The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 468 Part 233 Yu Mo's Persistence

Chapter 468 Part 233 Yu Mo's Persistence

"It seems that the princess hasn't forgotten Xue Wu, so why don't she see people and send her away at will? Could it be that she has forgotten Qi Luo long ago!"

Xue Wu took the lead, her tone seemed aggressive.

I didn't know it, but it was angered by King Li.

It only listens to Qiluo, even if Yumo treats her well, it will ignore her, if it is not for the survival of the dog monster clan, it will not come at all, and it will always ignore it in the box after it comes People, but King Li wanted to meet Princess Muyun, so he thought of it after thinking about it.

Why did it help, besides, the person who asked for it was a man, and it would never give in, but King Li used a trick to tell it that Princess Muyun knew that he was wearing it, but she didn't see anyone. It's because he has forgotten the relationship he once had with Queen Qiluo.

The sentence that people leave the tea cold and people die like the lights go out made it very unhappy.

Even if Qi Luo died, it would not allow anyone to forget her.

This provocative method was so good, it was immediately fooled, and obediently acted as an envoy for King Li.

When Princess Muyun saw it, nostalgia welled up in her heart immediately, and she hurriedly said, "How could I forget Qiluo, what are you talking about, I, Muyun, am a cold person, when did you Come on, how could I not know?"

"You are the Lord of the Dragon Palace, why don't you know I'm coming, don't you want to... hey?" Xue Wu got angry before, and the light was dim, so she couldn't see Mu Yun's face clearly, but now she saw clearly, she was really surprised, "Mu Yun, why are you in this state?"

She who was once as beautiful as a flower is now like a withered flower.

"I..." She didn't bring it up in one breath, and leaned back.

"Princess!" Heng Ai and Haiyue hurried over to support her.

"Ah Heng, is it you, is it because you don't let Xue Wu come to see me?" She thought about it and only this possibility, since Xue Wu came, then... "Where is the dog demon king, where is Mei Luo?"

Xue Wu is Qi Luo's saber, she is regarded as the master, and it will never change hands. When it comes back, it must be brought by Mei Luo. Although he is a man, he can't touch it, but he can put Xue Wu in the box. It is equal to Qiluo's token, seeing a sword is like seeing a person.

"Your Highness, don't be angry, just lie back on the bed." Haiyue felt her pulse and found that her breath was extremely weak.

Heng Ai carried her to the bed, and once she was lying down, she glared and said, "Kneel down!"

Heng Ai Yiyan knelt down without any resistance.

"Ah Heng, how could you shut out my best friend's son? Do you want the world to think that I, Mu Yun, is a cold person?"

"Your Highness, Heng Ai never had such an idea, it's just that His Highness's poison is already deep, if he really helped the Dog Demon King, then His Highness's life..."

"Death is death. There is nothing terrible. I would rather die like this. I will have face when I see Qi Luo. If I live on, I will see her in the ground one day. What face will I have to call her sister again? You want me to betray my promise, Be a kid?"

"No, Your Highness, Heng Ai just doesn't want His Highness to suffer any more." She touched the ground with her forehead, expressing the loyalty of a courtier.

Haiyue persuaded, "Your Highness, don't get angry anymore, the old minister knows what happened to Ai, so blame the old minister if you want to blame."

"Auntie, are you confused too?"

"Your Highness, it's really..." Haiyue also knelt on the ground, "Your Highness is the only king of the Dragon Palace, how can you ruin your own life because of others, and fulfill your Highness's friendship with your best friend, but my entire Dragon Palace clan, Your Highness Do you want to ignore it?"

This is a difficult multiple-choice question. Among the two choices, as a king, you should choose the latter.

Mu Yun shed tears, she didn't know this truth, but with such a heart, she definitely couldn't do that kind of treachery.

Xue Wu watched the three of them weeping and crying, she was already annoyed, and shouted: "Okay, why are you crying, aren't you still dead?"

Heng Ai got angry when he heard this, "You are not from the Dragon Palace, so you are not qualified to talk about this matter." It is just a sword, and it doesn't know the world at all.

"Too lazy to tell you..." Xue Wu flew to Mu Yun's side, and took a closer look, "Looking at you like this, you must be poisoned!"


"Is that Bai Yu?" Although it hides in the box and sees no one, it remembers what Li Wang said in its heart.

Mu Yun was surprised, "How do you know?"

"It can poison you, and it's very poisonous. It can only be him. Did he use the ability of the Eastern Emperor Bell to sneak attack you?"

"You know that too?" Mu Yun smiled, "Xue Wu, when did you become so nosy? In the past, no matter who talked to you, you wouldn't pay attention to it. Back then, Ah Heng treated you very well. Interested, you have been facing you for seven days and seven nights, and you have never paid attention to her, and as for me, if it wasn't for Qi Luo, you wouldn't have paid any attention to her either."

"Why do you still remember those past events, now that Qi Luo is gone..."

Mu Yun's heart throbbed, "Yeah, she's gone, and I... I'm afraid it's almost too soon!"

"Your Highness!" The last thing Heng Ai wanted to hear was this sentence.

Xue Wu suddenly said, "That's not necessarily the case! I can't guarantee anything else, but someone who is poisonous will definitely save you."

Heng Ai looked at it with tears in his eyes, and rushed over in an instant, grabbing its sword hilt, "Xue Wu, is what you said true?"

"Nature is true, let go, don't touch me with your dirty hands."

Dragon Palace is full of women, so touching her will not cause its spiritual power to rebound.

"Tell me who it is, tell me quickly." She wished she could pick him up right away.

"In the palace of the dog monster clan."

"Why didn't you bring this person?"

"What you said, I didn't know that Mu Yun was poisoned. If you didn't let the fox boy see Mu Yun, why did you wait until now to find out." Xue Wu was still angry about this matter. Apart from its original owner, Never been treated so harshly.

When Mu Yun heard that someone could save her, she felt hopeful, but she couldn't be sure whether what Xue Wu said was true.

The person who poisoned it said that no one can unravel this poison except him.

"Xue Wu, who are you talking about?"

"A fool!" Xue Wu's tone was full of disgust.

Mu Yun, Heng Ai, and Hai Yue looked at each other in blank dismay, how could a fool detoxify?
A sneeze!

A sneeze!

A sneeze!

Yu Mo sneezed three times in a row, arched her nose, and sneezed inexplicably, someone must have scolded her again

That's what she thought, but Zi Jie and Mu Xiang didn't know it, and rushed over anxiously, "Miss, is she catching a cold? Do you want to add some clothes?"

"It's nothing, it's just an itchy nose, don't be surprised, you will cause trouble if you don't have anything, help me to sit on the desk, I haven't finished researching the medicine residue last time."

"Miss, it's better to lie down and rest." Mu Xiang persuaded.

"No, I can't waste time while Mei Luo isn't here, and I won't be able to do it when he comes back. It's okay, help me over there."

Mu Xiang helped her to sit down, she opened the jar, took out the medicine dregs, and compared the information recorded before, and the third time that Zhenyu sent her about Kun Yao's illness, this case was almost exclusively for her , smaller than the one on Meiluo, but the sun is not good today, things are a bit dark in her position, and there are too many things, and some can’t fit them, so she recruited Zikai to move all the things to Meiluo The case sheet dealing with government affairs will go up.

After sitting firmly, Xu Shi was too concentrated, and touched the stacked books in his hand, causing them to fall to the ground.

She subconsciously bent down to pick it up, but her stomach was too big to bend at all, her foot accidentally swept over, one of the books was opened, and a piece of note fell out.

"what is this?"

She picked up the note, which was exactly the one sent back by King Li.

"Princess Mu Yun may have been poisoned by Bai Yu..." She was startled and read the note several times.

Mei Luo had told her about the Dragon Palace, so she knew who Princess Muyun was, and she also knew that she was the owner of Fuxiqin. Knowing what Fuxiqin is capable of, the method of manipulating people's hearts is used in the righteous way, with unlimited potential, and it is even more lethal when used in bad things. She did not expect Bai Yu to attack so quickly, and she is already snatching Fuxiqin. If he got it, he would have three artifacts.

Xuanyuan Sword has a powerful attack power, Donghuang Bell has the ability to travel through space, plus this Fuxiqin has the ability to control people's hearts... Compared with the artifacts she possesses, except that the Demon Refining Pot has infinite illusions and storage functions, Shennong Ding She and Nvwashi have no attack power, and they are also logistics when they go to the battlefield. Although she has three fierce beasts and one spirit beast, if Bai Yu gets the Fuxiqin, she will fight over. She has such a big belly. Without Taotie's opening spirit, Zhulong and Bixi said they could fight, but they were much weaker than Taotie. No matter how you think about it, her Meiluo suffered a bit.

No, this matter must be resolved immediately.

"Zijiao, Muxiang!" She propped herself up and shouted.

"Miss, what are you doing, sit down quickly."

"Why are you still sitting at this time, hurry up and find Meiluo, hurry up, I want to see him right away, and tell him to get back quickly."


In this family, she is probably the only one who dares to use this word.

Mu Xiang rushed to the meeting hall in a hurry, Mei Luo saw that she was so anxious, and rushed back to the bedroom before she finished speaking, looking more anxious than her.

"Mo Mo, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere, are you about to give birth!?"

"No, but I feel uncomfortable!"

Seeing her ruddy face still eating melon seeds, Mei Luo's heart dropped to the ground, "I feel uncomfortable, who messed with you, is it because Le Xian is messing with you again."

"It's you!" Yu Mo threw all the melon seed husks in his hand onto him.

"Me?" What happened to him?Not impressed at all.

"Why did you hide it from me!" She also threw the note to him.

Mei Luo's complexion changed, she rubbed the note to pieces, and went to discuss the matter with Hong Song and the others, forgetting to take the note away.

"It's clearly agreed, you can't hide from me about Bai Yu, you lie, you have no integrity." She stood up and stomped her feet fiercely.

When stomping her feet, her stomach trembled and she fell straight down, so frightened that Mei Luo said in horror, "Momo, don't move!"

"Just move, you have no integrity, you lied to me!" She stomped hard again.

Mei Luo flew over, circled her, and held her stomach, "Be careful of the child falling."

"Let it fall!" The most urgent thing for her now is to give birth to the child as soon as possible, so as not to be tied up in everything.

"Don't say such unlucky words." He picked her up and put her on the bed, then turned over to stop her fuss, "Don't be angry, it's my fault, I shouldn't hide it from you, but this is just a guess ,Not necessarily."

"It will be too late when it is confirmed. If Bai Yu gets Fuxiqin, we will definitely not be able to beat him."

"You underestimate me!"

Yu Mo patted his face with his paw, either very hard, or told him to shut up and listen to her.

"Be careful sailing for thousands of years. There is a saying in ancient times. I am so anxious that you are still talking about these things. I have thought about it. Let's go to the Dragon Palace right away."

"You're crazy!" How could she travel long distances at this time, with such a big belly, she didn't have the physical strength at all.

"You're crazy, no, you're stupid, aren't you giving Bai Yu a chance to get Fuxiqin?"

"Princess Muyun and my queen mother have a very deep relationship, and they will never betray their trust and trap me in injustice."

"I'm not as sure as you. I just know that now is the time for me to go out, and I have to go."

"What's the use of you going?" He just thought she was doing something foolish.

"What Bai Yu is best at is poison. In all likelihood, Princess Muyun has been poisoned. Threatening people with poison is the easiest way. Although I don't know anything about poison, Shennong Ding can definitely deal with it."

Mei Luo actually agrees with her words, but it is absolutely impossible for her to take risks.

"Since that's the case, you ask Shennongding to pop some pills out, and I'll send someone to deliver them."

"You are confused. Poison also needs to be prescribed the right medicine. How can you eat it casually? The best way is for me to follow and judge together with Shennong Ding."

If it wasn't for Shennong Ding not being able to leave her, once she left, others would touch her like a stone, so she didn't have to bother so much.

Artifact trouble is here.

There was absolutely no way for Mei Luo to be persuaded by her, and the two immediately argued on the bed for the whole afternoon. At the end of the argument, Yu Mo's mouth was so dry that she couldn't communicate with him at all, so dry that she used force and kicked him.

Mei Luolei couldn't move, she was worried that something would happen if she was so excited, and at the same time, she wanted to prevent her from hurting herself if she kicked over.

At night, Yumo's stubbornness broke out again, and he argued with him for another three hundred rounds, and he refused to sleep.

At dawn, Mei Luo compromised, it was all because of distress, because she didn't agree, she didn't go to bed, how could this be possible.

As soon as he agreed, Yumo kissed him happily, and climbed out of bed to write a letter, which was addressed to Maoqiu. When it comes to poison, its blood is omnipotent, but it is not sure whether the poison under Baiyu is It will be like the elixir given to Ziyi, and it can't be solved.

In short, if you have one more thing, you will have more security, so it’s right to bring it with you.

The night falcon clan, the clan prime minister's mansion.

Today's Bai Yu is already a clan prime minister, so he naturally lives in the clan prime minister's mansion, but this clan prime minister's mansion is not the blackbird's mansion, it was built separately.

Hei Yi walked into the study with a bamboo tube.

"My lord, have the spies sent back any news?"

"But that woman is leaving for Dragon Palace?"

"Yes, my lord is really good at predicting things, she will really go?"

Bai Yu put down the paintbrush in his hand, and blew on the wet ink, "Don't be too happy, the plan is only half completed, contact her and ask her to get ready, once the woman arrives in the Dragon Palace, she will do it immediately."

"My subordinate understands!"

"By the way, what happened to He'er?" Ever since Yan Qin told Yao Jia that he had an affair with He Ji, even though Yao Jia couldn't believe it, he had to guard against it. It had been several days since he visited she is gone.

Black Wing paused, not knowing whether to tell the truth.

"What's wrong? Didn't Qingyi say anything?"

"No, yes, Miss He Ji is very good, but she doesn't eat much." The news from Qing Yi is not limited to these, but He Ji doesn't want him to be distracted by her own affairs, and they are not allowed to tell the truth.

Because of this, Hei Yi also has selfishness. It is too difficult to go all the way in the bloody storm, and he must not show the slightest flaw at this moment.

"According to the time, she should be giving birth soon, you tell Qingyi to watch closely, so that nothing happens to her." He will also try his best to stay with her as much as possible.

"My subordinate understands!"

On the other side, Bu Jie has also arrived at the roe demon tribe, and met with Zhenyu Shu. His identity is the prince and great wizard of the dog demon king. It is not appropriate to disclose it openly, so he decided to hide it. Anyway, if Qiaoyan is smart If so, you should know who he is?

As planned, he went to the Prince Regent's Mansion, saw Kun Yao's illness, and concluded that Kun Yao was terminally ill. According to his ability, he could not be cured at all, but he could write his illness to Yu Mo in more detail.

Unexpectedly, Kun Xin got a prescription from somewhere, and after taking it for Kun Yao, he was in good spirits, as if he had recovered, which surprised Bu Jie.

Because it is absolutely impossible!

He tried every means to get the medicine dregs secretly, and wanted to determine the ingredients of the medicine, but he couldn't succeed every time, and he was so anxious that he was worried that the medicine would be prescribed by Bai Yu as Shudu said.

If this is the case, this Kun Yao must have understood the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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