The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 477 Part 242 The Death of Kongtong Seal

Chapter 477 Part 242 The Death of Kongtong Seal

Under the swaying tree shadows, a pair of figures hide in a corner.

"My lord, when do you plan to do it, time waits for no one."

"What are you in a hurry for? I've made arrangements, and I'll do it at the banquet."

The sky was dark, and it was difficult to see the faces of the two, but the content of the conversation showed that the two figures were the people who were in the temple that night.

"My lord is still hesitating..."

There was a strong threat in the tone, how could she not hear it.

"It's useless for you to force me. Think about how shrewd the dog demon king is. If he doesn't make careful arrangements, he will definitely see the clues."

"Your Excellency really thinks so?"

She waved her sleeves, her face extremely angry, "If you don't believe me, go find someone else."

"Don't be angry, my lord. I don't believe you. With your status, you are naturally a person who keeps what you say, but you must also remember Ling Qianjin..."

"Enough!" Her eyes were red with rage, like a ball of burning fire in the darkness, "If you force me again, I will die."

"My lord? Where are you, my lord..."

The conversation between the two was interrupted by a little maid, and the man in white quickly disappeared, leaving her frowning under the towering giant tree.

At this point, she has no way out, why doesn't she want to rein in the precipice, but her beloved daughter is in the hands of the villain, she can't give it up, she can't give it up, the queen can't blame her for being a thorn in that man's side.

She clasped her hands together and prayed to the heavens—the only hope in this life is for her daughter to be safe.


The tables in the welcoming hall are full of books, all of which are related to the origin of the dragon clan, and some of them are about customs and customs.

Mei Luo lifted the hem of her robe, sat cross-legged next to her, and kissed her on the cheek, "Princess Mu Yun also wants to use this banquet to express her gratitude, and wash the dust for us by the way..."

"She has given me a lot of good things, so I don't need to treat guests to dinner. This is too polite."

"It can be seen how much she likes you." Mei Luo's eyes were full of pride, and she glanced at the books on the desk, "What are these?"

"Oh, these, I asked the prime minister to borrow them."

"Morning light?"

"Yes, this Dragon Palace is a good person, and they don't treat me as an outsider at all." She organized the books she had read and stacked them on the ground.

"Why do you remember reading?"

"Didn't I want to treat the princess's illness? Part of the reason for infertility has to do with the environment. I have to figure out what to eat, what to do, and what habits I have. This is called the right medicine."

"The people in Dragon Palace are all in the same environment, the princess can't do it without reason!"

"I know, but she is a princess with a noble status. There must be something different from other people. Don't worry about it. You don't understand." Can't fall, but the mountain and sea world is not the human world, it is really difficult to diagnose the disease, but she also has her own way.

The way of Chinese medicine, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is not passed down in vain.

She is actually good at surgery, but since she decided to live in this "backward" world, she had to reveal all the old things in her memory and make use of them. For this reason, she specially asked Bu Jie for advice to supplement her knowledge of Chinese medicine.

If she hadn't grown up in a medical family, she would have been useless in the world of mountains and seas.

For Princess Mu Yun's infertility problem, she had drawn up several plans, and decided to try them all, maybe she hit the right one.

"Don't be too tired..." His hand was habitually caressing her stomach, and suddenly he felt something wrong with it, and asked with a frown, "Mo Mo, is your stomach getting bigger?"

"Is there?" She lowered her head.

Looking at it, it really feels bigger.

"It's no wonder the belt is a little tight. I thought it was because of eating so much these past few days."

Because her stomach is too big, she made a belt that can hold her stomach. She was served very well in the Dragon Palace. There were delicious food, fruit and snacks every day, and the soup was even more moisturizing. I don’t know if it’s from the Dragon Clan. People cook very delicious food, she has a full appetite and is stuffed to the brim.

But it's only been a few days since I came to Dragon Palace, no matter how much I eat, it's impossible for my stomach to suddenly grow bigger again.

She stroked it, thinking that the fetal gas was moved before, and the anti-fetal medicine fed by Shennong Ding was all injected with spiritual power. She was afraid that she ate too much small things, so it grew wildly, but it should not be a big problem. Feel uncomfortable.

"If it's big, it means it grows fast. Don't worry, if something happens, I won't hide it from you."

Mei Luo kept staring at her stomach, frowning tightly.

"Okay, it's useless even if you stare at it, and it won't get smaller. If you say it's fine, you still have to think about it. If you're worried, I won't read the book and go to sleep, okay?"

He wished that she would lie still and not move, so he agreed, "Okay!" and picked her up without any hassle.

Yu Mo secretly slandered that he was sleeping all day long, so it would be strange if he could sleep, so he had nothing to say, "When will the banquet be held?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Is it particular?" She was worried that the etiquette would be very grand.

"Princess Mu Yun said, let you treat it as a family banquet, and the etiquette doesn't need to be too thoughtful."

She felt relieved, "That's good, otherwise I'm afraid I'll embarrass you then."

Although Linglong taught some etiquette, but she was a wild monster, and sometimes she couldn't learn it.

"I just want you to be safe and sound, etiquette is nothing, don't worry about it."

She smiled sweetly, "It really hurts me, give me a kiss!"

"Don't make trouble, go to bed quickly. If you talk too much, you won't be able to sleep again."

"Let's talk a little longer..."

"What else do you want to talk about? When did you become a chatterbox? Sleep!"

That's what he said, but he couldn't help himself, so he chatted with her anyway.

After a safe day, the Dragon Palace Banquet was held as scheduled in the evening.

After putting on the Queen's robes, Yu Mo went down to the Nine Dragon Hall where the Dragon Palace Banquet was held with Qingmeng's support. Mei Luo was not with her because she went ahead and said hello to Princess Muyun first. Although the Yingbin Hall is a bit far from the Nine Dragon Hall, there are guards inside and outside, and ants can't get in, so the safety is very guaranteed.

After leaving the welcoming hall, she got into the chariot, and with her current bulky posture, she might not be able to walk.

The Nine Dragon Hall is the highest hall in the Dragon Palace. Needless to say, it is magnificent, but the dog monster clan is rich. If Yu Mo sees more, he will not be as amazed as Grandma Liu when she visited the Grand View Garden. She has a normal heart.

After getting out of the car, there is still a long way to go. The pillars are gold, and the pavement is also gold, shining. As she walks, she calculates that such a large pillar really needs to be made of gold. It is estimated that it will cost tens of tons. Gold, there are really many local tyrants in the mountain and sea world.

"Queen, be careful where you step, there are steps." Qingmeng reminded.

"Oh!" She picked up her skirt and stepped up.

Clan Prime Minister Chen Guang greeted him at the door, "Queen Wan'an."

"The family members are polite."

It was warmer inside the hall than outside, so she took off her cloak and handed it to Jin Ji behind her.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu are of noble origin, so they are also on the banquet list.

Mei Luo was talking to Princess Mu Yun, when she heard her voice, she ran over three steps at a time, and hugged her in her arms.

With him here, Qingmeng's mission would be over, standing quietly behind her.

Princess Mu Yun sat in the upper seat, and said to Mei Luo amusingly, "I said, why do you always look at the door when you talk, it turns out that the queen is not in your arms, you are not in the mood."

Hearing this, Yu Mo blushed immediately, and quietly pinched Mei Luo's waist with his hands.

He didn't respond, raised his glass to Princess Mu Yun and said, "She's used to it, don't worry if she doesn't stare at her."

Hearing that, Yumo twisted it again, wouldn't it mean to demolish her by saying such words.

Princess Mu Yun was filled with emotion, "It's good to be in love, if Qi Luo is here, I must be happy to see that your husband and wife are so harmonious, but it's a pity..."

It can be seen that she and Queen Qiluo are really sisters, which is probably one of the reasons why she is very good to Yumo.

"Princess, I respect you."

The topic of Princess Qiluo was a bit sad, Yumo raised her glass, and actually wanted to tell her that her mother-in-law had met her a long time ago, and they had a good conversation, but saying this would definitely make Princess Muyun even more sad.

"You are heavy, don't drink too much." She called the maid to come up and replaced her cup.

Yumo sniffed and found that it was fruit juice. This is real freshly squeezed fruit juice. There is no need to study how it is squeezed out. It must be a waste.

"Thank you princess."

"Don't drink too much, the food is cold." Mei Luo reminded from the side.

"A small sip." Eat and drink, he would repeat it every time he saw it, and he got used to it.

Mu Yun saw Jin Ji and Ji Fu at this moment, and said, "The two young ladies are going to take their seats soon."

"Thank you princess."

The two are nobles, but Yu Mo's guards will naturally sit in a remote position, unlike Mei Luo and Yu Mo who sit slightly below the princess.

On the other side is the clan prime minister, Chen Guang, and below is Haiyue. Yumo has seen a few of the other courtiers, nodding their heads one by one, squinting their eyes, and seeing King Li, Ning Yi, and Ning Yi sitting not far away from him. Bao three people.

As soon as Li Wang met her eyes, he immediately raised the wine in his glass, biting the rim of the glass and looking at her while drinking, his eyes were just two words...humei.

She rolled her eyes and went over. This man really didn't give up. During the few days in Dragon Palace, he often came to bother her.It's really weird to think about it, she is pregnant with Liujia, and he still doesn't give up, looking at her belly, he can still chase after her fiercely, it's really unbelievable, it's a fight with Shu.

Could it be that all monsters are so dedicated, they won't let one go when they see one?
Thinking that she is not particularly beautiful in the world of mountains and seas, why does this wolf and fox refuse to give up? Is it because she is a human being and thinks that things are rare?

Fortunately, Xue Wu has been very strong these few days, and she has been fighting with Li Wang, which saved her a lot of tongues.

"Let's start the banquet, don't make the guests wait too long." Princess Mu Yun ordered.

Chen Guang stood up, clapped his hands, and a group of singers and dancers filed in.

Yumo withdrew her thoughts and focused on the show. She, a modern person, couldn't understand what she sang or danced, but it was better than watching Li Wang, otherwise someone would definitely be jealous.

"Mumo is really welcome..."

It was too late to withdraw his thoughts, and someone still got into trouble.

"Go, eat your grapes. They are all yours. I still care about them." She stuffed a large grape into his mouth.

Mei Luo was caught off guard and swallowed it, but it was lubricated and she didn't choke, so she nibbled her finger, the jealousy in her eyes could smell the sour taste.

"What are you staring at me for? Stare at him." Obviously it was Li Wang who provoked her, but she ignored him at all.

"If I don't look at you, I'm afraid I'll rush over and beat him up now." He bit her finger and refused to let go.

"Don't worry, if you want to fight, I will definitely support you." She pulled back her hand vigorously and stuffed another grape, "Eat, don't let the princess see the joke."

"Then you are not allowed to look at him again, not at all."

"I didn't watch it, I've been watching you." It's not that she didn't realize how piercing Li Wang's scorching eyes were, she relied on her willpower to resist not to look at him, "I won't tell you, watch the show, you see This dancer's waist is so soft and slender, she doesn't look like me... ah!"

Before she finished speaking, her earlobe was bitten, and her face turned red immediately.

"Don't do this in public..."

"No..." He kissed again.

With a click, the wine glass in the hands of Li Wang next door shattered somehow.

Very good, the purpose is achieved, but it is too childish.

It's not that Princess Muyun didn't see their small actions. Although the people of the Dragon Clan have no sense of love between men and women, they can still see what King Li is thinking. It's a pity that King Xiang is ruthless and hot-headed.

"Yumo eat more, you need to make up your body," she greeted.

"Princess, you are welcome. Your food is good. I have gained weight after being here for a few days. Do you think your face is round?"

Haiyue said, "The Queen moved her fetus when she came back, but it surprised all of our courtiers. Now that I can gain weight, it makes up for our mistakes."

"Grandma's words are serious, it's my own fault, don't worry about it."

All the courtiers laughed.

"By the way, Haiyue, the newly picked glazed fruit is here, let this child taste it." Mu Yun said suddenly.

"Don't tell me, the princess, I've forgotten about it." She said to the maid beside her, "Go and see why the Liuli fruit hasn't been delivered yet."

"What is Liuliguo?" Yumo asked curiously.

"This is a kind of fruit that grows on my Baolong Mountain. It is extremely sweet and moistens the throat. It only blooms and bears fruit once in a hundred years. You came just in time."

Haiyue added, "It also has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin."

"So good? Then I want to eat."

Soon, the maid came up to the hall with a basket of washed glazed fruits, and held them in front of Mu Yun.

"Let the queen choose first, and Yu Mo chooses the big ones, the big ones are delicious."


Yu Mo took a look, and his eyes lit up. This fruit is very beautiful. It really looks like the name. It looks like glass. There is a faint light under the skin. It really doesn’t look like a fruit. It looks like a gemstone, and the size is like a plum. There are only a dozen of them. , and the number is consistent with the number of people present.

The maid carried the basket over, "Please, queen."

Yumo looked at the big and the small, and didn't know how to choose. It seemed impolite to choose the biggest one, thinking that the princess's food must be similar, but the maid glanced over, and then her eyes fell on the one on the left. .

That one really looks good, big and round, crystal clear, but not the biggest one, maybe the second one.

Leave the biggest one to Princess Muyun, and she will pick the second biggest one.

"That's all, Princess Xie."

"I will choose, this one is definitely good." Mu Yun smiled.

"Mei Luo, you choose one too."

"What do I eat for women's food!" But he still picked one, he didn't eat it himself, and gave it to her.

After everyone got the glass fruit, Yu Mo started to eat. He ate the big one first. It was really wonderful and tasted so good.

"So sweet!"

"That's right, this is the only one I love." Mu Yun took a bite, and immediately the fragrance lingered on his teeth and cheeks, and the juice overflowed.

Yumo really wanted to taste it carefully, but it was so delicious, she swallowed it whole, and then picked up Meiluo's one.

"Slow down, be careful of choking." Seeing that she didn't chew very carefully, Mei Luo was afraid that she would get her throat stuck.

"No, no!"

After eating, she was still unsatisfied and wanted to have another one.

But the basket was empty a long time ago. As expected, there are not many good things. I don’t know if they will be harvested once in a hundred years.It won't be just a few, let's finish eating.

The banquet continued, the guests and hosts had a good time, and the singing and dancing did not stop. Yu Mo was in good spirits, but after half an hour, she felt a little sleepy, she nodded and dozed off.


"Huh?" She opened her eyes, but she felt as if it weighed a thousand catties, and her body also felt a little light.

"Why are you dozing off?"

"a bit sleepy!"

I don't know why my body is getting lighter and lighter.

Seeing this, Princess Mu Yun said, "Perhaps I'm tired, Mei Luo will accompany her back, don't be tired."

When Mei Luo was about to hug the sleepy Yu Mo, suddenly a bright light flashed from Yu Mo's chest, which dazzled everyone's eyes.

"what happened?"

The brighter the brighter the eyes, the closest Mei Luo subconsciously grasped her hand, "Silence..."

Yu Mo was silent, he desperately opened his eyes, only to see a hole in her chest expanding, slowly getting bigger, and then a flame-like body of white smoke came out.

He was startled... This is the primordial spirit.

After the body of smoke drilled out, the hole disappeared.

The light also slowly dissipated.

At this time, the demon refining pot hanging around her neck shook, and the Shennong cauldron flew forward, bursting with light.

When the two artifacts were shaken, the body of smoke fluttered in the air, Mei Luo yelled to catch it, and the fear in her heart was expanding.

When he was about to catch him, the door of the temple was wide open, and there was no one there, but a bright object flew over and took Yumo's soul into it.

Everyone is a horror.

This is... this is...

Mu Yun turned pale, "Kongtong Yin..."

Taotie suddenly yelled from the demon pot, "Boy, this is the death of Kongtong Yin... Hurry up and grab it, don't let it go."

Unfortunately, it was still too late, and the Kongtong seal disappeared without a trace.

The primordial spirit is gone, it is equivalent to a dead person.

Yumo was out of breath.


(End of this chapter)

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