The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 478 Part 243 Changed Second Body

Chapter 478 Part 243 Changed Second Body

Yuanshen is Yuandan to demons, and three souls and six souls to humans.

If a person loses the three souls and six souls, it is equivalent to death.

Only Bi Xi in this world has the ability to separate the primordial spirit from the main body without any harm.

The appearance of the Kongtong seal means that among the ten artifacts, only the Pangu ax and the Kunlun mirror have not yet appeared.

As for why the Kongtong seal suddenly appeared and who controlled it, there is no suspense.

White Feather!

Apart from this person, there is no second person to think about it.

How he got the Kongtong seal, and how he made it appear here, is no longer a matter of concern to everyone, but...

Mei Luo's mind went blank at this moment, holding Yu Mo who had no signs of life in her arms, she was only sluggish and completely lost.

He couldn't accept this fact. Just a moment ago, she was still smiling, looking at him warmly and clasping her hands.

Li Wang and Ning Yi have already chased them out, and the appearance of Kongtong Yin disrupted everyone's position. Kongtong Yin swallowed Yu Mo's primordial spirit. If it disappeared, there would be no room for change.

Known as the Kongtong Seal that can make people immortal, one of its abilities is the ability to devour the primordial spirit. It is called the Kongtong Seal, and Taotie also knows it from the Demon Refining Pot.

The Demon Refining Pot, which is also an artifact, fainted in Yumo, with a hole in his chest, and he sensed the existence of Kongtong Seal.

It's just that it's too late, Yumo's soul has been taken away, and without the soul, the body becomes an empty shell.

Due to the influence of the contract, Taotie couldn't do without Yumo, even if the primordial spirit was taken away.

"Gu boy, wake up, what's the use of being sad at this time, it's important to recover the girl's soul."

Yumo lost her soul, which means she lost her life, but she just lost her soul, so as long as she regains her soul, there is still hope.

Mei Luo couldn't hear any sound, as if he hadn't heard it, only his frightened face was reflected in the eyes of the people around him.

He held Yu Mo's head that would fall down if he let go, and his fingers didn't dare to touch her breath. He was extremely scared, and he fell into endless fear.

Mo Mo will not die... She is still pregnant with a child, she is going to be a mother...

Li Wang walked into the palace with a gloomy complexion.

Princess Muyun asked, "How?"

He shook his head heavily, "It's gone!"

When he chased it out, the Kongtong seal disappeared, but he saw a beam of light, which was very familiar, and after chasing it, he saw the Donghuang Bell that had closed the space.

Princess Muyun covered her mouth, and couldn't help crying anymore.

So... this girl is hopeless.

"Mei Luo..." She called softly, and found that he was like a sculpture made of loose sand, which would disperse when the wind blows.

Hearing the sound, Mei Luo raised her eyes, the golden eyes seemed to be bleeding.

Mu Yun didn't dare to speak anymore, she was afraid of irritating him, but her eyes said everything.

But he wouldn't believe it, "Mo Mo didn't die, she didn't die..."

She's not going to die, no.

She said that she would hold hands with him till the end of life.

But the delicate body in his arms gradually became cold, and it became a biting cold attacking him, piercing his skin and cutting his muscles and bones. He twisted his face, turned his gaze, and fell on Yu Mo's lifeless face...

"Silence, don't make trouble, wake up..."

"Mei Luo, she already..." Mu Yun walked over to comfort him.

"do not come!"

He hugged Yumo like a wild animal protecting his food, his face was as fierce as a blade, and his demonic aura was released, as if if she said something unpleasant, he would tear her to pieces.

"Princess!" Heng Ai came to her, worried that Mei Luo would hurt her.

Jin Ji and Ji Fu looked at Yu Mo, who had no signs of life. As guards, they failed their duties, but Wang was still there, and he must not be allowed to have trouble.


"Go away!"

He refuses all persuasion, and anyone who approaches him will be bounced away by his demon power.

Mei Luo's hand caressed Yu Mo's cheek, and there was a trace of persistence, a trace of timidity, and a trace of begging hope in her eyes.

"Momo, wake up... stop making trouble, you scared me!"

However, it is impossible for her to open her eyes.

Waiting and waiting... Timidity, persistence, and begging all turned into despair.

It was he... who didn't protect her well.

As if he had been stabbed in the heart by a sharp knife, he screamed wildly, raised his head to the sky and screamed, the demonic power surged uncontrollably, forming a destructive force, and the mournful roar shook the entire hall.

The human form gradually changed into a beast, ferocious and terrifying.

"No, the dog demon king is crazy, protect the princess!"

Taotie had seen him like this before, on Mount Sumeru, he had let himself go berserk because of despair.It was so close, it immediately reached out and hit him on the back of the neck, which finally calmed him down. At the moment of fainting, a tear quietly slid down his pale cheek, and he fell to the ground, on the deep red carpet, fainting. and a reddish flower blooms.

Li Wang ran over and hugged Yu Mo's fallen body.

Everyone was startled and moved away from the Taotie one after another. Now that there is no master, no one can tame it.

Li Wang didn't take a step back, "The situation forced Taotie to do this. You have also seen that the dog demon king is irrational. If you let him go crazy, you will all suffer."

Mu Yun's eyes fell on Yumo's swollen belly, "Haiyue, hurry up, she still has a child in her belly, we can't let something happen to the child..."

The time is still short, and the child in my stomach can still be saved.

Haiyue was startled, "Princess, do you want to..."

But now it is like this, I am afraid there is only this way.

Haiyue's heart sank and she stepped over.

"No one is allowed to move!" Taotie grew huge and stood in front of Mei Luo and Yu Mo.

Haiyue staggered back a step, "Gao Tie, you should know the child..."

"She's not dead yet!"

"The primordial spirit has been taken away, which means lifeless. Do you think Bai Yu will return her primordial spirit?"

If you can really pay it back, why take it away.

A light flashed behind Taotie, it was the light of the Shennong Cauldron, it seemed to be talking, but no one could hear what it was saying except the owner.

The Demon Refining Pot passed on the words of the Shennong Ding to Taotie.

Taotie said, "Shen Nong Ding said, the girl is not dead yet, no one is allowed to touch her, I will kill any of you who dare to come here."

Princess Muyun didn't know whether to listen or not.

She likes Yumo very much, and that's why she wants to keep her child.

King Li made a decision, "Princess, it's better to listen to Shennong Ding's words on this matter. With the current situation, the princess should rectify the courtyard. Kongtong Yin and Donghuang Bell will appear. There are spies."

The Eastern Emperor Bell appeared once, causing Princess Muyun to be murdered. After that, the Dragon Palace has already strengthened the barrier to guard against death. It is absolutely impossible for the Eastern Emperor Bell to break in again. It was like appearing in the Cangwu Mansion, someone was helping.

"Don't lie, King Li, I, Dragon Palace, will never betray the princess." Heng Ai shouted.

"Then how to explain this matter?"

Heng Ai was dumbfounded, he had been on defense for a long time, so how could he allow Donghuang Zhong Kongtongyin to break in easily?

Princess Muyun was awakened by King Li's reminder, and this matter must be thoroughly investigated.

"Come here, block the Dragon Palace, and everyone is not allowed to enter or leave."

At the middle of the moon, Mei Luo woke up, he thought it was just a dream.

It was just a nightmare.

But the sad expressions of the people around him went straight to their hearts.

"Momo... where is Momo?"

After Jin Ji and Ji Fu looked at each other, they knelt down and said, "Inner Hall!"

He got up in a panic and rushed towards the inner hall, telling himself... It was a dream, it was a dream!His silence is still alive, and when he opens the door, he can still see her sitting at the table and concentrating on reading a book, and when he calls her, she will look up with a smile.

But after the palace door was opened, what he saw was her already icy cold, the Shennong Ding floating on the top of the bed, enveloping her with gentle waves.

"The dog demon king..." Li Wang has been guarding here.

Mei Luo turned a deaf ear and pushed him away, until she saw Yu Mo lying on the bed coldly, she didn't realize that the nightmare hadn't woken up yet.

He stared at her on the bed with bloodshot eyes, motionless, and it took him a long time to muster up the courage to walk over, every step seemed to be stepping on soft clouds, his steps were vain, without any real feeling.

Yu Mo on the bed seems to be far away, but seems to be near, obviously close, but also seems to be far away.

In just a few steps, he exhausted all his strength to barely finish.

Standing on the side of the bed, looking at her who was not breathing, he felt a cold air pouring down his head, and then spread out all over his body, extending from his fingertips to his heart, making him shiver.

Li Wang was worried that he would go crazy again, so he stared at him warily.

Taotie said, "Little fox, don't stop him, let him figure it out..."

"Momo..." Mei Luo called her with the gentlest voice, he wanted to hug her and warm him with his own body temperature, but he couldn't find the courage anyway.

He didn't even dare to touch her, for fear that she would disappear suddenly, his fingers were trembling, and even with all his efforts, he couldn't stop the gnawing trembling.

His knees could no longer support his body, and he knelt down in front of the bed. After a long time, he dared to stretch out his fingers and caress her carefully.

Her silence is not like this, she is petite and exquisite, her cheeks are always flushed, not so pale, she must be very cold, otherwise why can't he feel a little warmth.

He stretched out his arms and hugged her as hard as he could.

"Don't be afraid, I'm..."

He wanted to hug her tightly with his arms, to prevent her from any harm, to keep all dangers away from her, and to let her sleep peacefully in his arms with a smile, not like this... cold, without a trace of breath.

Is she dead?

At this moment, he felt that the world was empty, and he was the only one. The depths of his golden eyes were gradually stained with the emptiness of despair.

If she died, what was the point of his life.

"Dog boy, I know you are in pain now, but no matter how painful it is, you have to listen to what I have to say..."

"Dead silently..." His heart was ashamed, and he had no desire to live anymore.

"She's not dead yet!"

not dead?

Suddenly, his dead heart began beating again.

These two words are worth a thousand pieces of gold, and when they hit his heart, he grabbed Taotie, his expression ecstatic, "Taotie..."

"Don't be too happy too early. Although you are not dead, you are almost dead."

"What do you mean!?" He didn't accept this argument.

"It was the child in her stomach who caught one of her three souls and seven souls at the moment when her soul left. Get the other souls back, she will still die! Shennong Ding is now doing his best to protect her lifeline with spiritual power and prolong her survival time. We must take back the soul that was taken away by Bai Yu in the shortest possible time gone."

With a sway in his mind, he began to clear up.

There is still salvation in silence!

close your eyes...


When it opened... it was full of murderous intent!
This is where?

A strange place, a strange bed, and when the wind and snow blow outside the window, isn't the Dragon Palace like spring all the year round?
Where the hell is this?

She was puzzled again, glanced at the bronze mirror in the corner.

In the bronze mirror, there is an unknown girl lying on the bed.

But isn't there only one bed?

The girl in the bronze mirror looked confused, and looked at the bronze mirror again and again.

An inexplicable panic rose from her heart, she raised her hand, and the girl in the bronze mirror also raised her hand, she stroked her face, and the girl stroked her face too.

No, it's impossible.

The person in the bronze mirror was clearly not her appearance, and then she subconsciously looked at her stomach.

flat belly...

Her baby is gone?

"woke up?"

The cold and unfamiliar voice rang in her ears, causing her to jump up from the bed.


As soon as the voice came out, it was extremely strange, and it was not her voice, and her eyes met the person who came.

He is dressed in white, like a god, his face is as clear as a sculpture, and his thick hair is pulled up high by a golden crown. He is extremely handsome, but the coldness in his eyes makes her unable to arouse the slightest surprise. She has never seen such a thing. unforgiving eyes.

He obviously didn't know him, but a name suddenly appeared in his mind.

"White Feather..."

He smiled and pulled the corners of his mouth slightly, but it made him look even more ruthless.

"It seems pretty smart."

It's really him!

She stared in shock, she should be in the Nine Dragon Palace, and... by the way... Mei Luo, she looked around in a panic.

"This is not the Dragon Palace."

Concise and concise, but it made her tremble all over. She didn't believe that he could take her away from Mei Luo's protection. Regardless of her physical discomfort, she threw herself out of bed, walked towards the door with vain steps, and opened it forcefully.

The wind and snow were violent, and there was only snow in front of her eyes, and she was so cold that she could only shiver.

She was not afraid of the cold for a long time, but at this moment, she was so cold that her teeth were clenched, and her skin was cut like a knife.

"This body is no longer your original body, and it cannot be stimulated. If you don't want to suffer, you'd better close the door and lie back on the bed obediently."

"What did you do to me?" She turned her head, eyes full of panic.

Bai Yu took out a seal made of jade, which was unique in style, exquisite and exquisite, and it was not ordinary at a glance.

"Do you know what this is?"


"Kongtong Seal!"

She was startled, he actually got the seal of Kongtong.

Maoqiu said that the Kongtong seal has the ability to make people immortal. It has always been the secret treasure of the Kongtong clan. It is also the only artifact among the artifacts that has been passed down from the descendants of the creator. It has never been given to others. What is its ability? It can make people immortal, except for the Kongtong clan, no one knows about it.

But the Kongtong family has always been mysterious, the world only knows about it, but few people know where they are, and some people even think that there is no Kongtong family in the world, but it is just a legend.

"Have you found the Kongtong clan?"


"You killed them?" She never forgot the bloody massacre on Penglai Island.

"How can you get it if you don't kill it?" He had a smile on his face, but it was bloody and cruel.

Tu Clan is his usual tactic, but in fact the Kongtong Clan has long since withered and is no longer a clan. There are only ten people left. Although it is small, it should not be underestimated. Without complete preparations, the entire army will be wiped out .

However, who in this world can defeat Xuanyuan Sword.

The divine weapon has no primordial spirit, and it can be killed with a single sword piercing through the heart.

Bai Yu pushed back the hem of his robe, sat on the chair, picked up the teacup, and said slowly: "Kongtong Yin has the ability to make people immortal, but this ability is not really immortal, but it has the ability to swallow the primordial spirit. If a person is old and weak, he can take out his soul and put it into another young and strong body, so that he can live again, what will happen?"

She looked at the seal in panic, grabbed the hem of the skirt with trembling hands, and fell to the ground a little unsteadily.

The heat of the tea blurred Bai Yu's cold eyes, but couldn't blur the panic in her heart.

"This is the truth that the Kongtong seal can make people immortal. As long as the primordial spirit is not destroyed, and the physical container is constantly replaced, it is eternal life. Now you have changed a body because of this."

The ridiculous thing is that the Kongtong people think that this method is against the way of heaven, and never use it. They use the Kongtong seal only to repel the enemy.

She just felt that she couldn't breathe, and her chest hurt like suffocation.

"What would happen without Yuanshen?" She needed to know what would happen to her previous body.


A light sentence, but it pierced her chest like a sharp knife.

So she's dead?

Her chest trembled, and she caressed her lower abdomen. If she died, could the child live?
How can I live?

She is dead!

And it wasn't born yet!

At this moment, the mother's expectation turned into the same wind, frost, snow and rain as outside the house. She stood up staggeringly, her red and swollen eyes were full of tears, rolling down one drop after another.

"Bai Yu, I'll kill you!" She frantically rushed over.

She is Lan Yumo, she didn't die, she just changed her body.

But her baby will die.

"Crazy woman!"

Bai Yu flicked her finger to eject the demonic energy, and hit her chest hard, she flew out without being controlled by gravity, hit the wall, vomited a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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