The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 470 Part 235 Kun Yao's thoughts

Chapter 470 Part 235 Kun Yao's thoughts

"Brother Wang, you are in good health now, even if Bai Yu has any plans, he will not be able to threaten our clan, so you don't have to worry so much?"

Kun Xin has respected this elder brother very much since he was a child, and he is the priority in everything. He secretly contacted Bai Yu. He knew that there was a certain danger, but now that the medicine is cured, nothing happened, and he has let go of Bai Yu. wary.

Regarding the matter of forming an alliance, Bai Yu only wanted them to consider it, and did not threaten him with medicine, so he thought this adventure was worthwhile.

Kun Yao no longer has the intention of refining weapons, he is trying to figure out what Bai Yu's purpose is.

He didn't believe everything that Zhenyu said, he believed that hearing is believing, seeing is believing, and he couldn't believe anything 100% unless he saw it with his own eyes. worried.

The illness is cured, but why is he even more disturbed.

"Go, call Qiaoyan."

"Brother Wang, are you feeling unwell again?" Kun Xin thought that he might be exhausted from making weapons just now.

"No, you just call him."

"Okay, Brother Wang, sit down first, I'll call him right away."

After he left, Kun Yao sat cross-legged on the ground, his luck went straight to Yuan Dan, and there was a slight heat, but nothing unusual.

Could it be that he was thinking too much?
Qiaoyan came soon, and when he saw him, he immediately knelt down, "My lord, don't blame the third lord for this matter, it's up to me alone."

"Get up, I don't want to punish you!"

Qiao Yan looked up, and when Kun Xin went to find him, he told him that he already knew that the medicine came from Bai Yu, and thought he would be angry because of his concealment, so he wiped his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you test the medicine yourself?"

"Yes, I personally tested it." He got up and replied.

"Not suspicious?"

"Why does the lord ask this question? Naturally, there is no doubt about it, so the minister will give it to the lord."

Kun Yao is the regent king in name, but in the hearts of all the veterans, he is no different from the king, and everything he uses and eats must be strictly inspected. He has inspected Bai Yu's medicine three times, and he boiled it himself after confirming that there is nothing suspicious.

Since he recovered from his illness, he has been very grateful to Bai Yu, but now that Kun Yao asked him this question, it made him feel at a loss.

"My lord, what's wrong?"

Qiaoyan is loyal to him, and has been studying how to cure his illness since his illness. However, his ability is limited, and he has never been able to cure his illness, which has become a knot in his heart. Now that he is healed, there is nothing but happiness other.

After recovering from the illness, he still took his pulse every day, and he didn't find any abnormalities in the past few days, so it can be seen that the medicine is indeed effective. Compared with that person with only a false name, Bai Yu's behavior makes him respect a little bit more.

This person with a false name is naturally Bu Jie. He also checked Kun Yao's pulse, but did not prescribe the medicine. In contrast, Bai Yu just delivered the medicine through the letter. The name of this great wizard is well-deserved. Bu Jie, who was as famous as him, became nothing in Qiaoyan's heart. Fortunately, after he knew about Bu Jie's visit, he was extremely excited, thinking that Duoji had invited the master here to save Kun Yao.

Who knew that it didn't help at all, but the medicines given by Duoji were not completely useless, at least it slowed down Kun Yao's symptoms.

Kun Yao still believed in Qiaoyan's judgment, but he still couldn't get rid of his uneasiness. Since he couldn't ask anything, he wouldn't go into a corner.

"I heard from Kun Xin that Lord Bu Jie is also here?"

"Yes! I'm staying in the other courtyard. I have met him before, and I still have some abilities, but compared to Master Bai Yu...My lord, why did you mention this person?"

"He is the royal family of dog monsters, and he came to my Roe County, shouldn't I ask?"

"Your lord, you don't need to be concerned. This person didn't reveal his real identity when he came. Presumably, he is not sure about treating his illness. I'm afraid it won't sound good if it spreads in the future."

Qiaoyan, like Kunyao, has already regarded Baiyu as a benefactor, and every word in his words has the meaning of stepping down.

"Whether he admits it is not important, but the etiquette must always be sufficient. I have thought about it. In your name, invite him to a dinner."

"My lord, you are..."

"Do you think it's inappropriate?"

"I have the guts to say..." Qiao Yan bowed, "I think that the dogs and monsters are hiding something when they treat the prince. If you prescribe this medicine today and that medicine tomorrow, the prescription does have an improvement effect, but you can see it Coming here is undoubtedly Nacho, and it is definitely not an aboveboard act."

"You think they do this intentionally, and they want to use curing my illness as a bargaining chip."

This point coincides with what Shudu thought before, but the target is wrong.


"Maybe, but in my opinion, it can make me feel at ease."

Qiaoyan didn't understand his thoughts, "My lord, don't worry about the sky, worrying hurts your body."

"I know, you just do as I said, and invite them to Jinshixuan tomorrow evening."

"Yes, sir, let's do it now."

In the dog realm, in the royal palace, Yumo has already packed her bags to salute, and is waiting to set off with Mei Luo. She has a full belly and put on new clothes. Even though she doesn’t look good in anything now, she is still in front of the mirror It's stinky.

If you want to meet the princess of the Dragon Palace, how can you not dress decently? After all, you are also a friend of your mother-in-law, so you can't be rude.

"Queen, the carriage is ready."

"Understood, thank you for your hard work, Jin Ji."

This time, when going to the Dragon Palace, for her safety, Jin Ji and Ji Fu will also go together. They are the queen's guards, and they have to follow wherever the queen goes.

Mu Xiang walked in and reported in Yu Mo's ear, "Miss, Master Linglong is here."

"Why is she here?" Yu Mo fastened the belt of his cloak, thinking that he must be going out, the master was worried, so he came over and ordered a few words, "Got it, I'll go right away."

After Linglong saw her, her complexion was very ugly, but Jin Ji was there, she didn't have a fit, and it was Yu Mo who saw her thoughts, and after sending Jin Ji away, she opened her mouth to speak.

"Are you crazy, running around with such a big belly."

"It's about the survival of the dog monster clan. What is this suffering? Didn't Master always teach me to be a good queen? Am I not moving towards this goal?"

"You would say, but have you ever thought that the child in your womb is also the future of my dog ​​monster clan?"

Linglong actually knew why she insisted on going to the Dragon Palace in person, if she wasn't pregnant, she would definitely agree and praise her, but now she was very worried that something would happen to her.

"Master, don't worry about me, Meiluo will go with me, he will protect me, I will be good, and I will never do dangerous things, no matter where I go, I will follow him and never leave, as for the child , you don’t have to worry, Shennong Ding is here, and its anti-fetal medicine can definitely guarantee that my trip will not hurt the child.”

"If I say one thing, you can say ten words. The wings have grown hard, right?" Linglong's face was livid, but she couldn't refute what she said.

"I just relieved Master's worries one by one, not to mention that Mei Luo also agreed. If he didn't have a complete plan, how could he let me go?"

Linglong knew that she couldn't cancel her decision even if she said it now, so she could only stare at her stomach and vent her anger here, "You humans are really troublesome, it takes ten months to conceive and give birth, if we are monsters, the child will be full moon. "

Yu Mo rolled her eyes, she couldn't refute this, she said, it's obvious that monsters are not as good as their humans, and in the animal world, the longer the pregnancy cycle, the more advanced the race.

"Okay, Master, I know you're worried about me, you have to be worried, why don't you go with me?"

"You think I don't want to, but I can't leave." She is already busy with the affairs of the Huansi Mansion, and she is also an elite soldier of the dog monster clan. Without the king, she must shoulder the responsibility of protecting the clan, and she must never be casual. Leave, but she didn't come in vain today, "I can't go, but there is someone who can go with you."


"My personal servant, Qingmeng." She shouted towards the palace gate, "Menger, come in."

Qingmeng walked in slowly, bowed her head to Yumo, "Queen Wan'an."

"She is my personal maid and a master of illusion. Let her protect you. I can rest assured. This time you can't bring Muxiang and Zijing with you. She can also fill the gap. She is my convincing , You can absolutely trust her."

Mu Xiang and Zi Mo are both weak demons, they can't stand long distances, and going there will only hinder them, so Mei Luo excluded them from the list.

"Is Master worried about Jinji and Jifu?"

"No, they will protect you, there is no doubt about it, but I know that you can't let go of them. If you go out, if you don't have someone close to you, if you, a pregnant woman, feel uncomfortable, I'm afraid I won't say it, and Qingmeng can look at you, I'm thinking of the prince, you have to have it if you don't want it."

"Yes, how can I not, this is the master's intention, and it's too late for me to be grateful. I know, I must listen to Qingmeng's words carefully, and treat her as your master."

Hearing this, Qingmeng knelt down, "Queen, you can't do it."

"When I get up, I'll make a metaphor to reassure Master. Isn't it, Master?" She winked playfully at Linglong.

"Don't come here, remember what I said, don't take risks under any circumstances?"

"Obey!" Yu Mo saluted with a straight waist.

When it was time to leave, Mei Luo came back with an unhappy face.

Yumo knew that he was still angry, and she threatened to go this time, so she ran over to hold his hand, and comforted him, "Don't worry, I've taken the medicine, I've brought all the people, and there's one more." She Pointing to Qingmeng who was kneeling on the ground, "What else are you worried about?"

About Qingmeng, Linglong had already greeted Meiluo, so he wasn't surprised, and stroked Yumo's round face and asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable there?"

"Okay, I know I'm going out, the baby is also very good, and I didn't bother me, it can be seen that the medicine refined by Shennong Dingxin is very effective, I will take it every hour now, my health is better, and the food smells delicious, so I feel at ease. "

"On the way, if you feel uncomfortable, you must remember to tell me, don't hide it from me."

"Understood, I will not joke about my life and the life of my child."

"And... remember not to leave me at any time."

"I know!" She had heard these words dozens of times, and her ears were almost callused, "Let's go, if you don't set off, it will be dark, and then you have to say, it's dark and it's not suitable to set off, change tomorrow .”

She dragged him out, and the people who went with him outside were all ready to go, and the supplies they needed were also full of a cart.

With Qingmeng's support, Yumo boarded the carriage, which was covered with good cushions. After she sat down, Qingmeng pulled up the reins and gave a drink.

The Tuntian dog immediately raised its four hooves and flew into the air very steadily. Mei Luo deliberately slowed down. According to the speed he requested, it would take four days and four nights to go to the Dragon Palace. It is a bit slow, but compared to letting the rain Suffer silently, he would rather be so slow.

At the same time, Li Wang also received the news of Mei Luo's departure, and with the help of Xue Wu, he met Princess Mu Yun.

For the fact that Yu Mo also came, he was very happy. Finally, he had the opportunity to get along with this girl. He didn't expect that she was pregnant at all, or he selectively forgot about it. The whole person was in a good mood. Princess Mu Yun also smiled from ear to ear.

Princess Mu Yun only thought that he was approachable, and didn't think too much about it. In order to make up for Heng Ai's rudeness, she forced herself to receive him personally with her sick body.

As soon as he saw her haggard look, Li Wang knew that she was deeply poisoned, and if he didn't give treatment, he might not live for a few days.

Knowing that someone who can detoxify is on the way, Heng Ai couldn't bear it any longer, and brought a small team to meet him in person.

Similarly, Bai Yu's news is also very sensitive, and he already knows the news of Yu Mo's departure. Everything is proceeding as he planned. His troops are divided into two groups, one is going to Dragon Palace, and the other is Roe County.

Whether it is a person or a divine weapon, he is bound to win.

In the Prince Regent's Mansion in Roe County, Zhen Yu, Shu Du, and Bu Jie were invited to participate in Kun Yao's dinner preparation. The purpose of this dinner was not very clear to the three of them, and they always felt that the invitation at this time meant a grand banquet.

"Do you think the regent is going to attack us?" Bu Jie was worried that the dinner was suspicious, but he couldn't refuse.

"If you want to attack us, you have to invite us to dinner first. Is this necessary? Just put a few sleepy demon stones."

Shudu had tasted the hardships of being trapped in a demon stone, and didn't think there would be any danger in this dinner, so he happily went to the appointment.

Needle Feather said, "What's the use of thinking about it now, you'll know if you go there."

The three of them were introduced to Jinshixuan by Uncle Lei. Kun Yao had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw the three of them, he bowed and said, "Thank you for your kindness, I thank you here."

"My lord is being polite, but my lord is in better health?"

"Okay, thank you Miss Needle Feather for thinking about it, please sit down."

The round table is already filled with wine and dishes, all of which are the characteristics of Roe County, and just looking at them can whet one's appetite.

Kun Yao counted the number of people and found that one was missing, "Why didn't Duoji come?"

He has a good impression of Dorje, and always feels a sense of closeness.

"He read a book last night and didn't sleep well. He is a little tired today. He is still young. I was afraid that he would be sick, so I didn't let him come."

The fact is that this meal is good or bad. If there is danger, it is useless for him to be around. Instead, he has to protect him. It is better to let him and Maoqiu be a backup. If there is any movement, he can contact Zhulong to strike first .

"Really, do you want Qiaoyan to take a look?"

"My lord was joking. He is a wizard himself. He has already taken the medicine and is fine." Bu Jie raised his wine glass, "My lord, I offer you a toast."

"you are welcome!"

Zhenyu found that Duoji was missing on their side, so maybe there were also fewer people on Kunyao's side.

Except for the master Kun Yao, Tridacna and Kun Xin, who had been with him before, didn't come. If they came, she would feel more at ease, but if they didn't come, she would feel that the meal was strange. Kun Yao is also available, and the dinner was invited in the name of Qiao Yan, and he is not there, isn't it strange.

She secretly kicked Shu Du's leg and gestured with her eyes.

Shu Du kicked back, telling her not to worry, if the enemy doesn't move, they won't move.

Bu Jie has already chatted with Kun Yao here, talking about things that are not serious or important, it sounds like the host and guest are enjoying themselves, and there is a happy atmosphere. Bu Jie's identity has not been revealed, but Kun Yao knows that he is No one will say it, and everyone will call you Your Excellency.

He didn't point it out clearly, and Bu Mustard would not report his family name, but responded politely by claiming to be subordinate.

"I thank you for coming here from a long distance to see a doctor for this old man."

"It should be, the prince has high morals and prestige, and he takes good care of his beloved disciples. Unfortunately, I have little talent and learning, so I can't help the prince."

It was only after he came that he found out that he was Master Dorji. It was a cover and a good cover, and he used it unceremoniously.

"Your Excellency, you don't have to be humble. The old man's disease is a stubborn disease. It's normal to see it badly."

Hearing these words made Bu Jie feel a little uncomfortable. Anyone who looked down on him could not look down on him. Now that he is healed, it is ironic to ask him to express his gratitude even if he doesn't look down on him.

But since he said that, why didn't he hit the snake with the stick, "My lord, although I have little talent and learning, but I saw my lord today and I know that my health is already good. I don't know which expert diagnosed and treated it? Why don't you come out?" , so that I can learn from it.”

Kun Yao's eyes sparkled, and he replied: "There is no such thing as an expert, it's all the wizards of the clan painstakingly studied it, it's just a prescription, and it will take a few days to know whether it will be effective after taking it."

Bu Jie was puzzled, an expert would definitely not be able to invite him, but why did he keep saying that he was not in good health between the words?

(End of this chapter)

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