The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 467 Part 232 Glass King's Ingenious Plan

Chapter 467 Part 232 Glass King's Ingenious Plan

On the corridor leading to Princess Muyun's dormitory, a woman who looked like a guard stopped Heng Ai who was about to visit.

"General!" She took a big step forward and knelt down in front of Heng Ai.

"Qing Yun, why are you so urgent?"

Qing Yun is Heng Ai's lieutenant general, he can be regarded as a confidant.

"The general asked me to closely monitor Li Wang and his party. Today, Na Li Wang was wandering in the market. After going to a teahouse, for some reason, he sent one of his guards to the palace gate to see the general!"

"I really don't give up." Heng Ai gritted his teeth. She had already sent them away before, and she asked them to wait. She thought that she would always go back after waiting for a long time. I didn't expect King Li to be so impatient, and came to the door the next day, "You Get up first, and tell me carefully what the guard said, but he wants to see the princess."

"I want to see the princess, but my words are not very urgent. Instead, I want to hand this letter to the general."

"Bring it!"

Heng Ai took the letter and started to read it. After reading it, his eyebrows were drawn into a line.

The letter did not strongly mention the matter of meeting Princess Muyun, but said some unintelligible homely words, and mentioned that there was no gift prepared for the sudden visit, and wanted to present the most precious fire magic fruit of the fox demon clan as a meeting gift , I want to ask her if she is willing to accept.

How can Heng Ai not know what the fire magic fruit is? It is a panacea used by the royal family of the fox demon clan.

Joy filled her heart immediately, maybe the fire magic fruit could save the princess, she put away the letter, and rushed to the bedroom, she needed to find Haiyue, and asked if the fire magic fruit was strong enough to resist Princess Muyun The poison in it.

Haiyue was making medicine for Princess Muyun outside the bedroom. She hadn't closed her eyes for three days and three nights. She was getting old, so it hurt her body very much. They have tried to persuade her, but she is unwilling, thinking that the time and ingredients of boiling the medicine cannot be checked at all, and only by doing it herself can she feel at ease.

"Aunt..." Heng Ai ran over and handed the letter to her, "Take a look, can this medicine save the princess?"

"Medicine? Where did you get the medicine?"

"You'll know it when you read the letter."

Haiyue stood up supported by the little wizard, took the letter and read it carefully, seeing the words "Fire Magic Fruit", the light in her eyes magnified, illuminating her entire face, "Where is this Fire Magic Fruit now?"

"I haven't got it yet. What Li Wang means is that the fire magic fruit is a treasure. If he can't deliver it by himself, he won't worry about it. So he made an appointment with me and plans to give it to me in person. Does Auntie think it's useful?"

"Although the fire magic fruit is not a detoxification pill, it may not be able to detoxify, but it can suppress the toxicity better than the prescription I prescribed, and can improve the princess's resistance."

"That's effective? I'll go now!"

"Wait!" Haiyue called out to her.

"Auntie, what else?"

"Is this going to be a scam?"

She is also aware of King Li's arrival, but the man's request is contrary to King Li's purpose. For Princess Muyun, she agrees with Heng Ai's approach. The stamens on the rare Flame Beast's brain are very precious, and even the Fox Monster Clan can never store more than 20. There were foreigners who paid a lot of money to sell the Fire Demon Fruit, but they returned with regret in the end. It may be given to people from other races, but this Li Wang used it as a meeting gift, which is really weird.

"Whether there is fraud or not, I will know when I go. Don't worry, aunt. If he is harmful to others, I will be able to see it. Even if he gave it to me, I will show it to my aunt for inspection. I will definitely not let the princess take it lightly." .”

"That's right, then you go."


After she left, Haiyue leaned back exhausted, which made all the young wizards exclaim, but she forced herself to kneel down on the ground, expressing her gratitude to God.

"The heavens have pity on you, save my princess!"

Three days later, King Li's message traveled thousands of miles to reach Mei Luo.

After seeing it, Mei Luo thinks Li Wang's judgment is correct, and Princess Muyun must have been plotted by Bai Yu. From this, it can be seen that Bai Yu's purpose is the same as theirs, all for Fuxiqin and Dragon Palace's help.

Fuxiqin can control people's hearts, once he succeeds, Bai Yu will probably become the most powerful illusionist, even Linglong will be difficult to be hostile.

This matter must be resolved immediately, so he decided to go to Dragon Palace himself.

"Mei Luo, come here, the child is moving!"

Sitting in the special soft chair, Yumo felt the fetal movement, screamed excitedly, clutched her belly, her face was full of strong maternal love.

Mei Luo hid the letter in a book at hand, and walked over pretending nothing happened, "Didn't you also move it yesterday?"

"It's different, it's much more moving than yesterday, look, look..." She lifted up her clothes, revealing her bulging belly.

Mei Luo looked at her belly, which frightened him. There was a handprint on her huge belly, and she was pushing it out fiercely. The skin on the belly was pulled apart due to pregnancy, and it looked very thin. The small handprint looked It was very clear, as if it was about to be poked out.

"Silence!" He yelled in fright, and covered the handprint with both hands, not allowing it to exert any more force, his face changed, and his face was terrified.

Yu Mo laughed, "What kind of expression is that, it can't come out."

As soon as the words were finished, the little hand in the belly did not move, but a foot poked out again, clearly visible, as if the foot was just covered with a layer of tulle.

Mei Luo's heart beat faster, her face turned pale with shock, "Little bastard, don't you dare to try harder!"

He was really frightened and yelled extremely loudly.

Yu Mo only felt a tinnitus, and the little feet on the belly seemed to feel his anger, and shrank back, no longer appearing.

"You frightened the child," she complained.

"Who made it so naughty, what if your stomach bursts?"

"How is it possible, do you think the skin on my stomach is paper?"

"I don't care!" He stared at her belly viciously, as if she was carrying a demon.

"Don't be surprised. Be careful that the baby won't kiss you when it comes out." It's still so disgusting in the stomach, but it's okay when it comes out, "The baby in the stomach also has feelings."

"It has to feel. How can it bully you like this and make you feel uncomfortable all day long?"

"I'm pregnant, it's like this!" Which pregnant woman is not uncomfortable, she is just worse, "Stop staring at my belly, sit down!"

He sat down, but he still stared at her belly seriously.

She put down the clothes to cover his sight, "It's hard to have a chance for you to communicate with the child, why are you so vicious?"

He snorted, and poured himself a cup of tea, "Don't worry, I'll have time to communicate with it when it comes out." It must have been a fierce exchange, and he seemed worried, so he stroked her big belly, Beware of the little bastard in your belly making a fuss again.

Yu Mo snatched the cup from his hand to drink tea, but he snatched it back in a hurry, "The tea is cold, don't drink it."

"Not hot, but cold."

"You'll have a stomach ache after drinking it, wait, I'll warm it up for you."

"Just take a sip!"

"Not a single bite." His face was fierce again.

"Stingy!" She turned her head away and twitched her calf, "Oh..."

"What's wrong?" Mei Luo threw the cup and rushed towards her.


"Don't move, I'll rub it for you!"

Calf cramps are also a common problem for pregnant women. They are calcium deficient, but they are so severe that a vein on her calf is bulging, and even her toes are weirdly curved.

Mei Luo took off her shoes, and massaged from the instep to the calf, with moderate intensity, "How is it? Are you feeling better?"

"It hurts!" she yelled in pain.

Mei Luo picked her up, put her on the bed, and stretched her tendons a little, "I told you to lie down, but you insisted on sitting, it's better now, I know it's hard."

"You still say these things at this time, use a little force here, yes, here."

"Just be skinny..."

After a long massage, the symptoms of cramping subsided.

She took a breath, "Alright, alright, alright, I'm thirsty, I want some tea!"

Mei Luo put on the socks for her, and poured hot tea over, "Drink slowly, be careful not to burn it."

"Why is it so hot?" She clinked the glass and knew that she would not be able to drink it in a short time.

"If you don't blow it, you'll be cold."

"Blow!" She put the cup to his mouth.

He really doted on her, holding the cup and blowing vigorously, without being annoying at all.

Yu Mo looked at him with a smile, what is a good husband, this is it.

She enlarged her smile and burrowed into his arms.

"Don't make trouble, be careful that the water in the glass spills on you."

"No, you're here." He didn't want to hurt her at all, he raised his head and said, "What were you looking at just now?"

What she asked was that when she asked him to watch the fetal movement just now, he seemed to be watching with something in his hand.

Mei Luo remained calm, blew cold tea and handed it to her, "It's warm, drink it quickly, before it gets cold again later."

"You haven't said yet." She didn't go to get the teacup, but took a sip along his hand.

"Farming, silkworms, and other trivial matters, which one do you want to know?" Since her belly was ridiculously big, he moved all the government affairs to the palace. As a king, there are naturally many things, but he can always watch With her, no matter how busy he is, he is willing.

"Isn't Elder Hongsong helping you?"

"She's getting older, she's not like when she was young, she was vigorous and resolute, and now she always does things a little timidly, unlike Cang..." He paused, his eyes overflowed with thoughts, but it passed by in a blink of an eye, "Anyway, these things are the same every day. , It's not difficult to deal with, but why did you suddenly ask? Could it be that your conscience has discovered that you finally know how hard it is to be a husband, and you want to help me?" He lifted her chin and pecked, "My queen?"

"I want to help you, but I really don't understand these things. You mentioned silkworms just now. Maybe I can help with this!" Those who had passed the silkworm asked, "Is there something wrong with the silkworm?"

"No, not enough mulberry leaves."

"Ah, this? Then there's nothing I can do about it." Plant issues were not her forte.

"You don't need your help either. Mulberry leaves can be planted. If you don't have enough now, you can buy them." He helped her to lie down and put her on his arm. "It's time for a nap."

"Sleep with me..." She actually doesn't have the habit of taking a nap, but if she has time for a nap, he will sleep with her in all likelihood, which will give him time to rest, "Mei Luo, I forgot I asked, is there any news about Bu Jie?"

"He has only been there for a few days, how can it be so fast, don't worry, I will tell you if there is news." He is not worried about the roe deer monster clan, but more worried about the problem of Dragon Palace, he wants to go there himself, But she can't let go of Yu Mo, she can only make him feel at ease when she is under her nose.

Let's take it easy and see what King Li can find out!
At the post station in Moss Village, Hengai came overnight to meet King Li.

"You neglected His Highness, it was Heng Ai's omission, and I hope His Highness will forgive you."

"It's okay, each clan has its own rules, and the general also acts according to the rules, how can I blame this king." He pointed to the dining table full of food, "General, please."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Heng Ai directly entered the topic, "His Highness said in his letter that he wanted to give the fire magic fruit..."

"Hehe, yes, I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't prepare a big gift, which made the general laugh." Li Wang cupped his hands and called, "Yi'er, go get the fire magic fruit."

Ning Yi nodded, and took out a brocade box from the cabinet.

Heng Ai didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and felt a little excited, "How can Heng Ai accept such a big gift?"

"What the general said is wrong. It's not for you, it's for the princess."

"Oh, yes, yes, His Highness laughed."

Ning Yi handed over the brocade box, "General, please."

"Thank you girl."

Heng Ai took the brocade box politely, and was about to open it to see if it was the fire magic fruit, but Li Wang interrupted her, raised his glass and toasted, "Come on, general, I would like to offer you a toast."

"Don't dare to do it, it should be His Highness Heng Aijing." She raised her glass to return the salute.

After finishing the matter, she wanted to open the box again, but Li Wang always made excuses to talk, making it impossible for her to read carefully, and what he said was not important, which made Heng Ai a little annoyed, but the brocade box was in her hands, and she returned to the palace. She can always see it, and she is not in a hurry.

It's just that this box is a bit big, as long as a sword.

After drinking for three rounds, Heng Ai left.

Li Wang opened the window and watched her go away, Ning Yi said from behind, "His Royal Highness, when she opens it and finds that it is not a fire magic fruit, will she come back?"

"No, our goal has been achieved."

Coming so eagerly, he wanted to open the box several times to check to confirm his previous inference that Princess Mu Yun had been murdered.

After returning to the Dragon Palace, Hengai came to Haiyue with the box in his hands.

"Auntie, take a look, is this a fire magic fruit?"

"He actually gave it, but did he say anything?"

"It's all nonsense. I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd. Let's not talk about it. If it is really a fire magic fruit, the most important thing is to let the princess take it first."

"Let me see!"

Haiyue opened the box carefully, and as soon as she opened it, a gust of cold air rushed out.

Heng Ai quickly pulled her aside, "Auntie, be careful."

The lid of the box was completely opened, but it was pushed away from the inside, and the cold air became misty, making it difficult for them to see the situation clearly.

"Ah!" The medicine boy on the side exclaimed, "General, there is something, something flew to the princess."

"What!" Heng Ai was startled, and hurriedly chased after him, "Damn Li Wang, how dare you cheat!"

She flew into the bedroom, searched in the cold mist, suddenly noticed something on the left, and slashed at it with a sword.

With a clang, the thing blocked her sword.

"who is it?"

The other party didn't speak, but picked back her sword, and then went deep into the bedroom.

Heng Ai shouted, "Who is here? Don't blame me for being rude if you don't report your name."

She was born as a military general and experienced hundreds of battles. She leaped to guard the carved door that entered Princess Mu Yun's bedroom, and found that the cold air was becoming more and more threatening, making her hands and feet feel a little cold.

What a powerful monster power it was, she couldn't bear the cold air. She held her breath and released her monster power, causing the horns on her head to shine, and she swung her sword again to attack.

With a bang, the sound of metal colliding was violent, sparking sparks.

Haiyue caught a glimpse of a white light hidden in the cold air, and felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Heng Ai fought back and forth with the sharp weapon hidden in the cold, and it was a bit difficult for her to deal with it. She fought desperately and rushed over, vowing to catch the sudden attack, but there was no one in sight. There is only one white sword.

The sword slashed at the head, and it was unsheathed in an instant, freezing the entire palace, turning it into a palace of ice and snow.

"Ah Heng..." Princess Mu Yun was soundly asleep and was alarmed. No one came, so she got out of bed, staggered to the door, and opened the door.

The cold came and choked her, coughing repeatedly, "This is... what's going on?"

With a whoosh, the Flawless Snow White Sword fell into her hand.

"Princess, stay safe, but remember me..."

Mu Yun was startled, "Xue...Xue Wu?"

(End of this chapter)

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