the young master said so."

"Princess Muyun is the lord of the Dragon Palace. Although she has not succeeded to the throne, her status is equal to that of the Dragon King. Don't you find it strange that this Dragon Palace clansman can still do business with a normal attitude and attract customers when she has something to do?"

Ning Yi immediately understood, "His Royal Highness means... unless something happens to the princess, but if something happens, it must be serious, and if it is serious, you must hide it from your clansmen."

"That's right, if it's just a small matter, let the clansmen know about it. It won't cause any serious harm. If you say a few words of comfort, the clansmen will continue to live their daily routines, but if something serious happens to the royal family, especially if it's serious enough to shake the entire clan, it will be deliberate. Conceal, this calm is the clue."

He went out for a stroll, went shopping all the way, and watched the words and expressions all the way. He was sure that something happened to Princess Muyun, but along the way, the market was still very lively, and no one in the Dragon Palace showed any signs of distress. The matter of concealing it is so airtight, and it must have hurt the clan's roots if it can be concealed so much.

"Master, what shall we do then?"

"Don't worry, send a letter back to the Demon Dog Clan first, and let the Demon Dog King know what happened here. As for you and me... we must find a way to meet Princess Muyun."

Only after meeting her did he know what happened.

"Didn't you say that General Hengai wouldn't pay attention to us? Are you going to force your way?"

"It's too risky. Even if my young master is a nine-tailed fox, I wouldn't dare to trespass at will. Those six dragons are not easy to mess with." He took a sip of tea, and said without any anxiety on his face, " Let's try it out!"

"How to test?"

"Fire Magic Fruit!"

"Hey, do you want to give it away again?" Ning Yi felt that it would be too wasteful for the treasures of her own family group to give away, but somehow why did she want to give away the fire magic fruit? Could it be... She was shocked and looked at King Li, "Master , do you suspect that Bai Yu has attacked Princess Mu Yun?"

"It's not far from it. You know, other people can't freely enter and leave the Dragon Palace. The six dragons and the moss mountain are all barriers, but there is one thing in this world that can come and go freely."

Ning Yi already has the answer.

East Emperor Bell!
The ability of Donghuang Bell is to travel through space.

"But Bai Ze said that although the Donghuang Bell can freely enter and exit the space, the space must be the place it has been to, and the place it has not been to cannot be opened."

Like the last time Yu Mo was ambushed, it was Hei Yi and the others who brought the Eastern Emperor Bell into the Dog Realm to open the Dog Realm to the Night Falcon Clan.

"Dragon Palace is the longest-surviving ethnic group in the mountain and sea world. Can you say that the owner of the Eastern Emperor Bell has never been here..."


"In my opinion, this is the only possibility. The biggest prerequisite for the person who can hurt Princess Muyun is the person who can enter the Dragon Palace like no one's land."

Sure enough, the fox is the best at strategizing, all hit!

Bai Yu is the mastermind behind the poisoning and hurting Princess Mu Yun.

 Small theater after the year:

  Mo Mo: Oh, there are so many patients, they are a pair.

  Brother Ergou: Well, genius doctor, it’s up to you.

  Mo Mo: No problem, but... I have a big belly.

  Brother Ergou: I should be able to give birth before the Lantern Festival.

  Silently: How many?
  Brother Ergou: Look at my mood!


(End of this chapter)

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