The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 471 Part 236 One Point of Miscalculation

Chapter 471 Part 236 Miscalculation

Bu Jie looked at Shu Du subconsciously, and when he wanted to ask him what Kun Yao meant, Shu Du took a step ahead of him and kicked the foot under the table.

Bu Jie was kicked in pain, and hissed, his eyes were full of doubts, why kick him?

Shu Du made a gesture to feel his pulse, and pouted in the direction of Kun Yao with his mouth.

Bu Jie understood that he wanted him to feel Kun Yao's pulse.

Is this what Kun Yao meant?
Could it be that Kun Yao also had doubts about Bai Yu?
Bu Jie's eyes rolled around, and he decided to follow Shudu's wishes, he laughed and said: "If the prince feels that there is something wrong with his body, why don't I take a pulse for you?"

He wasn't sure if Kun Yao would be willing, but obviously Shu Du was right.

"Okay!" Kun Yao stretched out his hand readily.

Using the skill of wiping her mouth with a handkerchief, Zhen Yu softly said to Shu Du, "What kind of medicine is this old prince selling in his gourd?"

Shu Du picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, and replied, "I'm afraid this prince is the smartest person in the roe deer monster clan?"


"Don't ask, we'll talk about it when we go back after dinner."

Bu Jie predicted that there must be something wrong with the medicine given by Bai Yu, and he was worried that he would not have the opportunity to find out. Now that Kun Yao took the initiative to deliver it to his door, he used all his energy to take his pulse carefully. If Bai Yu had poisoned him, he would be able to find out.

But... the pulse condition is peaceful, although Yuan Dan is a little weak, but there is no serious injury, as long as the cultivation is proper, the pulse condition does not seem to be a sign of poisoning.

Did they all guess wrong?

What the hell is this white feather doing?

Bu Jie's eyebrows were squeezed into a line, and after thinking about it, the forehead lines were squeezed out.

"How is it, Your Excellency?" Kun Yao asked.

"Oh, the lord is indeed recovering from his illness, but he is still a little weak and needs to be recuperated." He couldn't find anything, so that was all he could say, but he was still a little unwilling.

"Really?" Kun Yao didn't look happy, but frowned like Bu Jie.

Bu Jie thought to himself, he is in good health, but he doesn’t feel happy, and his frown is deeply locked. He really has doubts about Bai Yu. No matter what Kun Yao means, he gave him a chance, “My lord, can the medicine for the disease be cured?” Let me take a look?"

He suspected that Bai Yu would be cheating before, and racked his brains to get the ingredients of the prescription, but the pulse couldn't come out, so the prescription might be able to tell something, it depends on whether Kun Yao is willing or not.

Zhen Yu can see the meaning of it. As Shu Du said, Kun Yao is really the smartest person in the roe deer monster clan. He is suspicious of Bai Yu, but the people around him are probably not wary of Bai Yu. If you want to know Bai Yu Whether there is a problem with his prescription can only be judged by others, and they are the most suitable candidates who are enemies of Bai Yu.

Kun Yao really took out the prescription, and there was still a piece of medicine dregs. Just as he was about to hand it over, Uncle Lei outside shouted, "Third Prince, why are you here?"

Hearing this, Kun Yao immediately stuffed the dregs of the medicine and the prescription into Bu Jie's sleeve, and said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Your Excellency, you don't need to rush to read it now, why don't you take it back and study it carefully. The ability of a wizard is rare in the world, I believe you will be able to see it." The clues in it, I hope that you will meet people with the same symptoms as the old man in the future, and you can develop a better prescription to cure them.

Bu Jie thought that he would do this, it must be because Kun Xin came, rolled up his sleeves, put away the prescription and the dregs of the medicine, and raised his glass, "Your Majesty!"

"Brother Wang!"

After Kun Xin came in, he didn't see what happened before, but only saw Bu Jie raise his glass to toast, and Kun Yao generously returned the salute.

"It's the third prince who is here. Come on, sit down together. Are we talking about interesting stories about the nobles with the prince?" Shu Du reacted quickly, without giving Kun Xin a chance to delve into it.

Kun Xin didn't see anything unusual. When he heard that Kun Yao was hosting a banquet for Zhen Yu and the others, he wondered why Kun Yao would do this, and hurried over when he found out.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, I'm busy with political affairs, so I can't respect the friendship of the landlord, please forgive me!"

"What are you talking about, the prince has broken us."

The capital of Shu is so neither humble nor overbearing, which makes Kun Yao look at him differently, and concludes that this person is definitely not just a guard that Zhenyu said. She may not be willing to come with the guards and attendants, so they have a banquet together.

Kun Xin sat next to Kun Yao, secretly held his hand on his knee, and asked with his eyes, "Brother Wang, why are you doing this?"

Kun Yao withdrew his hand, did not respond, and still warmly greeted Shu Du and the others.

A dinner ended peacefully, but each had their own thoughts when they parted.

"Brother Wang, wait a minute!"

After seeing off the guests, Kun Yao felt a little tired, so he planned to go back to his room to rest without calling Kun Xin, and Kun Xin chased after him.

"Brother Wang, do you have something to say?"

"Brother Wang, why are you entertaining a group of wolf monsters? What if they plot against Brother Wang?"

Kun Yao entrusted Qiaoyan with a banquet. He had ordered him not to disclose to Kun Xin, but it was obvious that Qiaoyan didn't keep his mouth shut. He didn't blame Qiaoyan, the leak was just because he cared about him.

"If you want to plot against me, how could you plot against me in the Prince Regent's Mansion? You are thinking too much."

"But they intend to form an alliance, and now we are absolutely impossible..."

Kun Yao looked back, "How is it impossible?"

"Brother Wang, this is..." Kun Xin became more and more confused about what he was thinking.

"Third brother, let me ask you..." There happened to be a pavilion in the garden ahead, and there were stone tables and chairs in the pavilion. Kun Yao walked over, sat down and waved, "Come on, you sit too!"

After Kun Xin sat down, Kun Yao said, "If I am seriously ill and the whole family can't cure it with all their efforts, and after I recover, but someone secretly murders me because of you, which one will you feel more guilty about? "

"Brother Wang, do you still need to ask, it is naturally the latter!"

"Hey, it's the latter." He sighed, but before continuing, he understood in his heart that what he feared most was the appearance of the latter.

The disease was born by himself, no one can cure him, he can only blame the heavens for not being merciful, but he was murdered, but it was because of his brother, if someone threatened him with this, the younger brother in front of him would definitely agree to the other party out of guilt. He will agree to all conditions, even harsh ones.

Although this is just his suspicion and there is no actual evidence, but he always feels that Bai Yu will not ask for anything to cure his illness when the wolf monster clan also intends to form an alliance. If this person is not pure in nature, That is, the city is unfathomable.

Now he only hoped that Lord Bujie, who was as famous as Bai Yu, could see something from the prescription and the dregs of the medicine, so that he could prepare early.

"Brother Wang, what exactly do you mean? Forgive me for being stupid, I really don't understand."

His face is full of concern, and he has treated this elder brother with all his heart and soul since he was a child. He is so kind to Kun Yao, how can Kun Yao have the heart to criticize him.

"Third brother, it's getting late, go back and rest."

"Brother Wang..."

"Let's go back!"

Kun Xin couldn't read his thoughts, and seeing that he was unwilling to answer, he also felt a little uneasy.

Could it be that I did something wrong?
In the other courtyard of the Wangfu, Zhenyu, Shudu, and Bujie gathered around the table, all three pairs of eyes were fixed on the medicinal residues and prescriptions on the table.

"My lord, what can you see?"

Bu Jie has been watching for half an hour, smelling and sniffing again, but not talking.

"Wait!" Bu Jie carefully compared the prescription and the dregs.

Shu Du let out a sigh of relief, impatiently waiting, turned around and lay down on the couch, "Zhen Yu, I'm thirsty, pour me a cup of tea!"

He is good at calling people, although he is only a few steps away from the place where the teapot is placed, and he doesn't want to do it himself.

Zhenyu poured a large cup of tea and handed it over, "After drinking so much wine, are you still thirsty?"

"Too many peanuts." He gulped it down, then handed over the empty cup, "One more cup."

Needle Feather refilled the tea and asked, "You haven't said it yet, so what is the old prince thinking?"

"What else can you think about, just want to use us to know if there is something wrong with this prescription?"

"That means he is really suspicious of Bai Yu?" Zhen Yu put down the teapot and sat beside him, "But why us, even if we are indeed the most suitable candidates, there is no guarantee that we will not cheat?"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend... have you ever heard that?" He played with his empty glass as if it were the funnest thing in the world.

Needle Feather snatched the cup down and put it on the table, "I understand the truth, but it's not a bit risky, how can he be sure that we will help him, his illness is not cured by us, and he should know that we must know him well." Whoever cured this disease didn’t allow us to be petty, and just let it go? A fisherman’s profit?”

"We all went to the banquet, do you look like the kind of person who will let go of it? As for the fisherman's profit, once Bai Yu succeeds, it is not easy to let him spit it out of his mouth. The old prince must have checked us I'm sure we do have a rift with Bai Yu. In this way, friends and enemies can be easily distinguished. I believe he is also very confident that we will know that the existence of the Roe Monster Race will be of great benefit to the party that is allied with it. If we are not stupid , I will never give up casually, and will definitely try my best to fight.”

"Makes sense!"

"Now that the prescription and the dregs are in our hands, let's see what our great wizard and lord can find out?" He straightened his legs and shouted at Bu Jie, "Have you checked it out? Say it."

"Don't worry!" Bu Jie concentrated on sweating all over his head, forgetting to wipe it off.

Kneeling on the chair, Duoji wiped Bujie's sweat carefully, and said, "Brother Wolf, if that bad bird really poisoned the old prince, why don't we think of a way to let the old prince drink the blood of Maoqiu first, maybe the old prince will drink the blood of the fur ball first." The poison will be cured."

"I've thought about it too, but I have a worry."

"What are you worried about?" He obediently served Bu Jie another tea, like a little apprentice serving his master.

"Bai Yu's city is extremely deep, and the hair ball can detoxify. Do you think he doesn't know?"

Duoji said in a daze, "If he knew, how could he poison it?"

"This..." He was about to say it when Bu Jie suddenly called out.


"What's the matter, did you find something?"

"Important discovery!" Bu Jie raised his head and drank the tea, "This medicine is really poisonous. This Bai Yu has such a dark heart. He not only wants to deal with the old prince, but also wants to deal with us."

Both Duoji and Zhenyu were startled, but Shudu twitched his lips calmly, "The poison can be cured immediately after drinking the blood of Maoqiu, but the prince will also die suddenly on the spot!"

Bu Jie's eyes widened, "Hey, how do you know?"

"Thinking in your head, tell me first, right?"

Bu Jie nodded heavily, "Yes, you guessed it right!"

"What's going on? What's detoxification, and you can die suddenly on the spot?" Needle Feather asked eagerly, the poison was detoxified, and the person died, so is it still called detoxification?
Mao Qiu raised his head from the nest, "Is there a herb called Liu Yuexue in the medicine?"

"Yes!" Bu Jie picked out Liu Yuexue's medicine, which was shaped like ice and was extremely clear, and said to Zhenyu Hao Shudu: "This medicine is extremely rare, and I also know it from an ancient prescription. As for why I went to check on Liu Yuexue, it was the girl who mentioned it, which made me interested. This medicine has a flaw, one is Bai Zexue, and the other is this..." He picked out another piece of silky medicinal material , "This herb is called Solanum nigrum, it is a good medicine for treating lung diseases, but it is in conflict with Liu Yuexue, it is highly poisonous after mixing, and the toxicity is slow after poisoning, the user will not notice it, and the pulse condition will be normal, hair balls Her blood can detoxify this poison, but if it is detoxified, it will fall into Liu Yuexue's way."

Bai Ze's blood can detoxify. It is said to be omnipotent, but it also has weaknesses. Yu Mo is a medical student and was very interested in it, so he studied it, but he did not expect to use it today.

Liu Yuexue, used alone, is harmless, and it is also a panacea, but mixed with Bai Ze's blood, it becomes a poison, and it cannot be compatible with Nightshade Nightshade.

Kunyao's recovery is so fast, which is also due to the respective effects of Liu Yuexue and Solanum nigrum, which are medicinal materials that can strengthen the body. Taking it can enhance the resistance of the patient and improve the body's functions. If used properly, it will have miraculous effects. Partially mixed to become highly toxic.

This also proves that anyone who is good at using poison must also be proficient in medicine. Bai Yu's name as a great wizard is well-deserved, and Bu Jie is not bad. Got it.

Needle Feather said: "Could it be that the people of the roe deer monster clan can't see this way?"

"They don't know Liu Yuexue, how could they see it, and this Liu Yuexue should have been disguised before drugging, soaked in red rice water, red rice and black nightshade are a perfect match, Bai Yu took advantage of this, to avoid Passing through Qiaoyan's eyes, the color of red rice dyed by Liu Yuexue will shrink a little, which is quite similar to red rice. Unless someone knows Liu Yuexue, they will definitely not be able to recognize it, and red rice has a habit After going through the medicine, if it is dyed with it, it will take a certain period of time before it fades. I think Qiaoyan must have seen the medicine dregs, but he didn't wait enough time, so he didn't see it. Kunyao's prescription, It should have been picked up secretly without telling anyone, the medicine was believed to have been discarded for some time, and that's how I figured it out."

"So the old prince is really poisoned?"

"Yes, I reckon he will show up in another seven days, but it will be too late when he has symptoms."

"If it's what you said, I don't understand. We don't know that Liu Yuexue is not unusual, but Fuqiu will definitely know. Since Baiyu knows that Fuqiu can detoxify, it must also know that it will also know that its blood has a nemesis , if it didn’t follow us, it’s fine, but now it’s following us, and Bai Yu still uses this trick, wouldn’t it be useless at all.”

Bai Yu is such a shrewd person, he must have been watching them, and it is impossible for him not to know that Mao Qiu is also in Roe County.

Shu Du said: "No, he should have expected that we would be able to find out Liu Yuexue. His purpose is to prevent us from proving to Kun Yao that his medicine is poisonous. As long as we can't prove it, everything we say will be false. " Shu Du said to Mao Qiu, "Is it possible that Liu Yuexue's effect will be lifted?"

"Once it enters the body, it cannot be untied."


Seeing that he knew so well, Zhenyu said in surprise, "So you already knew? When did you use medicine so much?"

"I don't know anything about medicine. I just follow Bai Yu's style of doing things. It is absolutely impossible for us to take advantage of the opportunity. I will only follow the plan."

Bu Jie asked anxiously, "What should we do now? The old prince has been poisoned. If he can't get rid of the poison within seven days, he will surely die. Bai Yu will definitely threaten him with this. As for us, even if we discover this conspiracy, we have no way to prove it."

Although the hair ball's blood can detoxify the poison formed by the mixture of Liu Yuexue and Solanum nigrum, it will be mixed with Liu Yuexue again after detoxification, and it will also produce poison, and it is a severe poison that kills on the spot.

Duoji said, "Why can't I prove it? There is no medicine dregs. Show them the medicine dregs?"

Shu Du touched his head, "Silly boy, why do you think Kun Yao gave us the medicine dregs without telling his own people, because everyone around him thinks that Bai Yu is a benefactor, and they are sure that Bai Yu can save him. Terrible thing, now that the medicine dregs are in our hands, they can say that we have changed them, isn’t it just the red rice, the medicine dregs were cut off skillfully, the time is short, and Liu Yuexue still looks like red rice, Red rice has become Liu Yuexue, and I will only think that we changed it."

" can use the dregs of the new medicine, let them hold it in their hands for a while, and watch it fade."

"Silly boy, the medicine has already been used up. If there is any new medicine, it is impossible for Bai Yu to keep this excuse."

Bai Yu's purpose was to let them know, but he couldn't save Kunyao, and he couldn't explain it even more.

But... Shu felt that he might have missed a little bit.

"Then the prince may not believe us."

What missed was Kun Yao's judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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