Chapter 484 Extra Story: Flying Phoenix
To say that the queen of the dog demon king is a very fertile master. She gave birth to ten sons for the dog demon king, and they were completed in a very short few decades. In the world, who has such ability, can't find the second one, in the world of mountains and seas, it is like a god-like existence. Countless monsters who are pregnant or about to become pregnant, or have never had children will come to the dog monster clan. Let's pay our respects to this Queen, I hope to enjoy the joy that can be born.

The dog monster clan felt that their queen could be seen casually, so someone proposed to build a temple in the clan and put a statue of the queen, so that those monsters who want to be happy can have a centralized place to worship, and by the way earn some entrance fees (the queen Proposal) and buy and sell some small statues of Avalokitesvara (proposed by the queen), so for tens of thousands of years after that, this queen temple of the dog monster clan has been full of incense, and it has become a place where visitors must go around. It has become a landmark scenic spot of the Dog Monster Race.

The name of Queen Wangzi is also well-known, and the limelight is immeasurable.

However, this Queen Empress felt that she was very upset. After giving birth to so many, none of them were daughters. Was she angry? Was she angry?

I'm so mad.

Seeing ten sons jumping in front of my eyes every day, the desire for a daughter became more and more intense, so strong that I wanted to snatch other people's daughters, and I wrote to the Queen Mother of the Huang Clan more than once to persuade her My genderless child must be a girl when she is three hundred years old, otherwise she will be disfilial to her adoptive mother.

But even so, it was someone else's daughter, and it couldn't be hers. Xu felt that he would never be able to have a daughter in this life, so he thought of a bad idea and decided to choose one of the sons he gave birth to be his daughter. keep.

Who made her have more sons?

The ten sons she gave birth to are all so handsome that they are shockingly handsome, but the most beautiful one is the second prince who crawled out of the egg.

Speaking of this prince, there is another strange thing.

Although he is a dog demon, he has a pair of dragon horns. It is said that it is because he was born as an egg, and has been soaking in the Yulongchi of the Dragon Palace, and actually ate the most precious Nine Dragon Soul in the Yulongchi. Because of the demonic power of the Nine Dragon Soul, he became the only demon dog with dragon horns in the mountain and sea world.

And because the dragons are all women, he probably followed the attributes of the dragons. He looked like a girl since he was a child. Not to mention the jade carvings, the longer the facial features, the more beautiful they are. Even if he wears men's clothes, no one believes him. It's a boy doll.No, to be precise, even if he showed his penis, no one would believe it. Instead, they would think that it was just a tiny defect on a beauty, so don't care, don't care.

This beautiful face became more and more astonishing as she got older, but it became a knot in the queen's heart, thinking that there must be something wrong, this should be her daughter, but she was in a hurry when she came out, or It was the wrong temperature when the egg was hatched, which caused the sex to be wrong. The matter has gone so far that it can no longer be wronged. She decisively raised the second prince as her daughter, and put him in beautiful dresses and plum blossom makeup all day long. , hugging the princess in her arms and crying.

The dog demon king is a wife-loving madman. The queen can do whatever she wants, as long as she is happy, and she doesn't stop her.

The second prince is a very filial person, so he followed his mother's will, and occasionally felt that he looked good in women's clothes, so he always wore them. Anyway, he knew whether he was a man, and it was convenient for him to enter and leave the Dragon Palace in women's clothes.

Because he had a deep relationship with the Dragon Palace when he was born, and Princess Gong Muyun had never had a daughter, so she loved him very much, a child who was born from a broken egg in Yulongchi, so he became the righteous one that Princess Muyun put in her palm to take care of. My son, the baby is so precious, he is also the only man in the world of mountains and seas who is not hated by dragon girls. Princess Muyun has even drawn up a will stating that she will pass the throne to him after she dies, as long as he has a daughter in the future to succeed the Dragon Palace. , and it does not violate the principle of Dragon Palace that women are kings.

However, this appearance of being a woman has caused a huge oolong.

One day, the little highness of the Phoenix clan, a subordinate clan of the dog monster clan, came to visit the foster mother whom he had not seen for a long time, that is, the dog monster king and queen.

This Huang Clan was the Night Falcon Clan many years ago. Because the father of this little Highness Bai Yu committed too many evils, he was exterminated by heaven. The Huang Clan is governed by this little Highness.

The original shape of the Little Highness is a colorful phoenix, which is a descendant of ancient fairy beasts. It is characterized by being genderless before the age of [-], regardless of gender. It is not until the age of [-] that you can decide whether you are male or female according to your own choice. Will be the queen or the male king after the age of [-], the succession ceremony has been postponed, and it is decided to wait until the little highness confirms the gender before holding it.

And this little His Royal Highness has grown up to 200 years old, and has been worrying about whether it is better to be a man or a woman, and has not yet made a decision.

His Highness Feihuang was very handsome, but he was confused. He followed the maid into the palace, not only lost, but also got lost. After going around in the garden, he tripped over a stone and threw his clothes. Not to mention that it was broken, it was still covered in dust. When I was looking for someone to guide the way, I was hit by a peach that fell from the tree.


When I looked up, I saw a beautiful little girl picking peaches, about the same age as myself, eleven or twelve years old, pink-faced peach blossoms, so beautiful that it would take my breath away,
His Highness almost died of suffocation.

"Hey, what are you doing standing up, go away, you're preventing me from getting down."

This beauty is none other than His Royal Highness the Second Prince who wears women's clothes all day long.

Hearing the sound, the little highness exhaled, leaning on the tree to pant.

The second prince jumped down from the tree, holding a basket of peaches in his hand. Under the sun, the horns on his head were like glass, bright and dazzling, like his eyes, as if they could seduce people, which made His Royal Highness suffocate again.

"You are a servant of that palace, why are you so weak and can't stop panting."

When he saw that the little Highness Feihuang was dirty, he didn't look very decent, so he thought it was a servant.

"No, no, I... I..." Little Highness Feihuang blushed, surprised to see that she was dirty, afraid of staining his beautiful dress, she hurriedly backed away, and bowed to him politely after calming down, "Shocking!" Here comes the girl."

The second prince was eating peaches, and glanced at his own dress. Last night, to coax his mother, he specially put on a pink skirt and combed a pair of flying buns. When he returned to the bedroom, he was tired and did not change. After waking up, he went out to pick peaches. have eaten.

But in fact, even if he was wearing men's clothing, other people would think that he was a girl, no difference, but this guy didn't recognize him, he was afraid he was new here, so he didn't correct it, anyway, he looks like a boy and a girl , ten of them will admit their mistakes after seeing them, and they don't bother to explain.

"Look at how dirty you are, go and wash it quickly, if the aunt who brought you sees it, she will definitely be beaten."

"I...I..." I kept talking for a long time, but I couldn't figure out why. I wanted to say that I was not a servant, but I was afraid that I would lose face if I said such dirty clothes.

The second prince only felt that the little highness in front of him was really timid and stammered. He was in a good mood today, so he passed a peach over, "Don't be afraid, I'll give you a peach! It's very sweet."

Feihuang glanced at Tao, then at his smiling face, and happily accepted it.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!"

Taolin ran out a white-fronted dog, which was huge and mighty, and turned into a ten-year-old servant in front of the second prince.

"Your Highness, the Queen said that the little Highness of the Huang Clan is lost, and that you are the best at finding someone, so you should hurry up and look for him."

"You mean my stepbrother whom I've never met?"


"Oh, got it! I'll look for it later."

When His Royal Highness Feihuang heard this, he knew who he was.

It turned out to be the daughter of the adoptive mother, Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Dog Demon Clan...

But... Does the Dog Demon King have a daughter?

His Royal Highness Feihuang had a knot in his mind, and looked up and down at the second prince, who looked like a princess no matter what, hurriedly knocked his head, thinking that he was busy with government affairs, the news was blocked, and his adoptive mother gave birth to a daughter I don't know, ashamed, ashamed.

After thinking about it, I thought that all the gifts I brought were gifts from men, and I didn't bring my daughter's family. Wouldn't it be rude if we met each other?

No, no!
I have to prepare a big gift quickly, so I can't let this sister hate me.

After the second prince finished talking with the young servant, he turned around and wanted Feihuang, the young servant, to look for him too, but found that he was gone.

His Royal Highness Feihuang was running all the way, rushing to collect presents, and happened to meet the maid who had led the way. The maid was terrified when she saw the young Highness fell into tatters, and pushed her into the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes.

When he visited the queen, he wanted to find the little princess, but he didn't see anyone. He was shy and didn't dare to ask.

The next day, I mustered up the courage to ask, but there was news from the clan that the Queen Mother was seriously ill, and His Royal Highness immediately returned to the Phoenix clan. There is no time for romance, but the side under the peach blossom tree gave way to His Highness's lovesickness.

But I am not yet three hundred years old, neither male nor female, how can I propose marriage?
By the way, wait!

When he becomes a man at the age of three hundred, he will definitely go to the dog monster clan to propose marriage and marry her back.

Second Prince: Blame me!
 This is the official CP!Hahaha!

  Don't forget to finish reading and see the new chapter of the main text.

(End of this chapter)

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