The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 483 Part 249 Kun Yao and Duoji

Chapter 483 Part 249 Kun Yao and Duoji

The little monster crawled and crawled, and finally reached the destination - Yulongchi.

He slammed open the door and climbed in.

The Taotie who was guarding Yumo and Heidan inside was startled, thinking that the enemy was coming, and put on an attacking state, but saw the white and tender little doll crawling in, yelling at it, looking very rampant.


Who the hell knows what he's talking about?
Shennong Ding sighed, "This kid is a monster."

"Little Prince! Wait!"

Jin Ji and Ji Fu stumbled in and ran in, panting like old cows.

The little goblin went straight forward, came to Yumo with crimson demonic aura, glanced at Heidan, turned around, turned his back to Egg, swept it like a dog, kicked it away, and then Throwing down on Yumo's body and refusing to leave, she lay down obediently and took a breath, as if she was sleepy and ready to sleep.

Heidan sticks to Yumo with demonic force, and after flying out, the demonic force does not disappear, and grabs a thread-like demonic energy, like a rubber band, stretched, but can be retracted, and hits the little monster forcefully.

The little goblin released its demon power and prevented it from getting close to Yumo.

One Dan and one person immediately fought, and there was no such thing as fire and water.

The demonic aura of the little goblin is crimson, while that of Heidan is black with gold in it. The two streams collided like torrents, and then entangled together, twisted into one strand, like a giant python.

"What's the matter?" Taotie wondered, "They were all born to the same mother, why are they still fighting for favor?"

Shennong Ding sighed again, "Two monsters!"

After fighting for a stick of incense, no one could intervene, and when it subsided, both of them clinging to Yumo and rested.

Jin Ji said, "I must be missing the queen."

Jifu was worried that the little prince would fall into the water when he fell asleep, and wanted to retrieve it, but the white and tender meat dumpling just refused, resisted vigorously, and finally released her demonic power to bounce her away.

After all, she is a nobleman, and her combat power can be ranked in the top ten of the dog monster clan, but she found that she was no match for him at this time.

It's scary that the demon power is so powerful at such a young age, but she is also happy that the dog demon clan has such a powerful descendant of the royal family.

Jin Ji had already understood the strength of the little prince, and said, "Let's stay here and guard. If the little prince wakes up, someone will take care of him."

"That's okay, but this Yulongchi is the holy land of the Dragon Palace, so I'm afraid it's disrespectful to stay here rashly!"

"Then you wait here, and I will report to General Hengai."

Jifu nodded.

Jin Ji bumped into Mei Luo as soon as he left the door. When he returned to the palace, he found that his son had disappeared, and found it along the mess of the hall corridor.


"Where's the boy?"

"The little prince is with the queen."

He stepped into the Yulongchi, seeing his son lying asleep in Yumo's arms, he let go of his worries.

Taotie asked, "Dog boy, how is the spy investigation going?"

"I have a clue, just wait for the turtle to be caught."

"If you catch it, remember to give it to me. I will crush her to pieces." This spy caused the girl's soul to fly into a living dead, and almost killed her. This villain will definitely eat her alive.

"I'll do it if I catch her, it's not for you." He is the one who can't wait to tear her into pieces, "I've dealt with the spies, and tomorrow I'll set off for the Night Falcon clan, and I'll leave the boy and Momo to you." .”

"Oh, don't worry, I will take good care of them, but the kid's name, did you name it?"

"Wait until Momo returns."

She always said that the name he chose was not good. With her nature, knowing that the child fell to the ground like this, she must have some regrets in her heart, so he will not do it for the name. He will choose it when she comes back. I firmly believe that I can bring her back safely.

"Is there any news from the roe deer monster clan?"

Taotie can't live without Yumo's side, but he pays close attention to the news from all parties. He only hates that he was blocked by the demon refining pot and signed a summoning contract with Yumo. Both of them hinder his freedom. Otherwise, it would have to kill the Night Falcons directly.

"Shu Du said to leave Kun Yao's matter to him, and asked me not to interfere. I believe there will be no problems."

"If the wolf boy knows that something happened to the girl, he will definitely kill the night falcon clan with you."

"Momo is in his hands now. I can't act rashly, I can only outsmart him. He won't have any scruples when he is reckless, so I can't tell him."

He knows that Shudu loves Yumo just like himself. If he knew that she is like this now, he might not be able to calm down and observe the situation. If it wasn't for catching spies and wanting to avenge Yumo with his own hands, he wouldn't have endured it for so many days inaction.

He jumped into Yulongchi and came to Yu Mo's side. With the demonic power of Yulongchi, he didn't have to worry about her being annihilated, but she was so sleepy and unbelievable that it still burned his heart. Keep it, and she won't be sad when she comes back.

"Momo, I'm here, wait for me."

"Feihuang, don't stick to me all the time, stick to your mother."

The newborn little phoenix is ​​sometimes a human and sometimes a bird, but no matter what form it is, it always likes to cling to Yumo.

She couldn't even chase her away, and once thought it was the plot of meeting a chick, who made him see her when he was born.

He is only a temporary title, because he has no gender yet.

"I'm here to take care of your mother, not you. You have a nanny. Go, go, don't cling to me."

The little phoenix fluttered its colorful phoenix tail and landed on her shoulder, with its beak rubbing against her non-stop.

The growth rate of this monster is really frightening, he can run around just two days after he was born. I heard that this is because he is a colorful phoenix. With a lot of monster power, he is as active as a one or two-year-old child. But it's just the size, eating and drinking will still be the same as a normal newborn baby.

"This child likes you very much!" He Ji was still unable to move while lying on the bed, her face regained some of its color, but it was still a little pale.

Childbirth hurt her vitality, and her bad body became weaker. Now she is being recuperated by Yumo. If you ask why Yumo agreed, it is all because Bai Yu forced her. Because of her lack of ability, Bai Yu forced her to take care of He Ji.

If she refuses, she will suffer, and she can't use the condition to use it here. After thinking about it, she thinks that it is not impossible to take care of her. He Ji is very important to Bai Yu, and Bai Yu will definitely listen to what she says.

After He Ji woke up, knowing that she had saved her and the child, she was very grateful to her, and asked for a reward for her, asking Bai Yu to investigate the condition of the child in her womb.

Bai Yu was obedient, and really went to investigate.

This investigation caught her eyeballs by surprise, she actually gave birth to Mei Luo without realizing it, and gave birth to a son egg.

This 'painless childbirth' is so weird, she didn't feel happy because she escaped the pain of childbirth inexplicably, but she was very disappointed. If she didn't feel the pain, how could she have the real feeling of being a mother, and she didn't feel like she was born herself. Yes, not as good as Feihuang.

However, the child was fine and did not die, which really touched her, but she still gave birth to an egg... This is really... She was a little skeptical when she knew it.

She is a human, Mei Luo is a dog demon, no matter how mixed, she can't lay an egg, even a bird demon can't lay eggs, what kind of egg she lays, she is very worried about whether there is something wrong with the egg, but The person sent to investigate truthfully told her that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the egg, it was growing, and it should hatch out soon.

Knowing that the child was safe and sound, she was relieved. Although she was eager to go back, she was more concerned about how to deal with Bai Yu.

She is now in the Night Falcon family, and who else is more suitable than her to inquire about the news of the Night Falcon family.

She didn't forget the condition that forced Bai Yu to swear and agree to it, and she thought hard day and night, determined not to let Bai Yu take advantage of the loopholes, so she hasn't fully figured it out. If she wants Bai Yu to let her go, I believe Bai Yu will definitely let her go, but Can't stop his ambition, if you want to stop his ambition, you must destroy him, and once wanted him to kill himself, this method is neat, but when she thinks of Feihuang, she is so young without her father, she can't do it, In addition, He Ji was really kind to her, and she couldn't help herself even more.

"What's the use of liking, I can't resist his father trying to harm me."

"Ah Yu didn't do it on purpose, it was for me."

"You don't have to speak for him, I know better than you how bad he is, He Ji, you are blind to see such a bastard."

"If you fall in love, you don't care about what kind of person he is."

"You are broad-minded, I am not as broad-minded as you." Isn't it broad-minded, because Bai Yu is not only a woman, but also a queen.She was also surprised by this matter, seeing Bai Yu's attitude when she was having a difficult delivery, she really treated her like someone on the cusp of her heart.Could it be that she really followed the words that a wife is worse than a concubine, she shook her head, the relationship is too complicated, and she didn't want to figure it out, "Come on, drink the medicine first, if you are not good, he will show me another face .”

Because the condition has not been mentioned yet, Bai Yu has been wary of her all day long, like she is some kind of viper.

Seeing that her own mother and Yu Mo ignored him, Fei Huang became anxious, fluttered her wings, sprinkled colorful rays of light, and turned into a little doll, lying on the bed and crying loudly.

"Oh, little ancestor, you're being reckless again. You agreed not to cry. Didn't you see that I'm taking care of your mother? If you do this again, I'll get angry and leave."

Such a small child didn't know if he could understand the words, but he stopped crying and looked at her tearfully.

This pitiful look softened Yu Mo's heart, and he hugged him, and the mother's love for her son in the future was poured into him, "It's such a cold day, and I don't want to wear clothes, and I keep changing like this, you Are you not tired?"

"He is a colorful phoenix, he is not afraid of the cold, so you don't have to worry. Feihuang, come, mother hugs you, auntie is going to rest."

Feihuang looked at her mother, then at Yu Mo, she stuck her head in Yu Mo's arms and refused to get up.

He Ji was a little jealous, "Why is this kid so clingy to you?"

"Maybe it's because I have the physique to be liked by animals?" She has been attracted to animals since she was a child, ferocious to tigers, weak to little white mice, without exception.

But that is in the human world, in the mountain and sea world... Monsters cannot be regarded as animals, but they are more or less compatible.

"Feihuang must know that I delivered him into this world, so he is very kind to me, right, Feihuang." She teased.

Feihuang giggled, and then rubbed against her chest after laughing.

Yu Mo was embarrassed, "Don't rub, don't rub, there is no milk."

Although she also gave birth, this body is not hers, it is a young girl, where did she get the milk, she can't help but think of her son, her half-dead body probably has no milk.

Poor thing, she's such a bad mother.

No, it's better to go back quickly.

On the side of the Pao Yaozu, Shudu didn't know that Yumo's Yuanshen was taken away by Bai Yu, and was actively dealing with how to communicate with Kunyao. In Yao's dormitory, a small bell was specially given to him beforehand, saying that if he was in trouble, he would ring the bell and he would come to the rescue quickly.

Duoji knew that he had a great responsibility, so he hid the bell carefully and went to Kunyao.

Kun Yao really likes him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to come in.

Uncle Lei was overjoyed when he saw it, and said: "Xiaoji is here, just in time, the prince just said why I haven't seen you these few days, go in quickly, I'll make tea for you."

"Uncle Xie Lei."

Duoji opened the blackout curtain and walked into the inner room. Kun Yao was lying on the bed and was processing the playbook.

Although Tridacna is the king of the Pao Yao clan, he has been spoiled and cannot be regarded as a fool, but as long as no one is watching, he will escape from the palace to have fun, and all the courtiers are worried. Fortunately, Kun Yao is in good health. All the political affairs of the clan were entrusted to him.

"Uncle!" Dorje called out.

Kun Yao raised his head from the playbook, seeing him, a smile appeared on his old face, "Why are you here today?"

"Come and see Uncle!" He walked over slowly, took deep breaths, and warned himself not to rush, but to proceed step by step, "Why is Uncle busy with political affairs again, didn't you agree to rest more?"

"It also depends on whether I have the good fortune to rest. Your sister Needle Feather is so obsessed with giant clams. She is out all day and has no one to deal with government affairs. Naturally, I, an old man, will do it for me."

When Tridacna first saw Needle Feather, they started to pursue it. At first, they kept quiet and secretly searched for various reasons to give gifts. The robe monsters are best at making weapons. It is said that in the past few days, Needle Feather At least a dozen finely crafted weapons suitable for women have been received, and they are still inlaid with various precious gemstones.

Zhenyu originally wanted to return this precious sword and dagger, how could she not know the intention of the sender of such a precious thing, but when she thought that Shu is a wooden fish brain, she changed her mind and took it away. After I got the gift, I talked about how good the giant clam was in front of him all day long.

This is a provocative method, but it’s useless. Shu Du didn’t accept the move at all. She was so angry that she greeted him with all the gifts she received one day and night. Shu Du was almost tied into a hornet’s nest. In other words, I deliberately went to 'cultivate feelings' with giant clams.

Duoji also knew about this, so he could only smile awkwardly, "My lord is good to others."

"Whether he is good or not depends on whether others really think he is good."

It is impossible for Zhenyu to fall in love with him, and he did it just for the sake of Qi Shudu.

"Uncle, let's not talk about this anymore, let me take your pulse and see how you have been in the past few days."

Kun Yao looked at his simple and honest appearance, unprepared, stretched out his hand, "It's okay, I haven't felt any discomfort these days, but my eyes are sore and swollen."

"You are using your eyes too much." Duoji was thinking about how to tell him about Bai Yu's poisoning.

As far as the pulse condition is concerned, I really can't see anything weird, but Bu Jie said that the poison will definitely be released after seven days, and it has been four days, and it will be too late.

"Uncle, can you trust Dorji?" He flashed innocent eyes.

Kun Yao bent his lips, already knowing in his heart that there must be something for him to come.

"So what if you believe it, and what if you don't believe it?"

There are many monsters in the mountain and sea world, and it is difficult to tell whether it is a good person or a bad person for a while, but after getting along for a long time, you can see some of them, but this little guy, when he first met, he felt that he was a simple person, and the clarity in his eyes was so clear. clean.

Duoji swallowed, and said nervously, "Uncle, whether you believe in Duoji or not, Duojixiang can swear with his life that he will never harm you."

"What is so serious that you have to swear?"

"Because Uncle may not like to hear what Dorji wants to say next."

Kun Yao's heart skipped a beat. After waiting for a few days, is it finally here?
"Tell me, whether you like it or not, you will only know after hearing it." He has already made mental preparations.

"Uncle..." Duoji squeezed his hand tightly, seeming to comfort him, "You have been poisoned, a very serious poison." After speaking, he was in tears.

He thought of thousands of possibilities, and this poison was naturally one of them.

Really, that Bai Yu is indeed a scheming man.

If others say it, he won't believe it right away, he will figure it out, but the little guy in front of him, his eyes are red when he says it, it can hurt people, it can't be more innocent.

Maybe that's why they asked him to act as a lobbyist.

He sighed and said slowly: "Can... can it be solved?"

 There will be a special episode today.Attention please!

(End of this chapter)

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