The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 485 Part 250 The Storm Is Coming

Chapter 485 Part 250 The Storm Is Coming

"No solution!" Dorje said after a long silence.

He didn't want to say it at first, for fear that he would be upset, but how long can this kind of thing be kept secret?When the poison is released, Bai Yu's goal will be achieved, and the roe deer and monsters who don't know it will become meat on the chopping board, allowing him to bully.

Kun Yao's face turned pale, and he was instantly slumped. The hand holding the pen trembled. He had already imagined the worst ending, but he didn't want to think about the good or the bad.

"a few more days?"

He needs time, a time he can plan for the Clan.

"Uncle, do you believe me?" Duoji was very surprised, he didn't raise any doubts, but he pronounced the date of his death.

"I may not believe what others say, but you..." He stroked his beard, pretending to be calm, "I don't know why you always give me a sense of intimacy, like a relative, and if you lie to me intentionally, you won't be alone Come alone."

"Uncle!" Duoji ran over and said tearfully, "Duoji is useless, he can't save Uncle."

Kun Yao stroked his head, "Little fool, this has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself."

"No, no..." He is Nvwashi, he can save him, but because of the rebirth formation, his spiritual power has plummeted and he cannot use his ability.

"Don't cry, you and I have only known each other for more than ten days, but it's not easy for you to treat me sincerely. Just tell me first, how much time do I have?"

"Uncle will be poisoned in three days, but Uncle Bujie said that he may find a way to suppress the poison after the poison has developed. If there is no antidote for Bai Yu, uncle can live for more than a month at most, but the poison is very fierce. After the poison occurs Uncle may be unconscious."

"In other words, there are only three days..." He sighed, it was so short.

"Uncle, in addition to telling you this, I am here to form an alliance with Uncle on behalf of the dog monster clan. Uncle, if you believe in Dorje, Dorje swears that you will never have the idea of ​​annexing the roe monster clan. The roe deer and the monsters are fighting against the night falcons together. Bai Yu is a terrifying person, and his schemes are even better. Once the roe and the monsters fall into his hands, there will never be a peaceful day."

"I understand what you said. I'm just worried that my younger brothers will feel guilty about this and do something irreparable."

As he had expected before, if he died of a simple illness, it would be fine. If he died because of Kun Xin's relationship, Kun Xin would try his best to save him.This younger brother is good at everything, but he is easily impulsive. He can think of the next step, but he can't imagine what the next ten steps will be like.

"Uncle, do you mean that you are willing to form an alliance with the dog demon clan?"

"In this situation, if I don't form an alliance with you, I'm afraid I can't escape Bai Yu's harm. It's just that after my stubborn illness was cured by Bai Yu's medicine, the clan has lost their guard against Bai Yu. They said that they are afraid that they won't fully believe it, and what's more, they may attack you."

"Uncle, you don't have to worry about this. Although there are only a few of us, we are all very powerful."

"I know you are powerful, but two fists are no match for four legs. What's more, my roe deer monster clan is not a strong monster clan. We rely on weapons and hidden weapons, especially hidden weapons. There is no one in the mountains and seas that can compare, and... Do you still remember the demon trapping stone used to ambush you in that mine? The demon trapping stone is not so easy to crack, once you are involved in the formation, you will only be slaughtered."

Speaking of this, Kun Yao seemed worried, and blamed herself for noticing it too late.

"Uncle, there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart, we will find a way."

When he came, the capital of Shu had told him that as the regent, Kun Yao would kill decisively, but he could see that he was born with a compassionate heart. Once he believed his words, he would not only consider his own ethnic group, but also kill them. Take them all into consideration.

If this is the case, he can just convince him, they don't need him to worry about.

"What can you do? You must know that after my roe monster clan closes all the passages, the hidden weapons made by the sleepy monster stone will be fired at once, that is, your sister Needle Feather is a nobleman of the wolf monster clan. Strong monsters may not be able to win, but they can win, what about you? You are not a strong monster, you can hide from them, but you cannot hide from you."

In fact, he didn't know why he had such a relationship with this child, as if they had known each other for a long time.

He continued, "This let me think about it, and I will be able to get along with a perfect plan."

"Uncle, time waits for no one, if you hesitate, it will give Bai Yu more opportunities to take advantage of it."

"Don't worry, I won't wait to die." He has lived for a thousand years and has experienced storms, so he is definitely not a vegetarian. "You go back first, and don't think about people in my clan revealing about my poisoning. After I think about it, Tomorrow, I will ask Uncle Lei to invite your companion to talk about it."

"Okay." Duoji agreed straight away, and since he knew that he believed in him, he was ready to join him on the same front.

As for his poison... Bu Jie cannot be saved, but my sister may not be able to.

After returning to the place where he stayed, Duoji told Shudu and Zhenyu about Kunyao's worries and doubts.

Shu Du said, "Sure enough, he has a compassionate temperament, his life is almost gone, and he still thinks about us."

Bu Jie has been refining elixirs in his room for the past few days, hoping to refine a medicine that can delay Kun Yao's poisoning. Unfortunately, he tried more than a dozen times, but he couldn't succeed. Symptom-reducing, life-delaying pills.

"What do we do now?" Bu Jie asked.

"He's just worried that some brothers will continue to follow Bai Yu's way in a flash of enthusiasm. If that's the case, let's find another way." Sitting cross-legged on the couch, Shu Du seemed to have thought of a way.

"Death and then live!"


Bu Jie didn't understand what it meant, but Zhen Yu understood.

"You mean to let the old prince fake his death?"

"Yes, only when he dies will these idiots realize the seriousness of the matter."

"But will the old prince be willing to do this?"

"He only has three days, no matter what method there is, there will be no immediate results. His brothers have to worry about the major issues of the ethnic group. Does he need to think so much when he is dying of poisoning? As long as he can wake up his brothers , everything has been resolved.”

"Yes, yes, this is a good idea." Bu Jie nodded, "I'll make a few pills for feigning death, so that Qiaoyan won't notice it."

"Well!" Shu Du turned to look at Duoji, "Time is running out, you should go to Kun Yao now and tell him our plan."

Duoji nodded heavily, and immediately rushed out.

With his current status as a little witch doctor and a harmless weak medicine, the people in the Prince Regent's House will not be so strict about him.

After he left, Shu Du continued, "What I'm most worried about now is whether Bai Yu's men have sneaked in and are ready to strike?"

Zhen Yu said: "I have spent a lot of time with giant clams these past few days, and there is no movement in the palace."

She used the giant clam to make the capital of Shu jealous, which was one, and the other was to find out the news by getting along with him and walking in the palace.

"Bai Yu is so shrewd, he must have a blind eye, and you may not be able to discover it."

"You look down on me!"

"I don't have it, just discuss the facts, don't mess around at this time."

Bu Jie was afraid that the two would quarrel again, so he hurried over to smooth things over, "Is there any? We will know when Kun Yao is down."

"No, it will be too late when they all come out, and then they can blame us for poisoning."

Kun Yao's illness was cured by Bai Yu. This is no secret among the roe monster clan. Just like what Kun Yao said, Bai Yu has already gained the trust of many people in the roe monster clan. Immediately jumped out and said that the white is black, then they will be very passive at that time, he has to think of a perfect plan.

After a while, Dorje ran back sweating profusely, looking flustered.

Bu Jie asked, "Why did you come back so soon?"

He took a quick breath, "Uncle is gone."


Both Zhenyu and Shu were startled.

"Why didn't you see me?" It was just now.

"Uncle Lei didn't know either. He said that after I went back, Uncle said he was a little tired, and went back to the bedroom to rest. When I went again, he disappeared, and no one knew where he went. Brother Wolf, did Uncle Bai Yu kill you?" Someone took it?"

"No, he hasn't been poisoned yet, what's the use of catching him at this time? It will arouse the suspicion of the roe deer monster!"

"Then... where will Uncle go?"

Shu Du suddenly had an idea, "It's not good, this old prince is probably going to find Bai Yu to have a showdown single-handedly."

"What do you mean?"

"Even he thought of a way to die, but he wanted to die for real rather than fake death. He wanted to use his own life to prove that Bai Yu wanted to kill him."

"No way!" Bu Jie let go of his hand in shock, and dropped the medicine container.

Shu Du's eyes froze, and he said to Zhen Yu, "It's impossible for us to meet with giant clams at will, but you can."

"You want him? But he's just a fool out of his wits."

"It doesn't matter if his mind is clear at this time, the important thing is that he is the king of the roe deer monster clan."

As long as he is a king, he has rights.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Needle Feather released the demon power, soared out, and arrived at the gate of the palace at the fastest speed.

She has come here often these few days, and the guards of the roe deer monster clan are very familiar with her, but they are just surprised why she came here at this time.

"Miss Needle Feather, this is..."

"I want to see your king."

"At this time?" It's late at night now.

"It's not too late now, I have something very important to tell him, please pass it on to everyone."

It is not difficult for her to break in, but she has to be cautious, if she breaks in and is noticed, she will be an assassin.

The guard thought that his king was pursuing her, and thought that she was also interesting, and thought that if he passed the transmission now, the king must be happy, and if he was happy, he would have made a contribution, so he immediately bowed and said, "Miss, wait a moment, I will pass the transmission right away."

At this time, Tridacna was lying on the bed thinking about what gift to give to Zhenyu tomorrow, when a guard at the door begged to see her, vaguely mentioned Zhenyu's name, immediately lifted the quilt and called someone to come, knowing that it was Zhenyu who wanted to see her, she was happy It's broken, it must be his sincerity that moved him, he quickly asked the maid to comb his hair and change his clothes, and then ran out in a hurry, completely forgetting what Kun Xin told him not to get in touch with the needle feathers.

The guard ran after him, reminding him as he ran, "Wang, what are you going out for, can't you just let the lady in?"

At this time, Tridacna can't care about it, she can't wait to see her sweetheart immediately.

Zhen Yu paced back and forth at the gate of the palace, fearing that if time dragged on, Kun Yao's life would be lost, and just as she was about to ask again, she saw Tridacna running over.

"King Clam, you are..."

"Zhen Yu, you agreed to marry me." He ran over to hold her hand, his eyes full of eagerness.

"I'm not looking for you because of this?"

"No?" The bright eyes immediately darkened for a while, "What's the matter?"

"The business of the Regent."

"Uncle Wang? What's wrong with Uncle Wang?"

"He's gone!"

"Ah?" He didn't get this news in the palace, he respected this uncle Wang very much, and immediately became anxious, "Come on!"

"King Clam, wait a minute, it's best not to let too many people know about this matter."


"It's easier to go wrong when there are too many people." What she was afraid of was alarming Kun Xin.

If Kun Xin knew that Kun Yao was gone, the first person to suspect would be her side.

"How could it be?" He felt that there are more people, and the speed of finding people is faster.

"King Clam, can you go to the Prince Regent's Mansion with me, there are some things I need to discuss with you in detail."

Tridacna is playful, but not stupid, "If you have something to say, just say it now!"

"No, this matter concerns the safety of the regent king. If King Clam trusts me, come with me."

Seeing that Needle Feather was in a hurry, it seemed that there was something urgent, not to mention that if he really wanted to harm him, he would not say whether he was going to the Prince Regent's Mansion or in front of the guards.

"This king believes in you, so I will walk with you!"

The guard said anxiously, "Your Majesty, do you want to report to the Third Prince when you leave the palace late at night?"

"No, I'll come back as soon as I go. Don't complain to the Third Prince."

In order to chase the needle feather these few days, he has been scolded by Kun Xin a lot, and he is already afraid.

"But... your safety?"

"What safety is there? Don't worry about it, if you are worried. You..." He pointed to the nearest guard, "Follow!"


After arriving at the Prince Regent's Mansion, Zhen Yu took him to Kun Yao's study. Uncle Lei was also there. When he saw him coming, he immediately cried, "My lord, something happened to your lord?"

Tridacna frowned, "Don't howl, explain the matter clearly first, how should I judge this nonsense?"

Uncle Lei sobbed, "Duoji, Dorji said..."

When Zhenyu was looking for Tridacna, Shudu took Duoji to find Uncle Lei. He is an old man in front of the prince. He is extremely loyal and not stupid. Explaining the reason to him must be a help.

Uncle Lei was reluctant to believe it at first, but Duoji said, "You have been with the prince for so long, you should know what kind of person he is, and you will never disappear for no reason."

This sentence woke him up like a slap in the face. In fact, he has always felt that the prince has something on his mind for a few days. He also instructed him to do the stealing of the medicine dregs. opened.

It turned out that I believed in the wrong person!
Shu didn't care whether Tridacna believed it or not, and took the token from his waist.

"What are you doing, give it back to me." He has long disliked this man, because Needle Feather always thinks about him.

After Shu Du got his token, he said, "Your Majesty, explaining is undoubtedly a waste of time. Please believe me, Your Majesty, we will never harm the hearts of the roe deer and monster clan."

"What on earth do you want to do?" He jumped out of the door angrily, "Come on..."

Before the character was written, he was knocked out by Shudu.In order not to leak the news, he also knocked out the guard who followed him.

Uncle Lei was taken aback, "How could you..."

"I'm just dizzy, and I'll wake up in two hours. It's your prince, do you still want to save him?"

Uncle Lei shut his mouth, and quickly helped the fainted Tridacna to lie down on the bed.

"Ziyu, time waits for no one, let's go to the palace right now."

With the token of giant clam, the royal palace can pass through unimpeded. Although he is a foreigner, but with Uncle Lei accompanying him, the possibility of being suspected is greatly reduced.

"Uncle Lei, are you sure that the guests from the palace these days live in Jianguang Palace?"

"That's right, I heard from the Third Prince that he hoped that he would meet these guests, as you said, the people in the palace must be Bai Yu's people."

Shu Du nodded, "Then you wait here, and I will go with Zhenyu."

"No, if the prince is in their hands, I can help."

"Forget it, you will only be a drag if you go."

If you go there, you will definitely start fighting. Uncle Lei is a housekeeper. Even if he knows martial arts, he will not be too strong.

Zhen Yu said, "Uncle Lei, you wait here, if we don't have enough time for three cups of tea, you can call for someone to come."

"Okay, okay, I understand, Miss Needle Feather, you must rescue my lord, my lord is a good man!"

"Don't worry, we will definitely bring the prince back safely."

After all, she and Shu both flew into Jianguang Palace, one on the left and the other on the right.

The storm is coming...

(End of this chapter)

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