Chapter 472 Part 237

"You mean the old prince trusts us?" Zhen Yu felt that this possibility is not impossible, because Kun Yao did give them the medicine.

"No, it doesn't matter whether you trust us or not. It's whether he believes in the poison in the medicine? How can we convince him?"

The prescription and dregs were given to them, but that doesn't mean he will believe their words, it's just that no one else can help him except them.

Shu Du's eyes flashed, and it fell on Duoji.

Dorji was taken aback, "Brother Wolf, don't you want me to talk about it?"

"Go, you can convince him better than any of us!"

"Why?" Bu Jie protected Duoji behind him. Before coming here, the girl had urged him to take care of Duoji. No evil thoughts."

"He is about Nuwashi, we don't say who will know. Today's banquet, Kun Yao specifically mentioned him, which shows that he has a good impression of this kid. Besides, compared to Zhenyu, you and I, he is the most Harmless, if we are really bad people, why send the least threatening person to talk about this matter, if it doesn't make sense for the three of us, it is possible to tie up the old prince, but Duoji can't do this. "

Zhen Yu said: "Yes, generally speaking, when facing children, you will be more unsuspecting."

"Duoji, it's really up to you this time."

Dorje didn't have much confidence, "I really can?"

"Don't you want to save the old prince!"

"Think about it!" When he pretended to be a wizard to see a doctor before, he felt that Kunyao was a kind old man who treated him very well. Who is good, thinking of saving people, he summoned up his courage, "Brother Wolf, I'll go!"

"Very good!" He jumped off the bed, ran over and patted him on the shoulder, "Good boy, success or failure this time depends on you."


On the way to the Dragon Palace, Yumo sat in the chariot and was bored in every possible way. Even when she was resting, Mei Luo didn’t allow her to get out of the car. Sometimes she said the wind was strong, and sometimes she said the air was not good. She was only allowed to stay in the car. She was worried about her, so she endured it, but she didn't touch the ground for two days, and could only move around in the car. After a long time, she felt uncomfortable all over, like sitting in economy class for more than ten hours. She opened the gauze curtain and looked outside.

Flying in the air, it’s not clouds, it’s mountains, and I can’t see anything. If I didn’t come to the mountain and sea boundary, she would definitely be afraid of heights sitting in a chariot like this, because after all, it’s not a steel structure like an airplane, but she’s used to it after a long time Now, compared to airplanes, these means of transportation are probably safer, and she knows that the higher the place, the less she should look down, otherwise she will easily get dizzy.

"Miss, it's windy, you better stop watching." Qingmeng also sat in the car with her. In the past two days, she has seen Yumo's character, and she can't sit still.

"Take a breath..." She was really bored.

"Miss, don't you like to read books? I've only read half of this book!"

"It was originally for entertainment, and it's not interesting to watch more."

Qingmeng thought that she must have endured to the limit, and said, "Why don't I play games with you?"

"do not want!"

The pastimes and games played in the human world were all moved to the mountain and sea world by her, and this time she also brought them with her. Although the workmanship is not very sophisticated, it does not hinder the play, but she can't even sit still now, how can she have the patience to play games? Now I just want to go out and blow some air and stretch my muscles and bones.

Qingmeng looks very round and smooth, her round face is deeply wrinkled in fear that Yumo will suddenly break out.

My lord, my lord, the work you have given me is not easy to do. I have never seen such a doll who can't sit still.

Mei Luo leads the way, through the curtain, Yu Mo can see clearly, and behind her is a large group of people. Before setting off, she wondered, why go to the Dragon Palace with so many people, the speed will be slowed down , It’s not as good as he turned into a big white dog. She rode faster. When she first came to Shanhaijie, she would be afraid of the cold because of flying at high altitude. Now this problem is completely gone, and in comparison, it is obvious that riding him , It will definitely be more comfortable than riding in a car.

Speaking of which, she hadn't seen him turn into a dog for a long time, and she missed him very much.

Rolling her eyes, she had an idea.

"Qingmeng, go tell Meiluo, I have something to tell him."

Qingmeng opened the curtain, flew out, and told Meiluo about Yumo's request.

After hearing this, Mei Luo raised her hand and asked everyone to stop, including the Tun Tian Dog pulling the cart. It was not convenient to stay in the air, so they could only land on the ground.

After landing, Mei Luo opened the door curtain of the chariot, and asked with a serious face, "Is your little head alive again?"

He knew her too well to sit still.

"Hey, come here, I have something to say!"

"Why do you still have to whisper, and there is no one in the car."

"Come here." She pouted.

He got in the car and sat down in front of her, "Tell me, what's the matter, but you don't need to talk about it if you want to get out of the car."

With a word of ban, she blushed, she just wanted to get out of the car.

"Can't you walk a few steps?" She tugged at his sleeve and asked pitifully.

He pulled back his sleeves, "This set is useless!"

"You just want me to sit alone in the car?"

"Didn't Qingmeng accompany you? If you think she's inappropriate, I'll change it for you."

"Isn't that the problem?" she exclaimed.

"Where is that?" He raised his eyebrows and waited for her to argue.

She glared at him, "You ask knowingly!"

"I don't know if you don't tell me. If it's okay, I'm going out. You just sit in the car obediently."

"Mei Luo..." She was annoyed and beat him hard, "You don't love me anymore."

He turned his head and stared at her more fiercely than she did, "Nonsense! Who promised me to be obedient before coming out, how can you forget it in a blink of an eye."

"I'm obedient, haven't I been sitting all the time, but it's been two days, can I walk if I want to?"

"Is it not good in the car?" The car was specially modified for her.

"No, motion sickness."

No wonder he would believe it, "I didn't faint before, but now I faint."

"I hate it, I just want to walk away..."

"No." He rebuffed straight away, "What are you doing here with such a big belly? Why don't you just sit down? There's everything in the car."

Before setting off, he knew that the journey was long and she would definitely be bored, so he prepared everything he could think of.

Seeing that he had eaten the weight, Yu Mo was determined not to let her get out of the car, and acting like a spoiled child seemed useless, so she rolled her almond eyes and smiled coquettishly.

"I miss you, is this reason acceptable?"

As soon as the soft words came out, Mei Luo froze, and her cheeks couldn't help burning up, "We meet each other every day, and we sleep together at night, what else are you thinking about?"

"It's different. You always tell me to go to bed quickly at night, and you have to go on a journey during the day, and you are not in the car. If you calculate this way, if you haven't seen each other for two days, you will become a bitter wife."

Only she could figure out this calculation method, but Mei Luo still softened her heart. In order to hurry, the two of them really didn't have much time to be alone.

He leaned over, so close that his noses almost touched, "Then tell me, what are you going to do?"

She raised her eyes, her almond eyes were watery, like sparkling lake water, really beautiful, "Can I..." She pointed her index finger, "Can I ride you! Just... just for a while, okay? Okay?" ?”

The tone of voice is soft, it sounds like itching in his ears, a man's ears are always soft when facing the woman he loves, and it has a flirtatious nature.

He let out a breath of steam, "How are you going to ride?"

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment, riding as he pleases, what else is there, but seeing the playful look on his face, he understood that he was flirting.

It means... do you intend to ride on the back, or ride on the waist?

The former is normal, the latter is ambiguous.

Her face burned up and turned into a ripe tomato, perhaps it was too embarrassing, so she turned her head away, which gave him an opportunity to lick her earlobe lightly.

She was startled, and reflexively dodged to the side, hitting her head on the hood of the car, "Ouch!"

Mei Luo quickly pulled her into her arms, stroked her head and said, "Why can't I even sit up, does it hurt?"

"It's not you..." She blushed even more, and slammed into his arms. "Playing hooligans..."

He lowered his head, pecked at her heart, and said with a smile, "Is there any?"


"It's not that I haven't done it..."

"Stop it!" She straightened up and covered his mouth, blushing to the point of her ears, "Don't say a single word."

"Oh!" He nodded, "That means I won't ride. If I don't ride, I'll go out."

"No!" She grabbed him.

He looked at the little hand holding the hem of his clothes, "What's going on?"

"Riding!" She said with a blushing face, but she didn't dare to look at him, and added, "It's riding on the back..."

This needs to be made clear.

Mei Luo's smile rippling on the corner of her mouth, she replied, "Momo, you just want another way of riding, it's not suitable for such a big belly!"

When she heard it, she immediately knew that she had been tricked, so she got angry and thumped her, "You still say it!"

"Don't make trouble, watch out for your stomach!"

Her heavy stomach was always the pressure in his heart. He grabbed her hand and took her out of the car, thinking that two days would be long enough. He followed her wish, so that she would not have to move those careless things all the time. Crooked brain.

When he got outside, he released his demon power and turned into a big white dog.

As beautiful as in memory, the fur is still white, the crimson flame totem is burning on the forehead, and the corners of the narrow and long eyes are born with golden eyeliner. When looking at her, she is extraordinarily coquettish, like the warmest spring water.

He suddenly turned into a prototype, causing a group of guards to become nervous, thinking that an enemy was coming, and they all showed their weapons.

Mei Luo shouted, "It's okay, your queen is having a temper tantrum, I have to coax her, stay away, don't follow."

He got down on his stomach and said to Yumo, "Come up!"

When Yu Mo saw his dog shape, he was so excited that he didn't rush to ride it. He hugged his big head and kissed him again and again, "Little wolf, my little wolf!"

Really long time no see...

her little wolf.

"Momo, do you like my current appearance more than my human form?" Being so excited inevitably made him jealous.

"No!" She was still holding onto it.

"Come up, or go back and sit in the car!"

"Okay, okay, come up!"

Qingmeng is really a decent person, she is already standing beside her, helping Yumo climb onto Meiluo's back.

"Sit down."

"Well, sit down!" She smiled, her huge belly was just resting in the thickest fur on his back, and she didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"Just this time, no more." Even if you want to ride, you have to wait until the birth is over.

"Understood, hurry up, hurry up..."

She was so panicked in the car that she just wanted to fly around like this.

Mei Luo still felt uneasy, and told Qingmeng, "Go, take the cloak and put it on the queen."

"Yes, King!"

Qingmeng took the cloak and tied it for Yumo before he took off.

As soon as it flew into the air, Yumo yelled happily. This excited state didn't look like a pregnant woman at all.

The guards at the back also followed, but they were a little far away from each other.

The king and queen want to be alone, who dares to be a candle.

"Mei Luo, fly higher..."

"It can't be any higher, it will be cold!"

"I have hairball blood, don't be afraid! Come on, get a little taller..."

"I'm not a roller coaster..." He snorted with gusto.

"Hahaha..." Yinling laughed, obviously very happy.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu were at the front, looking at Yu Mo who was riding on Mei Luo's back and yelling, all kinds of feelings surged in their hearts.

In this huge world of mountains and seas, who else can make their Wang Yuzun condescend and be willing to be ridden by a little woman as a chocobo? There is only one person who enters his heart.

Yu Mo was really happy, and Mei Luo didn't want to disturb her mood. After confirming that she was safe, the height and speed of the flight increased, which speeded up the trip and shortened the time by half a day.

After walking for an hour, "Mo Mo, it's almost time, it's time to go down, otherwise you will be tired."

He didn't hear back for a long time, he turned his head and saw that Yu Mo had already fallen asleep lying on top of him, and Tao Tie stretched out his claws from the demon refining pot to protect her, preventing her from falling.

This girl is sure that someone will protect her, so she is unscrupulous.

Sleeping so deeply, if I go down now, I will definitely wake up, and it will be difficult to sleep again.

He decided to fly for a while, wait until she woke up, and said to Taotie, "Hold her tightly."

When the moon reached mid-heaven, Yu Mo woke up by himself, stretched himself, and didn't panic when he saw Taotie's claws, "Thank you, Taotie."

Taotie was silent, and retracted his claws into the demon refining pot.

She moved her eyes to the horizon, and saw a huge bright moon, which was astonishingly bright, "Mei Luo, look how beautiful the moon is."

"Don't move around, be careful of falling."

"Understood." She stroked his fur, "Have you been flying for a long time, are you tired, I'll give you a massage."

"Don't make trouble, hurry up." He slowed down his flying speed and prepared to go down, "My wish is fulfilled, and then sit in the car for me obediently, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, but don't do it now, the moonlight is so beautiful, it's a pity to waste it... Let's find a place to stay for a while, just the two of us, okay?" The green onion-like finger pointed to a place, and there was a cliff below. , there are a lot of flowers planted, very beautiful, let's go there! "

Mei Luo followed her wish and flew to that sea of ​​flowers.

After landing, he put back on his clothes. Yu Mo was already used to the bug of being naked after turning back into a human form, and had already plunged into the sea of ​​flowers to enjoy the flowers.

The guards at the back didn't know whether to go down too, and Jifu said, "Stay away."


A group of people then left some distance, guarding around.

Yu Mo tied a garland and put it on Mei Luo's head, "Hee hee, it looks good."

Seeing how energetic she was, he also let her arrange flowers on his bun, but it was ridiculously nondescript, so he didn't move, "Just play for a while."

"Understood, long-winded." She put another bright red peony on his ear, covered her mouth and looked at her work with a smirk.

Well, Flower Boy in the Moonlight...

How pretty!
"Haha..." She laughed and fell into his arms

"They are all going to be queen mothers, and they are still so skinny."

"It's rare, I have to carry it all the time in the palace, so tiring!" She pointed to the moon in the sky, "Do you think the moon is particularly beautiful today?"

"Have it?"

"Yes!" She looked at him, and found that he was looking straight at her, those golden eyes seemed to be filled with sunlight and pouring spring water that could drown her, "What are you looking at?"

A slight smile appeared on his handsome face, "Look at something prettier than the moon!"

She lowered her eyes shyly, "Slick tongue!"

He lowered his head and kissed her trembling eyelashes.

In his warm arms, she showed a sweet smile.

Deep affection never needs too many words to embellish, such love has long been difficult to bear in this life.

 Well, generally, if this kind of ending occurs, it means that the flag is set, and it is about to be abused.

  Say hello in advance...

  Going into the last part of the...abuse.


(End of this chapter)

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