The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 469 Part 234 The Capability of Shu Capital

Chapter 469 Part 234 The Capability of Shu Capital

In the guest room of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Bu Jie wandered back and forth, with both hands not idle, pinching the jade pendant hanging from his waist, with an anxious expression on his face.

"This is the end of the game, let Bai Yu do it first, there must be something wrong with the medicine!"

"How can the prince be sure that there must be something wrong with the medicine?"

Kun Yao's body was able to get out of bed and walk after taking three doses of medicine. This morning, he punched once in the garden.

"Miss Needle Feather, you don't believe in my witchcraft?"

Witchcraft is medicine. He is also a great wizard no matter what, and he is as famous as Bai Yu. He is sure that he will not make a mistake in his judgment. It doesn't mean that he will show off his abilities and refuse to admit that he is not as good as her. On the contrary, he humbly asks for advice every day. After such a period of time, his skill has also greatly improved, and he will never be inferior to Bai Yu.

"My lord misunderstood. When it comes to witchcraft, I may believe in Yumo more."

She thinks this way because he can't cure Le Xian's stubborn disease, but Yu Mo can cure the disease. If Yu Mo didn't say that there is something wrong with the prescription, she would give three points to the truth of other people's words. discounted.

As for Bai Yu and him, who is better?It's never been compared, and she can't say for sure, but the fact is that Bai Yu has indeed cured Kun Yao's stubborn illness, and Bai Yu is obviously the same as their purpose of coming here. , the roe deer monster clan must be in the same situation as him, no matter how you look at it, Bai Yu is not the person who does this kind of thing.Therefore, I have some villainous thoughts in my heart, thinking that Bu Jie may be unwilling to admit that Bai Yu's witchcraft is higher than him.

Thinking about it, there is nothing impossible. Yu Mo is a human being, but his witchcraft is higher than him. As a demon, he must be a big blow. He is also a figure with the same reputation as Bai Yu, and he is still a well-known great wizard. With this title , at least it is a consolation, but now that Bai Yu took the medicine to cure the disease, he couldn't, and the last consolation would be shattered. In the future, if it spreads, he will have to be ranked behind Bai Yu. Compared with Yu Mo, this blow may be bigger , unwilling to admit this fact, it is not impossible to say that there is something wrong with Bai Yu's medicine.

"Miss Zhenyu now thinks that I'm the kind of person who is just trying to catch fame and fame, without strength?" He squinted at her, and the expression on the little girl's face showed that she thought so. It's not good, but he won't care about her, old age is not for nothing, there is still some tolerance for this, don't argue with her, just tell her the facts and reason, "If the disease is so good There is no need for us wizards to cure it. As the saying goes, illnesses come like a mountain and go away like a silk thread. Even if Kun Yao's stubborn illness can be cured, it cannot be cured so quickly. If Shennong Ding and Nuwa It may still be possible, but does Bai Yu have these two artifacts? No, then he has to follow the principle of curing diseases, slowly recuperate, and pull out the root of the disease. But look at Kun medicine, it will be healed in just two days Now, as if you've never been sick, isn't that suspicious?"

Needle Feather is not a wizard, and he doesn't know how to treat diseases, but he has a reason to say so.

Lying on a soft couch, Shu Du ate grapes, spit out a seed and said, "I'm on Bu Jie's side on this matter, and he recovered so quickly. If he did it silently, I would believe it, but Bai Yu would never believe it."

Zhenyu glared at him, "You will only be silent!"

"Let's discuss the matter, don't talk about other things, you use your beautiful head to think about it, if Bai Yu wants to form an alliance with the roe deer monster, how can he cure Kun Yao's illness so generously, what good does he have?"

"Cure Kunyao's illness, can't we form an alliance?" The person who saved Kunyao is equivalent to the benefactor of the roe-monster clan. With Kunyao's status, the roe-monster clan will definitely be grateful to this benefactor, and have both sides Knife.

"Well, now that Kun Yao's illness has been cured, Bai Yu is their benefactor, and our group is Bai Yu's deadly enemy. Does the roe deer monster tribe also regard us as their deadly enemy? But you see, these days, they Can you treat us harshly? Did you wink at us? Didn’t you? Be polite as usual, explaining that the roe deer and monsters are not fools, and they will never stand with Bai Yu for this favor!” Shu Du ate up the grapes on the plate and sat down. He got up, wiped the grape juice on his hands, and continued: "Cure is just a gift before forming an alliance. It's just a show of favor. Things like forming an alliance are related to the survival of the group. This is a big matter, so we must pay attention to it." Calculate, grasp the situation well, and how much benefit your own group can gain after forming an alliance is the most important point. If you form an alliance rashly and misread the situation, you will push your own group into the fire pit. Can it still prosper to this day? You must have underestimated these roe deer."

Bu Jie said happily, "My nephew is right!"

"Go, go, who is your eldest nephew, don't blindly recognize relatives, I only recognize my aunt, and I don't recognize any uncle." He doesn't recognize the dog demon king, will he recognize him, the younger brother of the dog demon king?

The words of the capital of Shu are indeed reasonable. The roe deer monster clan can flourish to this day, and it is definitely not a brainless generation.

"If I were Bai Yu, and I really had the ability to cure Kunyao, I would definitely take my time, make him better today, and better tomorrow, but I will never let him be free from illness and pain immediately, so that we can negotiate conditions." , first let you see if I have the ability, we can talk about things if we have it, if you want to cure it, just form an alliance with me, otherwise there is no way, that's right."

Needle feather thought for a while, and found that this truth was correct.

Hide a little, put a little, isn't that what she planned before?But Bai Yu didn't hold the bargaining chip in his hand. Now that Kun Yao's illness is cured, what else can he talk about, but it cannot be ruled out that Bai Yu is putting all his eggs in one basket.

"What if Bai Yu makes up his mind to form an alliance and threatens it, for example, if he wants medicine, form an alliance! Simply!"

Shu Du had an expression of 'you are stupid', and lay back on the couch again, "Isn't this going back to what I said earlier, we can still talk about things here quietly, without being strictly controlled. Surveillance is enough to show that it's impossible." He glanced at Needle Feather, "I know you're anxious, but it's more messy than anxious, you're usually calm, it's impossible not to think of these things."

"I..." Zhenyu pursed her lips, and she admitted that she was in a hurry, because she really wanted to make an alliance with the roe deer monster clan, so that Shu could see her efforts and strengths, and recognized her as a promising future Because of this, she lost the calmness she should have. She, who has always been strategizing, lost her position because of Bai Yu's move.

Bu Jie was silent beside him, looking back and forth between Shu Du and Zhen Yu.

He has always felt that the capital of Shu is a fool, not a king at all, but he is very optimistic about Needle Feather. Although the two clans of dogs and wolves have not seen each other for a hundred years because of the fact that Queen Qiluo gave up the throne and married the dog monster clan. He is pleasing to each other, but he is still in-laws. He never thought that one day he would fight to the death. Besides, Queen Qiluo has made great contributions to the dog monster clan. From his point of view, he hopes that the wolf monster clan will be the same as the dog monster clan. It has been prosperous for thousands of years, but the sloppy appearance of the capital of Shu really made him feel that the wolf monster clan will gradually decline in his generation, but it is different now. They all think clearly, they are the ones who hide their secrets.

Thinking about it now, with the same royal blood as Qi Luo, how could he be so bad.

No wonder Mei Luo was worried about this matter, at first he thought it was because of Needle Feather, but now he understands, he must have known about Shu Du's capabilities long ago.

He laughed out loud, with a look of relief on his face.

If he had known the ability of the capital of Shu before, he would definitely be worried, because the wolf monsters really disliked their dog monsters repeatedly, and if Shu was upset someday, it would be troublesome if they really started a war with the dog monsters.

But it's different now, there is Yu Mo in the middle, as long as this girl is around, the two clans of dogs and wolves will definitely continue to be 'friendly'.

I feel sorry for Shudu for thinking this way, but wolves are very dedicated by nature. As long as that girl lives for a day, Shudu will not attack the dog monster clan. Now he only hopes that that girl can live forever.

The biggest doubt right now is why did Bai Yu do that?
This is clearly an unpleasant thing to do.

After Zhenyu was reminded by Shudu, she calmed down and her thoughts became clear.

"Oops, will the medicine be poisonous?"

Shu Du and Bu Jie looked at each other, and their expressions immediately became ugly. This possibility is very high.

Kun Yao's illness is cured, but the poison has been planted. When the attack occurs, it will be the time for Bai Yu to negotiate terms. This is what Bai Yu is best at.

Shu Du shouted, "Quick, go find the fur ball!"

At this time, Maoqiu was not in the Prince Regent's Mansion, and He Bixi went to the top of the mine again. Its mission was to investigate the secret of this stone, but it was still in vain. lost.

"Little Stone, what are you doing, go away!" Bi Xi shouted.

"Brother Bixi, I think this stone is so strange..."

"What's strange, isn't it just a stone, don't you feel something? Is there a feeling of resonance?"


"No? It's not that strange?"

There will be a resonance between the artifacts. For the second survey, Mao Qiu brought Duoji, but he has been here for almost an hour, and he hasn't felt anything?Now he said some weird things again.

"The feeling I'm talking about isn't resonance, it's..." He didn't know how to explain it, but he just felt that the stone had a very inconsistent feeling.

Maoqiu asked, "Tell me how it feels, so I can judge?"

Dorji nodded, "You may not believe me if I say it, but I think this stone is dead?"

"Dead? What do you mean? Isn't the stone dead? It's not you. Of course it's different from your Nuwa stone." Bixi stood on the back of Maoqiu with a confused face. It and Maoqiu, Dorje at this moment Hiding in the dense bushes is very safe, and there is no need to hold your breath and become invisible for the time being.

"That's...that's..." Duoji was anxious, but he didn't know how to explain it. He saw an ordinary stone on the ground, picked it up and gestured, "Like this stone, it should be a whole piece, but it gave me It feels like, from this complete top, a piece has been peeled off and separated, and what we see is actually only a part!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? If such a big stone is really a part, how big should it be? Could it be that it has a soul just like me?"

Maoqiu didn't understand Duoji's words at first, but after a few words, it suddenly understood, "You mean, this stone has another center that controls it, but it's not here."

"Yes, yes, that's what it means. It's like the heart. It's not. Its heart is elsewhere. Just like a human being, the hands, feet and body are alive when they are together, but they are separated from the body and lost. It is no longer alive!"

"Why do you have such a strange idea?" It's just a stone, where's the heart.

"I kid you not, I really do feel that way."

Bixi still didn't understand, looked hard at the stone, but didn't see any feeling of life and death.

"I can probably understand why it feels this way." Maoqiu analyzed, "This may be due to his being Nuwashi. Nuwashi has the ability to restore all life, whether it is plants, demons, animals, or humans. , or tables and chairs, for Nuwa Stone, they are all alive..."

Bixi was even more confused and shook his head.

Mao Qiu made a metaphor, "People can live because their hearts are beating, and demons can live because of Yuan Dan, which is like a human heart. It's the same for you as a beast. Don't you also have a big heart? Nuwa Stone Restoration When living, it is injecting spiritual power into the heart to survive. For Nuwa Stone, the first thing you feel when you look at something is the center of their survival. Dorje means that he does not feel that this stone has The center of existence lacks the source of its existence, although it is dead, but it can faintly feel the breath of its past life.”

Nuwa can revive all things, not limited to living things or dead things. In front of Nuwa stone, all things are alive and have that 'beating heart'.

"Yes, yes, that's what Fuqiu said!"

Bi Xi became more and more inexplicable the more he listened, so he simply stopped thinking about it, "Then what should we do now?"

"Since it is dead, then we have to find the living part of it?" Fuqiu said again, "Duoji, feel for it, is the living part nearby?"

"I tried it just now, and it doesn't seem to be there."

Spreading his hands together, "Okay, it's for nothing again!"

"It's not in vain. After all, we have made a new discovery. Let's go down the mountain first, tell them in the capital of Shu, and see what they think!"

Bixi complained, "Just torment me like this, my lungs will be choked sooner or later."

"Stop talking nonsense, that's all you need! Let's go!"

"Okay, let's go, boss!"

When they came out, Yu Mo had ordered that when Tao Tie was not around, the fur ball would be the boss.

No matter how united they are, there must be a boss leading them, otherwise they will definitely be in chaos.

In the Prince Regent's Mansion, Kun Yao, who has already grown up, is making weapons. This is his pleasure. After finally gaining the strength to forge, he drilled in with all his heart. The knife in his hand is the result of this time. After comparing the drawings, I always feel that it is a bit worse.

This drawing is exactly the one designed by Yumo.

"Brother Wang, your body is just right, how can you be so tired?"

"It's okay, isn't it good? I'm not tired at all, and I have to thank you for the medicine you brought back. Oh, by the way, this skillful extension is also meritorious. I must reward him well."

When Kun Xin heard this, he was a little nervous, "This brother is about to tell you."

"Why are you hesitating, say it."

The medicine made him feel lighter and healthier, and he felt much better. He hadn't been like this for decades, so he was in a particularly good mood.

"This medicine is offered by Bai Yu!"

Kun Yao's hand sharpening the knife stopped immediately, and without paying attention, he cut his own finger. The knife has been sharpened dozens of times, it is extremely sharp, and blood is seen immediately.

"Brother Wang, your hand..."

"When did this happen? Why did you hide it from me!" He waved away Kun Xin's bandaged hand, his face flushed with anger.

"Brother Wang, I really don't want you to suffer from your illness anymore, so I and Qiaoyan..."

" are confused!"

When he took the medicine, he was already groggy, what medicine he drank was all arranged by Qiao Yan, he drank whatever he told him to drink, but he never thought that the medicine would come from Bai Yu, and the alarm bell immediately rang in his heart.

Bai Yu gave the medicine, it is impossible to be unconditional.

"Tell me, what does he want?"

"I don't want anything, I just want us to think carefully about forming an alliance!" Because of this, he accepted the medicine, and asked Qiaoyan to check it carefully to make sure that it was not suspicious before using it.

"Didn't force it?" Kun Yao felt incredible.

"Yes, it's true that I didn't force it. I think this Bai Yu is not a treacherous person. I believe those rumors of dominating the mountain and sea world are nothing."

Kun Yao didn't think so, but was even more worried.

In the world of the weak and the strong, there is absolutely nothing that does not expect anything in return.

(End of this chapter)

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