The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 479 Part 245 Yulongchi Gives Birth

Chapter 479 Part 245 Yulongchi Gives Birth

In the welcoming hall, Mei Luo combed Yu Mo's hair carefully. In the silence, there was only his persistence and waiting. He didn't allow anyone to touch her, and he didn't allow anyone to disturb her, except Shen Nong Ding.

"King!" Jin Ji knelt down and bowed after entering the palace.

"What did Princess Mu Yun say?" He didn't turn his head back, still combing her black hair carefully.

"The princess is looking, but there is no clue."

"Then kill!"

In the silence, every word of his was full of bloodlust.

There must be spies in the Dragon Palace, if not, how could Kongtongyin and Donghuangzhong break in, and her primordial spirit was obviously wrong before it was taken away. This is what he remembered in retrospect. There is a resonance with the artifact, Kongtong Yin appears so close, it is impossible for it to feel the demon refining pot, but let it suddenly appear and take away her primordial spirit.

This may be caused by Bai Yu's use of some enchantment, but it is not easy to take away the primordial spirit. The person who is taken away must have resisted beforehand, but Yumo didn't resist at all. If there was, Taotie would be able to detect it thereby protecting her.

He remembered that she said that she was sleepy.

She slept a lot these days, how could she be sleepy?

He suspects that she has been drugged.

Drinks and refreshments, he and she ate together, he didn't have any abnormalities, which meant that the problem was not in it, only Liuliguo, he didn't eat it, and she had an accident after eating Liuliguo.

He suspects that Liuli Guo is the source of the problem.

But Yumo chose Liuliguo himself, and others ate it. It seemed that there was nothing unusual, but he always felt that something was wrong. Following this line, a suspicious person surfaced, and that person came to Yumo with Liuliguo The maid disappeared afterwards, and no one knew where she went.

No one knows... Hehe, people belong to Dragon Palace, how can no one know, there must be someone behind the scenes.

Since no one confesses, kill them.


Jin Ji took the order and went out.

"Mei Luo!" Princess Mu Yun appeared outside the palace with Heng Ai's support.

"Princess, the king doesn't see anyone, you'd better go." Jifu guarded the gate of the palace, preventing her from entering.

Heng Ai said angrily, "This is the Dragon Palace, how can you just say you see it and then disappear, go away!"

With swords drawn, the two faced each other with their swords drawn. They were both loyal to the emperor and each was their own master. No wonder they were.

"Ah Heng, stop!"

"Princess, they are deceiving too much. Since last night, they have tied up all the ministers for no reason, saying that they want to investigate spies, but how can there be spies in my Dragon Palace? Heng Ai is heartbroken about the Queen's matter, but it can't be like this." Let's be humane."

"The incident happened in Dragon Palace, and they are all our people. It is understandable that he does not believe that we will investigate and deal with it impartially."

"But..." Heng Ai held his breath all night, and he couldn't bear it any longer, "Princess, they simply took the opportunity to provoke."

"You forgot what Li Wang said, don't fall into Bai Yu's provocation."

Yumo happened in the Dragon Palace. Now there is no evidence to prove that everyone in the Dragon Palace has nothing to do with it, including her as the princess. She also ordered Liuliguo to be brought up. If she hadn't harmed Yu Motive, Mei Luo was the first to suspect her.

Dragon Palace is to blame for this matter, there is no other way but to be patient, if they resist, it will be selfishness, and it will damage the friendship between the two clans, once they start fighting, wouldn't Bai Yu be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Mei Luo, if you still respect me as an elder, let me go in and see you." She begged to the closed palace door, letting go of her dignity as a princess.

Jin Ji came out from inside and bowed to her, "Princess please."

"Meluo willing to see me?"


She lifted the hem of her skirt and was about to go in, Heng Ai followed behind, but was blocked by Jin Ji.

"What do you mean?" She glared angrily.

Jin Ji didn't let go of her blocking hand, "The king said, I saw the princess."


"Ah Heng, you wait outside."

Heng Ai was afraid that Mei Luo would harm her, "Princess, I don't worry about you going in alone."

"He won't hurt me, don't be impulsive, this is my order, wait outside."

Heng Ai had no choice but to agree, watching her slowly enter the palace.

"Mei Luo..." Mu Yun whispered.

Mei Luo raised her eyes, those shrewd and sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through people's souls at once, which made Mu Yun feel scared for no reason. When I saw him before, although he had the spirit of a king, he was also like a big boy. Like the morning sun, warm and warm, but now he is so cold that he seems to have no emotions or desires.

Is it because of this girl?

To love so deeply is a disaster, not a blessing.

As a king, the responsibility is too great. It is absolutely impossible to tie one's heart to a woman. As an elder, she should point out this point, but his mother is not like this. In order to love a man, she decisively let go of herself The responsibility that should be borne, looking selfish, is it not a kind of courage.

Forget it, she won't complain about him, she just wants to persuade him.

"Mei Luo, I know you are sad, and I also know that you plan to go to the Night Falcon Clan to find Bai Yu to fight to the death, but this is the courage of a man, you are the"

She expected him to be annoyed and to retort, but he didn't.

In just one night, he had experienced a lot of vicissitudes, and said hoarsely: "The princess should know that Momo is a human being."

Mu Yun was taken aback, she had suspected it before, but she wasn't sure, now that he said it, she knew that she was really human.

"Do you know how much courage she needs to stay and hold hands with me in the world of mountains and seas until she grows old, and how much she needs to give up, her ideals, her parents, her family, her friends. She hesitated, but I never blamed me, but I know how difficult this decision was for her, but for me, she gave up. She tried her best to be a good queen, and obviously she was annoyed by those things, but for me, She is studying desperately, learning things that she doesn't like at all, for me, she gave up everything, why can't I let go of the so-called responsibility."

He spoke calmly, but his eyes were full of affection.

"She endured hard work, endured pain, and endured hardships I didn't know about to conceive a child for me, and endured it alone. She sacrificed so much, why couldn't I sacrifice for her? If it wasn't for my selfishness to keep her by my side, Why does she have to suffer like this! I just want to find a safe and sound mother for my child."

"I know you have deep affection, but please believe that there will never be any traitors in my Dragon Palace."

"The matter is already like this, why should the princess argue so much?"

"After searching all night, what did you find out? It must be Bai Yu's sowing discord."

"I don't know what kind of person he is, but if there are no spies, how can he succeed? Is the barrier of the Dragon Palace so vulnerable?"

Mu Yun had nothing to say about this.

"That's why spies suffer this kind of torture silently. If I can't find any spies, I promise not to give up."

"Are you going to slaughter my Dragon Palace?"

"For silence, I don't care."

She staggered back, only thinking that he was crazy.

He is desperate for the one he loves, and she is the Princess of Dragon Palace, and she will be desperate for the sake of the group, but she doesn't want to cause a massacre because of this matter.

"Mei Luo, listen to me, I will definitely..."

Before the words were finished, Yu Mo, who had lost consciousness, suddenly convulsed.

"Silence?" Mei Luo was horrified, she had only one soul and one soul in her body now, and she barely maintained her life, appearing in a state of suspended animation, so it was absolutely impossible for her to have such a violent reaction.

The Shennong cauldron on top of the bed withdrew the shimmering light covering her, and said to the demon refining pot, "The child in the girl's stomach is making a fuss."

The Demon Refining Pot is unknown, so, "What do you mean?"

"Young girl cultivates the Yuandan every day for it to eat. Now that the girl is not here, my spiritual power is going to protect her lifeline. There is nothing extra, and I can't take care of it."

In short, it is 'hungry' so noisy.

"What should I do?"

"You tell Taotie, tell him to tell Dog Boy, and borrow Dragon Palace's Yulongchi."


"Don't worry about it, just do it."

The Demon Refining Pot hurriedly told Tao Tie about the matter, and Tao Tie relayed it to Mei Luo verbatim.

Mei Luo didn't know about eating Yuan Dan, so the anger can be imagined, but it's useless to be angry at this time, this child protected Yu Mo's soul at a critical moment, causing her to live. After falling down, although the breath is weak, it seems to be dead, but it is still alive, but if there is something wrong with the child, the soul may also disappear.

At this time, he could only ask Mu Yun for help.

Mu Yun said, "Yulongchi is useless to people from other clans."

"There must be a reason for Shennong Ding to say that. If you refuse to borrow it, I'll have to force my way in." Murderous look welled up in his eyes.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll take you there."

Mu Yun personally led the way, and Mei Luo picked up Yu Mo and entered the most sacred area of ​​the Dragon Palace - Yulongchi.

This is the place where the dragon kings of the past dynasties were bred, which is tantamount to the inheritance of the lineage of the Dragon Palace royal family.

"Shen Nong Cauldron, what should I do?" Mei Luo couldn't hear its voice, so she could only ask Tao Tie.

Taotie replied, "Put the girl into Yulongchi."

"that's it?"


Mu Yun was very worried, "Will this hurt Yu Mo?"

Taotie said: "Shen Nong Cauldron said that your Yulongchi is the place where the dragons who guarded the Dragon Palace in the past dynasties released their demonic power after death. The pool is full of huge demonic power, which will shorten the pregnancy period of the dragon clan. It is all because of your dragon clan. Just like the girl's child, it needs to devour a lot of demon power to grow up, the more it gets, the faster it will be, it may be useless to others, but it is useful to the girl's child."

"Is that so?" It was the first time Princess Muyun had heard of it.

"Shen Nong Ding will not harm girls, nor will he talk nonsense."

Mei Luo put Yu Mo into Yulong Pool. The water in this pool was extremely warm, like a hot spring, and when it shimmered, it was colorful, like a fairy pool. After Yu Mo sank into the pool, the symptoms of convulsions gradually eased.

"How long will it be?"

Taotie went to ask Shen Nong Ding, Shen Nong Ding said, "I don't know about it, let's put it away for now, and see what's happening now, the little guy likes it very much."

I like it quite a lot. With a thumping sound, my abdomen swells and grows bigger again, and it is almost on the verge of giving birth.

Suddenly, the abdomen squirmed, and a pair of feet poked out through the material of the belly.

When Mu Yun saw it, she was startled and said, "Is it going to give birth?"

This belly is already very big and spectacular, won't it be dangerous if it doesn't give birth again?What's even more strange is where this child came from. He knew how to save his mother before he was born. Could it be that mother and child are really connected.

Mei Luo was also very frightened, but how could a man understand about childbirth.

Mu Yun hurriedly called for someone to bring Haiyue back.

After Haiyue came in, she was shocked when she saw Yumo in Yulongchi, "Princess, Yulongchi is me..."

"You still care about these things at this time, let's see if Yu Mo is about to give birth?"

Haiyue still had something to say, but the protruding foot became more and more noisy.

Shennong Ding suddenly shouted, "Tell Taotie quickly, it seems that the girl is really about to give birth."

The Demon Refining Pot hastened to tell.

When Taotie said that, everyone was stunned.

Yu Mo is unconscious now, how will the child be born?
After Haiyue took her pulse, she was even more sure about it, that it was really about to give birth.

How is this good?
"Aunt Haiyue, think of a way soon?"

"Princess, the mother needs to exert force to give birth, but how can she exert force like this?"

At this time, Shennong Ding popped out a pill, "Give it to the girl to eat, this is a pill for inducing labor, let's see if it works first."

The Demon Refining Pot said, "Is this okay?"

"A dead horse becomes a living horse doctor."

At this time, I have to try any method, otherwise the child will be suffocated in the stomach.

Mei Luo took the pill and stuffed it into Yu Mo's mouth, and the pill melted through her saliva and evaporated.

Haiyue lifted Yumo's skirt, it was hard to tell whether the amniotic fluid had broken in the water, but the birth canal was opened.

"Princess, I need the help of my mother."

"I'm going to find someone right now."

Regardless of her usual appearance, Princess Muyun ran out and hurriedly called for someone. After hearing the voice, the maids passed one by one, gathered the fetuses in the Dragon Palace, and brought them in.

"Meet the princess." The four fetuses knelt down to greet each other.

"Get up, it's important to save lives."

The mother-in-law got off the Yulongchi, and seeing Yu Mo unconscious, she looked at each other in blank dismay.

Maternal coma, how can give birth?
Haiyue yelled anxiously, "What are you still doing in a daze, use that method of pushing and pressing to find a way to push the child out."

"Yes, my lord."

Mei Luo supported Yu Mo's head, protected her waist, and kept her lying in the pool so that she would not sink to the bottom of the pool. He didn't understand this, he only knew that it was the mission of the fetus to approach Yu Mo to press her stomach, and he was afraid that she would hurt her. , even if you know that she is unconscious now, no one is allowed to bully her.

"What are you doing?" He pushed her away.

"King the dog demon, this is the method of pushing and pressing for childbirth. It is often used by pregnant women with insufficient physical strength. Don't make trouble." Haiyue shouted, feeling a little bit unbearable towards him.

The dragon race is the most difficult race among demons to give birth. Not to mention the long pregnancy cycle, childbirth is even more difficult. There is only one woman in a lifetime. In order to keep this woman, childbirth techniques can be described as developed.

"She will hurt!"

"She is like this, how can it hurt, get out of the way!"

Haiyue didn't allow him to interfere, and together with the four concubines, they pressed Yumo's abdomen together.

The lower abdomen was wriggling, and the lower feet were still poking out, but slowly there was no movement, and the fetal image sank.

The first-born mother observed the movement under Yumo's skirt, and suddenly saw a few strands of lanugo, "My lord, I saw the head."

"Okay, try harder!"


Press, massage, force.

The four wives were already sweating profusely, but the child refused to come out again, he was so anxious that he died.

"This child is too naughty, why won't he come out?" Haiyue looked at Taotie, "But there is still a pill to induce labor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two Shennong cauldrons popped out.

After being fed, the birth canal opened wide, and the little head creaked and finally came out.

"It's coming out, the head is coming out." The mother-in-law shouted happily.

Mu Yun, who was standing by the pool, was pacing back and forth, and was delighted to hear the shout, "Boy, girl?"

"Princess, the body hasn't come out yet, so I don't know yet."

The fetuses continued to work hard, and after a while, the baby came out, crying and making loud noises.

"It's a boy!"

Hearing this cry, Mei Luo's eyes became hot for no reason.

Silently, our baby was born.

Haiyue wanted to hug it, but was sent flying several feet away by the evil spirit wrapped in his body.


The fetuses couldn't get any closer, and they all fell into the pool, flailing their arms and legs in the water.

Because no one was holding him, he was about to fall into the pool in an instant.

Mei Luo grabbed him by the hand, hugged him into her arms, still supporting Yu Mo with one hand, she didn't expect that the little baby's demonic aura was fierce and fierce, the demonic aura was pink at first, then darkened and turned to rose red, Then for Crimson, it was extremely powerful, and he immediately released his demonic energy to contend with him.

"Stinky boy, it's so difficult to serve you since you were born."

Mu Yun was startled, why did the father and son fight.

"Auntie, what's the matter?"

Haiyue didn't know, but when she saw Yu Mo's stomach was still bulging.

"There's one more! Quick, there's one more, keep going."

Yes, there was another one, but this one wouldn't come out no matter how hard I tried.

After a day and a night, the second child finally came out, but the male and female could not be distinguished.

Because it's an egg.

A dark, hard egg.

One was fighting with his father with evil spirits, and the other came out as an egg.

very good……

This human being is really extraordinary.

 There are only things you can't think of, and nothing I can't make up.


(End of this chapter)

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