The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 476 Part 241 Fuxiqin Chooses the Master

Chapter 476 Part 241 Fu Xiqin Chooses the Master

After taking the blood of Fuqiu, the poison of Mu Yun's princess was cured, but due to the damage caused by the poison, her body was also very weak after the poison was cured. Her body improved at an astonishing speed and she gradually recovered her stunning beauty. It was a kind of beauty that made Yumo feel like she would lose her eyesight. Every time she saw Princess Muyun, she would be taken aback. I was stunned, sometimes so stunned that I forgot to breathe, and I had to take a breath of air before I could speak.

Such a beautiful woman turned out to be a parthenogenetic animal. It's really... such a pity.

And her pair of horns, I really want to touch them... These are the horns of a dragon.

Just thinking about it, her hand touched it directly, and the surrounding maids screamed in shock.

"Queen, don't..."

The horns of the dragon are the lifeblood, how can you touch it, and it is also a symbol of the nobility of the dragon, especially the royal family, let alone profane.

Haiyue grabbed her hand and said angrily, "Queen, don't be rude."

She saved Princess Muyun, she was very grateful, but it didn't mean she could act wild.

Yumo was thinking about it just now, but when she woke up, she realized that she had done something she shouldn't have done, and hurriedly said, "Princess, please forgive me, I...I..." She felt that she had done something wrong, and was eager to remedy it, so she made up a Reason, "There is a legend in my hometown that if you touch the dragon's horn, you can live a long life."

This is not nonsense, in the human world dragon is a symbol of auspiciousness.

"Long life to a hundred years? Queen, are you kidding, is a hundred years a long life?"

She forgot that they are all demons, but demons can live two thousand years or even longer.

"Oh, no, no, I was wrong, it's Long Live... I'm sorry, I... overstepped." She hurriedly stood up and bowed, cursing herself for being confused, Mei Luo ran away for a while, and she did something wrong.

Haiyue wanted to teach her a lesson, but was stopped by Mu Yun, "Go down first, I have something to say to the queen alone."


After everyone retreated, Mu Yun took Yu Mo's hand and patted it lovingly, "Don't be nervous, sit down, your body is heavy, don't hurt the child."

"The princess doesn't blame me?"

"You are my savior, not to mention touching, I can give you whatever you want."

"No, no, no, I just think the princess's horns are very beautiful, like the most gorgeous coral under the sea." Yu Mo thinks she is really a good person, not only beautiful, but also good-natured.

"It's the first time I've heard such a compliment, come on, sit down, don't hold back."

She sat down slowly, looked at her horns, thinking that she had never done anything in vain in her life, she had even seen dragon horns.

"You're human, aren't you?"

Yumo was caught off guard by the frightened Yumo and stood up again. Meiluo said that it is best not to reveal her identity as a human being casually. She also knew that Meiluo valued her, and she was his deadliest weakness.

"Princess, you... what are you talking about?"

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to make sure. You have no demon power, you can't be a demon, and the sentence of long life just now can be regarded as venting."

A hundred-year-old life is what people long for, and a hundred-year-old is still a child's age for you.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" She thought it was better to play dumb, so as not to make too many mistakes.

Princess Muyun smiled gently, "Well, if you don't want to talk, I won't force you." She glanced at her belly, "Actually, I'm not sure, but your belly looks like it's about to give birth. Yes, but you say it’s less than a month old, but it’s a bit weird.”

"What's so curious about this, maybe this kid is too lazy to come out."

"That's an interesting reason... that's right, humans and demons can't have children, but you have one... I think it's a bit strange to think about it."

This Yumo also knows that it is an unsolved mystery as to why she has it. Seeing that Princess Muyun couldn't get around this topic, she took the initiative to say, "Princess, let's stop talking about this and talk about something else. I'll listen to Mei." Luo said, there is a Yulongchi in the Dragon Palace."

She just wanted to divert Princess Muyun's attention, and when she thought about it casually, she thought of Yulongchi.

"How would you know?"

"Melo said."

"Could it be that you, like Qi Luo, can't bear the pregnancy and want to give birth earlier?" She has a beautiful face, extremely beautiful, and her smile is even more unbelievably beautiful.

"So, this Yulongchi really has the effect of inducing labor." When Mei Luo said it before, she still didn't believe it.

"Yes, there is. Women of our Dragon Clan only have one daughter in their lifetime. Pregnancy is a huge problem. A hundred years can be described as difficult. This Yulong Pond is a spiritual pool that shortens the pregnancy period."

Yu Merton felt that the world is full of wonders.

"How long can it be shortened?"

"It varies from person to person!"

"Why is there such a miraculous effect?" No matter how she thought about it, she felt incredible.

"I don't know, but it does have this effect, but...but it doesn't work for other clans." Since it is called Yulongchi, it is naturally exclusive to the dragon clan. "It's just a pity..." Princess Muyun's beautiful face showed Sorrowful and sad, "I have never had a child..."

As a royal family, this is an unforgivable thing. It means that the royal family will be extinct in her generation. Even if Heng Ai can become king, it is not from her lineage.

Yu Mo couldn't bear to see such a beautiful woman sad, so he held her hand and said, "Princess, when you get better, I'll help you see it again."



Princess Mu Yun's expression was shocked, "Could it be that you can cure this too?"

"Whether it can be cured or not, I can't guarantee it. If the princess believes in me, I can give it a try. Maybe I can find the reason?"

"But people in the clan have found countless ways..." She fell from hope again and again, and finally turned into despair.

"That's your person, not me, I'm different." She is human, "But..." She blinked playfully, "My diagnosis method is different from others, so I might make it difficult for you."

She is a veterinarian, this principle cannot be changed, but detoxification is different, just look, hear and ask, and I am really curious, what will Princess Muyun look like in her original form if she is so beautiful. "Princess, no one else can do anything about it anyway, you might as well trust me once, maybe I can really find out the reason, although it's not 100%, but I think it's never wrong to try."

For things like infertility, you have to actively seek medical treatment, and you must not delay it because of your face.

Although Mu Yun didn't understand what she meant by the phrase 'it's difficult' just now, she seemed confident and readily agreed, "Okay, I believe you."

In the evening, Yu Mo reclined on the couch reading a book, waiting for Mei Luo to come back, when he was about to fall asleep, he entered the bedroom quietly, and when he picked her up, he woke her up.

"You're back?"

"Woke you up?" He carried her to the bed.

"No, you came back before you fell asleep."

Mei Luo took off her robe and lay down beside her, "I heard from Princess Mu Yun that you want to find out the reason for her infertility?"

"She told you?" Isn't this a difficult question for a woman to ask, how can she say it to Mei Luo, let alone he is a man.

"I said it. I'm quite happy. Tell me, what's your idea again?"

"What the hell idea, I'm thinking about the Dragon Clan. Look at how beautiful the princess was born. It's a pity that no child inherits such beauty. It's a pity that they reproduced parthenosexually. Otherwise, if she has a daughter, it would be great to marry our son!"

Improved breed.

dragon and dog...

Wow, I feel tall.

At this time, she didn't think about how disharmonious it is to press a dog's head on a dragon, or a dragon's head on a dog.

"Mo Mo, what are you thinking about all day long?" She could think of such things.

"Can't you think about it?" She stroked her stomach, "It's better than you, but now the child's name is not named, and I don't know what is in the ink."

"I don't know if it's a man or a woman? What's the rush?"

"Won't you take it all first? You're so lazy!" She lay down on his chest, bowed her head and asked, "By the way, is there any movement from Bai Yu?"

In the past few days, she accompanied Princess Muyun, while he and General Hengai investigated Bai Yu's movements.

"It's strange, there is no movement at all."

"Did he already know that Princess Muyun's poison has been undone by us, and he knows that there is no way to blackmail her, so he gave up the action here?"

Mei Luo folded her hands on her lower abdomen and tapped her curled index finger, "He is not such a person who gives up easily, he always feels that there is another trick!"

"What will it be?"

"There are too few clues, I haven't thought of it yet, but..." He raised his hand, playing with Liu Hai on her forehead, "Mo Mo, I always feel that the detoxification is too easy this time?"

"Cut!" She patted his chest to express her dissatisfaction, "It's not easy, if I didn't happen to have hairball blood, who knows if I can solve it?" She pushed away his playing hand, grabbed and bit him finger, "Are you trying to say that it doesn't matter if I come or not?"

If he dared to say yes, she would definitely bite him hard.

"No, I don't think so, I just don't think it's something he would do."

"Hmph, you look down on me!"

"No, silent detoxification is the most creditable, huh?" Don't be angry! " he coaxed.

He didn't dare to say it was too easy, she would definitely be very angry if he said it too much.

"Anyway, Bai Yu will definitely have other tricks. We can't take it lightly. After you find out the reason for Princess Mu Yun's infertility, we will go back."

"It's okay to go back, but I don't know how long it will take."

"If you can't, don't force it."

"I've already taken on this job, so naturally I have to do my best, don't be so suspicious, be careful of premature graying..." She suddenly felt that this was wrong, he had white hair, and changed her words: "It's premature aging!"

He chuckled, and looked at her affectionately, "I'm married, so why worry about premature aging, I just grow old with you."

She raised her eyebrows, pinched her hair and brushed his nose, "If it's too old, I don't want it anymore, fresh meat is better."

"Speaking of the language of the human world again, I don't understand!" He deliberately didn't understand
"Little fresh meat, dear dear." She giggled.

In another ten years, when she gets older, he will really be a 'little fresh meat'.

After laughing a lot, the two fell asleep.

Just as Princess Muyun was about to go to bed, she heard someone outside the palace asking to see her.

"Go and see who it is?"

Although her body has improved a lot, she has been poisoned for a long time, and her vitality has been severely damaged. She is still in the period of recuperation, and Hengai and Chenguang are managing all the affairs of the clan.

"Princess, please meet me!"

"Chenguang? You're here so late, I'm afraid there is something wrong, let her in quickly."

The maid took the cloak and put it on her.

The morning light came slowly, her ink-stained hair was pulled up in two bundles, and she was pulled up high. A pair of white jade-like horns stood on top of her head, not obtrusive, making her more heroic. When she came late at night, she was still wearing a robe The clothes are obviously very wide, but the belt inlaid with tortoiseshell agate makes the waist appear slender, showing the unique softness of women. Her eyes are like pearls. Although she is a little older, she still has the beauty of the prime of life. .

Seeing Princess Mu Yun, she showed a delicate and pleasant smile: "Princess is well."

"Get up, why are you here?" She pointed to the chair below, "Sit down."

"I ask the princess to forgive me for disturbing you late at night."

"It's okay, you are a proper person, at this time, there must be another important thing. Tell me!"

"Yes!" She bowed and bowed, "Now that the princess's poison has been cured, can the dog and demon clansmen leave?"

"You want to drive them away?" Mu Yun raised his eyebrows.

"I just think the stay is a bit long..."

"I'm afraid it's because of that?" Princess Mu Yun had already seen the reason for her visit, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea, "You are worried that Mei Luo will borrow Fuxiqin from me."

"Princess Mingjian!"

"Shouldn't I borrow it?"

"Princess, Fuxiqin is the treasure of my Dragon Clan, and it is absolutely impossible to borrow it from others."

"I'm aware of this, but Mei Luo hasn't mentioned it so far."

"If you don't mention it, it doesn't mean you won't, maybe it's just that you haven't had the right opportunity yet."

Chen Guang is unsmiling, strict in doing things, and follows the rules. As a member of the Dragon Palace clan, she thanks Yu Mo for saving Mu Yun, but the matter of Fu Xiqin is another matter.

"I think I can borrow it."

Li Wang had told her earlier that Dog Wolf Fox and Bai Yu were in the same situation, and she had asked Mei Luo insinuatingly.

"Princess, it is absolutely impossible."

"I know what you're thinking, but Bai Yu is too scary. Even if we take strict precautions, he might not snatch Fuxiqin away." She was deeply poisoned and is still recuperating. , she may not be able to compete with it, Fuxiqin may be able to defeat the enemy, but Bai Yu is scheming, can break through the defense of the Dragon Palace and poison her, maybe he can't poison her again before she uses Fuxiqin.

"Could it be that the dog monster clan can deal with it?" Chen Guang was quite arrogant in his words, thinking that his own clan was the strongest.

"I'm not talking about the dog monster clan, but that girl."

"The princess is talking about the queen of the dog monster clan?"

She nodded, "That girl looks weak, but there are fierce beasts following her, Chen Guang, there are not one, but three."

"Three?" Chen Guang opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

"Bixi, Zhulong, Taotie. My God... I really want to see Qiluo's expression when she finds out. She sacrificed her life to bring down Li Tianxie, but this girl has three heads without any effort." The beast follows. Isn't it stronger than you and me?"

The thing about the beast was what Mei Luo himself said. He trusted Princess Mu Yun very much, so he didn't hide it, and he couldn't hide it.

"Princess, how can this be compared?"

"As far as facts are concerned, in my opinion, Fuxiqin will be safer in her hands."

"No, Fuxiqin is..."

Princess Muyun stretched out her hand, "Listen to me... Chenguang, I know you are cautious, but I have thought about this matter over and over again. If Bai Yu takes Fuxiqin away, I don't know how much trouble I will suffer. If so, you I am all to blame for this situation.”

"Princess..." Chen Guang knelt down, "I'm afraid the princess is not only because of the Queen's ability, but also because she has no daughter and cannot inherit the Fuxiqin."

"Hey, you are the only one who knows me."

She can't be sure whether Yumo can cure her, but the dragon kings of all generations are the masters of Fuxiqin, but in her generation, there is no heir for a long time, which means that Fuxiqin will choose a new master after her, but Dragon Palace could choose her as a master, but none of them, including Heng Ai. Rather than letting it fall into the hands of the wicked, it is better to choose a good master who can cherish her during her lifetime.

The so-called villains are not recognized by the artifact, and only the artifact knows the selection criteria. Even a person like Bai Yu, wouldn't Xuanyuanjian be chosen as the master?

"I hope the princess will think about it for a while. Don't act too hastily. I implore the princess, think twice!"

"Don't worry, I will think about it again. By the way, do you have any arrangements for the banquet I asked you to hold?"

"It has been arranged, and the dog demon king and queen can be invited in two days."

This banquet was set up to express gratitude, and it was also a banquet to welcome the wind. It could have been arranged when Mei Luo and Yu Mo came, but Yu Mo would suddenly become pregnant, and because of the detoxification, it has not been put on the schedule.

"Okay, let's make arrangements. On that day, I will ask Mei Luo again how he wants to deal with Bai Yu."

"Yes, princess!"

 You should be able to guess what is the reason for Yumo's early birth.


  It's going to be born, it's going to be born, it's going to be born...

(End of this chapter)

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